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The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary - Tuninst.net

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary - Tuninst.net


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Bhidura 129 Bhukka<br />

Bhidura (adj.) [fr. bhid] fragile, perishable, transitory<br />

Th 2, 35 ( = bhijjana-sabhava ThA 43).<br />

cp. Lat. findo to split, Goth.<br />

Bhindati [bhid, Sk. bhinatti ;<br />

beitan = Ger. beissen. Def. at Dhtp 381, 405 by<br />

" vidarane " i. e. splitting] to split, break, sever, [<br />

(with der. *bhed) &<br />

destroy, ruin. In two bases : *bhid<br />

bhind. — (a) *bhid : aor. 3'" sg. abhida ( = Sk.<br />

abhidat) D 11. 107; J in. 29 (see also under abhida);<br />

abbhida J 1247; 11. 163. 164. — fut. bhecchati (Sk.<br />

bhetsyati) A 1.8. — ger. bhetva (Sk. bhittva) Th i. 753 ;<br />

Sn 62 (v. 1. BB bhitva). — grd. bhejja : only neg.<br />

abhejja (q. v.). See also der. bheda, bhedana. — pp.<br />

bhinna & Pass, bhijjati. — (b) *bhind : pres. bhindati<br />

Nd' 503 ; DhA 1.125 (kathar) bh. to break a promise) ;<br />

Sdhp 47. — ppr. bhindanto Mhvs 5, 185. — Pot.<br />

bhinde Vism 36 (silasar) varan). — fut. bhindissati<br />

Vin II. 198. — aor. bhindi J 1467 (mitta-bhavar)), cS:<br />

abhindi A iv.312 (atta-sambhavai)). — ger. bhinditva<br />

1.425. 490 PvA 12 ; also in phrase indriyani bhinditva<br />

; J<br />

breaking in one's senses, i. e. mastering, controlling<br />

them J 11.274; IV.104. 114, 190. — Caus. I. bhedeti<br />

see vi°. Caus. II. bhindapeti to cause to be broken<br />

J 1.290 (silar)) ; vi.345 (pokkharanir)) and bhedapeti<br />

Vin III. 42. — See also bhindana.<br />

Bhindana (adj.) [fr. bhindati] breaking up, brittle, falling<br />

into ruin S 1.131 (kaya).<br />

Bhindivala [Non-Aryan ; Epic Sk. bhindipala spear, but<br />

cp .Prk bhindi-mala & °vala, Pischel, Prk. Gr. § 248 ;<br />

see also Geiger, P.Qr. § 38] a sort of spear J vi.105, 248 ;<br />

Abhp 394.<br />

Bhinna [pp- of bhindati] I. broken, broken up (lit. & fig.)<br />

Sn 770 (nava) ; J 1.98 (abhinna magga an unbroken<br />

path); III. 167 (uda-kumbha) ; PvA 72 ("sarira-cchavi).<br />

— 2. (fig.) split, fallen into dissension, not agreeing<br />

D III. 1 17 = 2 10, 171. — Usually in cpds., & often to be<br />

translated by prep, "without," e.g. bhinnahirottappa<br />

without shame. — Cp. sam°.<br />

-ajiva without subsistence, one who has little<br />

means to live on, one who leads a poor mode of living<br />

306.<br />

Vism Miln 229 sq. (opp. parisuddh' ajiva) ;<br />

-nava ship-wrecked J iv.159. -pata a torn cloth, in<br />

cpd. "dhara " wearing a patchwork cloth," i. e. a<br />

bhikkhu (see also s. v. bhikkhu) Th i, 1092. -plava<br />

ship-wrecked J in. 158. -manta disobeying (i. e.<br />

breaking) a counsel J vi.437. -sira with a broken<br />

head J<br />

iv.251. -sima (f.) one who has broken the<br />

bounds (of decency) Miln 122. -sila one who has<br />

broken the norm of good conduct Vism 36. -hirottappa<br />

without shame, shameless J 1.207.<br />

Bhinnatta (nt.) [fr. bhinna] state of being broken or<br />

destroyed, destruction A iv.144.<br />

Bhiyyo (Bhiyo, Bhlyyo) [Vedic bhuyas, compar. form fr.<br />

P.<br />

bhn, functioning as compar. to bhuri. On relation Sk.<br />

P. jigucchati]<br />

bhuyah :<br />

bhiyyo cp. Sk. jugupsate :<br />

I. (adj.) more Sn 61 (dukkham ettha bhiyyo), 584 (id),<br />

306 (bh. tanha pavaddhatha) ; Dh 313 (bh. rajan<br />

akirate), 349 (bh. tanha pavaddhati). — 2. (adv.) in a<br />

higher degree, more, repeatedly, further S 1.108 (appar)<br />

(bh. cittar) pasidati)<br />

va bhiyo less or more) ; Sn 434<br />

Dh 18 (bh. nandati=ativiya n. C.) ; Miln 40. — See<br />

also bhiyyoso, yebhuyyena.<br />

-kamyata desire for more, greed Vin 11.214. -bhava<br />

getting more, increase, multiplication D in. 221; Vin<br />

III. 45 ; S v. 9, 198, 244 ; A i.gS ; v. 70 ; VbhA 289.<br />

Bhiyyoso (adv.) [abl. formation fr. bhiyyo i] still more,<br />

more and more, only in cpd. °mattaya [cp. BSk. bhuyasya<br />

raatraya MVastu 11.345 ; Divy 263 & passim]<br />

exceedingly, abundantly A i.i24=Pug 30 (expl* at<br />

PugA 212 by " bhiyyoso-mattaya uddhumayana-bhavo<br />

datthabbo"); J 1.61 ; PvA 50.<br />

Bhisa (nt.) [cp. Vedic bisa, with bh for b: see Geiger,<br />

P.Gr. § 40 I a] the sprout (fr. the root) of a lotus,<br />

the lotus fibres, lotus plant S 1.204; 11.268; J i.ico;<br />

IV.308 ;<br />

-puppha the lotus flower Sn 2 ( = paduma-puppha<br />

SnA 16). -mujala fibres & stalk of the lotus J v 39 ;<br />

Vism 361.<br />

Bhisakka [cp. Vedic bhisaj physician, P. bhesajja medicine<br />

& see Geiger, P.Gr. § 63'] a physician M 1.429 ; A in. 238 ;<br />

IV. 340 ; It 10 1 ; Miln 169, 215, 229, 247 sq., 302 ; Vism<br />

598 (in simile) ; DA 1.67, 255.<br />

Bhisi' (f.) [cp. Epic Sk. brsi & brsi, with bh for b, as in<br />

Prk. bhisi, cp. Pischel, Prk. Gr. § 209] a bolster, cushion,<br />

11.150,<br />

pad, roll Vin 1.287 sq. (civara° a robe rolled up) ;<br />

170; III. 90 ; IV. 279. Five kinds are allowed in a<br />

Vihara, viz. unna-bhisi, cola", vaka°, tinu°, panna°, i. e.<br />

bolsters stuffed with wool, cotton-cloth, bark, grass,<br />

or talipot leaves, Vin 11.150= VbhA 365 (tina°).<br />

-bimbohana bolster<br />

1. 416 ;<br />

& pillow Vin 1.47; n.208 ;<br />

VbhA 365.<br />

DhA<br />

Bhisi' [etym. ?] a raft Sn 21. — Andersen, <strong>Pali</strong> Reader.<br />

Glossary s. v. identifies it with bhisi' and asks : " Could<br />

it also mean a sort of cushion, made of twisted grass,<br />

used instead of a swimming girdle ?"<br />

Bhisika (f) [fr. bhisi'] a small bolster Vin 11. 148 (vatapana°<br />

a roll to keep out draughts) ; KhA 50 (tapasa",<br />

v. 1. K'' kapala-bhitti, see Appendix to Indexes on Sutta<br />

Nipata & Pj.).<br />

Bhisma (f) [ = bhir)sa] terror, fright D 11. 261 (°kaya adj.<br />

terrific).<br />

Bhita [pp. of bhayati] frightened, terrified, afraid Dh 310 ;<br />

1. 168 (niraya-bhaya") ; n.iio (marana-bhaya"), 129;<br />

J<br />

IV. 141 (-l-tasita); PvA 154, 280 (-|-tasita). Cp. sam°.<br />

Bhibbaccha see bibhaccha.<br />

Bhima (adj.) [fr. bhi, cp. Vedic bhima] dreadfuj, horrible,<br />

cruel, awful J iv.26 ; Miln 275.<br />

-kaya of horrible body, terrific J v. 165. -rupa of<br />

terrifying appearance Th 2, 353. -sena having a<br />

terrifying army J iv.26 ; vi.201. Also Np. of one of<br />

the 5 sons of King Pandu J v. 426 ; Vism 233.<br />

Bhimala (adj.) [fr. bhima] terrifying, horrible, awful<br />

J V.43 (T. bhimula, but read bhimala; C. expl* by<br />

bhii)sanaka-mahasadda)<br />

Bhirati Pass, to bharati, only in cpd. ppr. anubhiramana<br />

M III. 123 (chatta : being brought up or : carried behind).<br />

Neumann, M. trsl.' in. 248 translates "fiber ihm<br />

schwebt," & proposes reading (on p. 563) anu-hiramana<br />

(fr. hf). This reading is to be preferred, & is also<br />

found at D n.15.<br />

Bhirn (adj. n.) [fr. bhi; cp. Vedic bhiru] i. fearful, i. e.<br />

having fear, timid, afraid, shy, cowardly Sdhp 207<br />

(dukkha°) ;<br />

usually in neg. abhini not afraid, without<br />

fear, comb"" with anutrasin : see utrasin. — 2. fearful,<br />

i. e. causing fear, awful, dreadful, terrible Pv 11.4'<br />

("dassana terrible to look at). — 3. (m.) fear, cowardice<br />

Sn 437 ( = utrasa SnA 390).<br />

-ttana refuge for the fearful, adj. one who protects,<br />

those who are in fear A n. 1 74 ; It 25 ; Sdhp 300.<br />

Bhlroka (adj.) [fr. bhiru] afraid, shy, cowardly, shunning<br />

(-°) Vism 7 (papa°), 645 (jivitu-kama bniruka-purisa).<br />

Bhisana (adj.) =bhir)sana (q. v.) Pv IV.3' (v. 1. in PvA<br />

251), expl'' by bhayajanana PvA 251, where C. reading<br />

also bhisana.<br />

Bhokka (adj.) [fr. onomat. root *bhakk, dialectical, cp.<br />

Prk. bhukkai to bark, bhukkiya barking, bbukkana

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