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The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary - Tuninst.net

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary - Tuninst.net


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Ajjhupekkhati 12 Ajjhoharana<br />

on intently or with care, to oversee, to take care of A<br />

IV.45 (katth'aggi, has to be looked after); PvA 149 (sisaq<br />

colag va). — 3. to look on indifferently to be indifferent.<br />

to neglect Vin 11.78 = 111.162, cp. J 1.147; M 1.155;<br />

11.223; A 111.194, 435; J V.229; DhA IV.125.<br />

Ajjhupekkhana (nt.) & °a (f.) [abstr. from ajjhupekkhati]<br />

care, diligence, attention Ps 1. 16; n.119; Vbh 230 sq.;<br />

DhA IV. 3.<br />

Ajjhupekkhltar [n. ag. to ajjhupekkhati] one who looks<br />

on (carefully), one who takes care or controls, an overseer,<br />

caretaker<br />

Vbh 227.<br />

S v. 69 (sadhukai)), 324 (id.), 331 sq.<br />

Ajjhupetl [cp. Sk. abhyupeti ; adhi -j- upa + I] to go to<br />

meet, to receive J IV.440.<br />

Ajjhetj [Sk. gdhyayati, Denom. fr. adhyaya] to be anxious<br />

about, to fret, worry<br />

i>y nijjhayati, at<br />

Sn 948 (socati+); expld at Nd'<br />

SnA 568 by abhijjhati (gloss BB<br />

433<br />

gijjhati).<br />

Ajjhena (nt.) [Sk. adhyayana, see also ajjhayana] study<br />

(esp. of the Vedas) M Ill.i; J H.327 (as v. 1. to be preferred<br />

to ajjhesana); 111.114 (=japa); v.io (pi. = vede);<br />

VI.201 =207; Vbh 353; SnA 314 (mant').<br />

-kujja (°kuta v. 1.?) a hypocrite, a pharisee Sn 242;<br />

cp. SnA 286.<br />

Ajjhesatl (adhi -4- i§; cp. BSk. adhyesate Divy 160] to<br />

request, ask, bid DhA IV. 18; aor. ajjhesi Vin 11.200; pp.<br />

ajjhittha & ajjbesita (q. v.), with which cp. pariyittha<br />

& °esita.<br />

Ajjhesana (f-) [see ajjhesatl] request, entreaty Vin 1.6 =r'<br />

D 11.38 = 3 I.I 38; J 11.327 (better v. 1. ajjhena).<br />

Ajjhesita [pp. of ajjhesatl; cp. ajjhittha] requested, asked,<br />

bidden Nd- 16 (= ajjhittha).<br />

Ajjhokasa [adhi -j- okasa] the open air, only in loc. ajjhokase<br />

in the open Vin 1.15; S 1.212; DhA iv.ioo.<br />

Ajjhoga|ha [pp. of ajjhogahati] plunged into, immersed;<br />

having entered M 1.457 ; S I.20I ; Miln 348.<br />

Ajjhogahati (& "gaheti) [Sk. *abhyavagahate; adhi (=<br />

abhi) -)- ava -|- gah] to plunge into, to enter, to go into<br />

D I.IOI (vanaq), 222 (samuddar)); M I.359, 536; Airi.75,<br />

368; IV.356;<br />

hati-f-); Miln<br />

V.133; Vin III. 18; J 1.7; Nd' 152 (oga-<br />

87 (samuddar)); 300 (vanaq). — pp. ajjhogalha<br />

(q. v.). Cp. pariyogahati.<br />

Ajjhothapeti [adhi -)- ava -|- thapeti, Caus. of sthS] to bring<br />

to PvA 148 (gamaq), where we should read "tthapeti.<br />

Ajjhotthata [pp. of ajjhottharati] spread over; covered,<br />

filled; overcome, crushed, overpowered J 1.363 (ajjhottata^,<br />

410; V.91 (= adhipanna); DhA 1.278; PvA 55; Davs v.5.<br />

Ajjhottharati [adhi + ava -f- str] to cover over, spread<br />

out, spread over, cover; to submerge, flood Vin l.lli;<br />

J 1,61, 72, 73; Miln 296, 336; Dh 1.264; 1*355. °tthariyati<br />

to be overrun with (instr.), tp be smothered, to<br />

be flooded A 111.92 ^= Pug 67 ; aor. ajjhotthari VvA 48<br />

(gamapadeso : was flooded), pp. ajjhotthata (q. v.).<br />

Ajjhopanna (?) only found in one stock phrase, viz. gathita<br />

(q. v.) muccbita ajjhopanna with ref. to selfishness, greed,<br />

bonds of craving. <strong>The</strong> reading ajjhopanna is the lectio<br />

difficilior, but the accredited reading ajjhosana seems to<br />

be clearer and to harmonize better with the cognate<br />

ajjhosita & ajjhosana (n.) in the same context. <strong>The</strong> confusion<br />

between the two is old-standing and hard to be<br />

accounted for. Trenckner under v. I. to M 1. 162 on p. 543<br />

gives ajjhopanna as BB (= adhi-opanna). <strong>The</strong> MSS. of<br />

Nd' clearly show ajjhopanna as inferior reading, which<br />

may well be attributable to the very frequent SS sub-<br />

stitution of p for s (see Nd^ Introd. XIX.). Besides this<br />

mixture of vv. 11. with s and p there is another confusion<br />

between the vv. II. ajjbapanna and ajjhopanna which<br />

adds to the complication of the case. However since the<br />

evidence of a better reading between these two prepond-<br />

erates for ajjhopanna we may consider the o as established,<br />

and, with a little more clearness to be desired, may in<br />

the end decide for ajjhosana (q. v.), which in this case<br />

would have been liable to change through analogy with<br />

ajjhapanoa, from which it took the a and p. Cp. also<br />

ajjhosita. <strong>The</strong> foil, is a synopsis of readings as preferred<br />

or confused by the Ed. of the var. texts. — I. ajjhopanna<br />

as T. reading: M 1.162, 173, 369; A 1. 74; 11.28;<br />

111.68, 242; Md 75, 76; DA 1.59; as v. 1.: D 1.245. —<br />

2. ajjhosana as v. 1. : A 1.74 (C. expls- ajjhosaya gilitva<br />

thita); Nd^ under nissita & passim; Ud 75, 76 (ajjhosanna);<br />

DA 1.59 (id.). — 3. ajjbapanna as T. reading:<br />

D 1.245; "l.43i 46; S. 11.194, 270: IV.332 (ajjbapanna);<br />

A V.178, 181; N'd2 under nissita; Miln 401; as V. 1.:<br />

M 1.162; A 111.242; Ud 75, 76.<br />

Ajjhobhavatl [adhi -|- ava -f bhu, Sk. abhi°] to overcome,<br />

overpower, destroy J 11.80 (aor. ajjhobhavi := adhibhavi C).<br />

Ajjhomaddatl [adhi -\- ava -f mfd] to crush down A iv.191,<br />

193-<br />

AjjhOmUCChita [pp. adhi + ara -f murch, cp. adhimuccita]<br />

stiffened out (in a swoon), lying in a faint (?) A III. 57 sq.<br />

(v. 1. ajjhomuncita or °muccita better: sarire attached to<br />

her body, clinging to her b.).<br />

Ajjholambatl [adhi -f ava + lamb] lo hang or hold on<br />

to (ace), to cling to S 111137; M 111.164 = Nett 179,<br />

cp. Sdhp 284 & 296.<br />

Ajjhosa = ajjhosaya, in verse only as ajjhosa titthati to<br />

cleave or cling to S iv.73; Th 1, 98, 794.<br />

Ajjhosatl [adhi -f- ava -f- sayati, s8, to bind, pp. sita : see<br />

ajjhosita] to be bound to, to be attached, bent on; to<br />

desire, cleave to, indulge in. Fut. ajjbosissati (does it<br />

belong here?) M 1.328 (c. ace. pathavir), better as ajjhe-<br />

satl). grd. ajjhositabha M 1.109 (+ abhinanditabba, v. 1.<br />

"etabba); DhsA 5 (id.); ger. ajjhosaya (q. v.) pp. ajjho-<br />

sita (q. v.).<br />

Ajjhosana (nt.) cleaving to (earthly joys), attachment, D<br />

11.58 sq.; 111.289; M 1.498 (+ abhinandana); S 111.187;<br />

A 1.66; II. 1 1 (ditthi°, ksma° -j- tanha). In comb"- with<br />

(iccha) and muccha at Nd* under chanda & nissita and<br />

tanha (see also ajjhopanna), and at Dlis 1059 of labhx,<br />

(the expl"- at DhsA 363, 370, from as to eat, is popular<br />

etym.) Nett 23 sq. (of tanha).<br />

Ajjhosaya [ger. of ajjhosati, cp. BSk. adhyavasaya tisthati<br />

Uivy 37, 534] being lied to, hanging on, attached to,<br />

only in phrase a. titthati (-j- abhinandati, same in Divy)<br />

M 1.266; S. iv.36 sq.; 60, 71 sq.; Miln 6g. See also<br />

ajjhosa.<br />

Ajjhosita [cp. Sk. adhyavasita, from adhi -|- ava -f sfi; but<br />

sita is liable to confusion with sita =3 Sk. srita, also through<br />

likeness of meaning with esita; see ajjhasita & ajjhesita]<br />

hanging on, cleaving to, being bent on, (c. loc.) S 11.94<br />

(-)- mamSyita); A 11.25 (dittha suta mufa +); Nd* 75,<br />

106, 163 = Nd- under nissita: Th 2, 470 (asare =: tanhavasena<br />

abhinivittha ThA 284); Pv iv.8*(mayhai) ghare ^<br />

tanhabhinivisena abhinivittha PvA 267 ; v. 1. BB ajjhesita,<br />

SS ajjhasita). -an° S iv.213; v.319; Nd' 411; Miln 74<br />

(pabbajita).<br />

Ajjhohata [pp- of ajjhoharati] having swallowed Sdhp 610<br />

(balisaq maccho viya: like a fish the fishhook).<br />

Ajjhoharana (nt.) = ajjhohara I. A v.324; J vi.213.

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