The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary - Tuninst.net

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary - Tuninst.net

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary - Tuninst.net


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Dftgsa [see dasati] a yellow fly, gadfly (orig. " the bite ")<br />

Nd^ 268 ( = pingala-makkhika, same at J in. 263 cSt<br />

SnA loi); usually in comb" with other biting or<br />

stinging sensations, as °sirir)sapa Sn 52, & freq. in cpd.<br />

ata ; Ohg. etc. daz ; E. that] base<br />

of demonstr. pron. for nt., in oblique cases of m. & f.. &<br />

in demonstr. adv. of place & time (see also sa). —<br />

I. Cases : nom. sg. nt. tad (older) Vin 1.83 ; Sn 1052 ;<br />

Dh 326; Miln 25 & tag (cp. yag, kig) Sn 1037, 1050;<br />

J III. 26 ; ace. m. tag J n.158, f, tag J vi.368 geK. tassa,<br />

;<br />

f. tassa (Sn 22, no ; J 1.151) ; tnstr. tena, f. taya (J in.<br />

188); abl. tasma (J 1167); tamha Sn 291, 1138;<br />

111.26) & tato (usually as adv.) (Sn 390) ; loc. tasmig<br />

(J<br />

(J 1.278), tamhi (Dh 117); tahig (adv.) (Pv 1.5') &<br />

tahag (adv.) (J 1.384 ; VvA 36) pi. nom. m. te<br />

;<br />

(J 11.129), f. ta (J 11.127), nt. tani (Sn 669, 845); gen.<br />

tesag, f. tasag (Sn 916); instr. tehi, f. tahi 11. (J 128);<br />

loc. tesu, f. tasu (Sn 670). — In composition (Sandhi)<br />

both tad- & tag- are used with consecutive pho<strong>net</strong>ic<br />

changes (assimilation), viz. (a) tad° : (a) in subst.<br />

function : tadagge henceforth D 1.93 tadutthaya DhA<br />

III. 344 ; tadupiya (cp. Trenckner, Notes 77, 78 = tadopya<br />

(see discussion under opeti), but cp. Sk. tadriipa Divy<br />

D.<br />

T.<br />

125<br />

A V. 1 10 ; J 11-44 (aor. 3 sg. med. adad4ha= Sk. adagdha)<br />

Dh 31, 71, 140; Miln 45, 112 (cauterize). Pp. daddha<br />

— Pass, dayhati S 1.188 (kamara^ena dayhami cittam<br />

me pari^ayhati) ; ib. (maharaga : ma dayhittho punap-<br />

S in. 150 (mahapathavi dayhati vinas-<br />

punai)) M 11.73 ;<br />

sati na bhavati) esp. in ppr. dayhamana consumed with<br />

or by, burning, glowing Dh 371 ; It 23 ("ena kayena &<br />

cetasaPvi.ii", 12^; 11. 2') (of a corpse being cremated) ;<br />

PvA 63, 152 (vippatisarena : consumed by remorse).<br />

See also similes J.P.T.S. 1907, 90. Cp. ud°.<br />

Daka (m. nt.) [Sk. saka (nt.) on s>d cp. Sk. sakini><br />

dakini]<br />

(°rasa),<br />

green food, eatable herbs, vegetable Vin i 246<br />

248 ; Th 2. i ; Vv 30» (v. 1. saka) ; VvA 99<br />

(= tanduleyyakadi-sakavyanjana).<br />

Daha [Sk. daha, see dahati] burning, glow, heat D i.io<br />

(disa° sky-glow = zodiacal light?); M 1.244; PvA 62;<br />

Miln 325. Sometimes spelt daha, e. g. A 1.178 (aggi")<br />

Sdhp20i (id.); — dava° a jungle fire Vin 11. 138; J 1.461.<br />

Deti [Sk. *(Jayate=diyati ; dayana flying. <strong>The</strong> Dhtp<br />

gives the root as ^ or J! with def. of " akasa-gamana "]<br />

to fly; only in simile " seyyatha pakkhi sakuno yena<br />

yen' eva deti . . ." D l.7i = M 1.180. 269 = A 11.209 =<br />

Pug 58 ; J V.417. Cp. dayati & diyati, also uddeti.<br />

543 & tatrupSya. It is simply tad-upa-ka, the adj.positive<br />

of upa, of which the compar.-superlative is<br />

upama, meaning like this, i. e. of this or the same kind.<br />

Also spelt tadupika (f.) (at 11. J 160) agreeing with, agree-<br />

tadatthag to such purpose SnA<br />

able, pleasant Miln 9 ;<br />

565. — With assimilation : taccarita tapparayana<br />

;<br />

Sn 1114; tappona ( = tad-pra-ava-nata) see taccarita;<br />

tabbisaya (various) PvA : 73 tabbiparlta (different)<br />

Vism 290 ; Dh.\ in. 2 75 ; tabbiparitataya in contrast to<br />

that Vism 450. — (/8) as crude form (not nt.) originally<br />

only in ace. (nt.) in adj. function like tad-ahan this day,<br />

then felt as euphonic d. esp. in forms where similarly<br />

the euphonic t is used (ajja-t-agge). Hence ta- 13<br />

abstracted as a crude (adverbial) form used like any<br />

other root in composition. Thus: tad-ah-uposathe on<br />

this day's fast-day = to-day (or that day) being Sunday<br />

D 1.47; Sn p. 139 (expl"* as tam-ah-uposathe, upo-<br />

satha-divase ti at SnA 502); tadahe on the same day<br />

PvA 46; tadahu (id.) J v. 215 ( = tasmig chapa-divase).<br />

tad-anga for certain, surely, categorical (orig. concerning<br />

this cp. kimanga), in tadanga-nibbuta S in. 43 ;<br />

tadanga-samatikkama Nd' 203 ; tadanga-vikkham-<br />

bhana-samuccheda Vism 410; tadanga-pahana DhsA<br />

(a) as<br />

351; SnA 8; tadangena A iv.411. — (b) Un° :<br />

subst. : tammaya (equal to this, up to this) Sn 846

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