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The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary - Tuninst.net

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary - Tuninst.net


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Dittha 156 Dinna<br />

P"8 33 ; DhA IV. 39 ; -ayikamma making visible or clear,<br />

open statement, confession Vin v.183, 187 sq. ; -kala the<br />

time of seeing (anybody), opportunity VvA 120<br />

-ppatta one who has obtained (Nibbana) in this world<br />

Nett 190 ;<br />

A IV. 103 ;<br />

-pada (pi.) visible signs or characteristics<br />

-mangalika (adj.) of puccha, a question asked<br />

in order to compare (one's views) on things seen, that is<br />

on ordinary worldly matters, with views held by others<br />

fondofprying J IV.390 ;as '^ika (f.) Np at J iv.376 sq.=<br />

SnAiSjsq. -sapsandana Nd'447 = I)hsA55.<br />

Oittba' [Sk. dvi^ta, pp. of dve?ti dvij to hate] (n.) an<br />

enemy J 1.280 ; cp. Sk. dvijat. — (adj.) poisoned, in<br />

ditthagatena sallena with a p. arrow S 11.230 ; misreading<br />

for diddh-agadena, q. v. <strong>The</strong> Cy. has diddhagatena<br />

with v. I. dibba-gadena.<br />

Dittbaka (adj.) [=dittha'] seen, visible, apparent DhA<br />

11.53, 90-<br />

Oitibi (indecl.) [Sk. dj^tya, instr. o£ ditfhi] exclamation<br />

of joy, hurrah 1 D iii.73 ; J 1.362.<br />

Ditthi (f.) [Sk. dr?ti ; cp. dassana] view, belief, dogma,<br />

theory, speculation, esp. false theory, groundless or<br />

unfounded opinion. — (a) <strong>The</strong> latter is rejected by<br />

the Buddha as papa° (A iv.172) and papika d, (opp.<br />

bhaddika : A v.2i2 sq. ; It 26) : Vin 1.98, 323 ; Dh 164 ;<br />

Pv IV.3'* ;<br />

whcSreas the right, the true, the best doctrme<br />

is as samma d. the first condition to be complied with<br />

by anyone entering the Path. As such the samma d.<br />

is opposed to miccha d. wrong views or heresy (see b).<br />

Equivalent with miccha d. is kudiffhi (late) Davs<br />

11.58. — (b) Characterized more especially as : (o)<br />

sanuna dif^i right doctrine, right philosophy Vin -i. 10 ;<br />

S 11.17 ; ^'-'i. '4. 3° sq., 458 sq., M 1.315 ; n.12, 29, 87;<br />

104s q. See magga. — ujuka d.<br />

111.72 ; Nd^ 485 ; Vbh<br />

S V.143, 165; ujugaU d. M 1.46 sq. — (/3) miccha d.<br />

wrong theory, false doctrine S 1. 145; 11.153 (caused by<br />

avijja) ; M iii.7'f : Dh 167, 316; Nd' 271"""'' ; Vbh<br />

361.<br />

389. — <strong>The</strong> foil, theories are to be considered as varieties<br />

of miccha d., viz. (in limited enum") akiriyavada S<br />

III. 208 : IV. 349 ; aiiilat] afiiiena S 111.211 ; antaggahika<br />

A 1.154; 11-240; III. 130; antdnantika D 1.22 sq. S<br />

111.214, 258 sq. :assada° Aili,447;ahetukavadaSiii.2io ;<br />

ucchedavada D 1.34, S 11.20; 111.99; no sq. ; bhava°<br />

1.83; sakkaya° A 111.438; v. 144;<br />

5 111.93; M i-^S ; A<br />

Sn 231 (cp. KhA 188); Nd- 271'"'' (20 fold, as ditthilepa)<br />

; sassatavada D 1.13; S 11.20; ni.98, 2-13 sq.,<br />

258 sq. — (c) Various theories & doctrines are mentioned<br />

& discussed at: Vin 1.115; S 1.133; 11. 61 sq.,<br />

75sq., 222 ;iii.2i5sq., 258 sq. ; iv.286 ; v.448 (=01.31);<br />

i> 111.13 sq., 45, 246. 267; M 1.40; A 1.32; 11.252 sq. ;<br />

III. 132, 289, 349; Th 2, 184, Ps 1.135 sq. ; Pug 22;<br />

Dhs 392, 1003 (cp. Dhs. trsl. pp. 257 sq., 293, 325)<br />

Vbh 145, 245, 341, 393 sq. ; Sdhp 13, 333. — (d) Miscellaneous:<br />

4 ditthiyo at Vbh 376; also at Vism 511<br />

(sakkaya", uccheda°, sassata", akiriya") ; 5 \'bh 378<br />

6 at M 1.8 ; Vbh 382 ; 7 at Vbh 383 ; 20 see under sakkaya°<br />

; 62 under diuhigata. — In series dif^i khanti<br />

ruci laddhi characterizing " ditthadhamma " at Nd'<br />

299 & passim. Difthiya sutiya flaijena in def. of a<br />

theory of cognition at Nd' 300 as complementing ta^iha .<br />

see taijha B 3. Coupled with vaca & citta in formula<br />

(tag) vacar) appahaya cittag appahaya ditfhir) appa-<br />

evag niraye) at S iv.3i9 =<br />

tinissajjitva . . . (nikkhitto<br />

D III. 13, 15 ; comW with (& opposed to) sila (as papaka<br />

& bhaddaka) at It 26, 27. — dittbig asevati to hold a<br />

view M 1.323 ; °g bhindati to give up a view J 1.273 ;<br />

Davs 11.58<br />

-4nugati a sign of speculation Vin 11.108; S 11.203;<br />

Pug 33. -inusaya inclination to speculation D iir.254,<br />

282 ; S V.60 ; A<br />

IV. 9 ; -asava the intoxicant of specu-<br />

lation, the 3rd of four asava, viz. kama°, bhava°, d.",<br />

avijja" Vin 111.5 ; Nd' 134 ; Dhs 1099, ; ;448 Vbh 273 ;<br />

cp. °ogha; -upadana taking up or adhering to false<br />

doctrines, the 2nd of the four upadanani or attachments,<br />

viz. kama°, d.°, silabbata", attavada" D ni.230 ; Dhs<br />

1215. 1536; -ogha the flood of ^alsc doctrine, in set of<br />

four ogha's as under "asava D 111.230, 276; Nd' 178;<br />

-kantara the wilderness of groundless speculation Dhs<br />

381, IC03, 1099, etc.; see °gata ; -ganthi the web or<br />

tangle of sophisticism VvA 297 ; cp. "sanghata ; -gata<br />

(nt.) " resorting to views," theory, groundless opinion,<br />

false doctrine, often followed by series of characterizing<br />

epithets : d.-gahana, "kantara, "visuka. "vipphandita.<br />

"sanuojana, e. g. M 1.8; Nd' 271""'. Of these sophistical<br />

speculations 2 are mentioned at It 43, Ps 1. 129;<br />

6 at Ps 1.130 ;<br />

62 (the usual number, expressing " great<br />

and small " sets. cp. dvi A 11.) at D 1.12-39 (in detail)<br />

S IV.286; Ps 1.130; Nd' 271''; Nett 96, 112, 160.<br />

Vin 1.49 ; D 1.162. 224, 226 ; S 1.135, 142 ; 11.230 ; iix.109.<br />

J58 sq. (anekavihitani) ; iv.286 (id.); M 1.8. 176. 256<br />

Sq. (papaka), 326 (id.), 426 sq. ; A iv.68 ; v. 72 sq., 194<br />

(papaka) ; Sn 649. 834, 913 ; Pug 15 ; Dhs 277, 339, 392.<br />

505 ; Visra 454. — adj. ''gatika adhering to (false) doctrine<br />

Dpvs VI. 25 ; -gahana the thicket of speculation<br />

Dhs 381, 1003; see "gata; -jala the <strong>net</strong> of sophistry<br />

D 1.46; DA 1.129; -f^ana a te<strong>net</strong> of speculative<br />

philosophy D 1.16 ; M 1.136; A v.198 ; Ps 1.138 (eight)<br />

Miln 332 ; DA 1.107 ; -nijjhanakkhanti forbearance with<br />

wrong views S 11.1 15 ; iv.139 ; A 1.189 sq. ; 11.191 ; Nd'<br />

151 ; -nipata a glance VvA 279 ; -nissaya the foundation<br />

of speculation M 1.137 ' ^ i'i37 sq. ; -pakkha the side<br />

or party of sophists Nett 53, 88, 160 ; -pafilabha the<br />

attainment of speculation M 111.46: -pativedha = prec.<br />

-patta one who has formed (a right or wrong)<br />

D III. ; 253<br />

view D 111. 105, 254 ; M 1.439 ; A 1.74 ; 118. iv.io ; v. 23 ;<br />

-paramasa perversion by false doctrine Dhs 1 498<br />

-mandala the circle of speculative dogmatics DhsA 109 ;<br />

-vipatti failure in theory, the 3rd of the four vipattiyo<br />

viz. sila", acara", d.°. Sjiva" ; opp. "sampada Vin v. 98<br />

D 111.213 ; A 1.95, 268 : Pug 21 ; Dhs 1362 ; Vbh 361 ;<br />

-vipallasa contortion of views A 11.52 ; -visagyoga disconnection<br />

with false doctrine D ni.230, 276 ; -visuddhi<br />

beauty of right theory A 1.95 ; M 1.147 sq. ; D 111.214,<br />

288 ; -visuka (nt.) tne discord or disunion (lit. the going<br />

into parties) of theories, the (?) puppet-show of opinion<br />

M 1.8, 486 ; Sn 55 ( = dvasatthi diubigatani), K 6^1.44 ;<br />

Vv 84"; Pv iv.i'' ; Nd'301 ( = visatl-vattukasakkaya-<br />

difthi) ; cp. Nd' 25 (attanuditjhi) ; Dhs 381 (cp. Dhs. trsl.<br />

p. lo I ), 1003, 1099. See also "gata ; -vyasana failing or<br />

misfortune in theory (H-sila", in character) D 111.235;<br />

-sagyojana the fetter or bond of empty specula-<br />

Nd' 304 ;<br />

tion (cp. "anusaya) D 111.254 ; A iv.7 sq. ; -sanghata the<br />

weft or tangle of wrong views (cp. "gaothi) Nd' 343 ;<br />

Nd' 503 ; -samudaya the origin of wrong views A iv.68 ;<br />

-sampada success in tneory, blessing of right views,<br />

attainment of truth D 111.213, 235 (opp. "vipatti), S<br />

V.30 sq. ; A 1.95, 269; 111.438; IV. 238; Pug 25; Dhs<br />

1364 ; VvA 297 ; -sampanna endowed with right views<br />

366<br />

S 11.43. 58. 80 ; y.ii ; A 111.438 sq. ; iv.394 Vbh ;<br />

Dialogues iii.206, n. 10 ; -sarin (adj.) following wrong<br />

views Sn 91 1.<br />

who has<br />

Oittbika (adj.) (-") seeing, one who regards ; one<br />

a view M 111.24 (agamana" one who views the arrival,<br />

i. e. of guests) ; S 11.168 sq. (samma" & miccha" holding<br />

right & wrong theories) ; D<br />

a&Sa". miccha". samma".<br />

111.96 (vitimissa"). See<br />

Ditttuta (f) [fr. ditthi] the fact of having a (straightforward)<br />

view (uju") Miln 257.<br />

IM^hin (adj.-n.) one who has a view, or theory, a<br />

follower of such 4 such a doctrine Ud 67 (evag°-l- evag<br />

vidin).<br />

Dima [Sk. dirtia. pp. oi dr, dfijati, see darl] broken, split<br />

undone, torn, as neg. adinna unbroken D 1.115 (s" read<br />

for adina-khattiya-kula ; V. 1. BB. abhinna") ; S v.74<br />

(so read for adina-m&naso, v. 1. BB. adina & SS adina").<br />

Cp. also adinna.

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