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The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary - Tuninst.net

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary - Tuninst.net


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Muggatiya 159 Muncati<br />

as well as is the comb" in which it occurs. Its origin<br />

remains to be elucidated. Anyhow it refers to an<br />

unevenness in character, a flaw of character. <strong>The</strong><br />

passage (with var. spellings) is always the foil. ; catukamyata<br />

(patu° Nd^ ; "kammata Miln patu° Vbh)<br />

;<br />

mugga-siipyata ("supata Nd^ ; °suppata Miln & KhA<br />

236 ; "supata and suppata Vbh & VbhA jjS ; supyati<br />

Vism) paribhattata ("bhatvata Visra. ; "bhattakati<br />

Miln; "bhatyat'a' & "bbhattata Vbh). At Nd^ 39' it is<br />

used to explain savajja-bhogin, at Vism 17 & Vbh 246<br />

anacara; at Vbh 352 lapana; at Miln 370 it is used<br />

generally (cp. Miln trsl. 11.287). <strong>The</strong> C. expl° of the<br />

Vbh passage, as given at (VbhA 483 &) Vism i 7 runs as<br />

follows " :<br />

mugga-supa-samanaya sacc' alikena jivita<br />

kappanatay' etar) adhivacanar). Yatha hi muggasupe<br />

paccante bahii mugga pakag gacchanti, thoka na<br />

gacchanti, evam eva sacc&likena jivitakappake puggale<br />

bahur) alikar) hoti, appakar) saccar)." <strong>The</strong> text at<br />

VbhA 483 is slightly different, although the sense is the<br />

same. Similarly at Vism 27.<br />

Muggatiya (nt.?) [fr. mugga ?] a plant, according to C.<br />

a species of bean J vi.536.<br />

Hoggara [cp. Sk. mudgara] a club, hammer, mallet J<br />

I.I 1 3 ; II. 1 96. 382 ; V.47 ; vi.358 ; Miln 351 ; Vism 231 ;<br />

DhA 1. 126; II. 21 ; PvA<br />

4, 55 (ayo°), 56 (°pahara), 66,<br />

192. <strong>The</strong> word is specifically peculiar to the so-called<br />

Jataka style.<br />

Macala occurs as simplex only in Np. Mahii-mucala-malaka<br />

Mhvs 15, 36. It refers to the tree mucalinda, of which<br />

it may be a short form. On the other hand mucal-inda<br />

appears to the speaker of <strong>Pali</strong> a cp. noun, viz. king of<br />

the mucala(s) (trees). Its (late ?) Sk. correspondent is<br />

mucilinda, of which the P. form may be the regular<br />

representative (cp. Geiger P.Gr. § 34). — i. the tree<br />

Barringtonia acutangula (Nicula*, of which it may be<br />

a dialectical distortion; *Abhp 563 nicula >*mucula><br />

*mucala) Vin 1.3 ; J v. 405 ("ketaka, Dvandva) ; vi.269<br />

(id.). — 2. N. of a naga (serpent) king Vin 1.3. — 3. N.<br />

of a great lake J vi.534, 535-<br />

Maccbati [march, an enlargement of Vedic mur to get<br />

stiff (as in mura stupid, dull, cp. Gr. fiuipdj ; Sk. murakha<br />

foolish). Used in 2 senses, viz. (a) to become stiff &<br />

(b) (Caus.) to harden, increase in tone, make louder.<br />

From (a) a fig. meaning is derived in the sense of to<br />

become dulled or stupid, viz. infatuated, possessed. —<br />

See also Liiders in K.Z. XLn.194 a. How far we are<br />

justified to connect Dhtp 216 mii & 503 mu (" bandhane<br />

") with this root is a different question. <strong>The</strong>se 2<br />

roots seem to be without connections. — miiich itself<br />

is at Dhtp 50 defined with " mohe "] i. (spelt muccati)<br />

to become stiff, congeal, coagulate, curdle Dh 71 ; Dh.\<br />

n.67. — 2. to become infatuated D 111.43 (majjati-f- )<br />

— 3. only in Caus. muccheti to make sound, to increase<br />

in tone J 11249 (vinai)) ; in. 188 (id.). — pp. mucchita.<br />

Hncchana (f) [fr. mucchati 2] swelling or rising in tone,<br />

increase of sound J 11.249 (viijar) uttama-mucchanaya<br />

mucchetva vadesi).<br />

Hncchancikata (°aiiji°) is probably the correct reading<br />

for puficikata. — We find puiicikata at Dhs 1 136, 1230 ;<br />

Vbh 351, 361 (v. 1. pucchaftji°) ; DhsA 365 ; mucchaiici'<br />

at Nd' 8 & Nd^ p. 152 pucchanji^ at VbhA : 477. <strong>The</strong><br />

meaning is ' agitation," as seen from expl" of term at<br />

Dhs.A 365<br />

(" wagging of a dog's tail." pucchar) caleti),<br />

and VbhA 477 (" labhaii' alabhanaka-thane vedhana<br />

kampana nicavuttata "). — <strong>The</strong> etym. expl" is difficult<br />

we may take it as a (misunderstood) corruption oi<br />

*mucch-angi-kata i. e. muccha-l- anga-l- kf "being<br />

made stiff -of-limbs," or " swoon." Psychologically we<br />

may take " swoon " as the climax of agitation, almost<br />

like " hysterics." A similar case of a similar term of<br />

swooning being interpreted by Hdhgh as " wavering "<br />

(cal) is chambhitatta " paralysis," expl"" as " sakalasarira<br />

calanat] " at DA 1.50. — <strong>The</strong> expression mucchaAcikata<br />

reminds us of the terra katukaticukata.<br />

Unccha [fr. march^ i- fainting, swoon PvA 174. — 2. infatuation<br />

A II. 10 (ka,ma°). Sn 328; Dhs 1059.<br />

Uacchita [pp. of mucchatij I. fainted, swooning, in a<br />

faint J 1.243 ; DhA 62, 174, 258. —2. dis-<br />

11.112 ; PvA<br />

1.274 ; D in. 46 (a°) ;<br />

traught, infatuated S 1.61, 204 ; A<br />

It 92 ; J III. 432 ; V.274 (C. for pagiddha & gadhita). —<br />

Cp. pa°.<br />

Mujjati [<strong>The</strong> P. form of the Sk. majj] to sink, dive, be<br />

submerged Dhtp 70 (mujja = mujiana). Only in cpds.<br />

um° & ni°.<br />

Uuncati [Vedic muncati ;<br />

to release, loosen ; with<br />

muc,<br />

orig. meaning " strip off, get rid of," hence also " glide "<br />

as in Lith. miikti to escape, Ags. smugan to creep,<br />

Ger. schmiegen to rub against. See further connections<br />

in Walde, Lat. Wtb., s. v. emungo. <strong>The</strong> Dhtp 376<br />

expl' by mocane, Dhtm 609 id.; 631: moce ; 765:<br />

pamocane] I. Forms. <strong>The</strong> 2 bases muric° & mucc° are<br />

differentiated in such a way, that mufic° is the active<br />

base, and mucc° the passive. <strong>The</strong>re are however cases<br />

where the active forms (munc') are used for the passive<br />

ones (mucc°), which may be due simply to a misspelling,<br />

uc & cc being very similar. — A. Active, pres. muncati<br />

J 1.^75; IV. 272 ; v.453 ; Vv<br />

64'* ; pot. muiicetha Dh<br />

389; imper. muiica Dh 348; ppr. muficanto Sn 791;<br />

aor, mufici J<br />

v. 289 ; Mhvs 19. 44 pi. muficigsu ; J iv.142 ;<br />

ger. muiiciya Mhvs 25, 67 ; mutva J 1.375 ; & muiicitTa<br />

ibid.: PvA 43; inf. muncitug D 1.96. — Caus. II.<br />

muiicapetiD 1.148. — B. Passive, pres. muccati Sn 508 ;<br />

ppr. muccanto J 1.118; imper, sg. muccassu Th 2, 2;<br />

pi. muccatha DhA 11.92 pot. muficeyya Pv 11. 2'<br />

;<br />

PvA 104; Dh 127; fut. muccissati J 1434 (where also<br />

muncissati in same sense) ; DhA 1.105 ; ill. 242 PvA ; 53,<br />

105; also mokkhasi Vin i.2i = S i.iii; pi. mokkhanti<br />

Dh H7; aor. mucci(r)su) S 111.132 ; iv.20 ; J 11.66; inf.<br />

muccitug Th i, 253; DhA 1.297. —Caus. moceti &<br />

mocapeti (q. v.). —pp. mutta. — II. Meanings, i. to<br />

release, deliver (from = abl.), set free (opp. bandhati)<br />

Sn 508 (sujjhati, m., bajjhati) ; S 111.132 (cittani muccigsu<br />

their hearts were cleansed), Th 2, 2 (muccassu);<br />

Dh 127 (papakamma, quoted at PvA 104); Pv 11.2'';<br />

PvA 53 (niray' upapaltito muccissati), 105 DhA 1.297<br />

;<br />

(dukkha muccitu-kama desirous of being delivered<br />

from unpleasantness ; v. 1. muiic'') ; 11.92 (dukkha).<br />

2. to send off. let loose, drop, give J iv.272 (sarag an<br />

arrow); Vism 313 (dhenu vacchakassa khir^-dharar)<br />

m.); Mhvs 25, 63 (phalakag). — 3. to let out of the<br />

yoke, to unharness, set free D 1.148 (satta usabhasatani<br />

muncapeti) ; PvA 43 (yoggani muficitva). —<br />

4. to let go. emit, send forth (light) J v.289 (obhasag<br />

muiici); Mhvs 19, 44 (rasmiyo). — 5. to send forth<br />

(sound) ; to utter, emit (words etc.) J 1.375 (vacag) ;<br />

Vv 64I8 (mala m. ghosar) = vissajjenti VvA 281).<br />

6. (from 4 & 5 in general) to undertake, to bestow, send<br />

forth, let loose on Dh ; 389 " na brahmanassa pahareyya<br />

nassa muiicetha brahmano," where DhA iv.148<br />

supplements vemn na muficetha (i. e. kopag na kareyya).<br />

In this case verag muncati would be the same as the<br />

usual verag bandh'tti. thus opposite notions bemg<br />

"<br />

used complementarily. <strong>The</strong> interpretation " give up<br />

(enmity) instead of " undertake " is possible from a<br />

mere grammatical point of view. L. v. Schroeder<br />

(iVorte der Wahrheit) trsl* " noch sturzt der Priester auf<br />

den Feind"! — 7. to abandon, give up, leave behind<br />

Dh 348 (munca, viz. tanhag DhA iv.63) ; J v.453<br />

(peta-rSja-visayag). — 8. An idfomatic (late) use of the<br />

ger. muiiciya (with ace.) is in the sense of an adv. (of<br />

prep.), meaning " except, beside^," e. g. mag ra.<br />

iraag m. (besides this Mhvs 14. 17). — Cp.<br />

Mhvs 25, 67 ;

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