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The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary - Tuninst.net


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Pupphati 90 Pubba<br />

Pupphati [pufp] to flower J 1.76 (aor. °ir)su) ; PvA<br />

( =phalati). ^ pp. pupphita.<br />

185<br />

PapphavatI (f.) [fr. puppha*. but cp. Vedic puspavat<br />

flowering] a menstruous woman Miln 126.<br />

Pupphita [pp. of pupphati] flowering, in blossom S 1.131 =<br />

Th 2, 230 (su°); Vv 35*; J 1.18; Miln 347; ThA 69<br />

(Ap. V. 12) ; DhA 1.280 ; 11.250 (su°).<br />

Pupphin (adj.) [fr. puppha^ cp. Vedic puspin] bearing<br />

flowers; in nilapupphl (f.) N. of a plant ("with blue<br />

flowers ") J VI. 53.<br />

Pubba^ [Vedic puya>*puva>*puvva>pubba (Geiger,<br />

P.Gr. § 46^); cp. puyati to smell rotten, Lat. pus = E.<br />

pus, Gr. TTiiSw to rot. jn'ov matter ; Vedic puti smelling<br />

foul; Goth. fuls=E. foul] pus, matter, corruption<br />

M 1.57; III. 90 ; S 1.150; II. 157; A 1.34; II. J 18; Miln<br />

382 ; PvA 80. — In detail discussed (as one of the 32<br />

akaras) at Vism 261 , 360 ; KhA 62 ; VbhA 244. — Often<br />

in comb" pubba-lohita matter & blood, e. g. Sn p. 125 ;<br />

Sn 671 ; J V.71 ; DhA 1.319 ; as food of the Petas Pv<br />

l.6»; 1.9^ (lohita-pubba) ; i.i i^ ; 11, 2«, pubba-vatti a<br />

lump of matter DhA in. 1 7.<br />

1<br />

Pubba^ (adj.) [Vedic purva. to Idg. *per, see pari & cp.<br />

Goth. fram=from; Gr. Trpnftoc first, Goth. fruma = As.<br />

formo first, Av. pourvo, also Sk. purvya = Goth. frauja<br />

= Ohg. fro Lord, frouwa = Ger. frau. See also Lat.<br />

prandium, provincia] previous, former, before. <strong>The</strong><br />

adj. never occurs in abs. forms by itself (for which see<br />

pubbaka), it is found either as -" or °- or in cases as<br />

adv. <strong>The</strong> phrase pubbam antam anissita Sn 849 is<br />

poetical for pubbantam. — i. (-°) having been before<br />

J III. 200 ; na dittha° not seen before Nd' 445 ; matabhuta"<br />

formerly (been) his mother PvA 79 ; vuttha°<br />

(gama) formerly inhabited DhA 1.15; as adv. bhutapubbar)<br />

before any beings (existed) Vin 1.342 ; DhA<br />

1.102 and passim (see bhuta). — 2. (neg.) apubba (nt.)<br />

what has not been before, something new VvA 117, 287.<br />

ace. ixs adv. in phrase apubbat] acarimar) not earlier,<br />

Pug 13 ( = apure<br />

not after, i. e. simultaneously M in. 65 ;<br />

apaccha, ekappaharen' evati attho PugA 186).<br />

3. (cases adverbially) instr. pubbena in °apara gradual<br />

M in. 79; ace. pubbai) see i, 2, with abl. as prep. =<br />

before SnA 549 (=pura); loc. pubbe in earher times<br />

(also referring to previous births, cp. pure), in the past,<br />

before S iv.307 ; Sn<br />

831, 949 (with paccha & majjhe,<br />

290, 385,<br />

4, 10, 39, 40, 100. With abl. as prep. =<br />

i. e. future & present); Pv 1.3I ; 11. 2* ; SnA<br />

453 ; PvA<br />

before S 11.104. In comp" with °nivasa see sep. An<br />

old ace. f. *purvir) (cp. Prk. puvvir) Pischel, Gr. § 103)<br />

we find in Cpd. anupubbikatha (q. v.). <strong>The</strong> compar.<br />

pubbatara ("quite early") occurs abs. at S iv. 117<br />

as nom. pi. "ancestors" (cp. Gr. 01 jrporfpm), as<br />

loc. adv. at S 1.22.<br />

-angin in f. °angi (caru°) at J v.4 & vi.481 read<br />

sabbangin. -anna " first grain," a name given to the<br />

7 kinds of grain, as distinguished from aparamia, the<br />

7 sorts of vegetables, with which it is usually com-<br />

bined Vin ; III. 151 ; iv.267 ; Nd' 248 (where the 7 are<br />

enum"); Nd^ 314; J 11. 185; Miln 106; DA 1.78, 270;<br />

DhA IV. 8 1 etc. (see aparanna). See also bija-bija.<br />

-anha the former part of the day, forenoon, morning (as<br />

contrasted with majjhanha & sayanha) D 1.109, 22O ;<br />

A 1.294; '"-344; S 1.76 (°samayar)) ; SnA 139 (id.) ;<br />

DhA 111.98; PvA 61, 216. <strong>The</strong> speUing pubbanha<br />

M 1.528 (cp. Trenckner, Notes 80). -anta (i) the East<br />

J 1.98 ("ato aparantar) aparantato pubbantai) gacchati<br />

from E. to W. from W. to E.) ; v.471. — (2) the Past<br />

(opp. aparanta the Future) D 1.12 sq. ; S 11.26 ; Nd' 212 ;<br />

Dhs 1004. pubbam antag for pubbantai) is poetical<br />

at Sn 849. -"dnuditthi theory concerning the past or<br />

the beginning of things D 1.13 (cp. DA 1.103) ; M 11.2^3 ;<br />

S 111.45 ; Dhs 1320. -a!ha(ka) (alhaka) at Th 2, 395 is<br />

doubtful. T. reads bubbujaka, Mrs. Rh. D. translates<br />

" bubble of film " ; ThA 259 expl°" by " thita-jalapubbalha-sadisa."<br />

-acariya (i) an ancient teacher, a<br />

scholar of previous times A 1.132 ; 11.70 ; It iio ; Vism<br />

523= VbhA 130; KhA 11, 64, 65. — (2) a former<br />

teacher SnA 318. -acinna (-vasena) by way of former<br />

practice, from habit SnA 413. -4para (i) what precedes<br />

and what follows, what comes first and what last<br />

(with ref. to the successive order of syllables and words<br />

in the text of the Scriptures) A 111.201 (°kusala) ;<br />

Dh 352 ; Nett 3 (°anusandhi) ; cp. BSk. purvaparena<br />

vyakhyanar) karoti " expl"* in due order" Av§ 11.20.<br />

— (2) "rattarj "as in the former, so in the foil, night,"<br />

i. e. without ceasing, continuous Th i, 413. cp. pubbaratt-aparattai)<br />

DhA iv.129. -dpariya former &<br />

future, first & last Ud 61 (°vivesa) ; -abhoga previous<br />

rsflection ThA 30. -arama " Eastern Park," N. of a<br />

locality east of Savatthi A 111.344; Sn p. 139 (cp. Sn<br />

A 502). -asava former intoxication Sn 913, cp. Nd'<br />

331. -u^hana getting up before (someone else) either<br />

applied to a servant getting up before the master, or<br />

to a wife rising before her husband VvA 71, 136. -utthayin<br />

" getting up earlier " (with complementary Ep.<br />

paccha-nipatin " lying down later "), see above D 1.60 ;<br />

111.37; IV. 265 sq. ; DA<br />

1.168. — abstr. °««Ad-<br />

III. 191 ; A<br />

yita J 111.406 ("adihi pancahi kalyana dhammehi<br />

samannagata patidevata) = v.88 ; KhA 173. -uttara<br />

(i) preceding and following Kacc. 44, 47. — (2) " eastnorthern,"<br />

i. e. north-eastern J v. 38 (°kanna N.E.<br />

corner); vi.519 (id.), -kamma a former deed, a deed<br />

done in a former existence Cp. in. 11^. -karin "doing<br />

before," i. e. looking after, obliging, doing a favour<br />

A 1.87; Pug 26 (=pathamar) eva karaka PugA 204);<br />

PvA 114. -kicca preliminary function Vin v. 12 7<br />

(cattaro pubbakicca) ; cp. Cpd. 53. -kotthaka " Eastern<br />

Barn," Npl. A 111.345. -(n)gama (i) going before,<br />

preceding A in. 108 (okkamane p.); M in. 71 sq.<br />

(2) " allowing to go before " ; controlled or directed by,<br />

giving precedence Dh 2 (mano° dhamma = tena pafhanja-gamina<br />

hutva samannagata DhA 135); Nd- 318;<br />

Pug 15 (panfia° ariyamagga=paniiar) pure-carikai)<br />

(paiiiia°). Cp. BSk.<br />

katva PugA 194) ; Sdhp 547<br />

piirvangama Divy 333 (" obedient " Index), -carita<br />

former life SnA 382, 385. -ja born earlier, i. e. preceding<br />

in age PvA 57 (=jetthaka). -iiati former<br />

relative PvA 24. -deva a former god, a god of old, pi.<br />

the ancient gods (viz. the Asuras) S 1.224. -devata an<br />

ancient deity A 11.70; It no (v. 1. °deva). -nimitta<br />

" previous sign," a foregoing sign, prognostic, portent,<br />

forecast It 76 (the 5 signs of decay of a god) ; J i.n<br />

(the 32 signs at the conception of a Buddha, given in<br />

detail on p. 51), 48; Miln 298 (of prophetic dreams,<br />

11.85.<br />

cp. Cpd. p. 48) ; DhA VbhA 407 (in dreams) ;<br />

-pada the former, or antecedent, part (of a phrase)<br />

DhsA<br />

(opp.<br />

164. -parikamma a former action SnA 284<br />

to paccha-parikamma). -purisa ancestor D<br />

93. 94- -peta a deceased spirit, a ghost (=peta)<br />

D 1.8 ('katha, cp. DA 1.90 & Dial. 1.14). pubbe pete is<br />

poetical at Pv 1.4* for pubbapete. Cp. BSk. purvapreta<br />

Av6 1.149 (see Index p. 230); Divy 47, 97.<br />

-bhaga " former part," i. e. previous PvA 133 (°cetana<br />

opp. apara-bhaga-cetana. SS omit bhaga). -bhasin<br />

speaking obligingly (cp. pubbakarin) D 1. 116 (trsl.<br />

" not backward in conversation "), DA 1.287 (bhasanto<br />

va pathamatarag bhasati etc.). -yoga " former connection,"<br />

i. e. connection with a former body or deed,<br />

former action (and its result) J v.4 76 ; vi.480 ; Miln 2<br />

(pubbayogo ti tesar) pubba-kammai)). Kern, Toev.<br />

s. v. remarks that it is frequent in BSk. as purvayoga<br />

(yoga = yuga; syn. with purvakalpa), e. g. Saddh. Pund.<br />

ch. vii. ; MVastu 11.287; ni.175; and refers to Ind.<br />

Studien 16, 298; J.R.A.S. 1875, 5. -rattiparattar) the<br />

past and future time,<br />

III. 70 ; DhA IV. 129.<br />

the whole time, always A<br />

-vasana an impression remaining<br />

in the mind from former actions Sn 1009

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