The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary - Tuninst.net

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary - Tuninst.net

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary - Tuninst.net


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Dasa 151 Dassati<br />

Application (A) (based on natural phenomena) : dasa<br />

disa (10 points of the compass ; see disa) : Sn 719, 1 122 ;<br />

PvA 71, etc.; d. lokadhatuyo Pv 11.9°' ( = 10x1000;<br />

PvA 138); d. mase (10 months as time of gestation)<br />

kucchiya pariharitva J 1.52 ; PvA 43, 82. — (B) (fig.)<br />

I. a set : (a) personal (cp. 10 people would have saved<br />

Sodom : Gen. 18, 32 ; the 10 virgins (2 x 5) Matt. 25, i)<br />

divase divase dasa dasa putte vijayitva (giving birth<br />

to 10 sons day by day) Pv 1.6. — (b) impersonal : 10<br />

commandments (dasa sikkhapadani Vin 1.83), cp. Exod.<br />

34, 28 ; 10 attributes of perfection of a Tathagata or an<br />

Arahant : Tathagata-balani ; with ref. to the Buddha<br />

see Vin.1.38 & cp. Vin <strong>Text</strong>s 1.141 sq. ; dasah' angehi<br />

samannagato araha ti vuccati (in memorizing of No. 10)<br />

Kh III. dasahi asaddhammehi sam° kako J 111.127;<br />

— 10 heavenly attributes (thanani) : ayu etc. D 111.146 ;<br />

S V.275 ; PvA<br />

9, opp. 10 afflictions as punishment (cp.<br />

10 plagues Exod. 7-11): dasannai) afiiiatarag thanai)<br />

nigacchati Dh 137 (=das. dukkha-karananag, enum"*<br />

V. 138, 139) "afflicted with one of the 10 plagues";<br />

cp. DhA 111.70. — 10 good gifts to the bhikkhu (see<br />

deyyadhamma) Nd^ 523 ; PvA 7 ; 10 rules for the king<br />

PvA 161 — dividing the ; Empire into to parts: PvA<br />

111, etc. vassa-dasa a decade : das' ev' inia vassa-dasa<br />

J IV. 396 (enum'' under vassa) ; dasa-raja-dharama<br />

J 11.367; das' akkosa-vatthiini DhA 1.212.— See on<br />

similar sets A v.i-310; D iii.266-27'i. — 2. a larger<br />

unity, a crowd, a vast number (of time & space)<br />

(a) personal, often meaning " all " (cp. 10 sons of<br />

Haman were slain Esth. 9, 10 ; 10 lepers cleansed at one<br />

time Luke 17, 12) : dasa bhataro J 1.307 ; dasa bhatika<br />

PvA 111; dasa-kaniia-sahassa-parivara PvA 2 10 etc. —<br />

(b) impersonal (cp. 10 x 10 = many times, S.B.E. : 43, 3)<br />

dasa-yojanika consisting of a good many miles DhA<br />

III. 291. dasavassasahassani dibbani vatthani paridahanto<br />

(" for ever and aye ") PvA 76, etc.<br />

-kkhattug [Sk. °krtvah} ten times DhA 1.388 ; -pada<br />

(nt.) a draught-board (with 10 squares i>n each side)<br />

a pre-Buddhistic game, played with men and dice, on<br />

such a board D 1.6; Vin 11.10=111.180 (°e kijanti)<br />

DA 1.85. -bala, [Sk.daSabala] endowed with 10 (supernormal)<br />

powers, Ep. of the Buddhas, esp. of Kassapa<br />

Buddha Vin 1.38 = ) 1.84; S 11.27; Vism 193. 391;<br />

DhA 1. 14; VvA 148, 206, etc. -vidha tenfold i)hA<br />

1.398. -sata ten times a hundred Vin 1.38 ("parivaro)<br />

Sn 179 (yakkha) ; DhsA 198 ("nayano). -sahassa ten<br />

times a thousand (freq.) ; "i in dasa-saha.ssi-lokadhatu<br />

Vin 1. 12 (see lokadhatu).<br />

Dasa' (-°) [Sk.-d^a ; cp. dassa] seeing, to be seen, to be<br />

perceived or understood D 1.18 (afuiadatthu" sureseeing,<br />

all-perceiving = sabbar) passami ti attho DA<br />

1. 1 11); Sn 653 (paficcasamuppada"), 733 (sammad")<br />

J 1.506 (yugamatta" ; v. 1. dassa). — duddasa difficult<br />

to be seen or understood D 1.12 (dhamma gambhira d. ;<br />

see gambhira) ; M 1.167, 4''? ; Sn 938 ; Dh 252 ; also as<br />

sududdasa Dh 36.<br />

Dasaka (nt.) i. a decad, decade, a decennial J iv.397<br />

DhsA 316. khidda" the decad of play Vism 6 19 ; cakkhu"<br />

etc. sense-decads Vism. 553: Cornp. 164, 250; kSya°,<br />

Vism. 588.<br />

Dasana [Sk, daiana to ijasati] a tooth Davs v. 3 (d.dhatu,<br />

the tooth relic of the Buddha).<br />

Dasa (f.) 4 dasa ^nt.) fSk. daiia] unwoven thread of a web<br />

of cloth, fringe, edge or border of a garment D 1.7<br />

(digha° long-fringed, of vatthani) ; J v. 187 ; DhA 1.180 ;<br />

iv.io6 (da^ani). — sadasa (nt.) a kind of seat, a rug<br />

(lit. with a fringe) Vin iv, 1 7 1 ( = nisTdana) ; opp. adasaka<br />

(adj.) without a fringe or border Vin 11.301 =307 (nisidana).<br />

-anta edge of the border of a garment J 1.467 ;<br />

DhA 1. 180 sq., 391.<br />

Dasika' (adj.) (-°) [Sk. dr^ika, cp. dassin] to be seen, to<br />

behold, being of appearance, only in dud° or frightful<br />

app., fierce, ugly Si .94 & id. p. (q. v. under okotimaka)<br />

; J 1.504 (kodha. anger) ; PvA 24, 90 (of Petas).<br />

— Note. <strong>The</strong> spelling is sometimes °dassika : A 11.85 ;<br />

Pug 51 ;<br />

PvA 91).<br />

Dasika^ (adj.) ffr. dasa] belonging to a fringe, in dasika<br />

-sutta an unwoven or loose thread Vin 111.241 ; DhA<br />

IV.206 ("mattam pi not even a thread, i. e. nothing at<br />

all, cp. Lat. nihllum = ne-filum not a thread = nothing).<br />

See also dasaka under dasa.<br />

Dassa (-°) [Sk. -darsa ; cp. dasa'] to see or to be seen, perceiving,<br />

perceived Sn 1134 (appa° of small sight, not<br />

seeing far. knowing little = paritta-dassa thoka-dassa<br />

Nd^ 69). Cp. akkha° a judge Miln 114. -su° easily<br />

perceived (opp. duddasa) Dh 252.<br />

•Dassati^ [Sk. *dars in dadarsa pref. to dfi; caus. dar^ayati.<br />

Cp. Gr. lipKniiai to see ; Oir. derc eye ; Ags.<br />

torht ; Goth, ga-tarhjan to make conspicuous. <strong>The</strong><br />

regular <strong>Pali</strong> Pres. is dakkhiti (younger dakkhati), a<br />

new formation from the aor. addakkhi = Sk. adraksit.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Sk. Fut. draksyati would correspond formally to<br />

dakkhati, but the older dakkhiti points toward derivation<br />

from addakkhi. Ihis new Pres. takes the function<br />

of the Fut. ; whereas the Caus dasseti implies a<br />

hypothetical Pres. *dassati. On dakkhati, etc. see also<br />

Kuhn, Beitr. p. 116; Trenckner, Notes pp. 57, 61;<br />

Pischel, Prk. Gr. § 554] to see, to perceive.<br />

1. (pres.) base dakkh [Sk. draksj : pres. (a) dakkhati<br />

Nd' 428 (=passati), 1st dakkhami ibid. (=passami),<br />

2nd dakkhasi S 1.116; Pv 11. i" (v. 1. BB adakkhi)<br />

imper. dakkha Nd' 428 ( = passa). — (b) dakkhiti Sn 909<br />

(v. 1. BB dakkhati), 3rd pi. dakkhinti Vin i.i6Sr'Sn p. 15<br />

(v. 1. BB dakkhanti)-; D 1.46. — aor. addakkhi (Sk.<br />

adraksit) Vin 11.195; S 1.1 17; Sn 208 (=addasa SnA<br />

dakkhi It 47; 1st<br />

257), 841, 1 131 ; It 47 ; J III. 189 ; &<br />

sg. addakkhir) Sn 938. Spelling also adakkhi (v. 1.<br />

BB at Pv 11.1 13) & adakkhir) (Nd= 423). — inf. dakkhitui)<br />

Vin 1. 79. — Caus. 1 p.p. dakkhapita (shown, exhibited)<br />

Miln 119. — Der. dakkhin (q. v.).<br />

2. (pret.) base dass (Sk. dars & dras) : aor. (a) addasa<br />

(Sk. adarsat) Sn 358, 679, ini6 ; J 1.222 ; iV.2 ; Pv 11. 3'^<br />

(ma addasa ^addakkhig PvA 88) ; DhA 1.26; PvA 73.<br />

I't (older, cp. agama) addasa Vin 11. 192, 195 ; D 1.112 ;<br />

II. 16 ; Sn 41-9 (v. 1. BB addasa), 910 (id.) ; Miln 24, ist<br />

sg. addasag S i.ioi ; Nd'423 & addasag Sn 837 ( = adakkhig<br />

Nd' 185), ist pi. addasama Sn 31. 178, 450, 3rd<br />

pi. (ma) addasug Pv 11. 7' ( = ma passigsu PvA 102). —<br />

(b) addasasi, 1st sg. addasasig Sn 937, 1145; Vv 35^'<br />

11.16<br />

(v. 1. addasami), 3rd pi. addasasug Vin 11. 195 ; D<br />

M 1.153. — (c) shortened forms of aor. are : adda Th 1,<br />

986; adda J vi.125, 126. — inf. dafthug Sn 685 (datthu-<br />

kama) ;<br />

J 1.290; Pv iv.i^ ( = passitug PvA 219); PvA<br />

48, 79; VvA 75. — ger. dat^hu (=Sk. dr?tva) Sn 424<br />

(in phrase nekkhammag dafthu khemato) = 1098 ; 681.<br />

Expl. at Nd' 292 with expl. of disva=passitva, etc. —<br />

grd. datthabba (to be regarded as) D 11. 154 ; PvA 8, 9,<br />

10, etc., Vism 464; &- dassaniya (see sep.). .'Vlso in<br />

Caus. (see below) & in datthar (q. v.).<br />

3. (med.-pass.) base diss (Sk. dfs) : pres. pass, dissati<br />

194, 441,,688 (dis-<br />

(to be seen, to appear) Vin 1.16 ; Sn<br />

sare), 956; J 1.138; Dh 304 ; Pv i.8< ; PvA 61 (dis.sasi<br />

you look, intrs.) ppr. dissamana (visible) Pv.\ ; 71, 6<br />

("rupa), 162 (id.) ; VvA 78 (°kaya) ; Mhvs. vii.35, & der.<br />

dissamanatta (nt.) (visibility) PvA 103. — ger. disva<br />

Sn 48, 4( 9, 687 sq. It 76 ; PvA 67, 68, etc., & disvana<br />

299, 415. 1017 ; Pv 11.8", etc., also a<br />

Vin 1.15 ; 11.195 ; Sn<br />

ger. form dittha,q. v. under adiftha. — pp. diftha (q. v.).<br />

4. Caus. (of base 2) dasseti (Sk. dar^ayati), aor.<br />

dassesi & (exceptional) dassayi, only in dassayi tumag<br />

showed himself at Pv 111. 2« (=attanag uddisayi PvA<br />

181) & III. 2'* (=attan.ig dassayi dassesi pakato ahosi<br />

PvA 185). 3rd pi. dasscsug ger. da,ssetva ; ; inf. dassetug<br />

to point out, exhibit, explain, intimate Dh 83 ;<br />

J PvA<br />

1.84, 200, 263, 266; 11.128, 159; III. 53. 82 ;<br />

4, 8,

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