The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary - Tuninst.net

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary - Tuninst.net

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary - Tuninst.net


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Thala 143 Thina<br />

Thala' (nt.) [Vedic sthala, to stha, orig. standing place<br />

cp. Gr. ariWui, ffroXoc ; Ags. steall (place) ; also P.<br />

than^ila] dry ground, viz. high, raised (opp. low) or<br />

solid, firm (opp. water) S iv.iyg. As plateau opp. to<br />

ninna (low lying place) at Sn 30 (SnA 42=ukkula):<br />

Dh 98 ; It 66 =S i.ioo (megho thalai) ninnafi ca pureti)<br />

PvA 29 (=unnatapadesa). As dry land, terra firma<br />

opp. to jaia at Dh 34 ; J 1.107, 222 ; Pv iv.i^' PvA 260.<br />

;<br />

Sn 946. —<br />

As firm, even ground or safe place at D 1.234 ;<br />

Cp. J 111.53 ; IV. 142 ; Vism 185.<br />

-gocara living on land J n.159 ;<br />

-ja sprung from land<br />

(opp. varija Dh 34 or udakaruha Vv 35' =water-plant)<br />

referring to plants A 1.35 ; J 1.5 1 ; Vv 35° ( = yodhikadika<br />

VvA 162) ; Miln 281 ; -{tha standing on firm ground<br />

A II. 241 ; -patha a road by land (opp. jala° by water)<br />

J 1.I2I ; III. 188.<br />

Thala' (nt.) [prob. dialect, variant of tharu] the haft of<br />

a sword, the scabbard J 111.221 (reading uncertain).<br />

Thava [see thavati] praise, praising, eulogy Nett 161, 188,<br />

192.<br />

Thavati [Sk. stauti, Av. staviti, cp. Gr. crevrat] to praise,<br />

extol; inf. thutur) Sn 217 (=thometui) SnA 272).—<br />

Caus. thaveti [Sk. stavayati] pp. thavita Miln 361.<br />

See thuta, thuti, thoma, thometi.<br />

Thavika (f.) [derivation uncertain] a knapsack, bag,<br />

purse ; esp. used for the carrying of the bhikkhu's<br />

strainer Vin 1.209 (parissavanani pi thavikayo pi<br />

puretvS). 224 (patteH- pariss°+ th.) ; J 1.55 (pattag<br />

thavikaya pakkhipitva) ; vi.67 (pattai) thavikaya<br />

osarctva) ; VvA 40 (patta-thavikato parissavanag<br />

niharitva). Also for carrying money : sahassathavika<br />

a purse of 1,000 pieces J 1.34, 195, 506 ; VvA 33 ; Anvs<br />

35. See also Vin 11. 152, 217 ; Vism. 91.<br />

Thama (& thamo nt. in instr. thamasa M 1.498 ;<br />

Th I, 1 165; HI. 1 10, see below) [Vedic sthaman &<br />

sthamas nt., stha cp. Gr. (rnj/jwv, Lat. stamen (standing<br />

structure) ; Goth, stoma foundation] " standing power,"<br />

power of resistance, steadfastness, strength, firmness,<br />

vigour, instr. thamena (Miln 4 ; PvA i93) ; thamasa (see<br />

S 11.278 =<br />

above); thamuna (J vi.22). Often comb'' with bala<br />

bala+<br />

J 1.63 ; Sn 68 ; with bala+ Java PvA 4 ; with<br />

viriya Nd' 289, 651 ; with Java J 1.62 ; VvA 104 ; with<br />

iriya J 1.67. — D iii.i 13 ; S 1.78 ; 11.28 ; v. 227 ; A 1.50 ;<br />

11.187 sq. ; IV. 192. J 1.8, 265 (°sampanna) ; 11. 158<br />

(id.); Dhs 13, 22; Vism 233 (°mahatta) ; DhA iv.18;<br />

PvA 259. — Instr. used as adv. : thamena hard, very<br />

; thamasa obstinately, perseveringly<br />

much PvA 193<br />

M 1.257.<br />

-gatadit^ika (adj.) one in whom heresy has become<br />

strong J 1.83= VI. 220.<br />

Th&maka (adj.) having strength Sn 1144 (dubbala° with<br />

failing strength); Nd' 12 (appa°+ dubbala).<br />

Thamavant (adj.) [thama+ vant] strong, steadfast, power-<br />

ful, persevering S v. 197, 225 ; A 11.250 ; iv.i 10, 234, 291 ;<br />

v. 24; Nd' 131 ; Vv 5' ( = thira balava VvA 35).<br />

Th&ra see vi°, san°.<br />

Thala (nt.) [from thala orig. a flat dish] a plate, dish,<br />

vessel D 1.74 ; J 1.69 ; Miln 282. Kagsa° a gong Miln 62 ;<br />

Vism 283 (in simile). See also thali.<br />

Th&laka (nt.) [thala+ka] a smaU bowl, beaker Pv 11. i'<br />

(thalakassa paniyai)), i" (id.); Nett 79 (for holding<br />

oil : dipakapallika Com.).<br />

Th&Iika (f.) =thalakaVin 1.203, 240. See alhaka".<br />

ThaU (f.) (thali° in cpds.) [Sk. sthali, cp. thala] an earthen<br />

pot, kettle, large dish ; in -dhoyana washing of the dish<br />

A 1. 161 (+ sarava-dhovana) ; -paka an offering of barley<br />

or rice cooked in milk Vin in. 15: D 1.97 ( = DA 1.267);<br />

5 11.242 ; V.384 ; A 1. 166 ; J 1.186 Miln ; 249.<br />

Thavara* (adj.) [Vedic sthavara, from stha, cp. sthavira,<br />

Gr. ffTawpiif post, Lat. re-stauro. Goth, stana judgment<br />

6 stojan to judge] " standing still," immovable (opp.<br />

245)<br />

to tasa) firm, strong (Ep. of an Arahant KhA :<br />

DhA IV. 1 76. Always in connection with tasa, contrasting<br />

or comprising the movable creation (animal<br />

world) & the immovable (vegetable world), e. g. Sn 394<br />

(" sabbesu bhutesu nidhaya dan

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