The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary - Tuninst.net

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary - Tuninst.net

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary - Tuninst.net


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Tathata<br />

to truth, for certain, in truth Sn 699, 732, 1127. — Cp<br />

vitatha.<br />

-parakkama reaching out to the truth J v. 395 ( = saccanikkama)<br />

; -vacana speaking the truth (cp. tathavadin)<br />

Miln 401.<br />

Tathata (£.) [abstr. fr. tatha> tatha] state of being such,<br />

such-hkeness, similarity, correspondence Visra 518.<br />

Tathatta (nt.) [*tathatvar)] " the state of being so," the<br />

truth, Nibbana ; only in foil, phrases ; (a) tathattaya<br />

patipajjati to be on the road to (i. e. attain) Nibbana<br />

D 1.<br />

1 75, similarly S'ii.i99 ; S 11.209 (patipajjitabba being<br />

conducive to N.); Miln 255; Visra 214. — (b) tathattaya<br />

upa<strong>net</strong>i (of a cittar) bhavitai)) id. S iv. 294 = 5! i.<br />

3CI ; S V.9U, 213 sq. — (c) tathattaya cittag upasagharati<br />

id. M 1.468. — abl. tathatta in truth, really<br />

Sn 520 sq. (cp. M Vastu ni.397).<br />

Tatha (adv.) [Sk. tatha, cp. also kathai)] so, thus (and<br />

not otherwise, opp. aniiatha), in this way, likewise<br />

Sn 1052 (v. 1. yatha) ; J 1137, etc. — Often with eva<br />

tath' eva just so, still the same, not different D 111.135<br />

(tjii) tath' eva hoti no aniiatha) ; J 1.263, '1^ Pv 1.8^<br />

'•<br />

PvA 55 . Corresponding with yatha : tatha-yatha so<br />

—that Dh 282 ; PvA 23 (tatha akasi yatha he made<br />

that . . ., cp. Lat. ut consecutive) ; yatha-tatha as<br />

so also Sn 504; J<br />

1.223; Pv 1.12^ (yath' agato tatha<br />

gato as he has come so he has gone). — In cpds. tath'<br />

before vowels.<br />

-fipama such like (in comparisons, following upon a<br />

preceding yatha or seyyatha) Sn 229 ( = tathavidha<br />

KhA 185), 233 ; It 33, 90 ; -karin acting so (corresp. w.<br />

yathavadin : acting so as he speaks, cp. tathavUdin)<br />

Sn 357 ; It 122 ; -gata see sep. ; -bhava " the being so,"<br />

such a condition J 1.279 ; -rupa such a, like this or that,<br />

esp. so great, such Vin 1.16; Sn p. 107; It 107; DA<br />

1.104 ; PvA 5, 56. °*-- adv. thus PvA 14. Cp. evarupa ;<br />

-vadin speaking so (cp. °kiirin) Sn 430 ; It 122 (of the<br />

Tathcigata) : -vidha such like, so ( = tatharfipa) Sn 772,<br />

818, 1073, 1 1 13; Nd^ 277 (=tadisa tagsanthita tappakara).<br />

Tathagata [Derivation uncertain. Buddhaghosa (DA<br />

1.59-67) gives eight explanations showing that thero<br />

was no fixed tradition on the point, and that he himself<br />

was in doubt]. <strong>The</strong> context shows that the word is<br />

an epithet of an Arahant, and that non-Buddhists were<br />

supposed to know what it meant. <strong>The</strong> compilers of<br />

the Nikayas must therefore have considered the expression<br />

as pre-Buddhistic ; but it has not yet been found<br />

in any pre-Buddhistic work. Mrs. Rhys Davids<br />

(Dhs.tr. 1099, quoting Chalmers /.if. /I. S. Jan., 1898)<br />

suggests " he who has won through to the truth." Had<br />

the early Buddhists invented a word with this meaning<br />

it would probably have been tathaijgata, but not<br />

necessarily, for we have upadhi-karoti as well as<br />

upadhig karoti. — D 1.12, 27, 46, 63; 11.68, 103, 108,<br />

115, 14G, 142 ; 111. 14, 24 sq., 32 sq., 115, 217, 264 sq.,<br />

273 .sq. ; S I.I 10 sq. ; 11.222 sq. ; 111.215 : iv.127, 380 sq.<br />

A 1.286; 11.17, 25, 120; III. 35, etc.; Sn 236, 347, 467,<br />

557, 1114; It 121 sq. ; IChA 196; Ps 1.121 sq. ; Dhs<br />

1099, 1117. 1234 ; Vbh 325 sq., 340, etc., etc.<br />

-balani (pi.) the supreme intellectual powers of a<br />

T. usually enura'' as a set of ten : in detail at A v. 33 sq.<br />

= Ps 11.174; M 1.69; S 11.27: Nd2 466. Other sets of<br />

five at A HI. 9 ; of six A 111.417 sq. (see bala) ; -savaka<br />

a disciple of the T. D 11.142 ; -\ 1.90 ; 11. 4 ; III. 326 sq. ;<br />

It 88; Sn p. 15.<br />

Tathiya (adj.) [Vedic tada=taccha] true, Sn 882, 883.<br />

Tadanuiiipa (adj.) [cp. ta° i a] befitting, suitable, going<br />

well with J VI. 366 ; DhA iv.15.<br />

Tada (adv.) [Vedic ; cp. kada] then, as that time (either<br />

past or future) D n.157; J 11.113. '58; Pv i.io'; PvA<br />

130<br />

Tandi<br />

42. Also used like an adj. : te tada-mitapitaro etarahi<br />

m° ahesur) "the then mother & father" J 1.2 15 (cp.<br />

Lat. quondam); tada-sotapanna-upasaka J 11. 113.<br />

Tadiipika & Tadupiya see ta° I. a.<br />

Tanaya & tanuya [at S 1.7, v. 1. tanaya, cp. BSk. tanuja<br />

Av^ 11.200] offspring, son Mhvs vii.28. pi. tanuya<br />

[=Sk. tanayau] son & daughter S 1.9.<br />

Tanu [Vedic tanu, f. tanvi ; also n. tanu & tanu (f.) body<br />

ten (see tanoti) = Gr. raiv-. Lat. tenuis, Ohg. dunni, E.<br />

thin] I. (adj.) thin, tender, small, slender Vv 16^ (vara"<br />

graceful = uttamarapa-dhara \'vh. 79; perhaps to 2);<br />

Pv.\ 46 (of hair: fine -t- mudhu). — 2. (n. nt.) body<br />

(orig. slender part of the body = waist) \'v 53^ (kail-<br />

cana') ; Pv 1.12' ; Vism 79 (uju-l- ). Cp. tanutara.<br />

-karana making thinner, reducing, diminishing<br />

Vin<br />

Pug<br />

II. 316 (Bdhgh on CV.<br />

17; -bhuta decreased,<br />

v. 9, 2): -bhava decrease<br />

diminished Pug 17; esp.<br />

in phrase °soka with diminished grief, having one's<br />

grief allayed DhA ni.176; PvA 38.<br />

Tanuka (adj.) = tanu; little, small Dh 174 (=DhA 175):<br />

Sn 994 (soka).<br />

Tanntara the waist (lit. smaller part of body, cp. body<br />

and bodice) Vin iv.345 (sundaro tanutaro " her waist<br />

is beautiful ").<br />

Tanutta (nt.) [n. -abstr. of tanu] diminution, reduction,<br />

vanishing, gradual disappearance A 1.160 (manussanai)<br />

khayo hoti tanuttar) pafinayati) ; "144 (raga°, dosa°,<br />

esp. in phrase (characterizing a sakadagamin)<br />

moha°) ;<br />

" raga-d.-mohanag tanutta sakadagami hoti " D 1.156 ;<br />

S v. 357 sq., 376, 406 ; A 11.238 ; Pug 16.<br />

Tanoti [*ten; cp. Sk. tanoti, Gr. rtn-w, r

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