The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary - Tuninst.net

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary - Tuninst.net

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary - Tuninst.net


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Niravasesa 206 Nirupadhi<br />

(id.); Vin ii.igS (yo klio sanghag bhiudati kappai)<br />

nirayamlii paccati), 204 ; 11.2113 =It 86 ; D 1.228 (+ tirac-<br />

chanayoni), 5.J (read nirayasatc for niriyasate) : iii.i 1 1 ;<br />

S IV. 120; V.356, 450; M 1.73, 285, 308, 334; 11.86, 149,<br />

18O; m.iuo, 203, 209; A IV. 405 ; V.76. 182, 184 ; Sn 248<br />

(patanti satta nirayag avagsira), 333, 6O0 sq., 677 sq. ;<br />

Dh 126, 140, 3110, 311, 315 ; Th i, 304 (adhammo nirayag<br />

ncti dhammo papeti suggatig) = DhsA 38=DA 1.99<br />

= DhA 1.22; Th 2, 456; It 12; J iv.463 ; Pug 60;<br />

Ps 1.83 (Avici") ; Vbh So, 337; Vism 102; Miln 148;<br />

DhA I.2J ; 111.71 ; Sdhp 7. 2S5. — See also nerayika.<br />

-gamin (adj.) leading to purgatory (magga) Sn 277;<br />

-dukkha the pain of H. Sn 531 ; -pala a guardian of P.,<br />

a devil A 1.13S, 141 ; M 111.179; Nd' 404; VvA 22O.<br />

Names of guardians (after their complexion) c. g. Kala<br />

(black) \- lipakfila (blackish) J vi.248. -bhaya the<br />

fear of P. J i.ioS; \ism 392; -sagvattanika conducive<br />

to P. Nd' 489.<br />

Niravasesa (adj.) [nist- avasesa] without remainder, complete,<br />

inclusive Nett 14, 15, cp. Miln 91, 1S2.<br />

Nirssana (adj.) [nis+ asana-] without food or subsistence,<br />

poor J IV. 1 28.<br />

Nirassati [cp. Sk. nirasyati, nis + assati, as to throw] to<br />

Nd' 76 (so read<br />

throw off, despise, neglect Sn 7.S5, 954 ;<br />

for nidassati, v. 1. SS nir°), 444; SnA 522. — pp.<br />

niratta^.<br />

Nirassada (adj.) [nis-l- assada] without task, insipid, dull<br />

Vism 135. Cp. nirasada.<br />

Niiakaroti see nirankaroti.<br />

Nirakula (adj.) [nis-l- akula] unconfused, clear, calm, undisturbed<br />

J 1. 1 7 (v. 94).<br />

Niratanka (adj.) [nis-i- atanka] healthy Miln 251 (of paddy).<br />

Niradinava (adj.) [nis-t- adinava] not beset with dangers,<br />

not in danger, unimperilled Vin 111.19.<br />

Nirama (adj.) [nis+ama, cp. niramaya] healthy, undepraved,<br />

without sin, virtuous Sn 251, 252 (°gandha=i<br />

nikkilesayoga SnA 293). 717 (id. =nikkilesa SnA<br />

499)-<br />

Niramaya (adj.) [nis+amaya] not ill, healthy, good,<br />

without fault PvA 164.<br />

Niramisa (adj.) [nis+amisa] having no meat or prey;<br />

free from sensual desires, disinterested, not material<br />

S 1.35, 60 ; IV. 219, 235 ; v. 08, 332 ; A ill. 412 ; D 111.278 ;<br />

Vbh 195 : Vism 71 ; Sdhp 475, 477.<br />

Nirarambba (adj.) [nis+arambha] without objects (for<br />

the purpose of sacrificing), i. e. without the killing of<br />

animals (of yanna) S 1.70 ;<br />

A 11.42 sq.<br />

Niralamba (adj.) [nis-l- alamba] unsupported Miln 295<br />

(akasa).<br />

Niralaya (adj.) [nis+alayaj houseless, homeless Miln 244<br />

(- aniketa). At DhA iv.31 as cxpl" of appossukka. —<br />

f. abstr. niralayata homclessness Miln 162, 276, 420.<br />

Nirasa (adj.) [nis-f asa] not hungry, not longing for anything,<br />

dcsircloss S 1. 12, 23, 141 ; A 1. 107 sq. ; Sn 1048<br />

(anigha-l-), 1078 (id.); Nd^ 360; Pug 27; Py iv.i^a<br />

(= nittanha PvA 230). See also amama.<br />

Niiasagsa (adj.) [nis-F asagsa, saos] without wishes, expcctatirns<br />

or desires, dcsirelcss Sn 1090 (Nd^ reading<br />

for nirasaya) ; "Sd- 30t (cp. DhA iv.185 nirasjsa^^<br />

'nirasaijsa, v. 1. for nirasaya).<br />

Nirasanka (adj.) [nis-l- as.inka] without apprehension,<br />

unsuspicious, not doubting J 1.264; Vism 180.<br />

Nirasankata (f.) [abstr. fr. nirasanka] the not hesitating<br />

J VI.3J7-<br />

Nirasattin (adj.) [adj. to pp. asatta' with nis] not hanging<br />

on to, not clinging or attached to (c. loc.) Sn 851 ( = nittanha<br />

SnA 549) ;<br />

Nd' 221.<br />

Nirasaya (adj.) [nis-(-asaya, fr. sri] without (outward)<br />

support, not relying on (outward) things, without<br />

(sinful) inclinations Sn 50 ( : Nd* 360 b reads nirisasa),<br />

3O9, 634, 1090 (Nd* 361 reads nirasagsa) ; Dh 410;<br />

DhA IV. 185 (v. 1. BB nirasasa ; expl'' by nittaijha).<br />

Nirasava (adj.) [nis-l- asava] without intoxication, undefiled,<br />

sinless ThA 148.<br />

Nirasada (adj.) [nis-l- assada] tasteless, yielding no enjoyment<br />

Th r, 710. Cp. nirassada.<br />

Nirabara (adj.) [nis-(- ahara] without food, not eating,<br />

fasting J IV. 225 ; Sdhp 389.<br />

Nirinjana (adj.) [nis4-injana, fr. iujati] not moving, stable,<br />

unshaken Vism 377 ( = acala. aneiija).<br />

Nirindhana (adj.) [nis+ indhana] without fuel (of fire),<br />

ThA 148 (aggi) ; DhA 1.44 (jataveda).<br />

Niriha(ka) (adj.) [nis-(- iha] inactive, motionless, without<br />

impulse ThA 148 (°ka) ; Miln 413 (-^ nijjivata) ; Vism<br />

484, 594 sq.<br />

iiirujjhati [Pass, of nirundhati (nirodhati) ni+ rundhati]<br />

to be broken up. to be dissolved, to be destroyed, to<br />

cease, die Vin i.i ; D 1.180 sq.. 215; 11.157; S 111.93<br />

(aparisesarj) ; iv.36 sq.. 60, 98, 184 sq. ;<br />

402; V.213 sq. ; A III. 165 sq. (aparisesag) ; v.i39<br />

J<br />

294,<br />

sq. ;<br />

1. 1 So; Pug 64; Sdhp 606. — pp. niruddha.<br />

nirodha.<br />

Cp.<br />

Niruttara (adj.) [nis-l- uttara] making no reply PvA 1 1 7.<br />

Nirutti (f.) [Sk. nirnkti, nis-t- vac] one of the Vedangas (see<br />

chalanga), expl" of words, grammaticaL analysis,<br />

etymological interpretation pronunciation, ; dialect,<br />

way of speaking, expression Vin 11. 139 (pabbajita . . .<br />

sakaya niruttiya Buddhavacanag dusenti) ; D 1.202<br />

(loka°, expression) ; M in. 237 (janapada") ; S 111.71<br />

(tayo n-patha) ; A 11. 160 (°patisambhida) ; 111.20 1 ;<br />

Dh 352 (°padakovida=;niruttiyail ca sesapadesu ca ti<br />

catusu pi patisambhidasu cheko ti attho DhA iv.70 ;<br />

i. e. skilled in the dialect or the original language of the<br />

holy Scriptures); Ps 1.88 sq. ; n.150 ("patisamhhida)<br />

Nd- 563; Dhs 1307; Nett 4, 8, 33, 105; Miln 22;<br />

Vism 441 ; SnA 358 ; PvA 97.<br />

Nirudaka (adj.) [nis-f udaka] without water, waterless<br />

M 1.543 ; Nd* 630.<br />

Niruddha (pp.) [pp. of nirundhati, cp. nirujjhati] expelled,<br />

destroyed ; vanished, ceased S 111. 112 ; Dhs 1038.<br />

Nirundhati see nirujjhati, niruddha, nirodha & nirodheti.<br />

Cp. parirundhati.<br />

Nirupakara (adj.) [nis-l- upakara] useless J 11.103.<br />

Nirupaghata (adj.) [nis-l- upaghata] not hurt, not injured<br />

or set back Miln 130.<br />

Nirupatapa (adj.) [nis-f- upatapa] not harassed (burnt) or<br />

afflicted (by pain or harm) Th 2. 512.<br />

Nirupaddava (adj.) [nis-l- upaddava] without affliction or<br />

mishap, harmless, .secure, happy J iv.139; PvA 262<br />

(sotthi).<br />

Nirupadhi (adj.) (in verse always nirupadhi) [nis-f upadhi,<br />

cp. upadhikaj free from passions or attachment, desire-<br />

less, controlled Vin n.156; S 1.194 (vippamutta -(-)

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