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The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary - Tuninst.net

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary - Tuninst.net


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Mahantata 151 Matar<br />

comb'' with mah-dnubhava to denote great influence,<br />

high position & majesty Vin 1.31; 11. 193; iii.ioi ;<br />

D 1.78, 180 (devata), 213; S 1.145 sq. ; 11. 155, 274 sq.,<br />

A 284 sq. ; IV. 323 ; v. 265, 271 sq.. 288 sq. ;<br />

v. 129;<br />

J VI. 483 (said of the Ocean); PvA 6, 136, 145. -inda<br />

(ghosa) lit. the roar of the Great Indra. Indra here to<br />

be taken in his function as sky (rain) god, thus: the<br />

thunder of the rain-god Th i, 1 108. [Cp. BSk. mahendra<br />

in °bhavana " the abode of the Great Indra." and<br />

varsa " the rain of the Gr. I." (here as rain-god), both<br />

at AvS 1.2 10]. -issisa [Sk. mahesvasa] great in the<br />

art of the bow, a great archer S 1.185 ;<br />

DhA 1.358.<br />

inahe° [maha-l-i]; -esakkha [maha-l- isa+ khyag ;<br />

fr. is] possessing great power or authority A 11.204 ;<br />

UI.244; Nd2 5032; Vism 419; Sdhp 511. <strong>The</strong> BSk.<br />

form is mahejakhya evidently differing in its etymology.<br />

<strong>The</strong> P. etym. rests on the same grounds as esitatta in<br />

mahesi DhA iv.232. -esi [maha -f isi ; Sk. maharsi] a<br />

great Sage A 11.26; Sn 208, 481. 646, 915, 1057, 1061 ;<br />

Th I, 1132 ; 2, 149; Dh 422 (expl'' at DhA iv.232 as<br />

" mahantar) slla-kkhandh' adinar) esitatta m." cp. the<br />

; Vism 505 VbhA<br />

similar expl" at Nd^ 503) ; Nd' 343 ;<br />

I. -esiya = mahesi J vi.483. -esi [in P. to<br />

1 10 ; PvA<br />

be taken as mah-|-is, as f. to isa, but in Sk. (V'edic) as<br />

f. of mahisa, buffalo] chief queen, king's tirst wife, king's<br />

consort ; also the wife of a great<br />

V.45 ; VI. 425 ; Pug 56; Mhvs 2,<br />

VvA 184 (sixteen). Usually as<br />

personage J 11.410 ;<br />

22 (pi. mahesiyo)<br />

agga-mahesi, e. g.<br />

J 1.2G2 ; III. 187, 393; V.88. -esitta state<br />

consort, queenship J v.443 ; Pv ii.i3i'' ; ThA<br />

of chief<br />

102. -eseyya = "esitta J v.91.<br />

37; VvA<br />

-maho [maha 4- u, or 4-0] : -ogha the great flood (see<br />

ogha) Sn 4, 945 ; Dh 47, 287 ; DhA in. 433. -odadhi the<br />

(great) ocean, the sea Sn 720, 1134; Miln 224; Mhvs<br />

18, 8. -odara big belly J vi.358 (addressing a king's<br />

minister), -odika full of water, having much water ;<br />

deep, full (of a river) Sn 319; J H.159; Miln 346.<br />

-oraga [ra4-uraga] a great snake J v. 165.<br />

Mahantata (f.) [fr. mahant"] greatness DhA 11.62. At<br />

M III. 24 the spelling is mahattata (tt misread for nt ?),<br />

at M I.I 84 however mahantatta (nt.).<br />

Hahallaka (adj. n.) [a distorted mah-ariyaka>ayyaka><br />

allaka ; cp. ayyaka] old, venerable, of great age<br />

an old man D i.go (opp. taruna), 94, 114, 247;<br />

Sn 313, 603 ; Nd'' 261 (vuddha m. andhagata etc.)<br />

•J IV. 482 (opp. dahara young); Vv 46' ( = mahanto<br />

VvA 199) ; Dh.\ 1.7, 278 ; 11. 4, 55, 91 ; SnA 313. Com-<br />

par. mahallakatara DhA 11. 18. — f. mahallika an old<br />

woman Miln 16; Mhvs 21, 27; VvA 105; PvA 149<br />

( = addhagata). —.[<strong>The</strong> BSk. form is mahalla, e. g.<br />

Divy 329, 520.]<br />

Mahika (f) [cp. *Sk. mahika] fog, frost, cold (=:himar)<br />

DhsA 317) Vin 11.295 = Miln 273; Sn 6O9 ; Miln 299;<br />

VvA 134 (fog). — As mahiya at A 11.53.<br />

Hahita [pp. of mahati or mahiyati] honoured, revered<br />

M II. 1 10 ; Miln 278 ; Sdhp 276.<br />

Mahanlya (adj.) [grd. of mahati] praiseworthy VvA 97.<br />

Mahila (f) [Sk. mahila] woman, female Vin 11. 281 (°titthe<br />

at the women's bathing place); J 1.188; Dpvs 1X.4 ;<br />

ThA 271.<br />

Mahisa, Mahisa, Mahigsa [cp. Vedic mahika, an enlarged<br />

form of maha ; the P. etym. evidently to be connected<br />

with maha4- is, because of mahisa >mahir)sa] a buffalo.<br />

—mahisa: D 1.6 ("yuddha b. -tight), 9; J 111.26 (vana°<br />

wild b.) Mhvs ; 25, 36 (T. mahisar)). —mahisa J vi.i 10.<br />

—mahigsa Vism 191, & in Np. Mahigsaka-mandala the<br />

Andhra country J 1.356, cp. Mahigsaka-rajtha VbhA<br />

4; as Mahisa-mandala at Mhvs 12, 29. — Note. <strong>The</strong><br />

P. pop. etym. is propounded by Bdhgh as " mahiyar)<br />

set; ti mahiso " (he lies on the ground, that is why he<br />

is a buffalo) DhsA 62.<br />

Mahi (f.) [f. of mab, base of mahant, Vedic mahij the earth<br />

(lit. Great One) Mhvs 5, 266 ; Sdhp 424, 472 ; loc.<br />

mahiya Miln 128 ; mahiyai) DhsA 62. — Sole. As mahi<br />

is only found in very late P. literature, it must have<br />

been re-introduced from Sk. sources, and is not a direct<br />

correspondent of Vedic mahi.<br />

-tala the ground (of the earth) Mhvs 5, 54. -dhara<br />

mountain Miln ; 343 Mhvs 14, 3 ; 28, 22 (v. 1. mahin").<br />

-pa king (of the earth) Mhvs 14, 22. -pati king Mhvs 5,<br />

48 ; 33. 32. -pala king Mhvs 4, 38 ; 5, 265. -ruha tree<br />

(" growing out of the earth ") Mhvs 14, 18, 18, 19.<br />

Ma (indecl.) [cp. Vedic ma, Gr. /i/)] prohibition particle<br />

not, do not, let us hope not, I wish that . . . not [cp.<br />

Lat. utinam & ne]. Constructed with various tenses,<br />

e. g. I. with aor. (prohibitive tense) : ma evag akattha<br />

do not thus DhA 1.7 ; m\ abhani speak not Pv 1.3^ ; ma<br />

cintayittha do not worry DhA 1.12 ; ma parihayi I hope<br />

he will not go short (or be deprived) of ... M 1.444 ;<br />

ma bhayi fear not J 11. 159; ma marigsu I hope they<br />

will not die J 111.55 ; ml (te) rucci may it not please<br />

(you), i. e. please do not Vin 11. 198 ; ma evag ruccittha<br />

id. DhA 1. 13. — 2. with imper. : ma gaccha J 1152;<br />

ma detha J in. 275. ma ghita do not kill : see mighata.<br />

— 3. with pot. : mi anuyuiijetha Dh 27 ; ma<br />

bhuiijetha<br />

let him not eat Mhvs 25, 113; ma vadetha J vi.364. —<br />

4. with indie, pres. : ma patilabhati A v. 194. — A<br />

peculiar use is found in phrase anemi ma anemi shall<br />

I bring it or not? J vi.334. — 5. ma,= na (simple negation)<br />

in masakkhimha we could not Vin in. 23.<br />

-Ma [the short form of masa, direct der" fr. ma : see<br />

minati] see punna-ma.<br />

Magadha [fr. Magadha] scent-seller, (lit. " from Magadha ")<br />

Pv II.9" ( = gandhin PvA 127).<br />

Magadhaka (nt.) [magadha -l-ka, lit. "from Magadha"]<br />

garlic Vin iv.259 (lasunai) nama magadhakar) vuccati).<br />

Magavika [guna- form to •mrga=P. miga ; Sk. margavika]<br />

a deerstalker, huntsman A 11.207 ; Pug 56 ; Miln<br />

364, 412 ; PvA<br />

207.<br />

Maghata (nt.) [lit. ma ghata " kill not "] the injunction<br />

not to kill, non-killing order (with ref. to the killing of<br />

animals J in. 428 ("bheri, the drum announcing this<br />

order); iv.iis; vi.346 (uposatha").<br />

Mangalya (adj.) [fr. mangala] auspicious, fortunate,<br />

bringing about fulfilment of wishes J vi.i79.<br />

Maqiava [cp. *Sk. manava] a youth, young man, esp. a<br />

young Brahmin Sn 1022, 1027. 1028; J iv.391 (brahmana°)<br />

; DA 1.36 =satto pi coro pi taruno pi ; DhA 1.89.<br />

pi. manava menTh 2, 1 12. — <strong>The</strong> spelling manava occurs<br />

at Sn 456, 589, & Pv 1.8^ { = men Th 11.112 ; kumara<br />

PvA 41).<br />

Ma];tavaka [fr. manava] a young man, youth a Brahmin<br />

Miln 10 1 ; in general : young, e. g. naga" a young serpent<br />

J III. 276; f. "ika a Brahmin girl J 1.290; Miln loi ;<br />

naga° a young female serpent J in. 275; DhA in. 232.<br />

Matanga [cp. Epic Sk. matanga, dial.] an elephant Dh<br />

329, 330 (here as Ep. of naga) ; J 111.389 ; vi.47 ; Vv<br />

43*; Miln 368. — 2. a man of a low class [cp. BSk.<br />

matangi Divy 397] SnA 185 sq. (as Np.).<br />

Matar (f) [Vedic mata, stem matar", Av. matar-, Gr.<br />

l''n>H> (Doric<br />

rauoter, Ags.<br />

ttdnii)) Lat. mater, Oir. mathir, Ohg.<br />

modor= mother ; Cp. further Gr. /ii';rpo<br />

uterus, Lat. matrix id., Sk. matrka mother, grandmother,<br />

Ger. mieder corset. From Idg. *ma, onomat.<br />

part., cp. "mamma"] mother. Ca.'ses : nom.<br />


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