The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary - Tuninst.net

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary - Tuninst.net

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary - Tuninst.net


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Tuvatag 140 Temeti<br />

prose & verse) Sn 179, 241, 1029, 1058; J 1.279;<br />

II. 159; Pv 1.8*. Also for nom. pi. at J 1.391, 395;<br />

VI. 576; tuvag (in verse) Sn 1064, 1102, 1121 ; J 111.278,<br />

394; Pv 1.33; 11.32; also £or ace. Sn 377; Pv 11. 8'<br />

tuyhar) (gen. & dat.) [Sk. tubhyar)] Sn 983, 1030<br />

J 1.279; PvA 3, 60, 73. etc. — (b) ta°, tay°, tag (ace.)<br />

M 1.487; Sn 31, 241, 1043, 1049; J 1,222; n.159; Pv<br />

1.222 ; 11. 3*<br />

1. 10' ; 11.1° ; taya (instr.) Sn 335, 344 ; J Pv<br />

( = bhotiya PvA 86): PvA 71; tayi (loe.) Sn 382;<br />

J 1.207; tava (gen.) Sn U02, iiio; J 11.153; PvA 106.<br />

— 2. pi.: tumh° [Sk. yusm°] :<br />

It 31 ; J 1.22 1 (ace.); Pv i.n^.<br />

tumhe (nom. & ace.)<br />

Also as pi. majesticus<br />

in addressing one person<br />

(gen.) PvA 58 (for sg.).<br />

J 11. 102 ; iv.138; tumhag<br />

78 ; tumhakag (gen. dat.)<br />

S 11.65 : It 32 ; 1. J 150 : 11. 102 ; tumhesu (loe.) J 1.292<br />

(for sg.) ; tumhehi (instr.) 11. ; J 154 Pv 1.5'^. — II. Enclilic<br />

forms (in function of an ethical dative " in your<br />

interest," therefore also as possessive gen. or as instrumental,<br />

or any other ease of the interested person<br />

according to construction), i. sg. te D 11. 127 (dat.);<br />

Sn 76, 120, 1099 (dat.), 1102 (dat.); J 1.151 ; 11. 159<br />

(instr.); Pv 1.2^ (dat.); 11.32 (gen.), 4" (gen.). — 2. pi.<br />

vo S III. 33 (instr.) Sn 135. 172 (dat.),<br />

222 (ace); II. 133; 111.395 (gen.).<br />

331 (dat.); J i.<br />

TavataQ (adv.) [Sk. tvaritar), cp. turata] quickly A v. 342 ;<br />

J 1. 91 ; II. 61 ; VI. 519 (as tvatag) ; Miln 198; Vism 305,<br />

313-<br />

TuvaHeti (for *Sk. dvandvayati, denom. fr. dvandva] to<br />

share (with=loe. or abl.) Vin 11. 10, 124; iv.288.<br />

Tavantava (nt.) [Sk. dvandva, with dialect, t. (cp. tudampati),<br />

not (with Miiller, P. Gr. 38) through confusion<br />

with pron. tvag] quarrel, strife M i.iio, 410.<br />

Tassati [Sk. tusyati to *teiu to be quiet, contented, happy]<br />

to be satisfied, pleased or happy J 111.280 ; iv.138,<br />

Miln 2 11). Cp. tuttha (pp.), tutthi, tunhi, tosa, tosana,<br />

toscti.<br />

Tussana (nt.) [Sk. tosana] satisfying, pleasing, in "karana<br />

cause for satisfaction or delight J in. 448.<br />

Ta^ira=trinT, Vism 251.<br />

TQfll (f.) [Sk. •tuna & tuni, to *t|n: sec under tula; cp.<br />

Lat. toUo. On n>l. cp. cikkana & cikkhala, guna><br />

gu|a, kini>kili, etc.l a quiver (lit. "carrier") J 11.403<br />

(dhanug tunifi ca nikkhippa) ; v. 4 7.<br />

Tula (nt.) [Sk. tula, to 'ten, Sk. taviti, to swell or be<br />

bushy, cp. Gr. tv\ii swelling ; Ags. \>o\ peg] a tuft of<br />

grass, cotton Vin 11.150 (3 kinds: rukkha°, lata",<br />

potaki") ; Sn 591 = J IV.127 (vato tular) va dhagsayc)<br />

DA 1.87.<br />

-picu cotton-wool Vi.sm 282, 285, 404 ; DhA<br />

111.202 ;<br />

KhA 173. -punnika (" stuffwl with tuft or cotton")<br />

a kind of shoe Vin 1.186.<br />

Tiilika (f.) [der. fr. tula] a mattress (consisting of layers of<br />

grass or wool : tinnar) tuliinar) anfiatara-punna-tnlika<br />

J)A 1.87) Vin 1. 193 ; 11.151); D 1.7 ; A 1.181.<br />

Tulinl (f.) [Sk. tuHni] the silk-cotton tree M 1. 128.<br />

Te" [Sk. trai\] secondary base of numeral three (fr. ti)<br />

in comp" :<br />

a relation to a triad of, three- ; in<br />

having<br />

numerical epds. also = three (see under tayo).<br />

-kafula containing 3 spices (of yagu), viz. tila,<br />

tandiila, mugga Vin 1.210; 111.66; -civarika wearing<br />

three robes (cp. ticivara) Vin 1.253 : Ud 4^ : Pug 09 ;<br />

Vism 60. -dandika carrying the tripod (see tidanda),<br />

Ep. of a brahmin ascetic A in. 2 76 ; J 11.316 ( = kundikar)<br />

thapanattbaya tidandag gahetva caranto) ; -dhatuka<br />

(nt.) the (worlds of the) threefold composition of elements<br />

=tiloka Nett 14, 63 (tedhatuke vimutti =<br />

sabbadhi vippamutta), 82 ; ep. Kvu 605 ; -pitaka versed<br />

X<br />

in the three pitakas (see pitaka), Ep. of theras &<br />

bhikkhus J iv.219; Miln 18 sq. ; DhA 1.7, 384 ; 111.385 ;<br />

DSvs v. 22. Cp. Sk. tripifo bhikjuh (AvS 1. 334 &<br />

Index to Divy) ; -bhatika having 3 Ijrothers DhA<br />

1.88, 97. -bhumaka belonging to the 3 stages of being<br />

(viz. the kama. rfipa, arupa existences ; cp. °dhatuka<br />

& tiloka) DhA 1.305; iv.72 ; DhsA 50, 214 (°kusala),<br />

291 ; -masa (nt.) 3 months, i. e. a season M 1.438 ; Miln<br />

15; DhA 11.192 ; PvA20; -vacika pronouncing the threefold<br />

formula (of the sarana-gata) Vin 1.18 ; -vijja (adj.)<br />

possessed of the 3 fold knowledge (i. e. either the higher<br />

knowledge of the Brahmins, i. e. the 3 Vedas [cp. Sk. trayi<br />

vidya= the knowledge of the Vedas] or of the Buddha &<br />

Arahants, asdefinedat A i.i64sq., viz. ( ) remembrance<br />

i<br />

of former births, (2) insight into the (future) destiny<br />

of all beings, (3) recognition of the origin of misery & of<br />

the way to its removal, i. e. of the Path) : 1. brahmanic :<br />

D 1.238 ; A 1.163 : also as tevijjaka (n.) D 1.88, 107, 1 19.<br />

— 2. buddhistic : Vin 11. '• 161 ; M 1.482 ; S 1.194 A 1.167<br />

= It 100; Sn 594 = VvA 10; Pug 14; DhA 1.138; Sdhp<br />

420. -tevijjata (abstr.) Vism 5.<br />

Tekiccha (adj.) [der. f r. tikiccha] curable ; fig. one who can<br />

be helped or pardoned. Only in cpds. a' incurable,<br />

unpardonable VvA 322 (of a sick person) ; DhA 1.25<br />

(id.) ; Miln 322 ; of Devadatta w. ref . to his rebirth in<br />

Niraya Vin 11.202 = It 85; M 1.393; & sa" pardonable<br />

Miln 192, 22 1, 344.<br />

Teja & Tejo [Vedic tejas (nt.) from ti] to be sharp or to<br />

pierce = a (piercing} flame. See tejate ; semantically<br />

(sharp> light) cp. Ger. strahl (ray of light) = Ags. strael<br />

(arrow). — <strong>The</strong> nt. tejo is the usual form ; instr. tejasa<br />

(Dh 387 ; Sn 1097) & tejena (J m.s's), ep. tapa & tapo]<br />

"sharpness," heat, flame, fire, light; radiance, effulgence,<br />

splendour, glory, energy, strength, power<br />

D 11.259 (personified as deva, among the 4 Elements<br />

pathavi. apo, t., vayo ; cp. tejo-dhatu) ; S iv.215;<br />

M 1.327; Sn 1097 (glory of the sun comp'' with that<br />

of the Buddha) ; Dh 387 (sabbag ahorattig Buddho<br />

tapati tejasa) ; J in. 53 (sila'') ; 1.93 (pufifia" the power<br />

of merit); Vbh 426 (id.); Ps 1.103; Vism 350 (def.);<br />

VvJ^ 116.<br />

-kasina fire-contemplation for the purpose of kammaf-<br />

th.ina practice (see kasina) D in. 268 ; Dhs 203 ; Vism<br />

171 ; DhA n.49 ; in. 214; Bdhd 106; -dhatu the element<br />

of flame (or fire), the 3rd of the 6 Elements, viz. pathavi<br />

apo t. vayo akasa vii\nana (cp. Dhs. Irsl. p. 242) D in. 27,<br />

228, 247 ;M 1. 188, 422 ;A 1.176; 11.1O5; Dhs 588, 648,<br />

964 ; Nett 74 ; Vism 363.<br />

Tejate [Vedie tejate from tij (stij) = Lat. in-stigo (to<br />

spur), Gr. otH^ci, ffnrroc, Ohg. stehhan, Nhg. stecken,<br />

E. stick] to be sharp or to make sharp, to prick, to<br />

incite, etc. — See tikkha, tikhina, tinha, titikkhati,<br />

tittaka, teja, etc.<br />

Tejana (nt.) [see tejate] the point or shaft of an arrow,<br />

an arrow Th i, 29; Dh 80, 145 ; DhA n.147.<br />

Tejavant (adj.) [tcjas-t- vant] i. splendid, powerful,<br />

majestic DhA 1.426. — 2. in flames, heated, burning<br />

with (-°) Miln 148.<br />

Tejin (adj.-n.) [sec tejai having light or splendour,<br />

shining forth, glorious Sn 1097 (=Nd= 286 tejena<br />

samannagata).<br />

Tettigsa (num.) [tayo-l- tigsa] thirty -three J 1.273; DhA<br />

1.2O7 sq. See also under tayo & tavatigsa.<br />

Temaoa (nt.) [from temeti] wetting, moistening Vism<br />

338 ; VvA 20 (aggimhi tapanag udake va temanag)<br />

DhA 111.420.<br />

Temeti [cp. Divy 285 timayati ; Caus. of tim to moisten.<br />

<strong>The</strong>re is an ancient confusion between the roots tim,<br />

tamas, etc. (to be dark), tim, temeti (to be wet), and

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