The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary - Tuninst.net

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary - Tuninst.net

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary - Tuninst.net


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Ativattar 21 Atita<br />

Ativattar^ [Sk. *ativartr, n. ag. to ati-vattati] one who overcomes<br />

or is to be overcome Sn 785 (svativatta = durati-<br />

vatta duttara duppatara Nd' 76).<br />

Atlvasa (a4J0 ["'' + ^^^^ ^'^- vas] being under somebody's<br />

rule, dependent upon (c. gen.) Dh 74 (=: vase vattati<br />

DhA 11.79).<br />

AtivaSSatl [ati 4- vassati, cp. Sk. abhivarsati] to rain down<br />

on, upon or into Th I, 447 := Vin 11.240.<br />

Atlvakya (nt.) [ati + vac, cp. Sk. ativada, fr. ati + vad]<br />

abuse, blame, reproach Dh 320, 321 (= attha-anariyavohara-vasena<br />

pavattaij vitikkama-vacanaq DhA IV.3);<br />

J<br />

VI. 508.<br />

Ativata [ati + vSta] too much wind, a wind which is too<br />

strong, a gale, storm Miln 277.<br />

Atlvayati [ati -f- vayati] to fill (excessively) with an odour<br />

or perfume, to satiate, permeate, pervade Miln 333 (-f-<br />

vayati; cp. abhivayati ibid 385).<br />

Atlvaha [fr. ati -\- vah, cp. Sk. ativahati & abhivaha] carrying,<br />

carrying over; a conveyance; one who conveys,<br />

i.e. a conductor, guide Th I, 616 (said of sila, good<br />

character); J v.433. — Cp. ativahika.<br />

Ativahika [fr. alivaha] one who belongs to a conveyance,<br />

one who conveys or guides, a conductor (of a caravan)<br />

J V.471, 472 (°puri.sa).<br />

Ativlkala (adj.) [ati -j- vikala] at a very inconvenient time,<br />

much too exete D i 108 (= sutthu vikala DA 1.277).<br />

Ativijjhati [Sk. atividhyati, ati + vyadh] to pierce,^ to<br />

enter into (fig.), to see through, only in phrase pannaya<br />

ativijjha (ger.) passati to recognise in all details M 1.480<br />

S V.226; A 11.178.<br />

Ativiya (idv.) [Sk. ativa] = ati + '*», orig. "much-like"<br />

like an excess ^ excessive-Iy. <strong>The</strong>re are three forms of<br />

this expression, viz. (i) ati -|- iva in contraction ativa<br />

(q. v.); — (2) ati -f- iva with epenthetic r: atiriva D<br />

11.264 (v- '• SS. ativa); Sn 679, 680, 683; SnA 486; —<br />

(3) ati -f- viya (the doublet of iva) =: ativiya J 1.61, 263<br />

DhA 11.71 (a. upakara of great service); PvA 22, 56, 139.<br />

Atlvisa (f.) [Sk. ativisa] N. of a plant Vin 1. 201 ; IV.3S.<br />

Ativlssattha (adj.) [ati + vissattha] too abundant, in "vakya<br />

one who talks too much, a chatterbox J V.204.<br />

AtlviSSaslka (adj.) [ati -j- vissasika] very, or too confiden-<br />

tial J 1.86.<br />

AtivlSSUta (adj.) [ati -j- vissuta] very famous, renowned<br />

Sdhp 473.<br />

Ative^hetl<br />

to cover,<br />

[ati -f vejt, cp. Sk. abhivestate] to wrap over,<br />

to enclose; to press, oppress, stifle Vin II.IOI;<br />

J V.452 (-ativiya vetheti pileti C).<br />

Atlvela (adj.) [ati + vela] excessive (of time); nt. adv. "g<br />

a very long time; excessively D 1.19 (= atikalai) aticiran<br />

ti attho DA 1.113); M 1.122; Sn 973 (see expl"- at Nd'<br />

504); J 111.103 = Nd' 504.<br />

Atilfna (adj.) [ati -f- Ii°^] t°° much attached to worldly<br />

matters S v.263.<br />

Atflukha (adj.) [ati -|- lukha] too wretched, very miserable<br />

Sdhp 409.<br />

Atiloma (adj.) [ati + loma] too hairy, having too much<br />

hair J VI.457 (opp. aloma).<br />

Atlsaficara ("cara?) [ati + saiicara] wandering about too<br />

much Miln 277.<br />

AtlsaQha (adj.) [ati + sanha] too subtle DhA 111.326.<br />

Atlsanta (adj.) [ati + santa'] extremely peaceful Sdhp 496.<br />

Atisambadha (adj.) [ali + sambadha] too light, crowded<br />

or narrow DhA 1. 310; 111.310 = VvA 68; cp. atinicaka.<br />

f. abstr. atisambadhata the state of being too narrow J 1.7.<br />

Atisaya [cp. Sk. atisaya, fr. ati + Si] superiority, distinction,<br />

excellence, abundance VvA 135 (= visesa); PvA<br />

86; Davs 11.62.<br />

Atisayati [ati + si] to surpass, excel ; ger. atisayitva Miln<br />

336 (+ atikkamitva).<br />

Atisara (adj.; [fr. atisarati; cp. accasara] transgressing,<br />

sinning J IV.6; cp. atisara.<br />

beyond the limit,<br />

Atisarati [ati + Sf] 'o go '°o ''"'i '° B°<br />

to overstep, transgress, aor. accasari (q. v.) Sn 8 sq.<br />

(opp. paccasari; C. atidhavi); J v.70 and atisari J iv.6. —<br />

ger. atisitva (for *atisaritva) D 1.222; S IV.94 ; A 1.145;<br />

v.226, 256; Sn 908 (= Nd' 324 atikkamitva etc.).<br />

Atisayai) (adv.) [ati + sayaij] very late, late in the evening<br />

J V.94.<br />

Atisara [fr- ati 4- Sfi see atisarati. Cp.<br />

meaning but BSk. atisara (sStisara) in<br />

Sk. atisara in diff.<br />

the same meaning)<br />

going too far, overstepping the limit, trespassing, false<br />

step, slip, danger Vin 1.55 (sStisara), 326 (id); S 1.74;<br />

M III. 237; Sn 889 (atisaraij ditthiyo = ditthigatani Nd'<br />

297;<br />

going beyond the proper limits of the right faith),<br />

J V.221 (dhamm°), 379; DhA 1. 1 82; DhsA 28. See also<br />

atisara.<br />

Atislthila (adj.)<br />

A 111.375.<br />

[ati + sithila] very loose, shaky or weak<br />

Atisita (adj.) [ati + sita] too cold DhA 11.85.<br />

Atisitala (adj.) [ati + sitala] very cold J 111.55.<br />

Atiliattha (adj.) [ati -f hattha] very pleased Sdhp 323,<br />

Atiliarati [ati -f hf] to ca'"T over, to bring over, bring,<br />

draw over Vin 11.209; iv.264; S 1.89; J I.292; v. 347.<br />

Caus. aliharapeti to cause to bring over, bring in, reap,<br />

collect, harvest Vin 11.181; III. 18; Miln 66; DhAiv.77.<br />

See also atihita.<br />

Atillita [ati + hf, PP- of atiharati,<br />

perhaps through analogy with Sk.<br />

hita unusual for hata,<br />

abhi -|- dhi] brought<br />

over (from the field into the house), harvested, borne<br />

home Th I, 381 (vihi).<br />

Atihina (adj.) [ati 4- hina] very poor or destitute A iv.282,<br />

287; 323 (opp. accogalha).<br />

Atihi]eti [ati + hid] to despise J IV.331 (= atimanoati C).<br />

Atita (adj.-n.) [Sk. atita, ati -f ita, pp. of |. Cp. accaya &<br />

ati eti] 1. (temporal) past, gone by (cp. accaya I) (a)<br />

adj. atitai) addbanai) in the time which is past S 111.86;<br />

A IV. 219; V.32. — Pv II. 12'- (atltanai), scil. attabhavaoari,<br />

pariyanto na dissati); khan&tita with the right moment<br />

past Dh 315 = Sn 333; atitayobbana he who is<br />

past youth or whose youth is past Sn no. — (b) nt.<br />

the past: atite (loc.) once upon a time J 1.98 etc. atitai]<br />

ahari he told (a tale of) the past, i.e. a JStaka J 1.213,<br />

218, 221 etc. — S 1.5 (atitai) n&nusocati); A 111.400 (a.<br />

eko anto); Sn 851, 1112. In this sense very frequently<br />


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