The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary - Tuninst.net

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary - Tuninst.net

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary - Tuninst.net


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Phusati 103 Phoseti<br />

D 1. 1 84; samatha-samadhir) Vv i6* (reads aphusig but<br />

should prob. be aphusirj as VvA 84. expH by adhigacchir))<br />

phalar) aphussayi (aor. med.) Pv iv.i'*; cp.<br />

;<br />

PvA 243 ; amatag padag Pv iv.j*^ ; amatat) Miln 338<br />

in bad sense kappat-<br />

(but T. reads khippuii phdsseti a.) ;<br />

thitikai] kammag Miln 108 (of Devadatta). — pp.<br />

phuttha. Cp. upa°.<br />

Phasati' this is a specific <strong>Pali</strong> form and represents two<br />

Sk. roots, which are closely related to each other and<br />

go back to the foil. 2 Idg. roots : i. Idg. *sp(h)rj, burst<br />

out, burst (forth), spring, sprinkle, as in Sk. sphurjati<br />

burst forth, parjanya rain cloud ; Gr. (r^'ipnyfw Ags.<br />

;<br />

spearca = E. spark. E. spring, sprinkle. This is an<br />

enlargement of sphuT (cp. pharati, phuttha, phuta). —<br />

2. Idg. *sprk to sprinkle, speckle, as in Sk. pra$, prsni<br />

speckled, prsan, prsati spotted antelope, prsata raindrop<br />

; Gr. wiftKvoij of dark (lit. spotted) colour; Lat.<br />

spargere = Ger. sprcngen. To this root belong P.<br />

—• pasata, phoseti, paripphosaka, phussa, phusita. Inf.<br />

phusitur), conjectured reading at Vin 1.205 fo'' f.<br />

phositur) (vv. U. positur) & dhovitut)), & Vin 11. 151 for<br />

T. positug ; Vin. <strong>Text</strong>s 111.169 translate " bespatter."<br />

Phasana (nt.) [abstr. fr. phusati' i] touch ^'ism 463.<br />

Phusana (f) [abstr. fr. phusati' 2] attainment, gaining,<br />

reaching Vism 278 ( =phuttha-tthana) ; DhA 1.230<br />

(flaija°); VvA 85 (samadhi°).<br />

Phasayati [Caus. of pra?, but formed fr. P. phusati-] to<br />

sprinkle (rain), to rain gently, drizzle S 1.104 sq., 154,<br />

184 (devo ekag ekag ph. " drop by drop "). See also<br />

anuphusayati (so read for "phusiyati).<br />

Phusita' (nt.) [either pp. of phusati- or direct correspon-<br />

dent of Sk. prsata (see pasata-)] rain-drop M 111.300 ;<br />

S n.135 : DhA 111.243. <strong>The</strong> Prk. equivalent is phusiya<br />

(Pischel, Gr. § 208), cp. Ger. sprenkeln>E. sprinkle.<br />

Phusita- [pp. of phusati^ 2. i. e. pru?, cp. Sk. prusita<br />

sprinkled, prsati spotted antelope] spotted, coloured,<br />

variegated (with flowers) Sn 233 (°agga=supupphit'<br />

agga-sakha KhA 192).<br />

Phns(s)ita'' [ = phassita-, Kern. Toev. s. v. takes it as pp.<br />

of 'pugsayati] touched, put on, in "aggaja with fastened<br />

(clinched) bolts (or better: door-wings) M 1.76 (reads<br />

phassit" ; cp. v. 1. on p. 535 phussit") ; A i.ioi ; Th i, 385 ;<br />

J VI. 5 10.<br />

Phositaka (adj.) (-") [fr. phusita') having raindrops, only<br />

in phrase thulla° deva (the sky) shedding big drops of<br />

rain S 11.32 (reads phuUa-phusitaka) ; 111.141 ; A 1.243 ;<br />

11.140 ; V.I 14 ; Vism 259.<br />

Phussa' [fr. pu9 to blossom, nourish, etc. cp. Ved. pusya]<br />

I. see phussa^ 2. — 2. N. of a month (Dec. -Jan.)<br />

J 1.86. N. of a lunar mansion or constellation Vv 53*<br />

(=phussa-taraka VvA 236). — Frequent as Np., cp.<br />

Vism 422, and comb" like °deva, °mitta.<br />

Phussa^ [ger. of phusati'] touching, feeling, realising<br />

doubled at D 1.45, 54.<br />

Phussa^ (adj.-n.) [grd. formation fr. phusati^ 2 ; scarcely<br />

fr. Sk. pusya (to puj nourish, cp. poseti), but meaning<br />

rather " speckled " in all senses. <strong>The</strong> Sk. pu^yaratha<br />

is Sanskritisation of P. phussa"] i. speckled,<br />

gaily-coloured, "kokila the spotted cuckoo [Kern,<br />

Toev. s. v. phussa however takes it as " male-cuckoo."<br />

Sk. pugs-kokila] J v.419, 423 ; VvA 57. — As phussaka<br />

at A 1. 188 (so read for pussaka). — 2. in sense of<br />

"clear, excellent, exquisite" (or it is pusya in .sense<br />

of " substance, essence " of anything, as Geiger, /'. Cr.<br />

§ 40 la ?) in °ratha [cp. Sk. puspa°, but prob. to be read<br />

pusya" ?] a wonderful state carriage running of its own<br />

accord J 11.39 ; in. 238 ; iv.34 , v. 248 vi.39 ; sq.) v. 1.<br />

pussa") ; PvA 74. -raga [cp. Sk. puspa-raga] topaz<br />

Miln 118; VvA III. — At Nd' 90 as v. 1. to be<br />

preferred to pussa° in °tila, "tela, "dantakattha, etc.<br />

with ref. to their use by Brahmins.<br />

PheggU [cp. Vedic phalgu & P. phaggu in form] accessory<br />

wood, wood surrounding the pith of a tree, always<br />

with ref. to trees (freq. in similes), in sequence mula,<br />

sara, pheggu, taca, papatika etc. It is represented as<br />

next to the pith, but inferior and worthless. At all<br />

passages contrasted with sara (pith, substance). Thus<br />

at M 1. 192 sq., 488 ; D in.51 ; S iv.168 ; A 1.152 (pheggu -H<br />

sara, v. 1. phaggu) ; 11. 1 10 =Pug 52 ; A HI. 20 ; J ill. 431<br />

(opp. sara); Miln 267, 413 (tacchako pheggug apaharitva<br />

sarag adiyati).<br />

Phegguka (-") (adj.) [fr pheggu] having worthless wood,<br />

weak, inferior M 1.488 (apagata", where "ka belongs<br />

to the whole cpd.) ; J III. 318 (a°-(-saramaya).<br />

Phegguta (f.) [abstr. fr. pheggu] state of dry wood ;<br />

substance, worthlessness Pug A 229.<br />

lack of<br />

Phei^a [cp. Vedic phena, with *ph fr. sp", connected with<br />

Lat. spuma, scum, Ags. fam=Ger. feim=E. foam]<br />

scum, foam, froth, only in cpds. viz. :<br />

-uddehakag (adv.) (paccamana, boiling) with scum<br />

on top, throwing up foam M 111.167; A 1.141 ; Nd-<br />


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