The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary - Tuninst.net

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary - Tuninst.net

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary - Tuninst.net


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Malina 149 Mahant<br />

Ualina (adj [fr.<br />

. ) mal, 'mel to make dirty, to which belongs<br />

mala. — Cp. Lat. mulleus reddish, purple ; Gr. fiiXag<br />

black, fioXruij to stain, fiikrog reddish ; Lith. mulvas<br />

yellowish, melynas blue ; Ohg. mal stain] dirty, stained.<br />

impure, usually lit. — J 1.467 ; Miln 324 ; DhA 1.233 ;<br />

VvA 156; PvA 226; VbhA 498.<br />

Maliaaka (adj.) [malina+ka] dirty; with ref. to loha, a<br />

kind of copper, in the group of copper belonging to<br />

Pisaca VbhA 63.<br />

Malya (nt.) [for *malya, fr. mala] flower, garland of<br />

flowers Vv i' (-dhara) ; 2'; J v. 188 (puppha°), 420.<br />

<strong>The</strong> reading at Pv 111.3^ (pahuta°, adj. having many<br />

rows of flowers) is malya.<br />

Malla [cp. Sk. malla, perhaps a local term, cp. Canura]<br />

a wrestler Vin u.105 ("mutthika) J iv.81 (two, named<br />

Canura and Mutthika " fister") ; Vism 31 (mutthika+ ,<br />

i. e. boxing & wrestling as amusements: see mada i).<br />

Perhaps as " porter " Bdhgh on CV v. 29. 5 (see Vin<br />

11.319). At Miln 191 the malla are mentioned as a<br />

their designation might here refer<br />

group or company ;<br />

to the Mallas, a tribe, as other tribes are given at the<br />

same passage (e. g. Atona, Pisaca). Cp. Bhallaka.<br />

-gana troop of professional wrestlers Miln 331.<br />

-mutthika boxer Vin n.105. -yuddha wrestling contest<br />

Miln 232; DhA 11. 154; DA 1.85. -yuddhaka a professional<br />

wrestler J iv.81.<br />

Hallaka [cp. Sk. mallaka & mallika] i. a bowl, a<br />

vessel (.') used in bathing Vin 11.106 (mallakena nahayati<br />

; or is it a kind of scrubber ? Bdhgh's exlp° of<br />

this passage (CV v. 1.4) on p. 315 is not quite clear;<br />

mallakar) nama makara-dantihe chinditvd muUaka-<br />

akata° danta<br />

mula-santhanena kata-mallakag vuccati ;<br />

achinditva katar)). It may bear some ref. to malla on<br />

p. 105 (see malla) & to mallika-makula (see below<br />

mallika). — 2. a cup, drinking vessel A 1.250 (udaka°).<br />

— 3. a bowl J III. 21 (kai)sa° = tatfaka). — 4. in kheja"<br />

a spittoon Vin 1.48; 11. 175. — Note. W. Printz in<br />

"BhSsa's Prakrit." p. 45, compares Sauraseni mallaa,<br />

Hindi mall(a) " cup," maliya " a small vessel (of wood<br />

or cocoanut-shell) for holding the oil used in unction,"<br />

mala " cocoanut-shell,"<br />

vidian word.<br />

and adds : probably a Dra-<br />

Mallika (f) [cp. Epic Sk. mallika, Halayudha 2, 51 ;<br />

Dandin 2, 214] Arabian jasmine Dh 54 (tagara°)<br />

J 1.62 ; III. 291 ; V.420 ; Miln<br />

333, 338 ;<br />

DhsA<br />

14 ; KhA<br />

44. mallika-makula opening bud of the jasmine Vism<br />

251= VbhA 234 ("santhana, in descr. of shape of the<br />

4 canine teeth). — See also malika.<br />

Maloiika (f) [prob. dialectical for malaka :<br />

cp. mallaka]<br />

a stand, (tripod) for a bowl, formed of sticks Vin 11. 124<br />

( = dand' adharaka Bdhgh on p. 318).<br />

Hasa in line " asadaii ca masaii jatar) " at J vi.328 is to<br />

be comb'' with ca, and read as camasan, i. e. a ladle for<br />

sacrificing (C. : aggi-dahanar)).<br />

in cpd. amasati. <strong>The</strong> root<br />

Hasati [mfS] to touch : only<br />

is expl"" at Dhtp 305 as " amasana." Another root<br />

masu [mjh ?] is at Dhtm 444 given in meaning " raacchera."<br />

Does this refer to Sk. mrja ( = P. miccha) ?<br />

Cp. masati, masana etc.<br />

Masapa (nt.) [etym. ? prob. provincial & local] a coarse<br />

cloth of interwoven hemp and other materials D 1.166 ;<br />

M 1.308, 345 ; A 1. 241, 295 ; Pug 55. At all passages as<br />

a dress worn by certain ascetics.<br />

Masaraka [fr. masara ?] a kind of couch (maiica) or longchair<br />

; enum'' under the 4 kinds of maiica at Vin iv.40.<br />

— See also Vin 11. 149 ; iv.357 (where expl'* as : maiica-<br />

pade vijjhitva tattha attaniyo pavesetva kato :<br />

by boring a hole into the feet of the bed & putting<br />

through a notched end) ; VvA 8. 9.<br />

made<br />

Hasaragalla (m. & nt.) [cp. Sk. masara emerald + galva<br />

also<br />

called kabara-mani (e. g. VvA 304). It occurs in<br />

stereotyped enum" of gems at Vin 11.238 (where it is<br />

said to be found in the Ocean) = Miln 267 and at Miln<br />

;<br />

118, where it always stands next to lohitanka. <strong>The</strong><br />

crystal & musaragalva] a precious stone, cat's eye ;<br />

same comb" (with lohit.) is found at Vv 36^ ; 78' = 8i' ;<br />

84".<br />

Masi [cp. Class. Sk. maji & masi] i. the fine particles of<br />

ashes, in angara° charcoal-dust VvA 67= DhA in. 309<br />

(aggina) masii] karoti to reduce to powder (by fire), to<br />

bum to ashes, turn to dust S 11.88= iv. 197 = A 1.204 =<br />

II. 199. — 2. soot J 1.483 (ukkhali° soot on a pot).<br />

Masuraka [connected with masaraka] a bolster J iv.87;<br />

VI. 185.<br />

Massu [Vedic smasru] the beard D 11.42 ; Pug 55 ; J iv.159.<br />

-parulha" with long-grown beard DA 1.263 ; bahala"<br />

thick-bearded J v. 42.<br />

-kamma beard-dressing J 111.114; DhA 1253. -karana<br />

shaving DhA 1.253; DA i 137. -kutti [m.-lkipti]<br />

beard-trimming J in. 314 (C. = °kiriya).<br />

Massaka (adj.) [fr. massu] bearded; a° beardless (of a<br />

woman) J 11.185.<br />

Uaha (m. & nt.) [fr. mah, see mahati & cp. Vedic nt.<br />

mahas] i. worthiness, venerableness Miln 357. — 2. a<br />

(religious) festival (in honour of a Saint, as an act of<br />

worship) Mhvs 33, 26 (viharassa mahamhi, loc.) ; Vv.\<br />

170 (thupe ca mahe kate), 200 (id.). maha° a great<br />

festival Mhvs 5, 94. bodhi" festival of the Bo tree<br />

J IV. 229. vihara" festival held on the building of a<br />

monastery J 1.94; VvA 188. hatthi" a festival called<br />

the elephant f. J iv.95.<br />

Mahati [mah; expl'' by Dhtp 331 as " piijayai) "] to<br />

honour, revere Vv 47" (pot. med. i pi. mahemase, cp.<br />

Geiger, P.Gr. § 129 ; expl^ as " mahamase pujamase "<br />

at VvA 203). Caus. mahayati in same sense : ger.<br />

mahayitvana (poetical) J iv.236. — Pass, mahiyati<br />

Vv 62I ( = pujiyati VvA 258); 64" (ppr. mahiyaraana =<br />

pujiyamana VvA 282). pp. mahita.<br />

Mahatta (nt.) [fr. mahat" cp. Sk. mahattva] greatness<br />

J V.331 ( = setthatta C.) ; Vism 132, 232 sq. ; VbhA<br />

278 (Satthu°. jati°, sabrahmacari") ;DA 1.35 ; VvA 191.<br />

Mahant (adj.) [Vedic mahant, which by Grassmann is<br />

taken as ppr. to mah, but in all probability the n is au<br />

original suffix. — cp. Av. mazant, Sk. compar. mahlyan ;<br />

Gr. fiiytiQ (compar. /ip(s'ui'), Lat. magnus, Goth.<br />

mikils = Ohg. mihhil=E. much] great, extensive, big;<br />

important, venerable. — nom. maha Sn 1008 ;<br />

22, 27.<br />

Mhvs<br />

Shortened to maha in cpd. pitamaha (following<br />

matamaha<br />

a- decl.) (paternal) grandfather PvA 41 ; &<br />

(maternal) grandfather (q. v.). — instr. mahata Sn 1027.<br />

— pi. nom. mahanta Sn 578 (opp. dahara). — loc.<br />

mahati Miln 254. — f. mahi— i. one of the 5 great<br />

rivers (Np.). — 2. the earth. See separately. — nt.<br />

mahantag used as adv., meaning " very much, greatly "<br />

J V.I 70; DhA IV. 232. Also in cpd. mahantabhava<br />

greatness, loftiness, sublimity DhsA 44. — Compar.<br />

mahantatara DhA 11. 63, and with dimin. suffix °ka<br />

J III. 237. — <strong>The</strong> regular paraphrase of maha in the<br />

Niddesa is " agga, settha, visitjha, pamokkha, uttama,<br />

pavara," see Nd* 502.<br />

Note on maha & cpds. — A. In certain cpds. the<br />

comb" with maha (mah°) has become so established<br />

& customary (often through politeness in using maha°<br />

for the simple term), that the cpd. is felt as an<br />

inseparable unity and a sort of " antique " word, in<br />

which the 2'"' part either does not occur any more by<br />

itself or only very rarely, as mah' annava, which is more<br />

freq. than aijnava ; mah' Abhisakka, where abhisakka<br />

does not occur by itself ; cp. mah&nubhava, mahiddhika,<br />

VI— 4*

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