The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary - Tuninst.net

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary - Tuninst.net

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary - Tuninst.net


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Phagga [in form=Vedic phalgu (small, feeble), but in<br />

meaning different] a special period of fasting M 1.39 =<br />

DA 1.<br />

1 39. See also pheggu.<br />

PhaggU^a & Phagguni (f.) [cp. Vedic phalguna & °i] N.<br />

of a month (Feb. i,5"'-March 15"'), marking the begin-<br />

ning of Spring ; always with ref . to the spring full<br />

moon, as phagguna-punnama at Vism 418 ; phagguni*^<br />

J 1.86.<br />

Ph.<br />

1<br />

'<br />

1<br />

i<br />

Pha^a [cp. Epic Sk. phana] the hood of a snake Vin 1.9<br />

("hatthaka, with hands like a snake's hood) ; J 111.347<br />

(patthata°) ; DhA 111.231 (°r) ukkhipitva) ; iv.133.<br />

Freq. as phanai] katva (only thus, in ger.) raising or<br />

spreading its hood, with spread<br />

Vism 399<br />

hood J 11.2 74; vi.6<br />

; DhA 11.257.<br />

i<br />

'<br />

Phanaka [fr. phana] an instrument shaped like a snake's<br />

hood, used to smooth the hair Vin 11.107.<br />

PhaQijjaka [etym. ?] a kind of plant, which is enum'' at<br />

Vin iv.35=DA 1.81 as one of the aggabija, i. e. plants 1<br />

propagated by slips or cuttings, together with ajjuka<br />

& hirivera. At J vi.536 the C. gives bhutanaka as j<br />

expl". According to Childers it is the plant Samirana.<br />

Phandati [spand, cp. Gr. (r^ataiu to twitch, atpoSpos<br />

violent ; Lat. pendeo " pend " i. e. hang down, cp.<br />

pendulum; Ags. finta tail, lit. mover, throbber] i. to<br />

throb, palpitate D 1.52 =M 1.404, cp. DA 1.159 ; Nd' 46.<br />

— 2. to twitch, tremble, move, stir J 11.234; vi.113<br />

(of fish wriggling when thrown on land). — Caus. II.<br />

phandapeti to make throb D 1,52 =M 1.404. — pp<br />

phandita (q. v.). Cp. pari", vi°, sam". <strong>The</strong> nearest<br />

synonym is calati.<br />

Phandana [fr. phandati, cp. Sk. spandana] i. (adj.)<br />

throbbing, trembling, wavering Dh 33 (phandanaQ<br />

capalai) cittag) ; J vi.528 ("maluva trembling creeper) ;<br />

DhA 1.50 (issa° throbbing with envy). — 2. (m.) N. of<br />

a tree Dalbergia (aspen ?) A 1.202 ; J iv.208 sq. ; Miln<br />

173. — 3. (nt.) throb, trembling, agitation, quivering<br />

J VI. 7 ("mattar) not even one throb ; cp. phandita) ;<br />

Nd' 46 (tanha etc.).<br />

Phandana (f [fr. phandati] throbbing, agitation, ) movement,<br />

motion SnA245 (calanaH-) ; DA i.i 1 1 ; Nett 88 C. ;<br />

cp. injana.<br />

Phandita (nt.) [pp. of phandati] throbbing, flashing;<br />

throb M 11.24 (°matta " by his throbbings only ") ; pi.<br />

phanditani " vapourings," imaginings Vbh 390 (where<br />

VbhA 513 only says " phandanato phanditai) ") cp.<br />

Brelhrer, 344.<br />

Phanditatta (nt.) [abstr. fr. phandita] = phandana S v. 315<br />

( =ii^jitatta).<br />

Pharava (adj.-nt.) [fr. pharati] i. (adj.) pervading,<br />

suffused (with), quite full (of) Miln 345. — 2. (nt.)<br />

pervasion, suffusion, thrill J 1.82 ("samattha mettacitta)<br />

; Nett 89 (piti° etc., as m., cp. pharanata) ; DhsA<br />

j<br />

!<br />

'<br />

166 (°plti all-pervading rapture, permeating zest; cp.<br />

piti pharanata). — Cp. anu°.<br />

Pharanaka (adj.) [fr. pharana] thrilling, suffusing, pervading,<br />

filling with rapture VvA 16 (dvadasa yojanani<br />

"pabho sarira-vanno).<br />

Pharanata (f) [abstr. fr. pharaija] suffusion, state of being<br />

pervaded (with), only -° in set of 4-fold suffusion, viz.<br />

piti° of rapture, sukha° of restful bliss, ceto° of [telepathic]<br />

consciousnss, aloka° of light, D 111.2 ; 77 Ps 1.48 ;<br />

Vbh 334 ; Nett 89.<br />

Pharati [sphur & sphar, same root as in Gr. airnipui to<br />

twitch; Lat. sperno "spurn" lit. kick away; Ags.<br />

speornan to kick; spurnan =spur] i. (trs.) to pervade,<br />

permeate, fill, suffuse Pv i.io'< (=vyapetva titthati<br />

PvA 52) ; J III. 371 (sakala-sarirar)) ; v. 64 (C. forpavati) ;<br />

PvA 14 (okasag). 276 (obhasar)). To excite or stimulate<br />

the nerves J v. 293 (rasa-haraniyo khobhetva<br />

phari : see under rasa). — Often in standard phrase<br />

metta-sahagatena cetasa ekai) (dutiyar) etc.) disag<br />

pharitva viharati D 11. 186; S v.115 and passim,<br />

is expl"* by<br />

where pharitva at Vism 3o8=VbhA 377<br />

phusitva arammanar) katva. Cp. BSk. ekarj disag<br />

spharitvopasampadya viharati MVastu 111.213. Also<br />

in phrase pitiya sarirag pharati (aor. phari) to thrill<br />

the body with rapture, e. g. J 1.33 ; v. 494 ;<br />

DhA<br />

ii.i 18 ;<br />

IV. 102. — 2. [in this meaning better to be derived from<br />

sphar to spread, expand, cp. pharita & phalita] to spread,<br />

make expand J<br />

1.82 (metta-cittag phari). — 3. [prob.<br />

of quite a diff. origin and only taken to pharati by pop.<br />

analogy, perhaps to phal = sphat to split; thus katth'atthag<br />

pharati = to be split up for fuel] to serve as, only<br />

with "atthag in phrases aharatthag ph. (after next<br />

phrase) to serve as food Miln 152 ; katthatthag ph. to<br />

serve as fuel A 11.95=5 iii.93 = It 90=] 1.482; khadaniyatthag<br />

& bhojaniyatthag ph. to. serve as eatables<br />

Vin 1.2(11 (so to be read in preference to °attag). — pp.<br />

see further<br />

pharita, phurita & phuta ; cp. also phuttha ;<br />

anu°. pari°.<br />

Pharasu Fcp. Vedic para^u = Gr. iriXiKvs ; on p>ph cp.<br />

Prk. pharasu & parasu, Pischel Gr. § 208 ; Geiger, Gr.<br />

§ 40] hatchet, axe A 111.162; J 1.199. 399; 11.409;<br />

v.500 ; DhA 11.204; PvA 277. <strong>The</strong> spelling parasu<br />

occurs at S v. 441 & J 111.179.<br />

Pharita [pp. of pharati] i. being pervaded or permeated<br />

(by) VvA 68 (mettaya). — 2. spread (out) J vi.284<br />

(kittisaddo sakala-loke ph.). — Cp. phuttha & phalita.<br />

Pharusa (adj.) [cp. Vedic parusa, on ph.>p see pharasu,<br />

on attempt at etym. cp. Walde, Lat. Wlb. s. v. fario]<br />

I. (lit.) rough Pv II. 4'. — 2. (fig.) harsh, unkind, rough<br />

(of speech) Vin 11.290 (canda-l-); Pv 11.3* ; 111.5'<br />

J v.296 ; Kvu<br />

619. In comb" with vaca we find<br />

both pharusa-vaca and pharusa-vaca D 1.4, 138; 111.69<br />

sq., 173, 232 ; M 1.42 (on this and the same uncertainty<br />

as regards pisuoa-vaca see Trenckner, at M 1.530).<br />

pharusa vacana rough speech PvA 15, 55, 83. — 3. cruel<br />

Pv IV. 7« (kamnia daruna PvA 265).<br />

99 VI—

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