The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary - Tuninst.net

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary - Tuninst.net

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary - Tuninst.net


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Anabhava 31 Anagamin<br />

of craving A n.249, of the bonds A IV. 8. In the supplement<br />

to the Digha (D in. 326) and in the Iti-vuttaka<br />

(p. 115) a later idiom, anabhavar) gameti, cause to perish,<br />

is used of evil thoughts. Bdhgh (quoted Vin 111.267) reports<br />

as V. I. anubhava. Cp. Nd 1.90; and Nd* under pahina.<br />

Anabbhlta (adj.) [an + abbhita] not restored, not to be<br />

restored Vin iv.242; Pv 1. 12'' (where reading prob. faulty<br />

& due to a gloss; the id. p. at Th 2, 129 has ayacita<br />

& at J III. 165 anavhata; PvA 64 expls- by anavhata,<br />

V. 1. anabbhita).<br />

Anabhunnatata (f-) [an + abbhunnata -\- la] the state of<br />

not being erect, i.e. hanging down J v.156.<br />

Anabhljjha (f-) [an -|- abhijjha] absence of covetousness<br />

or desire D 111.229, 269; Dhs 32, 35, 277.<br />

Anabhijjhalu (adj.) [an -f- abhijjhalQ] not greedy or covetous<br />

D 111.82; Pug 40.<br />

Anabhijjhita (adj.) [an + abhijjhita] not desired Sn 40 (cp.<br />

Nd'^ 38); Vv 4?* (= na abhikankhita VvA 201).<br />

Anabhlnandatl etc. see abhi° etc.<br />

Anabhirata (adj.) [an -(- abhirata] not taking delight in J<br />

1.61 (naccadisu).<br />

Anabhirati (f.) [an -|- abhirati] not delighting in, dissatisfaction,<br />

discontent D 1. 17 (-|- paritassana); 111.289; J '"•<br />

395; DA I. III.<br />

Anabhiraddha (adj.) [an + abhiraddha] in anger Vin IV.236.<br />

AnabhiraddhI (f) [an -f abhiraddhi] anger, wrath D 1.3<br />

(= kopass'etai) adhivacanaij DA 1.52).<br />

Anabhisambhuijaniana (adj.) [ppr. med. of an -)- abhisambhunati]<br />

not obtaining, unable to get or keep up D l.ioi<br />

(= asampSpunanto avisahamano va DA 1.268).<br />

Anamatagga (adj.) [ana (= a neg.) -f mata (fr. man) +<br />

agga (pi.). So Dhammapala (avidit-agga ThA 289); Nanakitti<br />

in Tikg on DhsA 11; Trenckner, Notes 64; Olden-<br />

berg, K;«. <strong>Text</strong>s 11.114. Childers takes it as an + amata -f<br />

agga, and Jacobi {Erzdhl. 33 and 89) and Pischel {Gram.<br />

§ 251) as a -f- namat (fr. nam) -f agga. It is Sanskritired<br />

at Divy 197 by anavaragra, doubtless by some mistake.<br />

Weber, /nd. Sir. 111. 150 suggests an -f- amrta, which does<br />

not suit the context at all]. Ep. of Samsara 'whose beginning<br />

and end are alike unthinkable", i. e., without<br />

beginning or end. Found in two passages of the Canon<br />

S 11.178, 187 sq. = 111.149, •$' = V.226, 441 (quoted<br />

Kvu 29, called Anamatagga-pariyaya at DhA 11.268) and<br />

Th 2, 495, 6. Later references are Nd^ 664; PvA 166;<br />

DhA III; II. 13, 32; Sdhp 505. [Cp. anamata and amatagga,<br />

and cp. the <strong>English</strong> idiom "world without end".<br />

<strong>The</strong> meaning can best be seen, not from the derivation<br />

(which is uncertain), but from the examples quoted above<br />

from the Samyulta. According to the Yoga, on the con-<br />

trary (see e.g., Woods, Yoga-system of Putanjali, 1 19),<br />

it is a possible, and indeed a necessary quality of the<br />

Yogi, to understand the beginning and end of Samsara].<br />

Anamha (adj.) [according to Morris JPTS 1884, 70 =<br />

ana-niha "unlaughing" wiih ana = an (cp. anabhava &<br />

anamatagga) and mha from smi, cp. vimhayati = Sk.<br />

vismayati] being in consternation or distress, crying J III.<br />

223 ("kale = arodana-kale C).<br />

Anaya [a -j- naya] misfortune, distress Miln 277, usually<br />

combd- with vyasana (as also in BSk, e. g. Jtm 215)<br />

Vin U.199; S IV. 159; A v.156; Miln 292; VvA 327;<br />

Sdhp 362.<br />

Anaiiya (adj.) [an -|- ariya, see also anariya] not Aiyan,<br />

ignoble, low Vin 1.10 ; D HI. 232 (°vohara, 3 sets of 4;<br />

the same at Vin v. 125); Sn 664, 782 (°dhamma); Pug<br />

13. — See ariya.<br />

Anala (adj.) [an -f- ala] i- not sufficient, not enough; unable,<br />

impossible, unmanageable M 1455; J 11326 = IV.<br />

471. — 2. dissatisfied, insatiate J<br />

v. 63 (= atilta C). —<br />

3. °i) kata dissatisfied, satiated, S 1.15 (kamesu).<br />

Anavaya (adj.) [derivation doubtful. See Trenckner Pall<br />

Misc. 65J not lacking, complete in (loc), fulfilling D 1.88<br />

(_= anuna paripura-karin DA 1.248); A 111.152 (= samatta<br />

paripunna A A quoted by Tr. on Miln 10).<br />

AnaVOSita (atlj-) [an + avosita ; or ana -j- avosita = avusita ?]<br />

unfulfilled, undone Th 1, 101.<br />

Anasana (nt.) [an -|- asana, cp. Sk. an-asana] not eating,<br />

fasting, hunger D ni.75 & in same context at Sn 311<br />

(= khuda SnA 324).<br />

Anasitvana [ger. of an + asati] without eating, fasting<br />

Anasuyyag [Sk. anasuyan, ppr. of an + asuyati] not grumbling<br />

J 111.27 (v. 1. for anusuyyaq T.).<br />

Anasuropa [.in -f- asuropa] absence of abruptness Dhs 1341.<br />

Anasuyaka (adj.) [Sk. anasuyaka, cp. usuya not grumbling,<br />

not envious J 11.192.<br />

Anassaka (adj.) either an-assaka or a-nassaka (q. v.).<br />

AnaSSana (nt.) [a 4- nassana, nas; cp. Sk. nasan.a] imperishableness,<br />

freedom from waste J IV.168.<br />

Anassavin (a^'j-) [an -f assavin; cp. assava -f- asava] not<br />

intoxicated, not enjoying or finding pleasure in Sn 853<br />

(satiyesu a. = satavatthusa kamagunesu tanhasanthava-<br />

virahita SnA 549).<br />

Anassasika (adj.) [an -f- assSsa -f- ika; cp. Sk. asvasana &<br />

BSk. anasvSsika Divy 207] not consoling, discouraging,<br />

not comforting M 1.514; S 11.191.<br />

AnasSUf)<br />

have heard M 1.393.<br />

1^' sq, pret. of anusuyati (= Sk. anvasruvaq) I<br />

Anagata (adj.) [an -f- agata] not come yet, i. e. future. On<br />

usual comb", with atita: see this. D iii.ioo sq., 134 S'j.,<br />

220, 275; M III.188 sq.; S 1.5; 11.283; A III. 100 sq., 400;<br />

Sn 3>8, 373,851; 1153; J1V.159; VI.364; Dhs 1039, 1416.<br />

Anagamana (nt.) [an -f agamana] not coming, not returning<br />

j I 203, 264.<br />

Anagamita (f.) [anagamin -|- ta] the state or condition of<br />

an Anagamin S v. 129, 181, 285; A III. 82 ; v.108, 300 sq.<br />

Sn p. 140= A 111.143; It • sq., 39, 40.<br />

Anagamin (adj.-n.) [an -j- Sgamin] one who does not return,<br />

a Never-Returner, as tt. designating one who has attained<br />

the 3fJ stage out of four in the breaking of the bonds<br />

(Saqyojanas) which keep a man tack from Arahantship.<br />

So near is the Anagamin to the goal, that after death<br />

he will be reborn in one of the highest heaven and there<br />

obtain Arahantship, never returning to rebirth as a man.<br />

But in the oldest passages referring to these 4 stages,<br />

the description of the third does not use the word anagamin<br />

(D 1.156; 11.92; 111.107; M 11.146) and anSgSmin<br />

does not mean tlie breaking of bonds, but the cultivation<br />

of certain specified<br />

anatta doctrine; S<br />

good menl.al habits (S III. 168, the<br />

v. 200-2, the five Indriyas ; A 1.64;<br />

1.200, cultivation of good qualities, 11163; v. 86, 17I =<br />

S 149). We have only two cases in the canon of any<br />

living persons being called anagamin. Those are at S<br />

v. 177 and 178. <strong>The</strong> word there means one who has<br />

broken the lower five of the ten bonds, & the individuals<br />

named are laymen. At D 11.92 nine others, of

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