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Makkha 136 Maggika<br />

Olakkha^ [probably = makkhai, but BSk. difierentiates<br />

with mraksya Divy 622, trsl. Index "ill-feeling"?<br />

Bbhtlingk-Roth have :<br />

rage Vin 1.25.<br />

mraksya " wohlgefiihl "] anger,<br />

Makkhaiia (nt.) [fr. mrks. cp. *Sk. mraksana] smearing,<br />

oil J III. 120 ; Miln 11 (tela°) ; Dhtp 538.<br />

Makkhayana (f-) & Makkhayitatta (nt.) [abstr. fr. makkha]<br />

the fact of concealment, hypocrisy : in exegesis of<br />

makkha at Nd'^ 484 ; Pug 18, 22.<br />

Makkhika (f.) [cp. Vedic maksika & maksika] a fly M<br />

HI. 148;<br />

gadfly),<br />

Nd'<br />

402 ;<br />

484; J 11.275 (nila") ; 111.263 (pingala"<br />

SnA 33 (pingala°). 572 (id.) ; DhA iv.58 ;<br />

Sdhp 396, 529.<br />

Makkhita [pp. of makkheti] smeared<br />

anointed M 1.364 (lohita°) ; J 1.158<br />

with (-''), soiled<br />

(madhu°) ; in. 226<br />

(pitthi-maddena) ; v. 71 (ruhira°) ; vi.391.<br />

Makkhin (adj.) [fr. makkha] concealing, hypocritical;<br />

harsh, merciless ; often comb'' with palasin (e. g. at<br />

Vin 11.89; J III. 259) D III. 45, 246. a° ( + apalasin)<br />

D 111.47 ; A iii.iii ; Sn 116 ; Pug 22.<br />

Makkhi-vala [cp. makaci-pilotika] a cloth of hair for<br />

straining J 11.97.<br />

makkharia] to smear,<br />

11.65. — Pa-ss makkhiyati Miln 74. —<br />

Makkheti [Caus. of mrk?; Dhtp 538 :<br />

paste, soil, anoint J '111.225, 314; Pug 36; Miln 258;<br />

Vism 344 ; DhA<br />

Caus. II. makkhapeti to cause to be anointed J 1.486 ;<br />

DhA 1.400. — pp. makkhita.<br />

Maga [another form of miga=Sk. mrga, cp. Geiger,<br />

P.Or. 12^] I. animal for hunting, deer, antelope M<br />

1.173 (in simile) ; S 1.199 (id.) ; A 1.70 ; 11.23 ; Th i, 958,<br />

989; Sn 275,<br />

J VI. 206, 371.<br />

763, 880; J V.267. — 2. a stupid person<br />

Magga [cp. Epic Sk. marga. fr. mrg to track, trace] i. a<br />

road (usually high road), way, foot-path Vism<br />

(maggai) agata-pubba-purisa, simile of) ; VbhA<br />

708<br />

256<br />

1.229.<br />

(tiyojana", simile of a man travelling) ; DhA<br />

— addhana" high road Vin iv.62 ; M in. 158 ; see under<br />

addhana ; antara-magge on the road Miln 16; ujuka°<br />

a straight way S 1.33 ; DhA i.iS ; ummagga (a) a conduit<br />

; (b) a devious way : see ummagga, to which add<br />

refs. J V.260 ; Th 2, 94 ; kummagga a wrong path : see<br />

kum°, to which, add S iv.ig5; Th i, 1174. passava"<br />

& vacca° place for defecation & urination Vin in. 12 7,<br />

visama" a bad road S 1.48. — 2. the road of -moral &<br />

good living, the path of righteousness, with ref. to the<br />

moral standard (cp. the 10 commandments) & the way<br />

to salvation. <strong>The</strong> exegetic (edifying) etym. of magga<br />

in this meaning is " nibban' atthikehi maggiyati (traced<br />

by those who are looking for N.), nibbanar] va maggeti,<br />

kilese va marento gacchati ti maggo " (VbhA 114). —<br />

Usually designated (a) the " "<br />

ariya atthangika magga<br />

or the " Noble Eightfold Path " (see atthangika). It is<br />

mentioned at many places, & forms the corner-stone<br />

of the Buddha's teaching as to the means of escaping<br />

" dukkha " or the ills of life. It consists of 8 consiitnenis,<br />

viz. samma-ditthi, samma-sankappa, °vaca,<br />

^kammanta, °ajiva, "vayama, °sati, "samadhi, or right<br />

views, right aspirations, right speech, right conduct,<br />

right livelihood, right effort, right mindfulness, right<br />

rapture. <strong>The</strong> 7 first constituents are at D 11.2 16 &<br />

M III. 71 enum"* as requisites for samma-samadhi. <strong>The</strong><br />

name of this table of ethical injunctions is given as<br />

" maggam uttamag " at Sn IT30, i. e. the Highest<br />

Path. See for ref. e. g. Vin 111.93 ; iv.26 ; D 11.353 :<br />

111.102, 128, 284, 286; It 18; Ndi 292; Nd2 485; Vbh<br />

104 sq. 235 sq., VbhA 1 14 sq. (its constituents in detail),<br />

121, 216; Vism 509 sq. (where the 8 constituents are<br />

discussed). — (b) as ariya magga: M 111.72 ; Pug 17;<br />

DA 1. 176 sq., 225 sq., 233 ; VbhA 373 sq. ; ThA 205. —<br />

(c) as paficangika or the Path of 5 constituents (the<br />

above first 2 and last 3) : Dhs 89 ; Vbh 1 10 sq., 237 sq.<br />

— (d) other expressions of same import :<br />

Miln 21; magga alone; S 1.191 (Bhagava<br />

dhamma°<br />

maggassa<br />

uppadeta etc.) = M 111. 9 = S 111.66 ;<br />

Sn 429, 441, 724 sq..<br />

1 130; Dh 57, 273 sq.. It 106; VbhA 53. 73. As the<br />

first condition & initial stage to the attainment of<br />

Arahantship (Nibbana) it is often found in sequence of<br />

either magga-phala-nirodha (e. g. Vism 217, cp. Ndunder<br />

dukkha II. p. 168). or magga, phala, nibbana<br />

(e. g. Tikp. 155 sq., 158; VbhA 43, 316, 488). — magga<br />

as entrance to Arahantship is the final stage in the<br />

recognition (iiana, parifina, paiiiia) of the truth of the<br />

causal chain, which realises the origin of " ill," the<br />

possibility of its removal & the " way " to the removal.<br />

<strong>The</strong>se stages are described as dukkhe iianar), samudaye<br />

ilanar) nirodhe iianar) and magge iianai) at D 111.227,<br />

Ps 1.118. At the latter passage the foil, chapter (1.49)<br />

gives dukkha-nirodha gamini patipada as identical with<br />

magga. — Note. On the term see C^d. 41 sq.,66sq., 175,<br />

186 ; Dhstrsl^ ^S, 299 sq., 362 sq. ; Expos. 216. 354°. On<br />

passages with atthangika magga & others where magga is<br />

used in similes see Mrs. Rh. D. in J.P.T.S. 1907, pp. 119.<br />

120. — 3. Stage of righteousness, with ref. to the var.<br />

conditions of Arahantship divided into 4 stages, viz.<br />

sotapatti-magga, sakadagami", anagami°, arahatta", or<br />

the stage of entering the stream (of salvation), that of<br />

returning once, that of the never-returner, that of<br />

Arahantship. — At DhA i.iio magga-phala " the fruit<br />

of the Path " (i. e. the attainment of the foundation or<br />

first step of Arahantship) is identical with sotapattiphala<br />

on p. 113 (a) iu general: arahatta" S 1.78; A<br />

—• 111.3Q1 ; DA 1.224. (b) in particular as the 4 paths:<br />

Nd2'6i2 A; Vbh 322 sq., 328, 335; Vism 453, 672-<br />

301. — 4. In the Tikapatthana<br />

678 ; DhA IV. 30 ; VbhA<br />

(under magga-paccaya-niddesa p. 52) 12 constituents<br />

of magga are enum'* ; viz. panna, vitakka, sammavaca,<br />

s-kammanta. s-ajlva, viriya, sati, samadhi,<br />

miccha-ditthi, miccha-vaca, m-kammanta, m-ajiva.<br />

-angani the constituents of the Ariyan Path VbhA<br />

120. -4magga which is the (right) road and which is<br />

not M 1.147; Vism ch. xx ("ssa kovida) = Sn 627;<br />

S iii.igS (id.); DhA iv.169 (id.); A v. 47 ("ssa flanadassana)<br />

; Dh 403. -udaka water found on the road<br />

Vism 338 (simile), -kilanta wearied by the road J<br />

1. 129. -kusala one who is clever as regards the road,<br />

one who knows the road well S 111.108; Nd' 171;<br />

VbhA 332 (in simile) ; KhA 70, 126. -kovida= "kusala<br />

Ndi 446. -kkhayin (should be °akkhayin) one who<br />

33. -jina Conqueror<br />

tells the (right) way M in. 5 ; Nd'<br />

of the paths Sn 84 sq. -jivin who lives in the right<br />

path Sn 88. -jjhayin reflecting over the Path Sn 85.<br />

-fiana knowledge of the Path VbhA 416. -nnu knows<br />

the Path Nd^ 446. -tthana one who stands in the<br />

Path, attains the P. see Cpd. 23, 50. -ttaya the triad<br />

of the paths (i. e. the first 3 of the 4 Paths as given<br />

above under 3) DhA iv.109. -dusin highway robber Sn<br />

84. -desaka one who points out the way, a guide Sn 84 ;<br />

J iv.257 ; as "desika at DhA 11.246. -desin= "desaka<br />

Sn 87. -dhamma the rule of the Path, i. e. righteous<br />

living Sn 763. -dhira wise as regards the Path Nd' 45.<br />

-patipanna— i. one on the road, i. e. wandering, tramp-<br />

ing DhA 1.233. — 2. one who has entered the Path Pv<br />

IV. 3^'. -parissaya danger of the road VvA 200. -bhavana<br />

cultivation of the Path (i. e. righteousness) Nd'<br />

323. -mulha one who has lost the way VvA 332<br />

-vanna praise of the Path DhA 1.115. -vidu one who<br />

knows the Path Nd' 446. -sacca the truth concerning<br />

the Path VbhA 1 14, 124. -sira N. of a month DA 1.24 1.<br />

Maggana (nt.) & maggana (f.) [fr. magg] tracking, search<br />

for, covetousness Vism 29 (syn. for nijigigsanata &<br />

gavetthi) ;<br />

Dhtp 298 (& gavesana).<br />

Maggika [fr. magga] wayfarer, tramp DhA 1.233.

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