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The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary - Tuninst.net


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Brahma ii6 Brahma<br />

II. Brahma [cp. Vedic brahman, m., one who prays or<br />

chants hymns, nom. sg. Brahma] i. the god Brahma<br />

chief of the gods, often represented as the creator of<br />

the Universe (vasavatti issaro katta nimmata) D 1.18;<br />

III. 30, also called Mahabrahma (D 1.235 sq., 244 sq. ;<br />

578; DhA 11.60); and Sahampati<br />

III. 30 ; It 15 ; Vism<br />

(Vin 1.5 ; D u.157 ; S 1.136 sq. ; Vism 201 ; KhA 171 ;<br />

SnA 56) and Sanagkumara (D 11.226 ; in. 97). <strong>The</strong><br />

duration of his life is given as being i kalpa (see Kvu<br />

207, 208). — nom. Brahma Vin 1.5 ; D 11.46 ; J vi.486 ;<br />

Miln 224 ; Vism 2 (brahmanar) atibrahma, Ep. of<br />

Buddha Bhagava) ; SnA 229 (B. mahanubhavo) gen.<br />

;<br />

abl. Brahmano D 11.209; Vism 205; SnA 177; instr.<br />

Brahmana D 1.252 ; 11.239 ; Dh 105, 230 ; Vism 48, 405 ;<br />

DhA 11.60; ace. Brahmanar) D 11.37; voc. Brahme<br />

S 1. 138. — 2. a brahma god, a happy & blameless<br />

celestial being, an inhabitant of the higher heavens<br />

(brahma-loka ; in which to be reborn is a reward of<br />

great merit); nom. sq. brahma S 1.142 (Baka br.) ;<br />

M 1.327 (id.); A IV. 83 ; PvA 138 ("devata for brahma° ?) ;<br />

gen. abl. brahmuno S 1.142, 155; instr. brahmuna<br />

D III. 147, 150 & brahmana PvA 98; voc. sq. brahme<br />

M 1.328. pi. nom. brahmano Miln 13, 18 (where J<br />

VI.486 has Maha-brahma in id. p.) ; DhsA 195 gen.<br />

;<br />

brahmanar) Vism 2 ; Mhbv 151. —paccekabrahma a<br />

br. by himself S 1.<br />

1 49 (of the name of Tudu ; cp. paccekabuddha).<br />

—sabrahmaka (adj.) including the brahma<br />

gods D 1.62 ; A 11.70 ; Vin i.ii ; DA 1. 174.<br />

III. brahma (adj.-n.) [cp. brahma II. 2 ; Vedic<br />

brahma" & Sk. brahma] i. holy, pious, brahmanic<br />

(m.) a holy person, a brahmin — (adj. J J 11.14 (br.<br />

vanna=settha vanna C.) ; KhA 151 (brahma-cariyag =<br />

brahmar) cariyag). — (m.) ace. brahmag Sn 285 ; voc.<br />

brahme (frequent) Sn 1065 (=brahma ti setthavacanag<br />

SnA 592); J 11.346; iv.288 ; vi.524, 532;<br />

Pv 1. 1 2' ( = brahmana PvA 66). — 2. divine, as incorporating<br />

the highest & best qualities, sublime, ideal,<br />

best, very great (see esp. in cpds.), A 1.132 (brahma ti<br />

matapitaro etc.), 182 ; iv.76. — 3. holy, sacred, divinely<br />

inspired (of the rites, charms, hymns etc.) D 1.96<br />

(brahme mante adhiyitva) ; Pv 11. 6'^ (mantag brahmacintitag)<br />

=brahmananag atthaya brahmana cintitag)<br />

PvA 97, 98). — Mole. <strong>The</strong> comp° form of all specified<br />

bases (I. II. III.) is brahma", and with regard to<br />

meaning it is often not to be decided to which of the<br />

3 categories the cpd. in question belongs.<br />

-attabhava existence as a brahma god DhA 111.210.<br />

-ujjugatta having the most divinely straight limbs (one<br />

of the 32 marks of a Great Man) D 11. 18 ; in. 144, 155.<br />

-uttama sublime DhsA 192. -uppatti birth in the<br />

brahma heaven S 1.143. -Oposatha the highest religious<br />

observance with meditation on the Buddha &<br />

practice of the uposatha abstinence A 1.207. -kappa<br />

like Brahmi Th i, 909. -kaya divine body D 111.84 ;<br />

J 1.95. -kayika belonging to the company of Brahma,<br />

N of a high order of Devas in the retinue of Br.<br />

(cp. Kirfel, Kosmographie pp. 191, 193, 197) D 1.220;<br />

11.69 ; A III. 287, 314 ; IV. 40, 76, 240, 401 ; Th i, 1082 ;<br />

Vism 225, 559 ; KhA<br />

86. -kutta a work of Brahma<br />

D in. 28, 30 (cp. similarly yag mama, pitra krtag devakrtag<br />

na tu brahmakrtag tat Divy 22). See also under<br />

kutta. -giriya (pi.) name of a certain class of beings,<br />

possibly those seated on Brahmagiri (or is it a certain<br />

class of performers, actors or dancers?) Miln 191.<br />

-ghata (=ghata2) company or assembly of Brahmans<br />

J VI. 99. -cakka the excellent wheel, i. e. the doctrine<br />

of the Buddha M 1.69 ; A 11.9, 24 ; in. 417 ; v. 33 ; It 123 ;<br />

Ps 11.174; VbhA 399 (in detail); -cariya see separate<br />

article, -carin leading a holy or pure Ufa, chaste, pious<br />

Vin n.236; in. 44; S 1.5, 60; 11. 210; in. 13; iv.93, A<br />

n.44; M ni.117; Sn 695, 973; J V.107, 382; Vv 34"<br />

(ace. pi. brahmaearaye for °earino) ; Dh 142 ; Miln 75 ;<br />

DA 1.72 (brahmag setthag acarag carati ti br. c.) ;<br />

DhA III. 83 ; a° S iv. 181 ; Pug<br />

inspired Pvi 1.6^3 = Vv 63i« (of manta) ;<br />

27, 36. -cintita divinelv<br />

expl"at PvA 97,<br />

as given above III. 3, differs from that at VvA 265,<br />

where it runs : brahmehi Atthak' adihi cintitag pafiiia-<br />

cakkhuna ditthag, i. e. thought out by the divine (seer)<br />

Atthaka and the others (viz. composers of the Vedic<br />

hymns : v. s. brahmana', seen with insight). — ja<br />

sprung from Brahma (said of the Brahmanas) D 111.81,<br />

83; M II. 148. Cp. dhammaja. -jacca belonging to a<br />

brahman family Th i, 689. -jala divine, excellent <strong>net</strong>,<br />

N. of a Suttanta (D No. i) Vism 30 ; VbhA<br />

432, 516 ;<br />

KhA 12, 36,97; SnA 362, 434. -danda "the highest<br />

penalty," a kind of severe punishment (temporary death-<br />

sentence ?) Vin 11.290 ; D 11. 154 ; DhA 11. 112 ; cp. Kern,<br />

Manual p. 87. -dayada kinsman or heir of Brahma D<br />

in. 81, 83. -dejrya a most excellent gift, a royal gift, a<br />

gift given with full powers (said of land granted by the<br />

King) D 1.87 (=settha-deyyag DA 1.246 ; cp. Dta/. 1. 108<br />

note : the<br />

first part of the cpd. (brahma) has always<br />

been interpreted by Brahmans as referring to themselves.<br />

But brahma as the first part of a cpd. never<br />

and the word in our passage<br />

has that meaning in <strong>Pali</strong> ;<br />

means literally "a full gift." — Cp. id. p. Divy 62'c),<br />

where it does not need to mean " gift to brahmans," as<br />

Index suggests); D 1. 114; J ii.i66=DhA ni.125 (here<br />

a gift to a br., it is true, but not with that meaning) ;<br />

123. We tnink that<br />

J<br />

VI. 486 (sudinnag -I- ) ; Mhbv<br />

both Kern (who at Toev. s. v. unjustly remarks of<br />

Bdhgh's expl" as " unjust ") and Pick (who at " Sociale<br />

Glieaeyung " p. 126 trsl' it as " gift to a Brahman ") are<br />

wrong, at<br />

doubtful,<br />

least their (and others') interpretation is<br />

-devata a deity of the Brahmaloka PvA 138<br />

(so read for brahma"). -nimantanika " addressing an<br />

invitation to a brahma-god," title of a Suttanta M<br />

1.326 sq.. quoted at Vism 393. -nimmita created by<br />

Brahma D 111.81, 83. -patta arrived at the highest<br />

state, above the devas, a state like the Br. gods M 1.386 ;<br />

A n. 1 84. -patti attainment of the highest good S 1. 169,<br />

i8t ; IV. 1 18. -patha the way to the Br. world or the<br />

way to the highest good S 1.141 ; A in. 346 ; Th i, 689.<br />

Cp. Geiger, Dhamma 77. -parayana devoted to<br />

Brahma Miln 234. -parisa an assembly of the Brahma<br />

gods D 111.260 ; M 1.330 ; S 1.155 ; A iv.307. -parisajja<br />

belonging to the retinue of Br., N. of the gods of the<br />

lowest Rupa-brahmaloka S 1.145, 155; M 1.330; Kvu<br />

207; cp. Kirfel, Kosmographie 191, 194. -purohita<br />

°deva gods in-<br />

minister or priest to Mahabrahma ;<br />

habiting the next heaven above the Br.-parisajja deva<br />

(cp. Kirfel loc. cit.) Kvu 207 (read "purohita for "parohita<br />

!). -pphotana [a-pphotana ; a-t-ph.] a Brahmaapplause,<br />

divine or greatest applause DhA 111.2 10 (cp.<br />

Miln 13 ; J vi.486). -bandhu " brahma-kinsman," a<br />

brahmana in descent, or by name ; but in reality an<br />

unworthy brahman, Th 2, 251; T vi.532 ; ThA 206:<br />

cp. Pick, Sociale Gliederung -p. 140. -bhakkha ideal or<br />

divine food S 1.141. -bhatta a worshipper of Br.<br />

J 'V.377 sq. -bhavana Br. -world or abode of Br. Nd'<br />

448. -bhuta divine'being, most excellent being, said of<br />

the Buddha D in.84 ; M i.iii; 111.195, 224; S iv.94 ;<br />

A V.226 ; It ; 57 said of Arahants A n.206 ; S in. 83.<br />

-yana way of the highest good, path of goodness (cp.<br />

brahma-patha) S v. 5 ; J vi.57 (C ariyabhumi : so read<br />

for araya"). -yaniya leading to Brahma D 1.220.<br />

-loka the Br. world, the highest world, the world of the<br />

Celestials (which is like all other creation subject to<br />

change & destruction: see e. g. Vism 415 = KhA 121),<br />

the abode of the Br. devas ; Heaven. — It consists of 20<br />

heavens, sixteen being worlds of form (^-iipa -brahmaloka)<br />

and fouy, inhabited by devas who are incorporeal<br />

{arupa"). <strong>The</strong> devas of the Br. 1. are free from<br />

kama or sensual desires. Rebirth in this heaven is the<br />

reward of great virtue accompanied with meditation<br />

(jhana) A 1.227 sq. ; v.59 (as included in the sphere called<br />

sahassi eulanika lokadhatu). — <strong>The</strong> brahmas like other<br />

gods are not necessarily sotapanna or on the way to full<br />

knowledge (sambodhi-parayana) ; their attainments<br />

depend on the degree of their faith in the Buddha,

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