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The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary - Tuninst.net


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Mano 145 Mano<br />

" mano " is " cittag mano manasarj hadayar), pandarai),<br />

man-ayatanar) .<br />

. . mano-viiinana-dhatu<br />

" (mind sen-<br />

sibility). Thus e. g. at Nd' 3 (for mano), 176 (id.);<br />

Nd- 494 (which however leaves out cittat) in exegesis<br />

of Sn 1142, 1413, but has it in No. 495 in exegesis of<br />

Sn 1039) : Dhs 6 (in def" of citta), 17 (of man' indriyai)),<br />

65 (of nian-ayatanar)), 68 (of mano-viniiana-dhatu). —<br />

<strong>The</strong> close relation between the two appears further<br />

from their comb" in the formula of the adesana-patihariyar)<br />

(wonder of manifestation, i. e the discovery of<br />

other peoples' thoughts & intentions), viz. evam pi te<br />

mano ittham pi te mano iti pi te cittar) : " so & so is in<br />

your mind . . . so & so are your emotions "; D r.-; 13 =<br />

iii.i03 = .\ 1.170. — At S 1.53 both are mutually influenced<br />

in their state of unsteadiness and fear :<br />

niccai)<br />

utrastag idag cittar) (heart), niccar) ubbiggag idar)<br />

mano (mind). <strong>The</strong> same relation (citta as instrument<br />

or manifestation of mano) is evident from J 1.36, where<br />

siho cittar) pasadesi. Sattha tassa<br />

j<br />

the passage runs :<br />

manar) oloketva vyakasi ... At PvA 264 mano (of<br />

Pv IV. 7') is expl"" by cittar); piti mano of Sn 766 (glad<br />

of heart) expl"" at SnA 512 by santuttha-citto ; nibbanamanaso<br />

of Sn 942 at SnA 567 by nibbana-ninna-citto.<br />

In the phrase yatha-manena " from his heart," i. e.<br />

sincerely, voluntarily Dh.\ 1.42, mano clearly acts as<br />

citta. — 4. Phrases : manag uppadeti to make up one's<br />

mind, to resolve DhA 11. 140 (cp. citt' uppada) ; manag<br />

karoti : (a) to fix one's mind upon, to give thought to,<br />

find pleasure or to delight in (loc.) J iv.223 (rupe<br />

manag kare = itthi-rupe nimittag na ganheyyasi<br />

na<br />

C.<br />

Cp. the similar & usual manasi-karoti in same sense)<br />

(Pass, gite karute mano) (b) to make up one's<br />

VI. ; 45<br />

mind DhA 11.87; manag gaghati to "take the mind,"<br />

take the fancy, to please, to win approval J iv. 132;<br />

DhA 11.48. — III. °mana: dhamm-uddhacca-viggahita'<br />

A II. 157 (read °mano for °mana) ; sankilittha-mana<br />

nara Th 2, 344 ; atta° pleased ; gedhita^ greedy Pv 11.8'^<br />

dum' depressed in mind, sad or sick at heart D n.148 ;<br />

S 1.103 : Vin 1.21 ; A 11.59. 6'. 198 ; Th 2, 484 ; J 1.189 ;<br />

( = somanassa-<br />

opp. sumana elated, joyful Pv 11. g''^<br />

jata PvA 132); plti° glad or joyful of heart Sn jM)<br />

(expH by tuttha-mano, hattha-mano. attamano etc.<br />

at Nd' 3 ; by santuttha-citto at SnA 512). — IV. manasi-karoti<br />

(etc.) to fix the mind intently, to bear in<br />

mind, take to heart, ponder, think upon, consider,<br />

recognise. — i. (v.) pres. i'-' pi. "karoma Vin 1.103;<br />

imper. 2°"" sg. "karohi, often in formula "sunahi sadhukag<br />

m.-k." " harken and pay attention " D 1.124, 157, 249 ;<br />

cp. M, 1.7; A 1.227; pi. 2'"i "karotha A 1.171 ; D T.214<br />

(-H vitakketha) ; Pot. ^kareyyatha D 1.90 (tag atthag<br />

sadhukag k.) ; ppr. "karonto DhsA 207 ; ger. °katva<br />

A II. 116 (atthikatva-l- . . . ohitasoto sunati) ; Pv<br />

III. 2* (a° = anavajjetva PvA 181); VvA 87, 92; PvA<br />

62; grd. °katabba Vism 244, 27S; DhsA 205; aor.<br />

manas-dkati M 11.61 2"'' ; pi. (Prohib.) (ma) manasikattha<br />

D 1.2 14 ; A<br />

i.i 71. Pass, manasi-karlyati Visni<br />

284. — 2. (n.) manasikara attention, pondering, fixed<br />

thought (cp. Cpd. 12, 28, 40, 282) D III. 104, 108 sq .<br />

1.296; S 11.3 (cetana<br />

iv.297 (sabba-nimittanag a° inattention to<br />

112, 227 (yoniso). 273 (ayoniso) ; M<br />

phasso m.) ;<br />

all outward signs of allurement) ; Nd' 501 (ayoniso) ;<br />

Vbh 320, 325, 373 (j'oniso), 425 ; Vism 241 (patikula") ;<br />

VbhA 14S (ayoniso), 248 sq. (as regards the 32 akaras),<br />

251 (patikkfila"), 235 (n'atisighato etc.), 270 (ayoniso),<br />

5(K) ; DhA 11.87 (patikkula") ; Dhs.\ 133. —samma<br />

manasikarag anvaya by careful pondering D 1.13, 18 w.<br />

As adj. (thoughtful) at Th.\ 273. — <strong>The</strong> def° of m. at<br />

Vism 466 runs as follows " : kiriya-karo. manamhi karo<br />

m. purima-manato visadisag manag karoti ti pi m.<br />

Svayag : arammana-patipadako vithi-patipadako ja-<br />

vana-p.'^jr^ ti-ppakaro." — Cpds. : -kiisalatS proficiency<br />

in 4iJ'^-ntion D 111.211 ; -kosalla id. VbhA 56 (in<br />

241 (tenfold), 243<br />

detail), 224, 226 sq. ; Vism<br />

anupubbato, natisighato, natisanikato<br />

(id., viz.<br />

etc.) ; PvA 63<br />

(yoniso") ; -vidliiina arrangement of attention Vbh.4<br />

69. 71 ; -vidhi rule or form of attention Vism 278 (eight-<br />

fold, viz. ganana, anubandhana, phusana, thapana,<br />

sallakhana, vivattana, parisuddhi, tesaii ca patipassana<br />

ti). — <strong>The</strong> composition form of manas is mano°,<br />

except before vowels, when man' takes its place (as<br />

man-ayatana VbhA 46 sq.).<br />

-angana (man°) sphere of ideation (Dhs. trsl. § 58)<br />

D III. 243, 280 and passim, -avajjana representative<br />

cognition : Cpi. 59. -indriya (man") mind-faculty,<br />

category of mind, faculty of ideation (cp. Dhs. trs.<br />

§ 17; Cpd. pp. 183, 184) D 1.70 (with other senses<br />

cakkh-undriyag etc.) in. 226, and passim, -kamma<br />

work of the mind, mental action, associated with kaya-<br />

kamma (bodily action) and vaci° (vocal action) A 1.32,<br />

41 ; Dhs 981 (where omitted in text), -java<br />

104 ; Pug<br />

[cp. Vedic manojava] swift as thought Vv 63 ; PvA<br />

216 (assajaniya). -danda "mind-punishment" (?)<br />

corresponding to kaya" & vacl-dajida, M 1.372 sq.<br />

(Neumann, trsb " Streich in Gedanken "). -duccarita<br />

sin of the mind or thoughts Dh 233 ; Nd' 386 ; Pug G.<br />

-dosa blemish of mind A 1.112. -dvara door of the<br />

mind, threshold of consciousness VbhA 41 ; DhsA 425,<br />

cp. Dhs. trsl. 3 (^p. 2) ; Cpd. 10. -dhatu element of<br />

apprehension, the ideational faculty (cp. Dhs. trsl. 129,<br />

-p. 119, 120; and p. ^Ixxxv sq.) Dhs 457 sq. ; Vbh<br />

14, 71, 87 sq., 144, 302 ; Vism 488; VbhA 80, 81, 239<br />

(phj'siological foundation), 405 ; DhsA 263, 425<br />

KhA 53. -padosa anger in mind, ill-will D 111.72 ;<br />

M 1.377; ^n ^^2 ; J IV.29 ; Dhs<br />

1060 (cp. DhsA 367:<br />

manag padussayamano uppajjati ti. i. e. to set one's<br />

heart at anger), -padosika (adj.) debauched in mind<br />

(by envy & ill-will), N. of a class of gods D 1.20 ; Vbh.\<br />

498, 519. Cp. Kirfel, Kosmographie. p. 193 & Kern<br />

(Toev. 1. 163), slightly different: from looking at each<br />

other too long, -pasada tranquillity of the mind,<br />

devotional feeling (towards the Buddha) Dh.\ 1.28.<br />

-pubbangama directed by mind, dominated by thought<br />

(see pubba^) Dh i, 2 ; cp. DhA 1.2 1, 35. -bhavaniya of<br />

right mind-culture, self-composed S iii.i ; M 111.261 ;<br />

Vv 34'^ (cp. VvA 152 : mana-vaddhanaka) ; Miln 129.<br />

Kern, Toev. 1.163 trsl'^ "to be kept in mind with<br />

honour." -mattaka, in phrase mana-mattakena (adv.)<br />

" by mere mind," consisting of mind only, i- e. memorial,<br />

as a matter of mind J iv.228. -maya made of mind,<br />

consisting of mind, i. e. formed by the magic power of<br />

the mind, magically formed, expl"" at Vism 405 as<br />

" adhitthana-manena nimmitatta m." ; at DA 1.120<br />

as " jhana-manena nibbatta " ; at DhA 1.23 as " manato<br />

nipphanna " ; at VvA 10 as " bahirena paccaycna<br />

vina manasa va nibbatta." — Dh i, 2 ; J vi.265 (manomayag<br />

sindhavag abhiruyha) ; Sdhp 259 ; as quality of<br />

iddhi : Vism 379, 406. — Sometimes a body of this<br />

matter can be created by great holiness or knowledge<br />

human beings or gods may be endowed with this<br />

power D 1.17 (-t- pitibhakkha, of the Abhassaras), 34<br />

(atta dibbo rupi in. sabbanga-paccangi etc.), 77 (id.),<br />

186 (id.); Vin n.185 (Koliya-putto kalag kato annatarag<br />

mano-mayag kayag upapanno) ; M 1.4 10 (deva<br />

rupino m.) ; S iv.71 ; A 1.24; 111.122, 192; iv.235 ;<br />

v.6(). -ratha desired object (lit. what pleases the<br />

mind), wish Vism 506 (°vighata-(- iccha-vighata) ; °g<br />

pureti to fulfil one's wish Mhvs 8, 27 (punna-sabbamanoratha).<br />

Manoratha-purani (f.) " the wish fulfiller<br />

" is the name of the Commentary on the Anguttara<br />

Nikaya. -rama pleasing to the mind, lovely, delightful<br />

Sn 50, 337, 1013 ; Dh 58 ; Pv 11. 9''' (photthabba), Mhvs<br />

18, 48; VvA 340. -viiifiana representative cognition,<br />

rationality Vism 489; Vbh.\ 150 (22 fold); Dhs.\ 304,<br />

cp. Dhs. trsl. 170 (-p. 157)<br />

tative intellection, mind cognition, the 6"' of the vinnanadhatus<br />

or series of cognitional elements corresponding<br />

to and based on the 12 simple dhatus, which are the<br />

external &. internal sense-relations ( = ayatanani) Dhs<br />

58; Vbh 14, 71, 87, 89, 144, 176 and passim. See also<br />

above II. 3 and discussions at Dhs. trsl. 132 (-p. 122) &<br />

; -dhatu (element of) represen

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