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The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary - Tuninst.net

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary - Tuninst.net


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Bhagavant 125 Bhatika<br />

(according to each one's share; cp. Th i, 1242); M<br />

III. 183; Vv 7-; Miln 330, 415 (aneka° hundredfold or<br />

more), bhagaso mita (of cities or dwelling-places etc.)<br />

evenly planned, well laid out, i. e. in squares Sn 300. 305<br />

(nivesanani suvibhattani bhagaso) ; J v. 266 (cp. C. on<br />

p. J72)=Nd2 ,04 >: Pv 1. 10" ( = bhagato mita PvA<br />

52). —bhagabhatta apportioned food, ration DhA<br />

1. 134. — Cp. dobbhagga " disproportionateness." i. e.<br />

bad luck. — 2. apportioned share (of money), fee,<br />

remuneration, always in term acariya" (acariyassa) the<br />

teacher's fee (usually consisting in i.cco kahapanas)<br />

J 1.273: V.457; VI. 1 78; Miln 10; DhA 1.253. — 3- division<br />

of space, quarter, side, place, region : disa° quarter<br />

para^ outside part KhA 206<br />

of the compass Vin 11.217 :<br />

= PvA 24 (kuddanar) parabhaga = tiro-kudda) ; pacchabhagat)<br />

(ace. adv.) at the back part, behind PvA 114.<br />

— fig. way, respect, in ubhato-bhaga-vimutta " free in<br />

both ways" D n.71 ; M 1.477 (^^^ ^Dia/ 11.70; i. e. free<br />

both by insight and by the intellectual disciphne of the<br />

8 stages of Deliverance, the attha vimokkha). — 4. division<br />

of time, time, always -°, e. g. pubba° the past,<br />

apara° the future PvA 133 ; obi. cases adverbially ; tena<br />

divasa-bhagena (-l-ratti bhagena) at that day (& that<br />

very night) Miln 18 ; apara-bhage (loc.) in future<br />

J<br />

1.34 ;<br />

PvA<br />

116.<br />

Bhaguvant (adj.) [fr. bhaga, equal to bhagin] sharing in,<br />

partaking of (gen.) Dh 19, 20 (samaiiiiassa).<br />

Bhagin (adj.) [fr. bhaga<br />

partaking of (with gen.)<br />

A 11.80 ; III. 42 (ayussa<br />

Miln 18 (samaniiassa)<br />

VbhA 418 sq. (panna<br />

& nibbedha"). — Also<br />

l42=Nd2 466=Vism<br />

(dukkhassa) ; PvA<br />

bhagavant, bhagimant, ,<br />

Cp. Vedic bhagin] sharing in,<br />

getting, receiving<br />

, endowed with ;<br />

vannassa etc.) ; J 1.87 (rasanar)) ;<br />

Vism 150 (labhassa) ; DliA 11.91) ;<br />

as hana-bhagini, thiti", visesa°<br />

in def. of terra Bhagava at Nd'<br />

210. — pi. bhagino Pv mi '2<br />

iii.i'<br />

18 (danaphalassa), 175. -Cp.<br />

bhagiya.<br />

Bhagineyya [fr. bhagini, Cp. Epic Sk. bhagineya] sister's<br />

son, nephew Sn 695; J 1.207; II-237; DhA 1.14; PvA<br />

215-<br />

Bhagimant (adj.) [a double adj. formation bhagin -(mant]<br />

partaking in, sharing, possessing (with<br />

Th 2, 204 (dukkhassa) ; ThA 171 (=bhagin).<br />

gen.)<br />

Bhagiya (adj.) (-") [fr. bhaga, cp. bhagin] connected with,<br />

conducive to, procuring ; in foil, philos. terms : kusala"<br />

A l.ii; hana°, visesa" D 111.274 sq. ; hana°, thiti°,<br />

visesa°, nibbedha" ^'ism 15 (in verse), 88 = Ps 1.35.<br />

Cp. BSk. moksa bhagiya, nirvedha" Divy 50 ; moksa"<br />

ibid. 363.<br />

Bhagya (nt.) [cp. Epic & Class. Sk. bhagya ; fr. bhaga,<br />

see also contracted form bhagga^ good luck, fortune<br />

J v.484.<br />

Bhagyavant (adj.) [same as bhaggavant, only differentiated<br />

as being the Sk. form and thus distinguished as<br />

Sep. word by Con^^ men Lators] having good luck, auspicious,<br />

fortunate, in def. of term " Bhagava " at<br />

DA i.34=Vism 210; also at VvA 231, where the<br />

abstr. bhagyavantata is formed as expl" of the term.<br />

bhagyavata (f.) at Vism 211.<br />

Bhajaka (adj.) (-°) [fr. bhajeti] distributing, one who<br />

distributes or one charged with the office of distributing<br />

clothes, food etc. among the Bhikkhus Vin 1.285<br />

(civara") ; A 111.275 (civara", phala", khajjaka").<br />

Bhaiana^ (nt.) [cp. Epic Sk. bhajana, fr. bhaj] a bowl,<br />

vessel, dish, usually earthenware, but also of other<br />

metal, e. g. gold (suvanna") DA 1.295 ' copper (tamba")<br />

DhA 1.395; bronze (kar)sa°) Vism 142 (in simile).<br />

Vin 1.46; Sn 577 (pi. mattika-bhajana) ; J 11.272<br />

(bhikkha°); in.366 (id.), 471; v 293 (bhatta°) ; Miln<br />

I the<br />

! III.<br />

107; VvA 40. 292 (v. 1. bhojana) :<br />

PvA<br />

104. 145, 251 ;<br />

Sdhp 571.<br />

-vikati a special bowl J v. 292 (so read for T. bhojana")<br />

Vism 376.<br />

Bhajana' (nt.) [fr. bhaj] division, dividing up, in pada"<br />

dividing of words, treating of words separately DhsA<br />

343 ; similarly bhajaniyar) that which should be classed<br />

or divided DhsA 2. also in pada° division of a phrase<br />

DhsA 54.<br />

Bhajita [pp. of bhajeti] divided, distributed ;<br />

nt. that which<br />

has been dealt out or allotted,<br />

A 111.275.<br />

in cpd. bhajit-4bhajita<br />

Bhajeti [Caus. of bhajati, but to be taken as root by<br />

itself; cp. Dhtm 777 bhaja -puthakkare] to divide, distribute,<br />

deal out Vin iv.223 (ppr. bhajiyamana) ; J<br />

1.265 ; DhsA 4 (fut. bhajessati) grd. bhajetabba Vin<br />

1.285. — pp. bhajita.<br />

Bhapa [fr. bhanati] reciting or preaching, in pada° reciting<br />

verses of the Scriptures DhA 11.95 {''' '• patibhana)<br />

345 ; 1V.18.<br />

-vara a section of the Scriptures, divided into such<br />

for purposes of recitation, " a recital " Vin 1.14 ; 11.247 '<br />

DA 13 ; MA 2 (concerning the Bh. of Majjhima Nikaya) ;<br />

SnA 2 (of Sutta Nipata), 608 (id.) ; DhsA 6 (of<br />

Dhammasangani. cp. Expos. 8 n. 3), and frequently<br />

in other Commentaries & Expositionary Works.<br />

Bhanaka' (adj.-n.) [fr. bhanati] speaking: (n.) a reciter,<br />

repeater, preacher (of sections of the Scriptures), like<br />

Anguttara° Vism 74 sq. ; Digha" D.\ 1.15, 131 ; J 1.59;<br />

Vism 36, 266; Jataka" etc. Miln 341 sq. ; Majjhima"<br />

Vism 95 (Revatthera), 275, 286, 431 ; Sagyutta^<br />

\ism<br />

313 (Cuja-Sivatthera). Unspecified at SnA 70 (Kalya-<br />

reading doubt-<br />

naviharavasi-bhanaka-dahara-bhikkhu ;<br />

ful). — f. bhanika \'in 1V.2S5 (Thullananda baliussuta<br />

bhanika) ; also in cpd. maiiju-bhanika sweet-voiced,<br />

uttering sweet words J vi.422.<br />

Bhavaka^ [cp. Sk. bhandaka a small box :<br />

163 ; &<br />

111.90.<br />

Kathasarits. 24,<br />

seeMuller, P.Gr. p. 48] a jar Vin 11.170 (loha°)<br />

Bhanin (adj.) (-") [fr. bhanati] speaking, reciting Sn 850<br />

(manta° a reciter of the Mantras, one who knows the<br />

M. and speaks accordingly, i. e. speaking wisely, expH<br />

by SnA 549 as " mantaya pariggahetva vacar) bha-<br />

sita ") ; Dh<br />

363 (id. ; expl* as " manta vuccati panna,<br />

taya pana bhanana-silo " DhA iv.93). —ativela"<br />

speaking for an excessively long time, talking in excess<br />

IV.247. 248.<br />

J<br />

Bhajeti Caus. of bhanati (q. v.) with 3'' praet. bhani<br />

& pot. bhanaye.<br />

Bhatar [cp. Vedic bhratar = .\v. bratar, Gr. ippuTujp, Lat.<br />

frater, Goth. brojiarsOhg. bruoder, E. brother]<br />

brother, nom. sg. bhata Sn 296; J 1.307; PvA 54, 64;<br />

gen. sg. bhatuno ThA 71 (Ap. v. 36), & bhatussa Mhvs<br />

8, 9; instr. bhatara J 1.308; ace. bhatarag Sn 125;<br />

J 1.307; loc. bhatari J in. 5''. — nom. pi. bhataro 1.307, & bhatuno Th 2, 408 ; i>-c. bhate Dpvs vi.21.<br />

J<br />

In cpds. both bhati" ( : bhatisadisa like a brother J<br />

v. 263), and bhatu" : ( bhatu-jaya brother's wife, sisterin-law<br />

J<br />

v. 288 ; Vism 95). Cp. bhatika & bhatuka.<br />

On pop. etym. see bhagini.<br />

Bhati jbha Dhtp 367, Dhtm 594: dittiyag ; Idg. *bhe,<br />

cp. Sk. bhah nt. splendour, radiance, bhasati to shine<br />

forth ; Gr. ipdos light, ^iii'i'ui to show etc. ; Ags. bonian<br />

to polish =Ger. bohnen ; also Sk. bhala shine, splendour,<br />

-Ags. bael funeral pile] to shine (forth), to appear<br />

D 11.205; Vv 35"; J 11.313. — pp. bhata: see vi".<br />

Bhatika (& Bhatiya) [fr. bhatar. cp. Class. Sk. bhratfka]<br />

" brother " — (a)<br />

lit. brotherly, i. e. a brother, often °- :

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