The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary - Tuninst.net

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary - Tuninst.net

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary - Tuninst.net


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Mudda 162 Muni<br />

Hndda (f.) [cp. (late ?) Sk. mudra] i. a seal, stamp,<br />

impression ; —raja° the royal seal Dh A 1.2 1 . Also<br />

with<br />

ref. to the State Seal at Miln 280, 281 in cpds. muddakama<br />

(amacca) & mudda-patilabha. — 2. the art of<br />

calculation mentioned as a noble craft (ukkatthar)<br />

sippar)) at Vin 1V.7 (with ganana & lekha), as the first<br />

of the sippani (with ganana) at M 1.85 = Nd'' 199.<br />

Further at Miln 3, 59. 78 sq., 178. Cp. BSk. mudra<br />

in same sense (e. g. at Divy 3. 26, 58 in set lipya, sankhya.<br />

ganana, m.). Bdhgh's expl" of mudda D i.ii<br />

m.+ ganana (see DA 1.95) as " hattha-mudda-ganana "<br />

is doubtful since at Miln ; 78 sq. mudda & ganana are<br />

two quite difi. things. See also Franke, Dtgha trsl.<br />

p. 18, with note (he marks mudda " Finger-Rechnen "<br />

with ?); and cp. Kern, Toev. 1.166 s. v. mudda. <strong>The</strong><br />

Dial. 1.2 1 trsl. " counting on the fingers " (see Dial. 1.2 1,<br />

22 with literature & more refs.). —hattha° is signlanguage,<br />

gesture (lit. hand-arithmetic), a means of<br />

communicating (question & answer) by signs, as clearly<br />

evident fr.<br />

J vi.364 (hattha-muddaya nag pucchissami<br />

. . . mutthir) akasi. sa " ayar) me . . . pucchati " ti<br />

iiatva hatthar) vikasesi, so fiatva . . . ; he then asks<br />

by word of mouth). — hattha-muddai) karoti to make<br />

a sign, to beckon J 111.528 ; cp. Vin v. 163 : na hatthavikaro<br />

katabbo, na hattha-mudda dassetabba.<br />

-ctdhikarana the otfice of the keeper of the Privy Seal,<br />

Chancellorship Miln 281.<br />

Mnddika (adj. n.) [fr. mudda] one who practises mudda<br />

(i. e. knowledge of signs) D 1.5 1 (in list of occupations,<br />

comb"' with ganaka & trsl"! Dial. 1.68 by " accountant'" ;<br />

cp. Franke, Digha p. 53, " Finger-rechner " .') Vin iv.8<br />

(m., ganaka, lekhaka) ; S iv.376 (ganaka, m., sankhayaka).<br />

Muddika^ (f.) [fr. mudda] a seal ring, sig<strong>net</strong>-ring, finger-<br />

DhA 1.394; 11. 4 (a ring<br />

ring 1.<br />

J 134; HI. 416; IV. 439 ;<br />

given by the king to the keeper of the city gates as a<br />

sign of authority, and withdrawn when the gates are<br />

closed at<br />

ring Vin<br />

night);<br />

11.106;<br />

iv.222. anguli° finger-ring, sig<strong>net</strong>-<br />

J IV. 498 ; v. 467. — Similarly as at<br />

DhA II. 4 (muddikag aharapeti) muddika is fig. used in<br />

meaning of " authority," command ; in phrase muddikar)<br />

deti to give the order, to command Miln 379 (with<br />

ref. to the captain of a ship).<br />

Mnddika^ (f.) [fr. mudu, cp. *Sk. mrdvika] a vine or<br />

bunch of grapes, grape, grape wine Vin 1.246 (°pana)<br />

J VI. 529; DhA II. 155.<br />

Maddha^ [pp. of muh, for the usual mu)ha, corresp. to<br />

Sk. mugdha. Not = mrddha (of mrdh to neglect)<br />

which in P. is maddhita :<br />

see pari"; nor=mrdhra disdained]<br />

infatuated, bewildered, foolish J v.436.<br />

-dhatuka bewildered in one's nature, foolish(ly)<br />

IV. 391 (v. 1. luddha") ;<br />

J DhA<br />

mula°).<br />

111.120 (v. 1. danta" &<br />

Muddha^ & Mnddha [Vedic murdhan, the P. word shows<br />

a mixture of a- and n- stem] the head ; top, summit.<br />

ace<br />

m. sg. muddha Sn 983, 1026, & muddhag Sn 989 ;<br />

muddhai) D 1.95 ; Sn 987 sq., IC04, 1025 ; Dh 72 ( = paii-<br />

nay' etag namai) DhA 11. 73): & muddhanat) M 1.243;<br />

111.259 = 8 1V.56 instr. ; muddhana Mhvs 19, 30; loc.<br />

muddhani Sn 68g, 987; M 1.168; Vism 262 ; Mhvs 36,<br />

66. in meaning " on the top of (a mountain) " :<br />

Vin 1.5<br />

(here spelt pabbata-muddhini) = S 1137; J iv.265<br />

(Vugandhara") ; Pv u.g^^ (Naga° = Sineru" PvA 138);<br />

Vism 304 (vammika° on top of an ant-hill). — Freq.<br />

in phrase muddha {me, or no, or te) sattadha phaleyya,<br />

as an oath or exclam" of desecration or warning<br />

" (your) head shall split into 7 pieces," intrs. spelt both<br />

1,17<br />

phal° & phaP at J v.g2 (te s. phal°) ; Miln 157 ; DhA<br />

(me . . . phal°). 41 (te phalatu s.), 42 (acariyassa m.<br />

s. phalissari) ; iv.125 (no . . . phaleyya);<br />

(me s. phal°). — In comp" muddha^.<br />

VvA 68<br />

-(n)atthi (muddhan-atthi) bone of the head KhA 51.<br />

-Sdhipata head-splitting, battering of the head Sn 988<br />

sq., IL.04, iri25 ;<br />

1026. -4ra head<br />

-adhipatin head-splitting<br />

(top) spoke KhA 172.<br />

(adj.) Sn<br />

-4vasitta<br />

" head-anointed " a properly anointed or crowned king<br />

D III. 60 sq., 6g ; Pug 56 ; Miln 234. -pata = ^adhipata.<br />

Muddhata (f) [fr. muddha'] foolishness, stupidity, infatuation<br />

J V.433 (v. 1. muthata, muddata).<br />

Hadha (adv.) [Class. Sk. mudha] for nothing, gratis VvA<br />

77-<br />

Manana (nt.) [fr. munati, almost equal to mona] fathoming,<br />

recognising, knowing ; a C. word to explain " muni,"<br />

used by Dhpala at VvA 114 (maha-isibhutar) . . .<br />

mahanten' eva iianena munanato paricchindanato maha<br />

munii)), & 231 (anavasesassa fieyyassa munanato muni).<br />

Manati [=manyate, prob. corresponding to Sk. med.<br />

manute, with inversion *munati and analogy formation<br />

after janati as munati, may be in allusion to Sk. mrnati<br />

of my to crush, or also ma minati to measure out or<br />

fathom. <strong>The</strong> Dhtm 589 gives as root mun in meaning.<br />

" liana." <strong>The</strong> word is more a Com. word than anything<br />

else, formed from muni & in order to explain it] to be<br />

a wise man or muni, to think, ponder, to know Dh 269<br />

(yo munati ubho loke muni tena pavuccati), which is<br />

expH at DhA in. 396 as follows :<br />

yo puggalo .<br />

. .<br />

tular)<br />

"<br />

aropetva minanto viya ime ajjhattika khandha<br />

ime bahira ti adina nayena ime ubho pi atthe minati<br />

muni tena pavuccati." Note. <strong>The</strong> word occurs also in<br />

Magadhi (Prk.) as munai which as Pischel {Prk. Gr.<br />

§ 489) remarks, is usually taken to man, but against this<br />

speaks its meaning " to know " & <strong>Pali</strong> munati. He<br />

compares manai with Vedic miita in kama-muta (driven<br />

by kama ;<br />

muta = pp. of ma=miv) and Sk. muni. Cp.<br />

animo movere.<br />

Hani [cp. Vedic muni, originally one who has made the<br />

vow of silence. Cp. Chh. Up. V111.5, 2 ; Pss. of the Br. 132<br />

note. Connected with muka : see under mukha. This<br />

etym. preferred by Aufrecht : Halayudha p. 311.<br />

Another, as favoured by Pischel (see under munati) is<br />

" inspired, moved by the spirit." <strong>Pali</strong> expl"^ (popular<br />

etym.) are given by Dhammapala at VvA 114 & 231 :<br />

see munana] a holy man. a sage, wise man. 1. <strong>The</strong><br />

term which was specialised in Brahmanism has acquired<br />

a general meaning in Buddhism & is applied by the<br />

Buddha to any man attaining perfection in self-restraint<br />

and insight. So the word is capable of many-sided<br />

application and occurs frequently in the oldest poetic<br />

anthologies, e. g. Sn 207-221 (the<br />

mentioned Divy 20, 35<br />

famous Muni-sutta,<br />

; SnA 518 ;<br />

expl'' SnA 254-277),<br />

414, 462, 523 sq., 708 sq., 811 sq., 838, 844 sq., 912 sq.,<br />

49, 225,<br />

946, 1074 & passim (see Pj. Index p. 749) ; Dh<br />

268 sq., 423. — Cp. general passages & expl'"^ at Pv<br />

11. i"; 11. 13' (expl"" at PvA 163 by " attahitaii ca para-<br />

90 (munibhava<br />

Miln hitafi ca munati janati ti muni ") ;<br />

" munihood,"<br />

DhA III. 52 1<br />

meditation, self-denial, abrogation)<br />

(raunayo=moneyya-patipadaya maggaphalar)<br />

patta asekha-munayo), 395 (here expH with<br />

ref. to orig. meaning tunhibhava " state of silence<br />

= mona). — 11. <strong>The</strong> Com. & Abhidhamma literature<br />

have produced several schedules of muni-qualities, esp.<br />

based on the 3 fold division of character as revealed in<br />

action, speech & thought (kaya°, vaci", mano°). Just<br />

as these 3 are in general exhibited in good or bad ways<br />

of living ("sucaritai) & °duccaritai)), they are applied to<br />

a deeper quality of saintship in kaya-moneyya, vacimoneyya,<br />

mano-moneyya ; or Muni-hood in action,<br />

speech & thought ; and the nvuni himself is characterised<br />

as a kaya-muni, vaci° & mano°. Thus runs the<br />

long exegesis of muni at Nd^ 5i4* = Nd' 57. Besides<br />

this the same chapter (514") gives a division of 6 munis,<br />

viz. agara-muni, anagara° (the bhikkhus), sekha°,

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