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The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary - Tuninst.net

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary - Tuninst.net


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Attha 24 Attharati<br />

sake of, in order to, for J 1.254 dhan' atthaya for wealth,<br />

kim" what for, why?), 279; 11.133; 111-54; DhA 11.82;<br />

PvA 55, 75, 78. — (b) ace. attba^ on account of, in<br />

order to, often instead of an infinitive or with another<br />

inf. substitute J 1.279 (kim"); 111.53 i"^-)'-! 1-253; n.128;<br />

Dpvs VI. 79; DhA 1.397; PvA 32 (dassan" in order to<br />

see), 78, 167, etc. — (c) abl. attha J 111.518 (pitu<br />

attha = atthaya C). — (d) loc. atthe instead of, for<br />

VvA 10; PvA 33; etc.<br />

anattba (m. & nt.) I. unprofitable situation or con-<br />

dition, mischief, harm, misery, misfortune S 1. 103;<br />

(analthaya saqvattati); A iv.96 (°i) adhipajjati)<br />

11.196<br />

It 84<br />

(°jaoano doso ill-will brings discomfort); J 1.63, 196;<br />

Pug 37; Dhs 1060, 1231; Sdhp 87; DA 1.52 (anatthajanano<br />

kodho, cp. It 83 and Nd^ 420 Q2); DhA 11.73;<br />

PvA 13, 61, 114, 199. — 2. (= attha 3) incorrect sense,<br />

false meaning, as adj. senseless (and therefore unprofit-<br />

able, no good, irrelevant) A v. 222, 254 (adhammo ca);<br />

Dh 100 (= aniyyanad°Ipaka DhA 11.208); Sn 126 (expH-<br />

at SnA 180 as ahitaq).<br />

-akkbayin showing what is profitable D 111-187. -attha<br />

riches J vi.290 (= atthabhatai) atthai) C). -antara dif-<br />

ference between the (two) meanings Miln 158. At Th i,<br />

374, Oldenberg's reading, but the v. 1. (also C. reading)<br />

atthandhara is much belter =z he who knows the (correct)<br />

meaning, esp. as it coiTesponds with dhamma-dhara<br />

(q. v.). -abbisamaya grasp of the proficient S 1.87 (see<br />

abhisamaya). -uddbara synopsis or abstract of contents<br />

("matter") of the Vinaya Dpvs v.37. -upaparilckba in-<br />

vestigation of meaning, (-|- dhamma-savanna) M III. 175;<br />

A III. 381 sq.; IV.221; V.126. -uppatti (atth") sense,<br />

meaning, explanation, interpretation J 1.89; DA 1.242;<br />

KhA 216; VvA 197, 203 (cp. palito) PvA 2, 6, 78; etc.<br />

-kama (adj.) (a) well-wishing, a well-wisher, friend, one<br />

who is interested in the welfare of others (cp. Sk. arthakama,<br />

e.g. Bhagavadglta 11.5: gurun arthakaman) S 1.140,<br />

144, 197; A 111.143; D III. 164 (bahuno janassa a., -\hitakamo);<br />

J 1.241 ; Pv iv.3" ; Pv A 25 ; SnA 287 (an°). —<br />

(b) one who is interested in his own gain or good, either<br />

in good or bad sense (^greedy) S 1.44; PvA 112. —<br />

-katha (attha") exposition of the sense, explanation, commentary<br />

J V.38, 170; PvA I,<br />

Com. -kara beneficial, useful<br />

7l,<br />

Vin<br />

etc. freq. in N. of<br />

111.149; Miln 321.<br />

-karana the business of trying a case, holding court,<br />

giving judgment (v. 1. atta°) D 11.20; S 1.74 (judgment<br />

hall?), -kavi a didactic poet (see kavi) A 11.230. -kamin<br />

= °kama, well-wishing Sn 986 (devata atthakamin!).<br />

-karaicia (abl.) for the sake of gain D in. 186. -kusala<br />

clever in finding out what is good or profitable Sn 143<br />

(= atthacheka KhA 236). -cara doing good, busy in the<br />

interest of others, obliging S 1.23 (naranai) =z "working<br />

out man's salvation"), -caraka (adj.) one who devotes<br />

himself to being useful to others, doing good, one who<br />

renders service to others, e. g. an attendant, messenger,<br />

agent etc. D 1.107 (= hitakSraka DA 1.276); J 11.87;<br />

III. 326; IV.230; VI.369. -cariya useful conduct or behaviour<br />

D IU.1S2, 190, 232; A 11.32, 248; IV.219, 364. -nu one<br />

who knows what is useful or who knows the (plain or<br />

correct) meaning of something (-|- dhammannu) D 111.252;<br />

A 111.148; IV.H3 sq. -dassia intent upon the (moral)<br />

good Sn 385 (= hilSnupassin SnA 373). -dassimant one<br />

who examines a cause (cp. Sk. arthadarsika) J vi.286<br />

(but expld- by C. as "sanha-sukhuma-paiina" of deep insight,<br />

one who has a fine and minute knowledge), -desana<br />

interpretation, exegesis Miln 21 (dhamm"). -dhamma<br />

"reason and morality", see above n". 3. °anusasaha one<br />

who advises regarding the meaning and application of the<br />

Law, a professor of moral philosophy J 11.105; DhAll.71.<br />

^pada a profitable saying, a word of good sense, text,<br />

motto A n.189; ni-356; Dh 100. -patUambbida knowledge<br />

of the meaning (of words) combd- with dhamma°<br />

of the text or spirit (see above n". 3) Ps 1.132; 11. 150;<br />

Vbh 293 sq. -pa^lsagvedin experiencing good D 111.24<br />

(4- dhamma°); A 1.151; 111.21. -baddha expecting some<br />

good from (c. loc.) Sn 382. -bhanjanaka breaking the<br />

welfare of, hurting DhA 111.356 (paresai) of others, by<br />

means of telling lies, musavadena). -majjha of beautiful<br />

waist J V.170 (= sumajjha C. ; reading must be faulty,<br />

there is hardly any connection with attha; v. 1. atta).<br />

•rasa sweetness (or substance, essence) of meaning (-jdhamma°,<br />

vimutti°) Nd^ 466; Ps 11.88, 89. -vasa "dependence<br />

on the sense", reasonableness, reason, consequence,<br />

cause D 11.285; ^ '•464; 11.120; 111.150; S 11.202;<br />

111.93; IV.303; V.224: A i.6i, 77, 98; 11.240; 111.72, 169,<br />

237; Dh 289 (= karana DhA 111.435); I' ^9; Sn 297;<br />

Ud 14. -vasika sensible It 89; Miln 406. -vasin bent<br />

on (one's) aim or purpose Th i, 539. -vadin one who<br />

speaks good, i. e. whose words are doing good or who<br />

speaks only useful speech, always in comb"- with kala°<br />

bhuta" dhamma" D 1.4; 111.175; A 1.204; 11-22, 209;<br />

Pug 58; DA 1.76 (expld- as "one who speaks for the<br />

sake of reaping blessings here and hereaiter"). -sat]vannana<br />

explanation, exegesis PvA i. -saijbita connected<br />

with good, bringing good, profitable, useful, salutary D<br />

1.189; S 11.223; IV.330; V.417; A 111.196 sq., 244; Sn<br />

722 (= hitena sai)hitar| SnA 500); Pug 58. -sandassana<br />

determination of meaning, definition Ps 1.105. -siddhi<br />

profit, advantage, benefit J 1.402; PvA 63.<br />

Attha^ (nt.) [Vedic asta, of uncertain etym.] home, primarily<br />

as place of rest & shelter, but in P. phraselogy abstracted<br />

from the "going home", i. e. setting of the sun, as disappearance,<br />

going out of existence, annihilation, extinction.<br />

Only in ace. and as °— in foil phrases: attbangacchati<br />

to disappear, to go out of existence, to vanish Dh 226<br />

(= vinasaq natthibhavai) gacchati DhA 111.324), 384 (=<br />

parikkhayai] gacchati); pp. attbangata gone home, gone<br />

to rest, gone, disappeared; of the sun (=: set): J 1.175<br />

(atthangate suriye at sunset); PvA 55 (id.) 216 (anatthan-<br />

gate s. before sunset) fig. Sn 472 (atthagata). 475 (id.);<br />

1075 (= niruddha ucchinna vinattha anupadi-sesaya nibbana-dhatuya<br />

nibbuta); it 58; Dhs 1038; Vbh 195.<br />

-attbagatatta (nt. abstr.) disappearance SnA 409. -attbangama<br />

(atthagama passim) aunihilatioo , disappearance;<br />

opposed to samudaya (coming into existence) and synonymous<br />

wiih nirodha (destruction) D 1.34, 37, 183; S<br />

IV.327; A 111.326; Ps 11.4, 6, 39; Pug 52; Dhs 165,<br />

265, 501, 579; Vbh 105. -atthagamana (nt.) setting<br />

(of the sun) J 1. 101 (suriyass' atthagamana at sunset)<br />

DA 1.95 (=: ogamana). — attba-glmin, in phrase uday^<br />

atthagSmin leading to birth and death (of pan&a): see<br />

udaya. -attbai) paleti = attbangacchati (fig.) Sn 1074<br />

(== atthangameti nirujjhati Nd^ 28). — Also atthamita<br />

(pp. of i) set (of the sun) in phrase anattharaite suriye<br />

before sunset (with anatthangamite as v. 1. at both pass.)<br />

DhA 1.86; 111.127. — Cp. also abbhaltha.<br />

Attha^ pres. 2"d pi. of atlhi (q. v.).<br />

Atthata [pp. of attharati] spread, covered, spread over with<br />

(— °) Vin 1.265; IV.287; V.I 72 (also °an); A ni.50;<br />

PvA 141.<br />

Atthatta (nt.) [abstr. fr. attha'] reason, cause; only in abl.<br />

atthatia according to the sense, by reason of, on account<br />

of PvA 189 (— ").<br />

Atthara [fr. attharati] a rug (for horses, elephants etc.) D 1.7.<br />

Attharaka [= atthara] a covering J 1.9; DA 1.87. — f.<br />

°ika a layer J 1.9; v.280.<br />

Attharaka (nt.) [fr. attharati] a covering, carpet, cover,<br />

rug Vin 11.291; A 11.56; in.53; Mhvs 3, 20; 15, 40;<br />

25, 102; ThA 22.<br />

Attharati [a + Stf]<br />

'o spread, to cover, to spread out;<br />

stretch, lay out Vin 1.254; V.172; J 1.199; V.II3; VI.428;<br />

Dh 1.272. — pp. attbata (q.v.). — Caus. attbarapeti to<br />

caused to be spread J v.lio; Mhvs 3, 20; 29, 7; 34, 69.

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