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The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary - Tuninst.net

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary - Tuninst.net


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Bhatuka 126 Bhava<br />

bhatika: J 1.253 (jetthaka°) ; vi.32 ; DhA 1.14 (°thera<br />

my <strong>The</strong>ra-brother or br.-thera), loi, 245; PvA 75.<br />

(b) bhatiya : Vism 292 (dve "thera two Th. brothers).<br />

— Cp. bhatuka.<br />

Bhataka [ = bhatika, fr. Sk. bhratrka] brother, usually<br />

-°. viz. pati° brother-in-law, husband's brother J vi.152 ;<br />

; sa° with the brother<br />

putta" son & brother DhA 1.3 14<br />

Th.\ 71 (Ap. V.36).<br />

Bhana (adj.) [cp. Vedic bhanu (m.) shine, light, ray<br />

Epic Sk. also " sun "] light, bright red J 111.62 (of the<br />

kanavera flower); VvA 175 (°rai)si).<br />

Bhanumant (adj.) [(r. bhanu, ray of light Vedic bhanumant.<br />

Ep. of Agni ; also Epic Sk. the sun] luminous,<br />

brilliant; mostly of the sun; noni. bhanuma S 1.196 =<br />

Th I, 1252 ; Vv 64", 78' (=adicca \'vA 304); J 1.183.<br />

ace. bhanumar) Sn 1016. — <strong>The</strong> spelling is sometimes<br />

bhanuma.<br />

Bhayati [cp. Sk. bhayate, bhi, pres. redupl. bibheti ; Idg.<br />

*bhei, cp. Av. bayente they frighten ; Lith. bijotis to<br />

be afraid ; Ohg. biben=Ger. bebcn. Nearest synonym<br />

is tras] to be afraid. Pres, Ind. !'' sg. bhayami Th i,<br />

21 ; Sn p. 48; 2'"' sg. bhayasi Th 2, 348; i>' pi. bhayama<br />

J 11. 21 3"' pi. ; bhayanto Dh 129 ; Imper. 2'"' pi.<br />

bhayatha Ud 51 ; J 111.4 ; Pot. 3"* sg. bhaye Sn 964 &<br />

bhayeyya Miln 208 ; 3"" pi. bhayejryug Miln 208. —<br />

Aor. i>' sg. bhayii) DhA 1 11. 187; 2""' sg. bhayi Th i.<br />

764; DhA 111.187; ^ usually in Prohib. ma bhayi do<br />

not be afraid S v.369 ; J 1.222; DhA 1.253. — grd.<br />

bhayitabba Nd^ s.v. kamaguna B; DhA 111.23.<br />

Caus. 1. bhayayate to frighten J in. 99 (C. : utraseti)<br />

Caus. II. bhayapeti J 111.99, -'" — PP- bhita.<br />

Bhayitabbaka (adj.) [grd. of bhayati -t- ka] to be feared,<br />

dreadful, fearful, Sdhp 95.<br />

anything<br />

VvA<br />

Bhara [fr. bhr, Vedic bhara ; cp. bhara] i .<br />

carry, a load Vin 111.278 (Bdhgh ;<br />

bharat) vahati to carry a load A 1.84 ;<br />

to<br />

daru° a load of wood),<br />

23. —garu°<br />

a heavy load, as " adj." " carrying a heavy load "<br />

J V.439 (of a woman, = pregnant). —bharatara (adj.-<br />

compar.) forming a heavier load Miln 155. — Cp. ati°,<br />

sam". — 2. a load, cartload (as measure of quantity)<br />

Vv.A. 12 (satthi-sakata°-parimana) ; PvA 102 (aneka"parimana).<br />

— 3. (fig.) a difficult thing, a burden or duty,<br />

i. e. a charge, business, office, task, affair Vism. 375;<br />

J 1.292; 11. 399 ; IV. 427; VI. 4 13; DhA 1.6, III. Several<br />

bhara or great tasks are mentioned exemplifying the<br />

meaning of " gambhira " ct " duddasa " (saccani) at<br />

VbfiA 141, viz. maha-samuddar) manthetva ojaya<br />

niharanai) ; Sineru-padato valikaya uddharanar) ; pabbatar)<br />

pi|etva rasassa niharanar). — 4. (fig.) in metaphors<br />

for the burden of (the factors of renewed) existence<br />

(the khandhas and similar agents). Esp. in phrase<br />

panna-bhara " one whose load (or burden) has been<br />

laid down." one who has attained Arahantship M 1. 139 ;<br />

A III. 84 ; S 1.233; Dh 402 ( = ohita-khandha-bhara<br />

DhA 1V.168); Sn 626 (same expl" at SnA 467), 914<br />

(expl"' as patita-bhara, oropita", nikkhitta" Nd^ 334,<br />

where 3 bharas in this sense are distinguished, viz.<br />

khandha", kilesa", abhisankhara") ; Th i, 1021. So at<br />

Vism 512 with ref. to the ariya-saccani, viz. bharo =<br />

dukkha-saccar), bhar' adanar) =samuda-saccar). bharanikkhepanai)<br />

= nirodha-s., bhara-nikkhcpan'upaya =<br />

magga-s. — On bhara in similes see J.P.T.S. 1907, 118.<br />

-adana the taking up of a burden S 111.25.<br />

-(m)oropana " laying down the load," i. e. delivery of a<br />

pregnant woman Bu 11. 115. -ttha contained in a load,<br />

carried as a burden Vin 111.47. -nikkhepana the laying<br />

down or taking off of a burden S 111.25. -mocana<br />

delivery (of a pregnant woman) J 1.19. -vahin " burdenbearer,"<br />

one who carries an office or has a responsibility<br />

A IV.24 (said of a bhikkhu). -hara load-carrier, burdenbearer<br />

S III. 25 sq.<br />

Bharaka (-°) [fr. bhara] a load, only in cpd. gadrabha° a<br />

donkey-load (of goods) J 11. 109; DhA 1.123.<br />

Bharataka [ir. bhara] " the petty descendants of Bharata "<br />

or : load-carrier, porter (?) S iv. 1 1 7 (indignantly applied<br />

to apprentices and other low class young men who<br />

honour the Maha-Kaccana).<br />

Bharika (adj.) [fr. bhara] i. loaded, heavy J v.84, 477;<br />

Miln 261. — 2. full of, loaded down with (-") VvA 314<br />

(sineha° hadaya). — 3. grievous, serious, sorrowful<br />

PvA 82 (hadaya). — 4. important Miln 240, 311. — See<br />

bhariya.<br />

Bharin (adj.) [fr. bhr, cp. bhara] carrying, wearing, only in<br />

cpd. inala° (mala^). wearing a garland (of flowers)<br />

J IV. 60, 82 ; v. 45 ; where it interchanges with "dharin<br />

(e. g. Vv.32^; V. 1. at PvA 211; cp. BSk. "dharin<br />

MVastu 1. 124). — f. "bharini J in. 530 ; VvA 12; and<br />

"bhari Th i, 459 (as v. 1. ; T. "dhari). See also under<br />

mala.<br />

Bhariya (adj.) [fr. bhilra Vedic bharya to be nourished or<br />

supported ; bharya wife] i . heavy, weighty, grave,<br />

serious ; always fig. with ref. to a serious offence, either<br />

as bhariyar) papag a terrible sin PvA 195, or bh.<br />

kammag a grave deed, a sin DhA 1.298, 329 ; 11.56 ;<br />

III. 1 20 ; VvA 68 ; or bhariyai) alone (as nt.), something<br />

grave, a sin DhA 1.O4. Similarly with ati" as atibhariyar)<br />

kammai) a very grave deed DhA 1.70, or atibhariyai)<br />

id. Dh.\ 1.18O. — 2. bhariya (=bharika. f. of<br />

bharaka) carrying, fetching, bringing J vi.563 (phala°).<br />

Bharukacchaka see bharu".<br />

Bhava [fr. bhu, cp. Vedic bhava] i . being, becoming,<br />

condition, nature ; very rarely by itself (only in later<br />

& C. literature, as e. g. J 1.295 thinai) bhavo, perhaps<br />

best to be translated as " women's character," taking<br />

bhava = attabhava) ;<br />

usually -°, denoting state or con-<br />

dition of, and representing an abstr. der. from the first<br />

part of the cpd. e. g. gadrabha^ ' asininity '<br />

J 11. 109.<br />

Thus in connection with (a) adjectives : atthika" state of<br />

need PvA 1 20 ; iina° depletion SnA 463 ; eki" loneliness<br />

Vism 34 ; sithilf (for sithila" in conn, with kr &<br />

bhu) relaxation Vism 502. — (b) adverbs. upari° high<br />

condition M 1.45 ; patu° appearance Sn 560 ; vina°<br />

difference Sn 588. (c) nouns & noun-derivations : atta"<br />

individual state, life, character Sn 388 ( = cittaSnA374)<br />

asarana" state of not remembering DhA in. 121 ;sainana°<br />

condition of a recluse Sn 551. — (d) forms of verbs:<br />

nibbatta" fact of being reborn DhA in. 121; magg'<br />

arujha" the condition of having started on one's way<br />

VvA 64 ; baddha° that he was bound ; suhita" that<br />

they were well J iv.2 7g. <strong>The</strong> translation can give<br />

either a full sentence with " that it was " etc. (\'vA 64 :<br />

" that he had started on his way"), or a phrase like<br />

" the fact or state of," or use as an <strong>English</strong> abstract<br />

noun ending in -ness (atthika-bhava needfulness, eki°<br />

loneliness), -ion (una° depiction. patu° manifestation).<br />

-hood (atta° selfhood), or -ship (s^mana° recluseship). —<br />

Similarly in Com. style: sampayutta-bhavo (m.) DhA<br />

111.94, ^°^ *sampayuttattar) (abstr.) ; bhakutikassa<br />

bhavo =bhakutiyar) Vism 26; sovacassassa bhavo =<br />

sovacassata Kh.\ 148 ; mittassa bh. = mattar) KhA 248.<br />

Here sometimes bhava for bhava. — 2. (in pregnant,<br />

specifically Burfrf/i/s/if sense) cultivation or production<br />

by thought, mental condition, esp. a set mental condition<br />

(see der. bhavana). Sometimes (restricted to Vin &<br />

J) in sense " thinking of someone." i. e. affection, love,<br />

sentiment. — (a) in comb° khanti, ditthi, ruci, bhava<br />

at Vin n.205 ; in. 93 ; 1V.3, 4. — (b) in Jataka passages:<br />

J v. 237; VI. 293 (bhavai) karoti, with loc, to love).<br />

—abhava (late, only in C. style) not being, absence,<br />

want Pv.\ 25 ; abl. abhavato through not being, in want<br />

of PvA 9, 17. —sabhava (sva+ bhava) see sep.

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