The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary - Tuninst.net

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary - Tuninst.net

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary - Tuninst.net


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Pavara 66 Paviloketi<br />

Pavara (adj.) [pa+vara] most excellent, noble, distin-<br />

guished S III. 264 ; Sn 83,<br />

Pug 69 Miln ; 246 ; PvA<br />

646, 698 (muni°) ;<br />

39 ("buddh'a.sana) ; Sdhp 421.<br />

422 ;<br />

Dh<br />

2 (°dhamma-cakka), 67 (id.),<br />

Pavasati [pa+vas] to " live forth," i. e. to be away from<br />

home, to dwell abroad Sn Sgg ; J<br />

gacchati) ; v. 91. — pp. pavuttha (q.<br />

11. 123 (=pavasar)<br />

v.). Cp. vi°.<br />

Pavassati [pa+ vt?1 to " rain forth," to begin to rain, shed<br />

rain S i.ioo; Sn 18 sq. (imper. pavassa). 353 (v. 1.)<br />

J V1.510 (" cry "), 5S7 (aor. pavassi). — pp. pavattha &<br />

pavuttha :<br />

see abhi'.<br />

Pavassana (nt.) [fr. pa + vrjT beginning to rain, raining<br />

.Miln 12(1.<br />

Pav&ta (nt.) [pa+vata, cp. \'edic pravata] a draught of<br />

air, breeze Vin 11.79 (opp. nivata).<br />

Pavati [pa+va] to diffuse a scent Dh 54; Th i, 528;<br />

J v.() 5 (disa bhati p. ca). See also pavayati.<br />

Pavada ;^pa+ vad, cp. Kpic Sk. pravada talk, saying] talk,<br />

disputation, discussion D 1.2ft. ift2 ; M 1.63; Sn 538.<br />

Pavadaka (adj.) [fr. pavada] 1. belonging to a discussion,<br />

intended for disputation D 1.78 (samaya" "debating<br />

hall"). — 2. fond of discussing Miln 4 (bhassa° "fond<br />

of wordy disputation "). Cp. pavadiya.<br />

Pavadiya (adj.) ffr. pavada, cp. pavadaka] belonging to a<br />

disputation, disputing, arguing, talking Sn.S85 (n. pi.<br />

"ase, taken by Nd' 293 as pavadanti, by SnA 555 as<br />

vadino).<br />

Pavayati [paH- val to blow forth, to permeate (of a scent),<br />

to diff\ise J i.tS (dibba-gandho p.) ; Vism<br />

sila-gandho p.).<br />

Cp. pavati.<br />

58 (dasa disa<br />

Pavarana (f.) [pa+vr,<br />

93 ; whereas Epic Sk.<br />

cp. BSk. pravarana Divy 91,<br />

pravarana, nt.. only in sense of<br />

"satisfaction"] i. the Pavarana, a ceremonj' at the<br />

termination of the Vassa Vin 1.155, ifto (where 2 kinds :<br />

catuddasika & pannarasika). n.32. 167; D 11.220;<br />

S 1. 190. pavaranag thapeti to fix or determine the<br />

(date of) P. Vin n.32. 276. Later two kinds of this<br />

ceremony (festival) are distinguished, viz. maha" the<br />

great P. and "sangaha, an abridged P. (see DA 1.24 1)<br />

J 1.29. 82. 193 (maha") : Vism 391 (id.); SnA 57 (id.);<br />

VvA 07 (id.) ; PvA 140 (id.) ; —<br />

2. satisfaction Vism 71.<br />

Favarita [pp. of pavareti] i. satisfied M 1.12 ( + paripunna<br />

pariyosita) ; Miln 231; Vism 71. — 2. having<br />

come to the end of the rainy season Vin 1. 175. — Freq.<br />

in formula bhuttavin pavarita having eaten & being<br />

satisfied \in 1.2 n (cp. Vin. <strong>Text</strong>s 1.19); ii.v>o; iv.82<br />

PvA 23.<br />

Pavareti [Caus. of pa + vr, cp. RSk. pravarayati Divy i 16,<br />

283. etc.] I. to invite, offer, present, sati.sfy S 1. 1911;<br />

A IV. 79 ; J 111.352. — 2. to celebrate the Pavarana (i. e.<br />

to come to the end of the Vassa) \'in i.ioo sq. ; 11.255 ;<br />

DhA 1.87; J 1.29, 215; IV. 243 (vuttha-vassa p.); Vism<br />


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