The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary - Tuninst.net

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary - Tuninst.net

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary - Tuninst.net


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<strong>Pali</strong>bujjhati see palibuddhati.<br />

<strong>Pali</strong>bujjhati 64 Pallala<br />

<strong>Pali</strong>bujjhana (nt.) [£r. palibujjhati] obstruction DliA<br />

111.258.<br />

Pahbuddha [pp- of palibujjhati] obstructed, hindered,<br />

stopped ; being kept back or delayed, tarrying J 11.4 1 7 ;<br />

Nd' 107 {palivethita+ ) ; Miln 388 (akaso a°) 404<br />

DhA HI. 198. Often in phrase lagga laggita p. Nd^ 88,<br />

107. 332. 596. 597. 657-<br />

<strong>Pali</strong>baddhati [the etym. offered by Andersen, <strong>Pali</strong> Reader<br />

s. V. palibuddha, viz. dissimilation for pari+ruddhati<br />

(rudh) is most plausible, other expl"" like Trenck ler's<br />

{Notes 66 for pari+badh, med-pass. bajjhati = *badhyate.<br />

seemingly contrmed by v. 1. Nd' 74 & 77<br />

"bajjhati for °bujjhati) and Kern's {Toev. s. v. =Ogh.<br />

firbiotan, Ger. verbieten) are semantically not satisfactory.<br />

Cp. avaruddhati & avaruddha] i. to obstruct,<br />

refuse, keep back, hinder, withhold Vin 11.1O6; iv.42,<br />

131 : J I.2i7(cp. patibahatiibid.) ; in. 138 (aor. "buddhi.)<br />

IV. 159 : Miln 263. — 2. to delay Miln 404 (or should we<br />

read °bujjhati i. e. sticks, tarries, is prevented ?). —<br />

Pass, palibujjhati<br />

tary style & late<br />

[this word occurs only in Commen-<br />

works. In the Niddesa the nearest<br />

synonym is lag, as seen from the freq.<br />

buddha -t- lagga, palibodha-flaggana : see<br />

comb" pali-<br />

Nd^ p. 188<br />

under nissita] to be obstructed or hindered, to be kept<br />

by (instr. or loc.) to stick or adhere to, to trouble about,<br />

attend to Nd- 74, 77 (paligijjhati-(- ),<br />

Miln 263. — pp. palibuddha (q. v.).<br />

88, 107, 597. 657;<br />

<strong>Pali</strong>bodha [see palibuddhati] obstruction, hindrance,<br />

obstacle, impediment, drawback J 1.148; 111.24.1 (a°<br />

non-obstruction), 381 (id.) : NettSo ; also invar, phrases,<br />

viz. kama° Nd^ ( 374 -H kamaparilaha) ; kula° civara"<br />

Nd^ 68, cp. Miln 388 (kule p.) ghar'avasa", putta-daro<br />

;<br />

etc. Nd' 136 ; Nd^ 172^ B. 205. cp. J 11.95 (ghara°) ; KhA<br />

39 (enum'' as set of dasa palibodha which are also given<br />

and expl"" in detail at Vism 9 sq.) ; cp. Dhs.\ 168, and<br />

in comb" laggana bandhana p. Nd' 332, 620. Two<br />

palibodhas are referred to at Vin 1.265, ^'z- avasa'<br />

and civara" (cp. !"/«. <strong>Text</strong>s 11.157) 'i"d sixteen at Miln<br />

II. Cp. Cpd. 53. — <strong>The</strong> minor obstacles (to the<br />

practice of kammatthana) are described as khuddaka°<br />

at Vism 122 iS; referred to at DhsA 168. — See also<br />

sam°.<br />

<strong>Pali</strong>bhanjana (nt.) [pari-l-bhaiijana] breaking up Nd' 576<br />

(sambhaujana-t- ; v. 1. pari"). See also sam° <strong>The</strong><br />

spelling phali° occurs at ThA 288.<br />

<strong>Pali</strong>mattha [pp. of pari-f-mrj] polished J v. 4. Cp. parimattha.<br />

See also sam°<br />

<strong>Pali</strong>vethana (adj. nt.) [fr. pari-t-vertl wrapping, surrounding,<br />

encircling, encumbrance J iv.436 ; Pug 34 : Vism<br />

353 (°camma) ; DhsA<br />

366.<br />

<strong>Pali</strong>vethita [pp. of.palivetheti] wrapped round, entwined,<br />

encircled, fettered Nd- 107 (°vetth', comb"* with laggita<br />

& palibuddha); J iv.436 ; vi.89. Cp. sam'.<br />

<strong>Pali</strong>ve^heti [pari+ve?t] to wrap up. cover, entwine,<br />

encircle M 1.134; J 1.192; 11.95; Dh.\ 1.269; DhsA<br />

366. — Pass, palivethiyati Miln 74. — pp. palivethita<br />

(q. v.). See also sam°<br />

<strong>Pali</strong>sajiati [pari-l-srj] to loosen, make loose S 11.89 (mu-<br />

lani).<br />

<strong>Pali</strong>ssajati [pari-l-svaj] to embrace D 11.266; J v.158<br />

(aor. palissaji = alingi C), 204, 215; VI.325.<br />

<strong>Pali</strong>ssuta [pp. of pari-(-gru] flowing over J vi.328.<br />

Palugga [pp. of palujjati, Sk. •pranigna] broken up,<br />

crushed, crumbled Bu 11.24; Miln 217.<br />

Palujiati [Pass, of palujati = pa-l-rnj] to break (intrs.) to<br />

fall down, crumble, to be dissolved Vin 11. 284 ; D 11.181 ;<br />

M 1.488; S II. 2 18; III. 137; iv.52=Nd'- 55'j (in exegesis<br />

of " loka ") ; Miln 8 ; Vism 416. — pp. palugga (q. v.).<br />

Cp. BSk. pralujyati MVastu ii.37

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