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The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary - Tuninst.net

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary - Tuninst.net


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Paccakkhana Paccaya<br />

khaya, in foil, conn* acariyar) J iv.200 ; sikkhai) Vin<br />

111.23, 34<br />

(a°); S 11.231; 1V.190; Pug 66, 67; sabbar)<br />

S IV. 15 ; ariyasaccar) S v. 428. paccakkhasi at J v. 8 is<br />

gloss for pakatthasi. — pp. paccakkhata (q. v.).<br />

Intens. paccacikkhati (q. v.).<br />

Paccakkhana<br />

J VI. 422.<br />

(nt.) [fr. pati + a+khya] rejection, refusal<br />

Paccagu (adj.-n.) [a difficult word, composed of pacca +<br />

gu, the latter a by-form of °ga, as in patthagu, vedagu<br />

paragu. pacca may be pratya, an adv. form" of prep,<br />

prati, and pattha its doublet. It is not certain whether<br />

we should read patthagu here as well (see patthagu).<br />

<strong>The</strong> form may also be expl'' as a substantivised pi.<br />

3rd pret. of prati-|-gacchati=paccagug] "one who<br />

goes toward," a pupil S 1.104 (Marassa) ; vv. 11. baddhabhu,<br />

patthagu. Windisch, Mara & Buddha trsl'<br />

" unter M's Herrschaft," and refers patthagu to Sk.,<br />

patyagah. Bdhgh (see Kindred Sayings, 1, p. 319) reads<br />

baddhagii and expl"* by bandhavara sissa antevasika.<br />

Paccaggala (adj.) [pratyak + ga)a] in phrase paccaggale<br />

atthasi " stuck in his throat " M 1.333.<br />

Paccaggha (adj.) [pati+aggha, cp. Sk. pratyagra of diff.<br />

derivation] recent, new, beautiful, quite costly Vin 1.4 ;<br />

J 1.80; 11.435; Pv ii-s'" (=abhinava mahaggha va<br />

PvA 87); iii.ioS ( = abhinava PvA 214); Davs v.25 ;<br />

PvA 44.<br />

Paccanga (nt.) [pati+anga] lit. "by-limb," small limb,<br />

only in corap'' angapaccangani limbs great, and small,<br />

all limbs : see anga.<br />

Paccanjana (nt.) [pati-l-anjana] anointing, ointment,<br />

unction D i.i2=M 1.511 ; DA 1.98 ( = bhavaniya-sitala-<br />

bhessajj' aiijanar)).<br />

Paccati [Pass, of pacati, cp. BSk. pacyate Divy 422] to be<br />

boiled, fig. to be formented or vexed, to suffer. Nearly<br />

always applied to the torture of boiling in Niraya, where<br />

it is meant literally. — S 1.92 ; v. 344 (kalena paccanti<br />

read for kale na p.) ; A 1.141 (phenuddehakat) p. niraye)<br />

Sn 670, 671 ; Dh 69, 119, 120 (papag suffer for sin, cp.<br />

DhA 111.14) ; J V.268 ; Pv IV. i» ( =dukkhar) papunanti<br />

PvA 228); iv.3^' (niraye paccare jana =paccanti PvA<br />

255) ; DhA<br />

III. 64 (expl" for tappati).<br />

Paccatta (adj.) [pati-l- attan] separate, individual ; usually<br />

ace. °g adv. separately, individually, singly, by himself,<br />

in his own heart D 1.24 (yeva nibbuti vidita) ; DA<br />

D 11.77 = attano attano abbhantare ; M<br />

on<br />

1.25 1, 337<br />

("vedaniya N. of a purgatory), 422; S 11. 199; III. 54<br />

sq., IV. 23, 41 sq., 168, 539; Sn 611. 906; Dh 165;<br />

Pv III. 10* ("vedana separate sufferings, =visui) visui)<br />

attana anubhuyamana mahadukkhavedana PvA 214);<br />

Dhs 1044 (ajjhatta-l- ; trsl"<br />

96 (°purisa-kara) ; DhsA 169 ;<br />

"self referable"); Miln<br />

VvA 9, 13 ; PvA 232.<br />

-vacana expression of separate relation, i. e. case of<br />

reference, or of the direct object, reflexive case, N. of<br />

the ace. case SnA 303 ; VvA 281 ; PvA 30, 35 ; KhA 213,<br />

236 ; in lieu of karaija KhA 213, of samin SnA 594.<br />

Paccatthata [pp. of gati -f a -f str] spread out D 11.21 1.<br />

Paccattharana (nt.) [pati-t-a-i-str, cp. BSk. pratyastarana<br />

Divy 19] something spread against, i. e. under or<br />

over, a cover, spread, rug, cushion or carpet to sit on.<br />

bedding of a couch (nisidana") Vin 1.47, 295, 296;<br />

H.208, 218; D 1.7 (kadali-miga-pavara", cp. DA 1.87);<br />

A 1. 137 (id.); 111.50 (id.); J 1.126; iv.353 (unnamaya) ;<br />

PvA 141. 137.<br />

Paccatthika (adj. n.) [pafi-t-attha-t-ka, lit. opposite to<br />

useful, cp. Sk. pratyanika & pratyarthin] an opponent,<br />

adversary, enemy Vin 11.94 sq. (atta° personal enemy)<br />

A V.71 (id. ; T. attha°) ; D 1.50, 70, 137 ; It 83 ; PvA 62.<br />

Cp. paccamitta.<br />

Paccana (nt.) [fr. paccati, cp. pacana] being boiled, boiling.<br />

torture, torment J v. 270; SnA 476 (°okasa).<br />

Paccanika, Paccaniya (adj. n.) [cp. Sk. pratyanika & see<br />

paccatthika] i. contrary, adverse, opposed ; (i) m.<br />

enemy, adversary, opponent M 1.378 ; S 1.179 ; iv.i27 =<br />

Sn76i ; Ps 11.67 sq. : SnA<br />

288. Cp. vi.° — 2. (in method)<br />

reverse, negative, opp. to anuloma. Tikp 71 passim;<br />

cp. patiloma.<br />

-gatha response, responding verse (cp. patigatha)<br />

SnA 39.<br />

Paccanubhasati [pati-fanubhasati, cp. BSk. pratyavabhasate<br />

to call to Divy 9] to speak out or mention<br />

correspondingly, to enumerate KhA- 78, 79 sq.<br />

Paccanubhoti [pati-i-anu-i- bhu, BSk. pratyanubhavati<br />

Divy 54. 262 etc.] to experience, undergo, realise<br />

Pv<br />

M 1.295 ; S V.218, 264 sq.. 286 sq. 353 ;<br />

38 ; PvA<br />

D II. 213 ; S 1. 133. 227 ;<br />

111.425 sq. ; It<br />

A<br />

26, 44, 107 (dukkhai)). — fut. paccanubhossati<br />

111.5°. — Pass, paccanubhaviyati<br />

PvA 146 (for upalabbhati). — pp. paccanu-<br />

bhiita M 11.32 ; S 11. 178 ; It 15.<br />

Paccannsittha [pati+anusittha] advised, admonished<br />

D 11.209=225.<br />

Paccanta (adj. n.) [pati-fanta, cp. Sk. pratyanta] adj.<br />

adjoining, bordering on, neighbouring, adjacent Dh<br />

201<br />

315; J MI (v. 47. "desa), 377 ("vasika) ; PvA<br />

("nagara); DhA in. 488 (id.); Sdhp 11 ("visaya).<br />

(m.) the border, outskirts, neighbourhood Vin 1.73 ;<br />

1. J 126 (vihara'') ; 11.37 : Mi'n 314 (°e kupite in a border<br />

disturbance); DhA i.ioi (id.); PvA 20 (id.). °t\<br />

vupasameti to appease the border PvA 20. — P. in sense<br />

of " heathen " at Vism 121.<br />

Paccantima (adj.) [fr. paccanta, cp. BSk. pratyantima<br />

frontier Divy 21, 426] bordering, adjoining, next to<br />

Vin. II. 166 ;<br />

Sdhp 5.<br />

PaccabhJMaQa (nt.) [pati-f abhi+flana] recognition DhsA<br />

1 10.<br />

Paccaya [fr. pati-f-i, cp. Ved. pratyaya & P. pacceti.<br />

paticca] lit. resting on. falling back on, foundation ;<br />

cause, motive etc. See on term as t.t. of philosophy<br />

Tikapatthana I, foreword; J.P.T.S. 1916. 2 i f . ; Cpd.<br />

42 sq. & esp. 259 sq. — i. (lit.) support, requisite,<br />

means, stay. Usually with ref. to the 4 necessaries of<br />

the bhikkhu's daily life. viz. civara. pindapata, senasana,<br />

(gilanapaccaya-) bhesajja, i. e. clothing, food as alms,<br />

a dwelling-place, medicine : see under civara.<br />

(paccaya = gilanapaccaya SnA 342)<br />

Sn 339<br />

; Miln 336 ; Mhvs<br />

3,<br />

15. — 2. (appl'') reason, cause, ground, motive, means,<br />

condition M 1.259 (yag yad eva paccayai) paticca by<br />

whatever cause or by whichever means) ;<br />

DA<br />

S 11.65 Nett<br />

78 sq. ;<br />

1.125; PvA 104. <strong>The</strong> fourfold cause<br />

(catubbidho paccayo) of rupa (material form) consists<br />

of kamma^ citta, utu, ahara : Vism 6to. Var. paccayas<br />

discussed at VbhA 166 sq. (twofold, with ref. to patisandhi),<br />

183 (eightfold), 202, 205 sq, 254 (4). sappac-<br />

caya founded, having a reason or cause S v. 2 13 sq. ;<br />

A 1.82; Nd^ mula ; Dhs yatha paccayag<br />

1084, 1437.-—<br />

karoti do as he likes Nd^ p. 280 =S iii. 33. Often coupled<br />

with hetu, e. g. at S iv.68 sq.j A. 1.66; iv.151 sq. ;<br />

D III. 284 ; Nd^ under mula ; Ps 11. 1 16 sq., paccaya came<br />

to be distinguished from hetu as the genus of which lietu<br />

was the typical, chief species. I. e. paccaya became<br />

synonymous with our " relation," understood in a<br />

causal sense, hetu meaning condition, causal antecedent,<br />

and 23 other relations being added as special<br />

modes of causality. Later still these 24 were held<br />

reducible to 4 Tikp i f. (and foreword) ; Cpd. 197.<br />

Cp. Patthana. — Abl. paccaya as adv. by means of.<br />

through, by reason of, caused by D 1.45 (vedana "^tanha<br />

etc., see paficca-samuppada) ; M 1.261 (jatippaccaya

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