The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary - Tuninst.net

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary - Tuninst.net

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary - Tuninst.net


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Daruna 155 Dittha<br />

DCnma (adj.) [Ved. d^ruqa, to dim (" strong as a tree "),<br />

cp. Gr. ipodv = iVxupiiv Hesych ; Lat. durus ; Oir. dron<br />

(firm), Mir. dur (hard) Ags. trum] strong, firm, severe<br />

haish, cruel, pitiless S i.ioi ; 11.226 ; Sn 244 ;<br />

Dh<br />

139 ;<br />

117 (vata)<br />

J ni.34 ; Pv rv.j* ( = ghora PvA 251) ; Miln<br />

PvA 24, 52 ( = ghora), 159 (sapatha a terrible oath =<br />

gbora), 181 ( = kururin), 221 (°k&raoa) ; Sdhp 5, 78, 286.<br />

DUua [f. dalati] see vi°,<br />

DUiU tt Dalima [Sk. d^Uka the colocynth & dac^ima the<br />

pomegranate tree] in °latthi a kind of creeper ; equivalent<br />

to takkari (?) Th 2, 297 (dalika)=ThA 226 (dalika<br />

& dalima).<br />

Di]iddiya (4 daliddiya) (nt.) [Sk. 'daridrya] poverty<br />

111.35 1 sq. ; J 1.228 ; Divs 11.60 ; Sdhp 78.<br />

D in.65, 66 ; A<br />

Dileti see dalati.<br />

Diva [Sk. dSva, see dava^ & daya'] in °aggi a jungle-fire<br />

1. J 213 ; 111.140 ; Visra 470 ; DhA 1.281.<br />

Divika (adj.) in piijcja", a cert, rank in the army (v. 1.<br />

piijtja-dayika) D 1.51 = Miln 331 (DA 1.156: sahasikamabayodha,<br />

etc., with popular expl. of the terms pin^a<br />

& davayati).<br />

Diia "[Ved. dasa; orig. adj. meaning "non-Aryan." i. e.<br />

slave (cp. Gr. jiapfiapoi, Ger. sklave = slave) ; Ay. daha =<br />

a Scythian tribe. Also connected w. dasyu (see dassukhlla)]<br />

a slave, often comb'* w. f. dksi. Def. by<br />

Bdhgh as " antojato " (DA 1.300), or as " antojatadhanakkita-karamarinita-samar)<br />

dasabyar) upagatanag<br />

aflfiataro " (ibid. i68). — In phrase dasa ca kanunakara<br />

" slaves & labourers " Vin 1.243, 272 ; 11.154 as<br />

i<br />

daso kammakaro " a slave-servzint " D 1.60 (cp. d.kammakara).<br />

— Vin 1.72, 76 (daso na pabbajetabbo<br />

the slave cannot become a bhikkhu) ; D 1.72 ; M 11.68<br />

(fig. taijha°) ; J 1.200, 223; 111.343 (bought for 7C0<br />

kahapanas^, 347; Pug 56; PvA 112.<br />

-kammakara (porisa) a slave-servant, an unpaid<br />

labourer, a serf Vin 1.240; A 1206; D 111.189; DhA<br />

rv.i ; -gana a troop of slaves Pv iv.i** ; -purisa a servant<br />

J 1.385; -porisa a servant, .slave Sn 769 (cp. Nd' 11,<br />

-lakkhana fortune-<br />

where 4 kinds of d. are mentioned) ;<br />

telling from (the condition of) slaves D 1.9.<br />

Diiaka = dasa in °putta a slave, of the sons of the slaves,<br />

mentioned as one of the sipp' ayatanas at D 1.51!*<br />

(expl. by Bdhgh as balavasineha-gharadasa-yodha<br />

DA 1.157). — sadasaka with slaves, followed by slaves<br />

Vv 32*. — f. dastka a female slave (=dasi) M 1.126;<br />

J VI. 554-<br />

Diiabyati (f.)=dasavya Sdhp 498.<br />

Disavya ft Daaabya (nt.) [cp. Sk. dasya] the condition of<br />

a stave, slavery, serfdom D 1.73 ; M '•<br />

1.275 W J 1-226<br />

111.35 ; PvA 112, 152.<br />

DA 1.168 (b), 213 ; DhA<br />

Dilitta (nt.) [Sk. dasitva] the status of a (female) slave<br />

Miln 158.<br />

DIsima a species of tree J vi.536.<br />

DJbiy& = dasika, a female slave J vi.554.<br />

Dill (f.) [Sk. dasi, cp. dasa. Nom. pi. dasso for dasiyo<br />

J IV. 53 ; in cpds. dasi°] a female servant, a handmaiden,<br />

a slave-girl Vin 1.217, 269, 291; 11.10 (kula°), 78 =<br />

111.161 ; M 1.125 ; 11-62 (iiati°); Pv 11. 3'' (ghara") ; PvA<br />

46, 61, 65. — Cp. kumbha".<br />

-ga^ A troop of slave-girls J 11.127 ; -dasa (pi.) maid-<br />

& man-servants DhA 1.187; frcq- to cpd. d-d-patiggahatia<br />

slave-trading D i.5«r(cp. DA 1.^8) ; -putta the son<br />

of a slave, an abusive term (gharadasiya va putto<br />

Dh 1.257 ; cp. Sk. dasisuta) D 1.93 (°vada) ; -bhoga the<br />

possessions of a slave Vin 111.136.<br />

Daha see daha.<br />

Di° secondary base of numeral " 2," contracted fr. dvi<br />

see under dvi B 1.4.<br />

Dikkhita [Sk. dik^ita " havmg commenced the preparatory<br />

rites for sacrifice "] initiated, consecrated, cira°<br />

initiated long since S 1.226 = ] v. 138, 139 (where dakkhita,<br />

q. v. ;<br />

Com. cira-pabbajita).<br />

Di^coha (f.) [=jiguccha; Sk. jugupsa] disgust DhsA 210<br />

(asuci°).<br />

Dighaccha (f.) [ = jighaccha] hunger A 11. 117.<br />

Dighafifia (adj.) [for jighaiina = Sk. jaghanya fr. jangha]<br />

inferior, low. last, hindmost (i. e. westward) J v.24<br />

(where the Com. seems to imply a reading jighaccha^<br />

with meaning of 1st sg. pot. intens. of ghas, but d. is<br />

evidently the right<br />

end of the night).<br />

reading), 402, 403 ("rattir; at the<br />

Dicctaati [Sk. ditsati, Desid. fr. dadati, base 4, q. v.] to<br />

vrish to give, to be desirous of giving S 1.18, 20 (dicchare<br />

3rd pi.) ; J iv.64.<br />

Di)a see under dvi B 1.4.<br />

Dittha' [Sk. dfsta, pp. of *dassati] I. seen; a" not seen<br />

1.3 sq. (ditthai)<br />

D 1.222 (a°-favedita asacchikata) ; M<br />

ditthato sanjanati) ;<br />

Sn 147 (dittha va ye va addiftha),<br />

995 (na me dittho ito pubbe na ssuto . . . Sattha)<br />

J 11.154 ; 111-278 ; Pv 1.2^ (samai) d. =seen by yourself)<br />

3^ (id.). — nt. ditthar) a vision J 111. 4 16. — Since sight<br />

is the principal sense of perception as well as of apperception<br />

(cp. cakkhu), that which is seen is the chief<br />

representation of any sense-impression, & dif^ha comb*"<br />

with suta (heard) and muta (sensed by means of smell,<br />

taste & touch), to which viiiitata (apperceived by the<br />

mind) is often joined, gives a complete analysis of that<br />

which comprises all means of cognition & recognition.<br />

Thus dittha -f suta stands collectively for the whole<br />

series Sn 778, 812, 897, 1079; Pv iv.i'; dittha suta<br />

muta (see Nd* 298 for detail & cp. ditthiya sutiya<br />

iianena) Sn 790, 901, 914. 1082, 1086. 1122 (na tuyhai)<br />

adifthar) asutarj amutat) kiflcanai) atthi = you are<br />

omniscient) ; d. suta muta vinitata in the same sense<br />

as Sn 1122 in " yarj sadevakassa lokassa d. s. m. v.<br />

sabbai) tar) Tathagatena abhisambuddhar) " of the<br />

cognitive powers of the Tathagata D iii.i34 = Nd^ 276 =<br />

It 121; D 111.232; Sn 1086, 1 122. — 2. known, understood<br />

M 1.486; Sn 761; dittha pafiha a problem ot<br />

qvTestion solved J vi.532. See also conclusion of No. 1.<br />

— 3. (adj.) visible, determined by sight, in conn, with<br />

dhamma meaning the visible order of things, the world<br />

of sensation, this world (opp. samparayika dhamma the<br />

state after death, the beyond). Usually in cpds. (-°) :<br />

of this world, in this world. — ditthadhamma Vin<br />

II. 188 ; D III. 222 sq. ; A 1.249 ; 11. 61 ; Nd* 297 ( = flatadhamma)<br />

; DA 1.278 ; Sdhp 470. — °ahninibbuta attained<br />

toNibbanain this birth A 1.142 ; Sn 1087 (see Nibbana)<br />

°nibbana earthly N. D 1.36; DA 1.121 ; °sukhaviHdra<br />

{& °in) happy condition (or faring well) in this world<br />

Vin II. 188 ; M 1.40, 331, 459 ; S 11.239 ; Dhs 577, 1283 ;<br />

DhsA 296 ; °vedaniya to be perceived in this condition<br />

A 1.249, 251 ; PvA<br />

145. — Freq. in loc. ditthe dhamme<br />

(in this world) It 17 (attha, opp. samparayika attha),<br />

or ditthe va dhamme (already or even in the present<br />

existence) D 1.156, 167. 177, 196; 111.108; M 1.341 sq.,<br />

485 ; 11.94, 'o.? A : 11155. 167 ; 111-429 : Sn 141, 343, 1053 ;<br />

It 22, 23, etc. — In the same sense ditthadhammika<br />

(adj.) belonging or referring to this world or the present<br />

existence, always contrasted with samparayika belonging<br />

to a future state: Vin 1.179; 111.21; D 111.130;<br />

A 1.47, 98; Nd* 26; It 16; VvA 149; PvA 131, etc.<br />

-inugati imitation of what one sees, emulation, competition<br />

S 11.203; M 1.16; A 1.126; III. 108, 251, 422;

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