The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary - Tuninst.net

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary - Tuninst.net

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary - Tuninst.net


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Dutiya 162 Dussati<br />

-ddutthulla that which is wicked & that which is not<br />

Vin V.I 30; -apatti a grave transgression of the Rules<br />

of the Order, viz. the 4 Parajika & the 13 Sanghadisesa<br />

Vin IV. 31 (opp. a° Vin iv.32).<br />

Ontiya (num. ord.) [Sk. dvitlya, with reduction of dvi to<br />

du, as in comp" mentioned under dvi B II. For the<br />

meaning " companion " cp. num. ord. for two in Lat<br />

secundus<br />

Sevofiat he who stays behind, also Sk. daviyas farther]<br />

(a) (num.) the second, the following J 11. 102, no;<br />

dutiyar) for the second time (cp. tatiyar) in series i, 2,<br />

3) Vin 11.188 ; D 11.155. — (b) (adj. n.) one who follows<br />

or is associated with, an associate of ; accompanying or<br />

accompanied by (-°) ; a companion, friend, partner<br />

Vin :v.225 ; S 1.25 (saddha dutiya purisassa hoti = his<br />

2nd self) ; iv.78 (id.) 1.131 ; It 9 ; J v. 400 : Th 2, 230 (a<br />

husband) ;<br />

Sn 49 (=Nd2 305, where two kinds of asso-<br />

ciates or companions are distinguished, viz. tanha" &<br />

puggalo"). tanha-dutiya either " connected with<br />

thirst " or " having thirst as one's companion " (see<br />

tanha) S iv.37 ; It 109 =A 11. 10; bilanga" kanajaka<br />

(rice with sour gruel) Vin n.77 ; S i.go, 91. — adutiya<br />

alone, unaccompanied PvA 161.<br />

Datiyaka (adj.-n.) [Demin. of dutiya] (a) the second,<br />

following, next J 1.504 ("cittavare) ; °r) a 2nd time<br />

M 1.83. — (b) a companion ;<br />

only<br />

in f. dutiyaka a wife or<br />

female comp" Vin iv.230, 270 (a bhikkhiini as comp"<br />

of another one) ; Freq. as purana-dutiyika one's former<br />

wife Vin 1.96 ; 111.16 ; S 1.2C0 ; M 11.63 ; J i-2io ; v. 152 ;<br />

DhA 1.77. Cp. M Vastu 11.134 dvitiya in the^same sense.<br />

Dutiyyata (f) companionship, friendship, help J 111' 169.<br />

Daddabha see daddabha.<br />

Dnddha (Sk. dugdha, pp. of duh, see dohati] milked,<br />

drawn Sn 18 (duddha-khIra = gavo duhitva gahitakhlra<br />

SnA 27) ; M 11.186. — (nt.) milk Davs v. 26.<br />

Dadrabhi [another form of dundubhi, cp. duddabha &<br />

dundubhya] a kettle-drum, in Amata" the drum of<br />

Nibbana Vin i.8=M 1.171 (dundubhi at the latter<br />

passage) ; PvA 189 (v. 1. for dundubhi).<br />

Dnndnbhi (m. & f.) [Sk. dundubhi, onomat. ; cp. other<br />

forms under daddabha, dudrabhi] a kettle-drum, the<br />

noise of a drum, a heavy thud, thunder (usually as deva°<br />

in the latter meaning) Pv 111.3^ ; J vi.465 ; PvA<br />

40, 189<br />

(v. 1. dudrabhi). — Amata" the drum of Nibbana M<br />

1.171 =Vin '-8 (: dudrabhi); deva" thunder D 11.156;<br />

A IV.311.<br />

•Dunoti to bum, see der, dava, dava & daya.<br />

Dnpatto see dvi B II.<br />

Dnbbawa see under v^nna.<br />

Dobbntthika see under vutthi.<br />

Dubbha (& dubha) (adj.) [Sk. dambha, see dubbhati]<br />

deceiving, hurting, trying to injure Vin 11.203 ( — It 68<br />

where dubbhe) ; Pv 11.9^ (mitta°). adubbha one who<br />

does not do harm, harmless Pv 11.9* (°panin = ahigsakahattha).<br />

As nt. harmlessness, frankness, friendliness,<br />

good-will Vin 1.347 (adrubhaya, but cp. vv. 11. p. 395 :<br />

adubbhaya & adrabbhavaya) ; S 1.225 (adubbhaya<br />

trustily) ; J 1.180 (id. as adubhaya) ;<br />

adrubhaka (for adubbhaka, with v. 1.<br />

spelt wrongly<br />

adrabhaka in<br />

expl. of adubbha-panin) at J vi.311. Note: dabhaya<br />

(dat.) is also used in Sk. in sense of an adv. or infinitive,<br />

which confirms the etymology of the word. Cp. dobha.<br />

Dnbbhaka (adj.) [Sk. dambhaka] perfidious, insidious,<br />

treacherous Th i, 214 (citta°). Cp. dubbhaya &<br />

dubhaka.<br />

Dubbhati {& dubhati) [Sk. dabhnoti cp. J.P.T.S. 1889, 204 :<br />

dabh (dambh). pp. dabdha; idg. 'dhebh, cp. Gr. arififid)<br />

to deceive. Cp. also Sk drah (so Kern, Toev. p. 11,<br />

s. v. padubbhati). See also dahara & dubha, dubhaka,<br />

dfibhil to injure, hurt, deceive ; to be hostile to, plot or<br />

sin against (either w. dat. J v.245 ; vi.491, or w. loc.<br />

J 1.267; 111:2 12) S 1.85 (ppr. adubbhanto), 225; It 86<br />

(dubbhe = dusseyya Com.) = Vin 11.203 (where dubbho)<br />

Th I, 1129; J 11.125; IV. 261 : v 487, 503.-— ppr. also<br />

dflbhato J IV. 261 ; ger. dubbhitva J iv.79 grd. dub-<br />

;<br />

bheyya (v. 1. dubheyya) to be punished J v.71 . Cp.<br />

pa°.<br />

Dnbbhana (nt.) [Sk. *dambhana] hurtfulness, treachery,<br />

injury against somebody (c. loc.) PvA 114 (=anattha).<br />

Dubbhaya — dubbhaka, S 1.107.<br />

Dubbhika = dubbhaka, Pv 111.<br />

mittanar) badhaka Pv.'V 175).<br />

Dnbbhikkha see bhikkha.<br />

( = mittadubbhjka.<br />

Dubbhin (adj.-n.) [Sk. dambhin] seeking to injure, deceit<br />

ful; a deceiver, hypocrite J iv.41 ; Pv 11.9* (mitta°)<br />

DhA 11.23 (mitta-dubhin). — f. dubbhini VvA 68 (so<br />

read for dubbini).<br />

Dnbha (num. -adj.) [See dubhaya & cp. dvi B II.] both;<br />

only in abl. dubhato from both sides Th i, 1134; Ps<br />

1.69 ; 11.35, i8t ; Vv 46=1 ; VvA 281 (for Vv 64>» duvad<br />

dhato).<br />

Dabhaya (num. adj.) [a contaminated fonn of dn(ve) &<br />

see dvi B II.] both (see ubhaya) Sn 517, 526,<br />

ubhaya ;<br />

IC07, 1 125 ; J 111.442 ; VI. no.<br />

Dama [Sk. druma = Gr. Spvixiig, see dam] tree A 111.43;<br />

J 1.87, 272 ; n.75, 270 ; VI. 249, 528 ; Vv 84'* ; Miln 278,<br />

347 ; VvA 161.<br />

-agga 1. the top of a tree J 11.155. — 2. a splendid<br />

tree Vv 35*. — 3. a tooth-pick J v. 156; -inda "king<br />

of trees," rhe Bodhi tree Dpvs 1.7 ; -uttama a magnificent<br />

tree Vv 39' ; -phala fruit of a tree M 11.74 ; Vism<br />

231 (in comparison).<br />

Doyhati Pass to dohati (q. v.).<br />

Dossa^ (nt.) [Sk. duria. & dusya] woven material, cloth,<br />

turban cloth; (upper) garment, clothes Vin 1.290;<br />

11.128, 174 ; IV. 159. D 1.103 ; S v.71 ; M 1.215 : "92 ;<br />

A v.347 ; Sn 679; Pv i.io^ (=uttariyai) satakai] PvA<br />

49); ii.3'

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