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The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary - Tuninst.net

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary - Tuninst.net


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Pattiya 30 Pada<br />

Pattiya* (adj. n.) [for *pratyaya=paccaya, cp. Trenckner,<br />

Noles -f, 9] believing, trusting, relying J v. 414 (para")<br />

(m.) belief, trust J v. 231 (parapattiyena by relying on<br />

others). 233 (id.), 414 (id.).<br />

Pattiya' (adj.) [grd. of papunati ; cp. pattabba] to be<br />

attained, to be shared or profited Pv 11.9^' {para° pro-<br />

fitable to others, see expl" at PvA 125).<br />

Pattiyayati [denom. fr. pattiya'] to believe, trust, rely on<br />

J 1.426; V.403; DA 1.73.<br />

Pattiyayana (nt.) [fr. pattiyayati] belief J v.402.<br />

Pattlyati [denom. fr. patti^ to gain, to profit from (ace.)<br />

Miln 240 (attanag na p. does not profit from himself).<br />

Pattha* [fr. pa+stha. Cp. Epic Sk. prastha plateau] a<br />

lonely place, in cpd. vana° D 1.71 ; Pug 59 etc., a wilderness<br />

in the forest, expl'' by Bdhgh as " gamantai) atikkamitva<br />

manussanag anupacara-tthanai) yattha na<br />

kasanti na vapanti " DA 1.2 10; Ud 43 (patthan ca<br />

sayan' asanari. ed. ; but better with id. p. Dh 185 as<br />

pantaii, which is expl'' at DhA 111.238 by " vivittag,"<br />

i, e. separately). Cp. with this Sk. vana-prastha a<br />

forest situated on elevated land.<br />

Pattha' [cp. late Sk. prastha] a Prastha (certain measure<br />

of capacity) =-J of an Ajhaka ; a cooking utensil containing<br />

one Prastha DhA n.154; SnA 476 (cattaro<br />

pattha alhakai)].<br />

Patthata [pp. of pattheirati] stretched, spread out J 1.336<br />

Vism 364 ; DA 1.311.<br />

PatthaQ^ila [pa-l-thandila] hermitage M 11.155.<br />

Patthaddha [pa-l-thaddha] (quite) stiff Vin 11. 192 ; Th<br />

1074.<br />

i.<br />

Patthana (f.) [of ap-l- arth, cp. Sk. prarthayati & prarthana<br />

nt., prarthana f] aiming at, wish, desire, request,<br />

.' ." aspiration, prayer S n.99, 154 ; A 1.224 'ii-47 v.212 ;<br />

Nd' 316, 337 (p. vuccati taijha) ; Nd' 1 12 ; Nett 18, 27 ;<br />

Dhs 1Q59 ; MUn 3 ; SnA 47, 50 ; DhA 11.36 ; PvA 47.<br />

— patthanag karoti to make a wish J 1.68 ; DhA 1.48 ;<br />

°r) thapeti id. DhA '• 1.47 ; 11.83<br />

iv.200.<br />

Patthara [cp. late Sk. prastara. <strong>The</strong> ord. meaning of Sk.<br />

pr. is " stramentum "] :. stone, rock S 1.32. — 2. stoneware<br />

MUn 2.<br />

Pattharati [pa-l-tharati] to spread, spread out, extend<br />

J 1.62; IV.212; VI. 279; DhA 1.26; 111.61 (so read at<br />

J VI. 549 in cpd "pada with spreading feet, v. 1. patthata").<br />

— pp. patthafa (q. v.). — Caus. pattharati with pp.<br />

pattharita probably also to be read at Th i, 842 for<br />

padharita.<br />

Pattharika [fr. patthara] a merchant Vin 11. 135 (kagsa").<br />

Patthita [pp. of pattheti] wished for, desired, requested,<br />

sought after Sn 836; Miln 227, 361; DhA iv.201 ;<br />

PvA 47 (°akara of the desired kind, as wished for) ;<br />

Sdhp 79 {a°}<br />

307. Also as<br />

patthinna at Vin 1.286 (=atirajitatta thaddha Bdhgh,<br />

on p. 391); Vism 361 (=thina p. 262); VbhA 67<br />

("sneha).<br />

Patthlna [pa+thina] stiflE D "-335 : DhsA<br />

Pattheti [pa-l- arth, cp. Sk. prarthayati] to wish for, desire,<br />

pray for, request, long for S iv.125; v.145; Sn 114,<br />

899 ; Th 2, 341 ; Nd' 312, 316 ; PugA 208 (asai)sati+ ) ;<br />

PvA 148; Sdhp 66, 319; ppr. patthento PvA 107;<br />

patthayanto J 1.66 (paramSbhisagbodhig) ; patthayag<br />

Sn 70 = ( iochanto patthayanto abhijappanto Nd^ 392)<br />

patthayamana M 1.4; Sn 902; J 1.259; DhA 111.193;<br />

PvA 226 (=&sii)samana) ; & patthayano Sn 900 ; It 67,<br />

115. — grd. patthetabba PvA 96, patthayitabba PvA<br />

95, and patthiya which only occurs in neg. form apat-<br />

thiya what ought not to be wished J iv.6i ; Pv<br />

11. 6'<br />

(=apatthayitabbag PvA 95); DhA 1.29; also as napatthiya<br />

(med.) one who does not wish for himself Sn<br />

914 (cp. Nd2 337). — pp. patthita (q. v.).<br />

Patva see papunati.<br />

Patha [of path, Ved. pathi with the 3 bases pathi, path"<br />

and panth°, of which only the last two have formed<br />

independent nouns, viz. patha and pantha (q. v.)] i.<br />

path, road, way D 1.63 ; Sn 176 (loc. pathe), 385, 540,<br />

868 ; Nd' 485 B (-1- pantha, in expl" of magga) ; J 1.308<br />

(loc. pathe) ; n.39 ; vi.525 (abl. patha) ; Th i, 64 ; Pug<br />

22, 57;<br />

Geiger,<br />

Mhvs 21, 24 (pathe); 36, 93 (loc. pathi, see<br />

Gr. § 89); Sdhp 241. — 2. Very frequent as<br />

-°, where it is sometimes pleonastic, and acts in the<br />

function of an abstract formation in °ia or °Uaij (cp.<br />

similar use of anta : see anta' 5 ; and pada : see pada<br />

3), e. g. anila" (air) J iv.119; anupariyaya" A iv.107:<br />

adicca" (path of the sun, sky) DhA ni.177 ; ummagga°<br />

(range of) calcu-<br />

S 1.193 ; kamma" DhA 1.36 ganana° ;<br />

lation MUn 20; cakkhu'^ J IV.403 (=cakkhunag etag<br />

namag C.) ; catummaha" A 111.28, 42, 394; dve° Vv<br />

53" ; nakkhatta" Dh 208 yanna° (=yanfia) ; Nd' 524 ;<br />

yogga° A III. 122 ; raja° S 11. 219; raga° (sensuality)<br />

S IV. 70 ; vacana" (way of saying, speech) Vv 63"<br />

( = vacana VvA 262), etc. See also cakkhu'^, neyya",<br />

dvejha", manussa", yanna", vada°, sagga", hattha°<br />

der. patheyya. — See also byappatha. —apatha where<br />

there is no way or road, wrong way J 11.287 '• ThA 255 ;<br />

VvA 337.<br />

-addhan " the journey or stretch of the path " : see<br />

under addhan. -addhi (?) so perhaps to be read for<br />

patatthi. according to FausboU J vi.276. Unclear in<br />

meaning, expl'' by nibbiddha vithi (frequented road ?)<br />

-gamana " going on their course," of the stars D i.io<br />

(see Dial. 1.20 : " their usual course ").<br />

Pathabya [fr. pathavi= patha vi] belonging to the earth,<br />

ruler of the earth (?) A iv.90 (reading uncertain).<br />

Pathavi see pathavi.<br />

Pathavin [fr. patha] a traveller Vin iv.108 ; J vi.65 ; DA<br />

1.298.<br />

Pada (nt.) [Ved. pad, pad (m.) foot, and also pada ; pada<br />

(nt.) step. Cp. Gr. ttwc,' (iropf) =Lat. pes, Goth, fotus<br />

= Ohg fuoz=E. foot; further Arm. het track, Gr.<br />

nita after, n'thov field, :reJ6e on foot, etc. ; Lith. peda<br />

track; Ags. fetvan=E. fetch..— <strong>The</strong> decl. in <strong>Pali</strong> is<br />

vocalic (a), viz. pada ; a trace of the consonant (root)<br />

decl. is instr. sg. pada (Th i, ; 457 Sn 768), of cons, (s)<br />

decl. instr. padasa with the foot,<br />

111.371 ; DhA 1.391). — Gender is<br />

on foot (D 1.107; J<br />

nt., but nom. pi. is<br />

frequently found as pada, e. g. at Dh 273 ; Nett 192<br />

(mula°)] 1. foot Dh 273=SnA 366 (? saccanag caturo<br />

pada) ; DA 1.85 ; usuaUy -°, like hatthipadag elephant's<br />

foot M 1.176, 184 ; S 1.86 ; v. 43, 231 ; and with numerals<br />

dvi° & di°, catup", attha° (q. v.). In attha° also meaning<br />

" square of a chessboard." — 2. step, footstep,<br />

track Dh 179 (of a Buddha, cp. DhA 111.194 ^ '97)<br />

J 1. 1 70 (footmark) 11. 154; in redupl. -iterative formation<br />

padapadag step by step Sn 446 (v. 1. padanupadag),<br />

and pade padag Sn p. 107 (cp. SnA 451). — 3.<br />

(Often synonymous with "patha i. e. way. kind, & sometimes<br />

untranslatable) (a) lit. way, path, position, place<br />

Vin it.217 (nakkhatta" consteUation) ; J 1.3 15 (assama"<br />

= assama); v. 75<br />

mantapada (v. I. patha; C. raahamagga) ;<br />

— (b) in appl'' meaning (modal) :<br />

(id.). 321 (id.); vi.76 (id.); vi.iSo<br />

= manta D<br />

1.104 (cp. DA 1.273). See also janapada, saggapada.<br />

case, lot, principle,<br />

part, constituent, characteristic, ingredient, item, thing,<br />

element M i.r76 (cattari padani 4 characteristics);

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