The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary - Tuninst.net

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary - Tuninst.net

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary - Tuninst.net


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Maddavata 143 Manunna<br />

( = milata DhA iv.112). — nt. maddavag mildness,<br />

softness, gentleness Sn 250 (ajjava+ ), 292 (id.) ; J<br />

111.274 (as one of the 10 raja-dhamma) ; v.347 ( = metta-<br />

cittari) ;<br />

DhsA 151.<br />

Maddavata (f.) [abstr. fr. maddava] gentleness, softness,<br />

suavity Dhs 44. 1340; DhsA 151.<br />

Haddalaka [etym. ?] a kind of bird J vi.538.<br />

Maddita [pp. of maddeti, see maddati] i. kneaded, mixed,<br />

in su" Vism 124. — 2. crushed, defeated, in su" Miln<br />

284. — Cp. pa", pari".<br />

Maddin (adj . ) [f r. mrd, cp. Sk. mardin = mardana] crushing,<br />

destroying Sdhp 218. Cp. pamaddin.<br />

Haddhita [of mrdh] see pari".<br />

Madhu [cp. Vedic madhu, Gr. fiiOv wine. Lith. medus<br />

honey, midus wme. Ohg. metu = Ger. met wine. Mcst<br />

likely to root *med to be full of juice : see under madatil<br />

honey J 1.157 sq. ; IV.117; Dh 6g (madhu va read as<br />

madhuva) ;<br />

Mhvs<br />

5, 53; DhsA 320; DhA 11. 197 (alia"<br />

fresh honey). — pi. madhuni Mhvs 5. 31. — <strong>The</strong> Abhp<br />

(533) also gives " wine from the blossom of Bassia<br />

latifolia " as meaning. — On madhu in similes see<br />

J.P.T.S. 1907, 121.<br />

-atthika (madh°) at J 111.493 is with v. 1. to be read<br />

madhu-tthika (q. v. below). <strong>The</strong> proposal of Kern's<br />

(Toev. s. V.) to read madh' atthika " with sweet kernels "<br />

cannot be accepted. <strong>The</strong> C. expl°* rightly by " madhura-phalesu<br />

pakkhitta madhu viya, madhura-phalo<br />

hutva." -atthika (madhu") desirous of honey, seeking<br />

honey J iv.205 ; Mhvs 5, 50. -apana (madhv") honey<br />

shop Mhvs 5. 52. -asava (madhv°) honey extract,<br />

wine from the flower of Bassia latifolia VvA 73 (as<br />

one of the 5 kinds of intoxicating liquors), -kara<br />

"honey-maker," bee J iv.265 ; Vism 136 (in simile);<br />

DhA 1.374. -ganda honey-comb Mhvs 22, 42 ; 34, 52.<br />

-tthika [madhu -t- thika, which latter stands for thiya.<br />

fr. stya to congeal, drip ; see thika, thina, thiya and<br />

theva] dripping with honey, full of honey J 111.493 (so<br />

read for madh-atthika) ; vi.529 ( = madhui) paggharanto<br />

C). Kern, Toev. s. v. unnecessarily reads as<br />

°aUhika which he t^kes = ''atthika. -da giving honey,<br />

liberal Mhvs 5, 60 (Asoka). -patala honey-comb<br />

J 1.262 ; DhA 1.59 ; 111.323. -pindika a ball of honey<br />

(to eat), honey-food, a meal with honey Vin 1.4 ; M<br />

I.I 14. -pita having drunk honey, drunk with honey<br />

S 1.2 1 2. -(b)bata " courting honey," a bee Davs 111.65.<br />

-bindu a drop of honey Vism 531 ; Vbh.\ 146 ("giddha,<br />

in comparison), -makkhika smeared with honey J<br />

1. 158. -madhuka dripping with honey, full of honey<br />

J<br />

VI. 529. -mehika referring to a particular disease<br />

madhumeha (" honey-urine," diabetes ?) Vin iv.8.<br />

-latthika liquorice (no ref. ?) ; cp. Latthi-madhukavana<br />

J 1,68. -laja sweet corn J iv.214. 281. -vanija<br />

honey seller Mhvs 5, 49. -ssava flowing with honev<br />

Pv 11.9".<br />

Hadhnka (adj. n.) [fr. madhu] connected with honey.<br />

I. (n.) the tree Bassia latifolia (lit. honey tree) Vin<br />

1.246 ; J ;<br />

v. 324, 405<br />

VI. 529 ; Miln 165. — 2. the fruit of<br />

that tree J iv.434. — 3. (adj.) {-") full of honey J<br />

VI. 529 (madhu" containing honey). — 4. connected<br />

with an intoxicating drink, given to the drink of (-°)<br />

J IV.117 (sura-meraya°).<br />

-atthika the kernel (of the fruit) of Bassia latifolia<br />

Vism 353 = KhA 43 (which latter reads madhukaphal'<br />

atthi ; in the description of the finger nails).<br />

-puppha the flower of Bassia latifolia from which honey<br />

is extracted for liquor Vin 1.246 ("rasa liquorice juice)<br />

J I-430-<br />

Hadhnka (f.) [fr. madhuka] honey drink, sweet drink,<br />

liquor Mhvs 5, 52.<br />

Madhara (adj.) [fr. madhu] i. sweet Sn 50 ; J 111.493 ;<br />

V.324 ; Pv<br />

11.67: PvA 119, 147.^2. of intoxicating<br />

sweetness, liquor-like, intoxicating J iv. 117. — 3. (nt.)<br />

sweetness, sweet drink Dh 363 ; J 1.271 (catu° the 4<br />

sweet drinks, used as cure after poison) ; Dhs 629<br />

DhsA 320. — 4. (nt.) flattery, praise SnA 287 (opp.<br />

avanna).<br />

-rasa sweet (i. e. honey-) juice, sweet liquor DhA<br />

11.50; PvA 119. -ssara sweet-sounding VvA 57;<br />

Pv.\ 151 ; Mhvs 5, 32.<br />

Madhoiaka (adj.) [fr. madhura, cp. similarly madhuka ><br />

madhu] full of sweet drink, intoxicated, in phrase<br />

madhuraka-jatokayo viya " like an intoxicated body,"<br />

i. e. without control, weak. <strong>The</strong> usual translation has<br />

been " become languid or weak " (" erschlafft " Ger.).<br />

Franke, Digha Ubs. 202 (where more literature) translates<br />

" : Ich fuhlte mich schwach, wie ein zartes Pfldnzchen,"<br />

hardly justifiable. — D 11.99 ; M 1.334 • S 111.106 ,<br />

A III. 69. <strong>The</strong> description refers to a state of swooning,<br />

like one in a condition of losing consciousness through<br />

intoxication. Rh. D. (Dial. 11. 107) translates " my<br />

body became weak as a creeper," hardly correct.<br />

Madhorata (f.) [abstr. fr. madhura] sweetness J 1.68.<br />

Madhuratta (nt.) [abstr. fr. madhura] sweetness Mhvs 2, 13.<br />

Manag (adv.) [cp. Class. Sk. manak^ " a little (of something)<br />

" prob. derived from Vedic mana f. a. gold weight<br />

= Gr. fiva] " by a certain weight," i. e. a little, somewhat,<br />

almost, well-nigh, nearly. Comb'' with vata in<br />

exclamation: M 11.123 ("i- v. bho anassama) ; DhA<br />

III. 147 (m. V. then nasita). Often in phrase man'<br />

amhi (with pp.). " I nearly was so & so," e. g.<br />

Vin 1.109 (vulho) ; J 1.405 (upakulito) ; 111.435 (mata),<br />

531 (marapito). Cp. BSk. manasmi khadita MVastu<br />

11.450.<br />

Manata (f) [abstr. fr. mano] mentality DhsA 143 (in<br />

expl° of attamanata).<br />

Manasa (adj.) [the -° form of mano, an enlarged form, for<br />

which usually either °mana or "manasa] having a mind,<br />

with such & such a mind Sn 942 (nibbana" " a nibbana<br />

mind," one who is intent upon N., cp. expl° at SnA<br />

567); Pv 1.6' (paduttha-manasa f., maybe "manasa;<br />

but PvA 34 expl"' " paduttha-citta padutthena va<br />

manasa). See also adhimanasa under adhimana.<br />

Manassa (nt.) ['*manasyar), abstr. der. fr. mana(s)] of a<br />

mind, only in cpds. do" & so" (q. v.).<br />

Manati [cp. Sk. ramati, nqr^ to crush, destroy; only in<br />

Commentator's fanciful etymological analysis of veramani<br />

at DhsA 218 (verag manati (sic.) vinasetl ti v.)<br />

and KhA 24 (verai) mariati ti v., verai) pajahati vinodeti<br />

etc.).<br />

Manapa (adj.) [cp. BSk. manapa] pleasing, pleasant,<br />

charming Sn 22. 759; Dh 339 ("ssavana) ; VvA 71;<br />

PvA 3, 9. Often in comb° piya manapa, e. g. D 11.19 ;<br />

III. 167 ; J 11.155 : IV. 132. — Opp. a", e. g. Pug 32.<br />

Manapika = manapa, Vbh 380 ;<br />

Miln 362.<br />

Hanuja [manu-t-ja, i. e. sprung from Manu, cp. etym. of<br />

manussa s. v.] human being; man A iv.159; Sn 458,<br />

661, 1043 sq. ; Dh 306, 334. Nd* 496 (expl"' as " manussa<br />

" & " satta ").<br />

-ddhipa lord of men Mhvs 19, 32. -inda king of men,<br />

great king Sn 553 ; J vi.98.<br />

HanoMa (adj.) [cp. Class. Sk. manojfia] pleasing, delight-<br />

ful, beautiful Vv 84" ( = manorama VvA 340) ; J 1.207 •<br />

11.33 1 : Pv 11.12^; 1V.12'; Miln 175, 398; VvA 11, 36;<br />

PvA 251 ; adv. °g pleasantly, delightfully J iv.252.<br />

Opp. a" unpleasant J vi.207.

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