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The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary - Tuninst.net

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary - Tuninst.net


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Punnata 88 Puthujjana<br />

( =punna-masiyar) sukka-pakkhe pannarasiyai) VvA<br />

314; the similar pass, at VvA 321 reads, prob. by<br />

mistake, sukka-pakkha-patiyar) : see pati) ; J v.215<br />

(=punna candaya rattiya C). -masi (f. ; fr. -masa) =<br />

ma J 1.86 (Pliagguni p.); VvA 314; cp. BSk. purnamasi<br />

Av^ 1.182.<br />

Pimnata (f) [abstr. to punna] fulness DA 1.140 (masa°<br />

full-moon).<br />

Poijmatta (nt.) [abstr. ro punna] fulness SnA 502.<br />

Pntoli see mutoli.<br />

Putta [Vedic putra, Idg. *putlo = Lat. puUus (*putslos)<br />

young of an animal, fr. pou, cp. Gr. ttoO*,-, jraif child,<br />

Lat. puer, pubes, Av. pufra, Lith. putytis (young<br />

animal or bird), Cymr. wyr grandchild ; also Sk. pota(ka)<br />

young animal and base pu- in pumarjs, pur)s " man "]<br />

I. a son S 1. 210; Sn 35, 38, 60, 557, 858; Dh 62, 84,<br />

228, 345 ; J IV. 309 ; Vism 645 (simile of 3 sons) ; PvA<br />

-5. 63. 73 sq. ; DA 1. 157 (dasaka"). Four kinds of sons<br />

are distinguished in the old Cy. viz. atraja p., khettaja,<br />

dinnaka, antevasika, or born of oneself, born on one'.s<br />

land, given to one, i. e. adopted, one living with one<br />

as a pupil. Thus at Nd' 247 ; Nd^ 448 ; J 1.135. Good<br />

and bad sons in regard to lineage are represented at<br />

J VI. 380. — Metaph. " sons of the Buddha " S 1.192 =<br />

Th I, 1237 (sabbe Bhagavato putta); It loi (me<br />

tumhe putta orasa mukhato jata dhammaja), J 111.211.<br />

— <strong>The</strong> parable of a woman eating her sons is given as a<br />

punishment in the Peta condition at Pv 1.6 (& 7). —<br />

pi. puttani Pv 1.6^. — aputta-bhavai) karoti to disinherit<br />

formally J v. 468. — 2. (in general) child, descendant,<br />

sometimes pleonastic like E. "man, °son in narnes :<br />

see putta-dara ; so esp. in later literature, like ludda"<br />

hunter's son=hunter 11. J 154:<br />

gentleman, loid J v. 94 ; PvA 66.<br />

ayya°=ayya, i. e.<br />

See also raja°. — Of<br />

a girl Th 2. 464. — matuccha' & matula" cousin (from<br />

mother's side), pituccha" id (fr. father's side).<br />

putta in N. PataU" see puta. — f. putti see raja".<br />

On<br />

-jiva N. of a tree: Putranjiva Roxburghii J vi.53. '.<br />

-dara child & wife (i. e. wife & children, family) D ni.Ofa,<br />

'• i8g, 192 ; S 1.92 ; A 11.67 P^' 1^.3''* (sa" together with<br />

his family) ; J in.467 (kig °ena what shall I do with a<br />

family ?) ; v.478. <strong>The</strong>y are hindrances to the development<br />

of spiritual life: see Nd''. under asirjsanti & palibodha.<br />

-phala a son as fruit (of the womb) J v. 330.<br />

-mai}sa the flesh of one's children (sons) a metaphor<br />

probably distorted fr. puta" rotten flesh. <strong>The</strong> metaphor<br />

is often alluded to in the kasina-kammatthana, and<br />

usually coupled with the akkha-bbhafijana (& vanapaticchadana)-simile,<br />

e. g. Vism 32, 45 ; DhA 1.375 ;<br />

SnA 58, 342. Besides at S 11.98 "(in full); Th i, 445<br />

("upama) ; 2. 22 i . -mata a woman whose sons (children)<br />

are dead M 1.324.<br />

Puttaka [fr. putta] I. a little son S 1.209, 2 10. — 2. a little<br />

child Til 2, 462 (of a girl). — 3. a voung bird (^potaka)<br />

Jn.134.<br />

Puttatta (nt.) [fr. putta] sonship DhA 1.89.<br />

Puttavant (adj.) [fr. putta] having sons S iv.249. Trenckner,<br />

\oles 02" gives a f. *puttapati for puttavati, but<br />

without ref.<br />

Puttimant (adj.) [fr. '•puttamant] having sons S 1.6 ; Sn 33.<br />

Puttiya (--) in Sakya" is compound Sakyaputta+iya<br />

" belonging to the son of the Sakyas " (i. e. to the<br />

Sakya prince) PvA 43. — asakyaputtiya dhamma<br />

Yin 11.297.<br />

Puthavi & Puthuvi (f.) [doublets of pathavi] the earth;<br />

as puthavi at S 1.186 ; J 1.14 (v. 1. puthuvi) ; iv.233, A<br />

in cpds. ^nabhi the navel of the earth (of the bodhimaijda,<br />

the Buddha's seat under the hoI>' fig tree)<br />

J IV.232 ; "mandala the round of the earth Sn 990.<br />

— As puthuvi at A 11.21, and in cpd. puthuvi-agga<br />

SnA 353.<br />

Puthu (adj.) [both Vedic prthak & prthu, lit. spread out,<br />

far & wide, flat, of Idg. *plet broad, Sk. prath to expand,<br />

prthah palm of hand Av. frajiah breadth, cp. Gr.<br />

TrXnn'ii,' broad, TrXuravoc plane tree, Lith. platiis broad,<br />

Lat. planta sole of foot, Ohg. flado pancake, Ags. flet<br />

ground, E. flat] i. (=prthak) separated, individual,<br />

adv. separated, individual, adv. separately, each (also<br />

given as puthag eva Kacc. 29) S 1.75 (puthu atta individual<br />

self); Th i, 86; J iv.346 (=visur) visug C);<br />

Miln 4. See further under cpds. — 2. ( = prthu).<br />

<strong>The</strong> forms (pi.) are both puther & puthu. both as adj.<br />

& n. ; puthu more freq. found in metre. — numerous,<br />

various, several, more, many, most D 1. 185 (puthu<br />

saniiagga ; opp. ekai)) ; S i.iS^ (puthu), 207 (id.); Sn<br />

769 (puthu kame = bahu Nd' 11); 1043, 1044 (puthii =<br />

bahuka Nd^ 449''); Th 2, 344 (puthu = puthu satta<br />

VI. 205 (puthu). nt. adv. puthu & puthur)<br />

ThA 241) ; J<br />

greatly, much, in many ways Sn 5S0 = ( aneka-ppakarag<br />

SnA 460); Vv 62'" (=mahantar| VvA 258).<br />

-gumba experienced in many crafts J vi.448<br />

( =aneka-sippa-nfiu C). -jja (puthu i, but see remarks<br />

on puthujjana) common, ordinary Sn 897, 911 (=pHthujjanehi<br />

janita Nd' 308). -titthakara a common<br />

sectarian D 1.116 (thus to puthu i, but DA 1.287 =<br />

bahii t.) -ddisa (puthu i) each separate quarter "all<br />

the diverse quarters" S 1.234. -pafifia (adj.) of wide<br />

wisdom (p. 2) A 1. 130; 11.67 (v- 1- hasa"). -pantiata<br />

wide wisdom A 1.45. -paniya ordinary (p. i) mode of<br />

shampooing with the hand Vin Ii.ic6 (Bdhgh on p. 316<br />

cxpl"* pudhu-panikan ti hattha parikamniar) vuccati<br />

" manual performance," thus not identical with panika<br />

on p. 151). -bhuta (p. 2) widely spread S 11.107 ; but<br />

cp. BSk prthag bhavati to be peculiar to Divy 58, icc.<br />

-mati wide understanding S 1.236. -loma " flat fin,"<br />

N, of a fish " the finny carp " (Mrs. Rh. D.) Vv 44"<br />

(=dibba-maccha Vv.\ 191); Th 2, 508 ( = so-called<br />

fish ThA 292) ; J iv.466. -vacana " speaking in many<br />

(bad) ways," or " people of various speech " (so expH<br />

Nd' 397) Sn 932<br />

talk"=puthu i).<br />

(prob. better " speaking ordinary<br />

-satta (pi.) =puthujjana, common<br />

people, the masses S 1.44 ; Pv 111.7'.<br />

Puthaka [fr. puthu, cp. (late) Vedic prthuka " flat corn,"<br />

also " young of an animal," with which cp. perhaps Gr.<br />

Trnp9froQ : see W'alde, Lat. ]\'tb. under virgo] rice in the<br />

car Dli.\ 1.98 ("agga as first gift of the field).<br />

Pnthujjana [*prthag-jana, thus puthu i + jana, but from<br />

the point of <strong>Pali</strong> identical in form and meaning with<br />

puthu 2, as shown by use of puthu in similar cpds. and<br />

by C. expl"". One may even say that puthu i — prthak<br />

is not felt at all in the P. word. Trenckner {Xotes 76)<br />

already hinted at this by saying " puthujjana, partly<br />

confounded with puthu " ; a connection which also<br />

underlies its expl" as " one-of-the-many-folk " at A'lii<br />

trsi" 811' & 291^. It is felt to belong to puthu 2 in the<br />

same sense as Ger. "die breite Masse," or Gr. oi ttoXXoi.<br />

<strong>The</strong> expl" at Nd' 308 = 328 is puthu-nana-jana. A long<br />

and detailed etvm. -speculation expl" of the term is found<br />

at DA 1.59, trsld at Dhs Irsl" 258. <strong>The</strong> BSk. form is<br />

prthagjana Divy 133 etc.] an ordinary, average person<br />

(4 cla .ses of ordinan,' people are discussed at Cf rf. 49, 5(.),<br />

a common worldling, a man of the people, an ordinary<br />

man Mm, 7, 135, 239, 323 ; 111.64,227; Si. 148 ; 11.94 sq.<br />

(assutava), 151 (id.); 111.46, 108, 162; iv.157, '9*'. 201<br />

(assutava), 206 sq. ; v. 362 (opp. to sotapanna) ; A 1.27,<br />

147 (marana-dhammin), 178. 267; 11.129, 163; III-54<br />

Dh 59.<br />

IV.68, 97, 157. 372 ; Sn 351, 455, 706. 816, 859 ;<br />

272; Vv 82* ,<br />

( = anariya VvA 32 1 -I- anavabodha)<br />

Nd' 146, 248; Ps 1. 61 sq., 143. 156; 11.27; I^tis 1003<br />

(cp. DhsA 248 sq.) ; Vism 311 ( = anariya); VbhA 133<br />

(avijj' abhikhuta, bhava-tanh' abhibhuta), 186 (ummat-

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