The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary - Tuninst.net

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary - Tuninst.net

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary - Tuninst.net


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Adhipatati 29 Adhimutti<br />

Adhipatati [adhi + P^'ati] to fly past, vanish J iv.iil(=:<br />

aliviya patati sighai) aiikkamati C). — Caus. adhipateti<br />

(q. V.) in dilT. meaning. Cp also adhipata.<br />

Adhlpatana (nt.) [fr. adhipatati] attack, pressing ThA 271.<br />

Adhipati (n.-adj.) [adhi -f pati, cp. adhipa] 1. ruler, master<br />

J 1V.223; Vv 81'; Miln 388; Dh.\ 1.36 (= settha). —<br />

2. ruling over, governing, predominant; ruled or governed<br />

by Vbh 216 sq. (chandaij adhipatii] katva making energy<br />

predominant); DhsA 125, 126 (atta° autonomous, loka°<br />

heteronomous, influenced by society). See also Dhs. Irsl.<br />

20 & Cpd. 60.<br />

Adhipateyya (nt.) A 1.147; 11133 = 5 IV.275 is probably<br />

misreading for adhipateyya.<br />

Adilipatthita [pp. adhi -)- patlheti, cp. Sk. abhi + arthayati]<br />

desired, wished, begged for D 1. 1 20.<br />

Adhipanna [cp. Sk. abhipanna, adhi + pad] gone into,<br />

affected with, seized by (— °), a victim of (c. loc.) S 1.72,<br />

Th 2, 345 (kamesu); Sn 1 123 (tanha" = tanhanugata Nd^<br />

32); Dh 288; J 111.38, 369; IV.396; V.91, 379(=dosena<br />

ajjhotthata); vi.27.<br />

Adtlipatlmoklcha (nt.) [adhi +<br />

patimokkha] the higher,<br />

moral, code Vin v. I (patim° -J-); M 11.245 (+ ajjhajiva).<br />

Adhipata' [adhipateti] splitting, breaking, only in phrase<br />

muddba° head-splitting Sn 988 sq., 1004, 1025 (v. 1.<br />

Nd-i °vipata).<br />

Adhipata^ [from adhipatati = Sk. atipatati, to fly past, flit]<br />

a moth Su 964. Expld- at Nd' 484 as "adhipatika ti ta<br />

uppatitva khadanti taqkarana a. vuccanti"; Ud 72 (expWby<br />

C. as salabha).<br />

Adhipatilca (f.) [fr. adhipata'] a moth, a mosquito Nd'<br />

484 (see adhipata').<br />

Adhipateti [Caus. fr. adhipatati, cp. Sk. abhipatayati & P.<br />

atipateti] to break, split J iv.337 (= chindati). At Ud 8<br />

prob. to be read adhibadheti (v. 1. avibadeti. T. adhipateti).<br />

Adhlppagharati [adhi -f ppa \- gharati] to flow, to trickle<br />

ThA 284.<br />

Adhippaga 3 sg. aor. of adbippagacchati to go to J v. 59.<br />

Adhippaya [adhi + ppa-]- i» Sk. abhipraya] I. intention,<br />

wish desire S 1. 124; v.108; A 11.81; 111.363 (bhoga°);<br />

V.65 ; J 1.79, 83; Sdhp 62. As adj. (— •") desiring PvA<br />

226 (hass° in play = khiddalthika). — 2. sense, meaning,<br />

conclusion, inference (cp. adhigama) Miln 148; PvA 8,<br />

16, 48, J31 (the moral of a story), -adhippayena (instr.)<br />

in the way of, like PvA 215 (kil for fun).<br />

AdhippayOSa [adhi -f- payosa] distinction, difference, peculiarity,<br />

special meaning M 146; S 111.66; iv.208; A<br />

1.267; IV.158; V.48 sq.<br />

Adhippeta [Sk. abhipreta, adhi -|- ppa + i, lit. gone into,<br />

gone for; cp. adhippaya] I. desired, approved of, agreeable<br />

D 1. 120; 11.236; Vv.\ 312, 315. — 2. meant, under-<br />

stood, intended as J IH.263; P^A 9, 80, 120, 164.<br />

Adhippetatta (nt.) [abstr. fr. adhippeta] the fact of being<br />

meant or understood as, in abl. ^a with reference to, as<br />

is to be understood of VvA 13; PvA 52.<br />

Adhibadheti [adhi -f badheti, cp. Sk. abhibadhayati] to<br />

vex, oppress, gore (to death) Ud 8 (T. adhipateti, v. 1.<br />

avibadeti).<br />

Adhibrahma [adhi -)- Brahma, cp. atibrahma] a superior<br />

Brahma, higher than Brahma M II. 1 32.<br />

Adhibhavati [adhi -f- bhavati, cp. Sk. & P. abhibhavati] to<br />

overcome, overpower, surpass S IV.185 sq. (cp. adhibha);<br />

I confidence<br />

A V.248, 282 ("bhoti); J n.336; V.30. — aor. adhibhavi<br />

J ll.8o. 3. pi. adhibbaijsu S iv.185.<br />

& ajjhabhu pp. adhibhuta (q. v.).<br />

See also ajjhabhavi<br />

Adhibhasati [adhi -f- bhasati] to address, to speak to; aor.<br />

ajjhabhasi Vin 11. 195; S 1.103; iv.117; Sn p. 87; PvA<br />

56, 90.<br />

Adhibhu (adj.) (— °) [fr. adhi -f bhu, cp. adhibhavati &<br />

Sk. adhibhu] overpowering, having power over; master,<br />

conqueror, lord S IV.186 (anadhibhQ not mastering. For<br />

adhibhuta the v. 1. abhi° is to be preferred as more<br />

usual in this connection, see abhibhu); Sn 684 (miga"<br />

v. I. abhi").<br />

Adhibhuta [cp. adhibhu & adhibhuta] overpowered S iv.186.<br />

Adhimatta (adj.) [adhi -f matta of mS] extreme, exceeding,<br />

ext.iaordinary; nt. adv. "i] extremely M 1.152, 243; S i\'.<br />

160; k 11.150; IV.241; J 1.92; Pug 15; Miln 146, 189,<br />

274, 290; Pv II. 3» (= adhikatarar) PvA 86); DhA 11.8$;<br />

cp. PvA 281,<br />

Adhimattata (nt.) [abslr. fr. prec] preponderance A 11.150;<br />

DhsA 334 (cp. Dhs. irsl. 200).<br />

Adhimana (n.-adj.) [adhi -\- mano] (n.) attention, direction<br />

of mind, concentration Sn 692 (adhimanasa bhavatha). —<br />

(adj.) directing one's mind upon, intent (on) J iv.433<br />

(:= pasannacitta); v.29 (an°; v.l. °mana).<br />

Adhimana [adhi -|- mana] undue estimate of oneself M<br />

11.252; A V.162 sq.<br />

Adhimanilta (adj.) [fr. adhimana] having undue confidence<br />

in oneself, conceited A V 162, 169, 317; DhA mill.<br />

AdhimuCCati [Pass, of adhi -f muc] I. to be drawn to.<br />

feel attached to or inclined towards, to indulge in (c. loc.)<br />

S 111.225; IV. 185 ; A iv,24, 145 sq., 460; v.17; Pug 63. —<br />

2. to become settled, to make up one's mind as to (with<br />

loc), to become clear about Vin 1.209 (aor. "raucci); D<br />

1. 106; S 1. 116 (pot. °mucceyya); It 43; DA 1.275. —<br />

3. to take courage, to have faith Sn 559; Miln 234; DA<br />

1. 214, 316; J IV.272; V.103 ; DhH 1.196; 111.258; IV. 1 70. —<br />

4. of a spirit, to possess, to enter into a body, with loc.<br />

of the body. A late idiom for the older anvavisati. J<br />

IV.172; v.103, 429; L*hA 1.196; 111.258; IV. 170. —<br />

pp. adhimuccita and adhimutta. — Caus. adhimoceti<br />

to inpline to (trs.); to direct upon (with loc.) S v. 409<br />

(cittai) devesu a.).<br />

AdhlmUCCana (nt.) [fr. adhi -)- muc] making up one's mind,<br />

I)hs.\ 133, 190.<br />

Adhimuccita & Adhimucchita (pp.) [cither adhi -f muc<br />

or murch; it would seem more probable to connect it<br />

with the former (cp. adhimuccati) and consider all vv. 11.<br />

°mucchita as spurious; but in view of the credit of several<br />

passages we have to assume a regular analogy-form "muc-<br />

chila, cp. mucchati and see also JPTS 1886, 109]<br />

drawn towards, attached to, infatuated, indulging in (with<br />

loc.) M 11.223 (an"); S 1.113; Th l, 732 (v.l. "muccita),<br />

923 (cch), 1175; J 11.437 (cch); 111.242; v.255 (kamesu<br />

"mucchita, v. 1. '^muccita). Cp. ajjhomucchita.<br />

AdhimuCCitar [n. ag. of adhimuccati] one who determines<br />

for something, easily trusting, giving credence A HI. 165<br />

(v. I. °mucchita).<br />

Adhimutta (adj.) [pp. of adhimuccati, cp. BSk. adhimukta.<br />

Av. ^ 1.8, 112; Divy 49, 302 etc.] intent upon ( — " or<br />

with loc. or ace), applying oneself to, keen on, inclined<br />

to, given to Vin 1.183; A v.34, 38; Dh 226; Sn 107 1,<br />

1149 (°cilta); NdJ 33; J 1.370 (dan") Pug 26; PvA<br />

134 (dan°).<br />

Adhimutti (f.) [adhi -) niulti] resolve, intention, disposition<br />

D 1. 174; A V.36; Ps 1.124; Miln 161, 169; Vbh 340,<br />

341; DA 1.44, 103; Sdhp 378.

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