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The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary - Tuninst.net

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary - Tuninst.net


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Bandhana 105 Bala<br />

(cp. SnA 418); J 1V.278. — 2. to be caught (in a sling<br />

or trap) J 111.330; iv.414. — 3. to incur a penalty<br />

(with loc , e. g. bahudande) J iv.116. — 4. to be captivated<br />

by, struck or taken by, either with loc. J 1.368<br />

(bajjhitva & bandhitva in Pass, sense) ; v.465 ; or with<br />

inslr. J 1.428 : IV. 259. — pp. baddha (q. v.). — Cp. ati°,<br />

anu", a, 0°, pati°, sara°.<br />

Bandhana (nt.) [fr. bandh, cp. Vedic bandhana] i. binding,<br />

bond, fetter Vin 1.2 1 ; D<br />

guna) ;<br />

1.226, 245 (paiica kama-<br />

111.176; M 11.44; S 1.8, 24 (Mara°), 35, 40;<br />

IV.201 sq. (5<br />

Asuras, 291 ;<br />

fold) to<br />

Sn 532,<br />

bind<br />

948;<br />

the king of the Devas or<br />

Th i, 414; 2, 356 (Mara°)<br />

Dh 345 sq. ; J 11. 139, 140 ; in.59 = PvA 4 ; v. 285 ; Nd^<br />

304°'" (var. bonds, andhu", rajju° etc. cp. Nd' 433);<br />

DA 1. 12 1 (with ref. to kama). — 2. binding, tying,<br />

band, ligature ; tie (also fig.) Vin 1.204 (°suttaka thread<br />

for tying) 11. 135 (kaya° waistband); 11. 117 ("rajju for<br />

robes) ; S 111.155 (vetta° ligatures of bamboo ; cp. v.51) ;<br />

Sn 44 (gihi°, cp. Nd^ 228 : putta ca dasi ca) ; DhA<br />

51 (patja"). — 3. hold-<br />

1.4 (ghara° tie of the house) ; Kh.\<br />

ing together, composition, constitution Vin 1.96 (sarira"),<br />

cp. in. 28. — fig. composition (of literature) J 11.224<br />

(gatha*^). — 4. joining together, union, company DhA<br />

II. 160 (gana° joining in companies). — 5. handle Vin<br />

II. 135. — 6. piecing together Vin 1.254 ("mattena when<br />

it, i. e. the stuff, has only been pieced together, see<br />

Vin. <strong>Text</strong>s 11. 153 n.). — 7. strap (?) doubtful reading in<br />

at)sa° (q. V.) Vv 33'°, where we should prefer to read<br />

with V. 1. "vattaka. — 8. doubtful in meaning in cpd.<br />

pagca-vidha-bandhana " the fivefold fixing," as one<br />

of the torments in Niraya. It is a sort of crucifixion<br />

(see for detail panca 3) Nd^ 304'"- " = Nd' 404 ; J 1. 174 :<br />

PvA 221 ; VbhA<br />

278. In this connection it may mean<br />

" set," cp. mula°. — On use of bandhana in similes see<br />

J.P.T.S. 1907, 115. Cp. vini°.<br />

-dgara " fetter -house," prison D 1.72 ; M<br />

1.75 ; Vin<br />

III. 151 ; J III. 326; DhA II. 152 ; VvA 66; PvA 153.<br />

-Agarika prison-keeper, head-jailer A 11.207.<br />

Bandhaniya (adj.) [grd. of bandhati] i. to be bound or<br />

fettered Miln 186. — 2. apt to bind, binding, constraining<br />

D 11.337 (cp. Dial. II. 361) ; Th 2, 356.<br />

Bandhava [cp. Class. Sk. bandhava] i. kinsman, member<br />

of a clan or family, relative A 111.44; Sn 60 (pi. ban-<br />

dhavani in poetry ; cp. Nd2455) ; Dh 288 (pi. bandhava) ;<br />

J II. 316; V.81 ; DA 1.243. — 2. (-°) one who is connected<br />

with or belongs to Sn 140 (manta°, wellacquainted<br />

with Mantras; cp. SnA 192; vedabandhu<br />

veda-patisarana ti vuttar) hoti) ; J v. 335 (bodhaneyya°)<br />

cp. bandhu 3.<br />

Bandhn [Vedic bandhu, see bandhati & cp. bandhava]<br />

I. a relation, relative, kinsman; pi. bandhu J iv.301 ;<br />

PvA 86 = ( fiati) & bandhavo Nd^ 455 (where Nd> 1 1 in<br />

id. p. reads bandhu). — Adicca° kinsman of the Sun,<br />

an Ep. of the Buddha Vin 11.296 ; A 11. 17 ; Sn 54, 915,<br />

1 128, cp. Nd2 152"; Vv 24"; 78'", cp. VvA u6.<br />

Four kinds of relations enum"" at Nd' 11. viz. i\ati°,<br />

gotta°, manta" (where Nd^ 455 reads mitta"), sippa".<br />

— 2. Ep. of Brahma, as ancestor of the brahmins<br />

DA 1.254: see below °pada. — 3. (°-) connected with.<br />

related to, dealing with [cp. Vedic amfta-bandhu<br />

RV X.72'] S 1. 123 (pamatta°); 128; Sn 241, 315,<br />

SnA 192<br />

430, 911; J IV. 525 ; Miln 65 (kamma°) ;<br />

(veda°). — f. bandhuni J vi.47 (said of the town of<br />

Mithila(raja°) ; expl''byC.as"raja-fiatakeh'evapunna").<br />

pada the foot of Brahma, from which the Sudras<br />

are said to have originated (cp. Sk. padaja), in cpd.<br />

bandhupad'apacca " offering from the foot of the<br />

kinsman," applied as contemptuous epithet to<br />

Samanas by a Brahmin D 1.90 ; M 1.334 • S iv.117.<br />

the<br />

Bandhaka (adj.) [fr. bandhu] I. the plant Pentapetes<br />

phcEnicea J iv.279 ("puppha, evidently only a contraction<br />

of bandhu-jivaka, cp. C. bandhujivaka-<br />

puppha ; although Sk. bandhuka is given as syn. of<br />

bandhujiva at Halayudha 2, 53). — 2. in bandhukaroga<br />

M II. 12 I prob. to be read panduka", as v. 1. BB ;<br />

see panduroga.<br />

Bandhujivaka [cp. Class. Sk. bandhujiva] the plant<br />

Pentapetes phoenicea M 11.14 ("puppha) ; D ii.iii (id.);<br />

J IV.279; Vism 174; DhsA 14; \vA 43, 161.<br />

Bandbnmant (adj.) [fr. bandhu, cp. Vedic bandhumant]<br />

having relatives, rich in kinsmen ;<br />

bandhuma N. of father of the Buddha Vipassin D<br />

n.ii =Vism 433; f. bandhumati N. of mother of the<br />

Buddha Vipassin ibid. ; also N. of a town D 11. 12<br />

(capital of king Bandhuma); SnA 190 = J iv.388<br />

only as Np. m<br />

(where the latter has Vettavati), and a river SnA 190 =<br />

J iv.388 : ( Vettavati).<br />

Bandhavant (adj.) [bandhu #)- vant] .having relatives, rich<br />

in relatives J vi.357.<br />

Babbaja [cp. Vedic balbaja, doubtful whether it belongs<br />

to Lat. bulbus ; for the initial b. very often p. is found ;<br />

see pabbaja] a sort of coarse grass or reed, used to<br />

make slippers, etc. Vin 1.190 ; D 11.55 • S II. 92 ; in, 137 ;<br />

IV. 158 ; A II. 21 1 ; Dh 345 ; DhA iv.55.<br />

-paduka a slipper out of b. grass DhA 111.451.<br />

-layaka cutter or reaper of grass S in. 155 ; A in. 365.<br />

Babbu (& °ka) Epic [Sk. babhruka a kind of ichneumon<br />

Vedic babhru brown, cp. Lat. fiber = beaver, further<br />

connection " bear," see Walde, Lat. iVtb. s. v. fiber] a<br />

cat J 1.480 ( = biiara C.)=DhA n.152.<br />

Babbhara [onomat., cp. Sk. balbala-karoti to stammer or<br />

stutter, barbara = Gr. /3ap/3npof stuttering, people of an<br />

unknown tongue, balbutha Np. " stammerer " ; also<br />

Lat. balbas, Ger. plappern, E. blab ; babbhara is a<br />

redupl. formation fr. *bhara-bhara = barbara, cp.<br />

J.P.T.S. 18S9, 209; Geiger, P.Cr. § 20] imitation of a<br />

confused rumbling noise M 1.128. — Cp. also P. mammana<br />

and sarasara.<br />

Barihin [cp. Sk. barhin] a peacock ] iv.497.<br />

Barihisa (nt.) [Vedic barhis] the sacrificial grass D 1.141 ;<br />

M 1.344 ; A 11.207 ; Pug 56.<br />

Bala' (nt.) [Vedic bala, most likely to Lat. de-bilis " without<br />

strength " (cp. E. debility, P. dubbala). and Gr.<br />

fifXuiTTai (superl.)=Sk. balistha the strongest. <strong>The</strong><br />

Dhatupatha (273) defines b. with panane. At DhsA<br />

124 bala is understood as " na kampati "] i. strength,<br />

109 (one<br />

power, force D 11.73 ; A 1.244 ; Dh Th i, 188 ;<br />

of the 4 blessings, viz. ayu, vanna, sukha, bala ; cp.<br />

DhA 11.239); Pv 1.5'" (=kaya-bala PvA 30); i.>«;<br />

VvA 4 (iddhi°) ; PvA 71 (id), 82 (kamma°). — Of cases<br />

used as adv. balasa (instr.) is mentioned by Trenckner<br />

at Miln 430 (notes), cp. Prk. balasa (Pischel, Gr. § 364).<br />

yatha balar) according to one's power, i. e. as much as<br />

possible PvA i, 54. <strong>The</strong> comp" form of bala in conn,<br />

with kl is bali°, e. g. dubbalikarana making weak<br />

"karanin id. D in. 183. — adj. bala<br />

M 111.4 : P"g 59. SS ;<br />

strong J v. 268, abala weak Sn 770, 1120, dubbala id.<br />

S 1.222; J II. 154; Nd' 12; PvA 55; compar. °tara<br />

M 1.244, ^^- °- abalag weakness S 1.222. — 2. an army,<br />

military force Mhvs 25, 57 ; SnA<br />

357. See cpds. below.<br />

—-Eight balani or strong points are i. of young<br />

children (runna-balar)).-2. of womanhood (kodha").<br />

-3. of robbers (avudha°).-4. of kings (issariya°),<br />

-5. of fools (ujjhatti"). -6. of wise men (nijjhatti°).<br />

- 7. of the deeply learned (patisankh5na°). - 8. of<br />

samanas & brahmanas (khanti°) A iv.223 (where used as<br />

adj. -° strong in . . .) : cp. Sn 212, 623. — Five balani<br />

of women are : riipabalar), bhoga°, fiati°, putta°, sila°<br />

S iv.246-8. <strong>The</strong> five-fold force (balag pailca-vidhai))<br />

of a king J v. 120, 121 consists of bahabalar) strength of

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