The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary - Tuninst.net

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary - Tuninst.net

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary - Tuninst.net


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Dbumayati 179 Dhovana<br />

Dhflmayati & Dbfimayati [Sk. dbumayati, Dunom. fr.<br />

dhuma] to smoke, to smoulder, choke ; to be obscured,<br />

to cloud over M 1.142 (v. 1. dhupayati) ; Pv 1.6* (paridayhati+<br />

dh. hadayai)) ; DhA<br />

1.425 (akkhini me dh. =<br />

I see almost nothing), pp. dhumayita.<br />

Dhfimiyana {t) smoking, smouldering M 1.143; Nett 34<br />

(as V. 1. to dbupSyana).<br />

Dhflm&yitatta (nt.) [abstr. to dbumayati] becoming like<br />

smoke, clouding over, obscuration S 111. 124 (+timi-<br />

rayitattar)).<br />

Dhnsara (adj.) [Sk. dbusara, Ags. dust = E. dust & dusk,<br />

Ger. dust ; see dhvagsati & dbunoti & cp. Walde, Lat.<br />

Wtb. under furo] dust-coloured VvA 335.<br />

Dhenn (f) [Sk. dhenu, to dhayati to give suck, ese dhati<br />

& dhltar] a milcb cow, a female animal in general J 1.152<br />

(miga° hind); Vv 80*; DhA 1.170; 396; PvA 112. In<br />

simile at Vism 313.<br />

Dhenapa [dhenu -1- pa from pibati] a suckling calf M 1.79 ;<br />

Sn 26.<br />

Dheyys (-°) [Sk. dhcya, orig. grd. of dhS, sec dahati'] i. in<br />

the realm of, under the sway or power of : anafifia"<br />

j IV. no; kamma" A iv.285 ; maccu" (q. v.) S 1.22;<br />

Sn 358, U04 ; Th 2, 10 ( = maccu ettha dhiyati ThA 13) ;<br />

mara° A iv.228. — 2. putting on, assigning, in nanm°<br />

Dhs 1307.<br />

Dhota [Sk. dhauta, pp. of dhavati', see dhovati] washed,<br />

bleached, clean J 1.62 ("sankha a bleached shell) ; 11.275 :<br />

PvA 73 (°vattha), 1 16 ("hattha with clean hands), 274<br />

(id.); Vism 224 (id.).<br />

Dhona (adj.-n.) [either — dhota, Sk. dhauta, see dhovati<br />

or = dhuta, see dhuta & dhunana. Quite a ditf. suggestion<br />

as regards etym. is given by Kern, Toev. 1<br />

1 7,<br />

who considers it as a possible der° fr. (a)dho, after<br />

analogy of pona. Very doubtful] i . purified M 1.386 ;<br />

Sn 351. 786, 813. 834 (=^dbutakilesa SnA 542) ; J in. 160<br />

(°sakha==^patthatasakha Com.; v. 1. BU vena") ; Nd'<br />

77 = 176 (: dhona vuccati parifta etc., dhuta «& dhota<br />

used indiscriminately in exegesis following). — 2. (pi.)<br />

the four requisites of a bhikkhu DhA 111.344 ( : dhona<br />

vuccati cattiro paccayJ, in Com. on atidhonac3rin<br />

Dh 240 ; gloss K dhovana, cp. Morris, J.P.T.S. 1887.<br />

100).<br />

Dhopati [a variant of dhovati, taken as Cans, formation]<br />

to wash, cleanse D 1.93 (dhopetha, imper. ; v. 1. B.<br />

dhovatha), 124 (dhopeyya; v. 1. B. dhoveyya).<br />

Dhopana (nt.) [a variant of dhovana, q. v.] 1. ceremonial<br />

washing of the bones of the dead D 1.18 ; atthi-dhovana<br />

Bdbgb at DA 1.84 ; A v. 2 16 (see Commentary at 364). —<br />

2. Surgical washing of a wound J II. II 7. — 3. In vaQsadhopana,<br />

apparently a feat by acrobats J iv.390. It<br />

is possible that the passage at D 1. 18 really belongs here.<br />

See the note at Dial. 1.9.<br />

Dhorayha [for *dhor-vayha = Sk. •dhaurvabya, abstr. fr.<br />

dhurvaba ; may also directly correspond to the latter]<br />

" carrying a yoke," a beast of burden S 1.28; D ni.113<br />

(purisa°) ; A I.r62.<br />

-vata (nt.) the practice of carrying a burden, the<br />

state of a beast of burden, drudgery S 1.28 ; -slla<br />

accustomed to the yoke, enduring ; patient Dh 208<br />

( = dhuravahana-silatkya dh. DhA in. 272)- •snin =<br />

°sila J It. 97 ( = dhura-vahanaka-clcarena sampcinna<br />

Com.).<br />

Dtaoreyya (-°) [Sk. dhaureya, der. fr. dhura] " to be yoked,"<br />

accustomed to the yoke, carrying a burden, in kamma°<br />

Uiln 288.<br />

Dhova (adj.-n.) [Sk. dhava, see dhovati] washing, cleansing<br />

Bu 11.15.<br />

Dhovati [Sk. dbavati, see dhavati] to rinse, wash, cleanse,<br />

purify Vin 11.208, 210, 214; Sn p. 104 (bhajanani)<br />

in. 207. ger.<br />

DhA J 1.8 ; v. 297. — dhovi J vi.366 ;<br />

VvA dhovitra J 1.266 ; IV.2 ;<br />

33 (pattar)), 77 (id.)<br />

PvA 75, 144. inf. dhovitiu) Vin 11. 120; iv.261. pp.<br />

dhota (q. v.) & dhovita J 1.266. — See also dhopati<br />

(•dhopeti).<br />

Dhovana (nt.) [Sk. dhavana ; see also dhopana] washing<br />

Vin IV. 262 ; S iv.316 (bbaijda") ; A 1.132, 161, 277;<br />

It III (padanai)) ; J 11. 129; vi.365 (battKa") ; MUn ii;<br />

Vism 343 ; PvA 241 (hattha-pada°) ; DhA<br />

fig. (ariyar)) A v. 2 16.<br />

11.19 (pada°)

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