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The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary - Tuninst.net

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary - Tuninst.net


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Palayana 63 <strong>Pali</strong>ppati<br />

Palayana (nt.) [fr. palay] running away DhA 1.1O4. See<br />

also palana.<br />

Palayanaka (adj.) [fr. palayj running away J 11.2 10 {"ij<br />

karoti to put to flight).<br />

Palayin (adj.) rfr. palay] running away, taking to flight<br />

S 1. 221 =223. — Usually neg. apalayin S 1.185, and in<br />

phrase abhiru anutrasin apalayin S 1.99; Th i, 864;<br />

J IV.296 and passim. See apalayin & apalasin.<br />

Palala (m. & nt.) [cp. Ved. & Epic Sk. palala] straw J<br />

1.488 :<br />

DhA 1.69.<br />

-channaka a roof of thatch Th i, 208. -pinda a<br />

bundle of straw Vism 257 = KhA 56. -pithaka " straw<br />

foot-stool," a kind of punishment or torture M 1.87 =<br />

A ll.i22=Miln 197 (see Mtln trsl. 1.277 " Straw Seat,"<br />

i. e. being so beaten with clubs, that the bones are<br />

broken, and the body becomes like a heap of straw)<br />

Nd' 154; Nd^ 604; J V.273. -pufija a heap of straw<br />

D 1. 71 ; M<br />

in. 3; A 1.241 ; 11. 210; Pug 68; VbhA 367.<br />

-putijaka same as punja Miln 342,<br />

Palajita see palalita.<br />

Falasa* (m. & nt.) [Vedic palasa] i. the tree Butea fron<br />

dosa or Judas tree J in. 23 (in Palasa Jataka). — 2. a<br />

leaf; collectively (nt.) foliage, pi. (nt.) leaves S 11. 178;<br />

J I.120 (nt.); III. 210, 344; PvA 63 ("antare ; so read<br />

for pas' antare). 113 (ghana°), 191 (sali°). puppha°<br />

blossoms & leaves DhA 1.75 ; sakha" branches it leaves<br />

M Mil 1. ; J 164; Miln 254; pandu^ a scar leaf Vin<br />

1.96; in.47 ; IV.217; bahala" (adj.) thick with leaves<br />

J 1.57. —'palasani (pi.) leaves J<br />

panriani C.) ; PvA 192 (=bhusani).<br />

in. 185 (=palasa-<br />

Palasa' & (more commonly) Pa|asa [according toTrenckner,<br />

Notes 83, from ras, but BSk. pradaSa points to pa +<br />

dasa = d&8a " enemy " this form evidently a Sanskritisation]<br />

unmercifulness, malice, spite. Its nearest synonym<br />

is yuga-ggaha (so Vbh 357; Pug 18, where yuddhaggaha<br />

is read; J 111.259; VvA 71); it is often comb''<br />

with macchera (Vv 15') and makkha (Miln 289).<br />

M 1. 15, 36, 488; A 1.79; J II. 198; Vbh 357; Pug 18<br />

(H-palasayana, etc.). —apa|asa mercifulness M 1.44.<br />

Palasata [so read for palasata & palasada; cp. Vedic<br />

parasvant given by BR. in meaning " a certain large<br />

animal, perhaps the wild ass "] a rhinoceros J v. 206,<br />

408 ;<br />

VI. 2 77.<br />

Palasika (adj.) [fr. palasa'] i. in cpd. pandu° one who<br />

lives by eating withered leaves DA 1.270. 271. —2. in<br />

cpd. eka° (upahana) (a shoe) with one lining (i. e. of<br />

leaves) Vin 1.185 (=eka pafala Bdhgh ; see V'm. <strong>Text</strong>s<br />

II.I3).<br />

Palasin (palasin) (adj.) [fr. palasa^ spiteful, unmerciful,<br />

malicious M 1.43 sq., 96; A iil.iii ; comb'' with makkhin<br />

at<br />

apajasin<br />

Pug 22 ;<br />

Vin 11.89 (cp- Vin <strong>Text</strong>s in. 38) ; J in. 259.<br />

D in. 47 (amakkhin+ ) ; M 1.43; A iii.iii;<br />

see also separately.<br />

<strong>Pali</strong>° [a variant of pari", to be referred to the Magadhi<br />

dialect in which it is found most frequently, esp. in the<br />

older language, see Pischel, Pfk. Gr. § 257 ; Geiger,<br />

P.Gr. § 44] round, around = ( pari) only as prefix in cpds.<br />

(q. v.). Often we find both pari" & pali° in the same<br />

word.<br />

<strong>Pali</strong>knijati [pali+kujjati] to bend oneself over, to go<br />

crooked M 1.387.<br />

<strong>Pali</strong>klllilthita [a var. of paligunthita, q. v. & cp. Geiger,<br />

P.Gr. § 39'] covered, enveloped, smeared with J 11,92<br />

(lohita").<br />

<strong>Pali</strong>kha [a variant of paligha on kh for gh see Geiger.<br />

P.Gr. § 39*] a bar J vi.276 (with paligha as gloss).<br />

<strong>Pali</strong>khaQati [pali + kha?, cp. parikha] to dig up, root out<br />

S 1. 1 23; II. 88 (so read for palir)= iV phali") = A 1.21.4;<br />

ger. palikhafina Sn 9O8 (^uddhantva Nd' 49"); palikhaya<br />

S 1.123 (cp. KS 320); & palikhanitva S 11.88;<br />

SnA 573. — pp. palikhata (q. v.).<br />

<strong>Pali</strong>khata [pp. of palikhanati] dug round or out S iv.83<br />

(so read with v. 1. for T. palikhita).<br />

<strong>Pali</strong>khati [pa+likhj to scratch, in phra.se otthag p. to<br />

bite one's lip J v.434=DhA iv. 197.<br />

<strong>Pali</strong>khadati [pah-t- khadati] to bite all round, to gnaw or<br />

peck off M 1.364 (kukkuro afthikankalar) p.).<br />

<strong>Pali</strong>gijjhati [pali+gijjhati] to be greedy Nd^ 77 (abhigijjhati+).<br />

<strong>Pali</strong>gunthita [pali+gunthita, variant palikunthita, as<br />

kunthita & gundhita are found] entangled, covered,<br />

enveloped Sn 131 (mohena ; v. 1. BB "kunthita);<br />

11.<br />

J n.i50=DhA 1.144 (v- 1- °kunth°) ; iv.56 Expl"" by pariyonaddha J<br />

Miln ;<br />

11.15". by paticchadita J<br />

IV. 56. Cp. paligunthima,<br />

<strong>Pali</strong>gedha [pali+gedha but ace. to Geiger, P.Gr. § 10 =<br />

parigrddha] greed, conceit, selfishness A 1.66 ; Ndtanha<br />

11 (gedha-l-); Dhs 1059, 1136.<br />

<strong>Pali</strong>gedhin (adj.) [fr. paligedha, but Geiger, P.Gr. § 10<br />

takes it as •parigrddhin, cp. giddhjn] conceited, greedy,<br />

selfish A III. 265.<br />

<strong>Pali</strong>gha [pari + gha of (g)han, cp. P. & Sk. parigha] i. a<br />

cross-bar Vin 11.154; Th 2, 263 (vatta° =parigha-<br />

11.95; vi.276. — 2. an obstacle,<br />

danda ThA 211); J<br />

hindrance D 11.254 =S 12 ? — (adj (-°) in two phrases :<br />

)<br />

okkhitta" with cross-bars erected or put up D 1.105<br />

( = thapita° DA 1.274), OPP- ukkhitta" with cross-bars<br />

(i. e. obstacles) withdrawn or removed M 1.139 =A<br />

iii.84=Nd2 284 C. ; Su 622 ( =avijja-palighassa uk<br />

khittatta SnA 467) ; cp. parikha.<br />

-parivattika turning round of the bar the " Bar<br />

Turn," a kind of puni.shment or torture (consisting in<br />

" a spike being driven from ear to ear he is pinned to<br />

the ground" Hardy, E.M. 32, cp. Miln trsl. 1.277)<br />

M 1.87 =A i.47=ii.i22=Ndi i54=Nd2 604 B (reads<br />

palingha, v. 1. paligha) = Miln 197.<br />

<strong>Pali</strong>ta (adj.) [cp. Vedic palita ; Gr. m\iTV»Q, freXiiiiblack-grey;<br />

Lith. pilkas grey; Ags. fealu^Ohg. falo,<br />

E. fallow, Ger. fahl ; also Sk. pandu whitish ; P. pandu,<br />

patala pink] grey, in cpd. °kesa with grey (i. e. white)<br />

hair M 1.88 (f. °kesi) ; A 1.138 ; J 1.59. 79 abs. only at<br />

I<br />

J VI. 524. <strong>The</strong> spelling phalita also occurs (e. g. PvA<br />

153). — Der. palicca.<br />

<strong>Pali</strong>tta [pp.<br />

ThA 284).<br />

o' palippati] smeared Th 2, 467 = upalitta<br />

(<br />

<strong>Pali</strong>pa fr. [pa -I- lip] sloppiness, mud, marsh M 1.45 Th i,<br />

;<br />

89; 2, 291 = ( panka ThA 224); J in. 241 (read palipo,<br />

cp. C. =mahakaddamo ibid.) =iv. 480.<br />

<strong>Pali</strong>patha [for paripatha = °pantha (q. v.), the bases path°<br />

& panth° frequently interchanging. Trcnckner (Notes<br />

80) derives it fr. pa -I- lip] danger, obstacle (or is it<br />

"mud, mire "= palipa ?) A iv.290 ; Sn 34=638 ( =<br />

raga° SnA 469) = Dh 414 (=raga° DhA I v. 194).<br />

<strong>Pali</strong>padaka see pali".<br />

<strong>Pali</strong>panna [for paripanna, pp. of paripajjati] fallen, got<br />

or sunk into {-° or loc.) Vin i.^oi (muttakarise) ; D<br />

11.24 (id.) ; M 1.45 (palipa") =Nd2 651 B ; M 1.88 ; J vi.8 ;<br />

Vism 49 (muttakarise).<br />

<strong>Pali</strong>ppati [Med. -Pass, of pa -flip; often spelt palimpati] to<br />

be smeared; to stick, to adhere to Pv iv.!!* (°amana<br />

read for palimpamana). — pp. palitta (q. v.).

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