The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary - Tuninst.net

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary - Tuninst.net

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary - Tuninst.net


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ThSnIya 124 Thiyati<br />

catuhi th. panuapeti (four arguments) S in. 116 ; iv.38 ><br />

;<br />

tbana-kusala accomplished in sound reasoning S 111.61 sq.<br />

(satta°) ;<br />

below 4.<br />

A 11. 170 sq. Also with at^hana-kusala : see<br />

III. Adverbial use of some cases ace. thanatj: ettakar)<br />

th. even a little bit DhA 1.389. — abl. thanaso : in<br />

comb" w. hetuso with reason & cause, causally con-<br />

ditioned [see 2 (d)] S v.3a4 ; A in.417; v.33 ; Nett 94<br />

(iiaija) ; abs. without moving (see I. i (b) & cp. Lat.<br />

statim) i. e. without an interval or a cause (of change),<br />

at once, immediately, spontaneously, impromptu (cp.<br />

cpd.° uppatti) S 1. 193; V.50, 321, 381 ; Pv 1.4* = ( khanax)<br />

yeva PvA ig). — loc. thane instead=hke, as dhitu<br />

thane thapesi he treats her like a daughter VvA 209 ;<br />

puttafthane as a son J 11.132.<br />

IV. Contrasted with negation of term (thana & atthana).<br />

<strong>The</strong> meanings in this category are restricted to those<br />

mentioned above under i [esp. i (c)] & 2 (d), viz. the<br />

relations of place > not place (or wrong place, also as<br />

proper time & wrong time), i. e. somewhere > nowhere,<br />

and of possibiUty> impossibihty (truth > falsehood),<br />

(a) fhanari upagacchati (pathaviya) to find a (resting)<br />

place on the ground, to :jtay on the ground (by means of<br />

the law of attraction and gravitation) Miln 255 ; opp. na<br />

thanai) upa° to find, no place to rest, to go into nothingness<br />

Miln 180, 237, 270. — (b) thanag vijjati there is<br />

a reason, it is logically sound, it is possible D i 163,<br />

175 ; M 111.64 ; Ps 11.236 sq. ; cp. M Vastu 11.448 ; opp.<br />

na etar) thanaij vijjati it is not possible, feasible, plausible,<br />

logically correct Vin n.284 ; D 1. 104, 239 ; M ll.io ;<br />

111.64 ; Miln 237 ; Nett 92 sq. — (c) atthanag an impossibihty<br />

Sn 54 (atthana, with elision of n) ; at thane<br />

at the wrong time J 1.256 ; thana is that one of the gatis<br />

which is accessible to human influence, as regards gifts<br />

of reUef or sacrifice (this is the pettivisaya), whilst<br />

atthana appUed to the other 4 gatis (see gati) PvA<br />

27 sq. In cpd. than&thana-gata it means referring or<br />

leading to good & bad places (gatis) : of sabbe khayadhamma<br />

(i. e. keci saggupaga keci apayijpaga) Nett 94.<br />

In comb" apucchi nipune panhe thanathanagate<br />

(Miln I ) it may mean either questions concerning<br />

possibilities & impossibilities or truths & falsehoods, or<br />

questions referring to happy & unhappy states (of<br />

existence) ; thanathana-iiaiia is " knowledge of correct<br />

& faulty conclusions" Nett 94, cp. Kvu 231 sq. ; the<br />

same comb" occurs with "kusala "kusalata " accomplished<br />

or skilled (& skill) in understanding correct or<br />

faulty conclusions" D in. 2 12 (one of the ten powers of<br />

the Buddha); M 111.64 ; Dhs 1337. 1338 (trsl. by Mrs.<br />

Rh. D. on p. 348 Dhs. trsl. as " skUl in affirming or<br />

negating causal conjuncture "). In the same sense<br />

thanarj thanato pajanati (& atthanag atthanato p.) to<br />

draw a logical inference from that which is a proper<br />

ground for inference (i. e. which is logical) S v. 304<br />

M 1.69 sq. = A 111.417; v.33.<br />

-uppatti arising instantaneously (see thanaso, above<br />

V1.308 ("karaijavindana finding a means<br />

UI.) VvA 37 ; J<br />

right on the spot) ; -ka (adj.) on the spot, momentary,<br />

spontaneous J vi.304.<br />

Thaniya (adj.) [grd. of titthati] standing, having a certain<br />

position, founded on or caused by (-°) Vin 11.194 (-alca")<br />

A 1.264<br />

titthati.<br />

(chanda - raga - dharama"). See also under<br />

Thayika (adj.) at Miln 201 " one who gains his living or<br />

* subsists on " (instr.) is doubtful reading.<br />

Thayin (adj.-n.) [from titthati] standing, being in, being<br />

in a state of (-°), staying with, dependent on (with gen.)<br />

pariyutthatthayin " being in a state of one to whom<br />

it has arisen," i. e. one who has got the idea of ... or<br />

one who imagines S 111.3 sq. ; arupa-tthayin It 62 ;<br />

Yamassa thayino being under the rule of Yama Pv<br />

i.ii».<br />

Thita [pp. of titthati=Gr. araToi;, Lat. status, Celt, fossad<br />

(firm)] standing, i. e. (see thana I) either upright (opp.<br />

nisinna, etc.), or immovable, or being, behaving in<br />

general. In the latter function often (with ger.)<br />

pleonastic for finite verb (cp. thapita) ; — resting in,<br />

abiding in (-° or with loc.) ; of time : lasting, enduring;<br />

fig. steadfast, firm,<br />

cittai) hoti, thitar)<br />

controUed : amissikatam ev' assa<br />

anejjappattag A 111.377= iv^04<br />

tassa thito va kayo hoti thitai) cittag (firm, unshaken)<br />

S v.74 = Nd= 475 B";— D 1.135 (khema°) ; A<br />

1.152;<br />

Sn 250 (dhamme); It 116 sq. (th. caranto nisinna<br />

sayana) ; J 1.167; 279; ni.53. — with ger.- nahatva<br />

th. & nivasetva th. (after bathing & dressing) J 1.265 '.<br />

darakar) gahetva th. J vi.336. Cp. saij°.<br />

-atta self-controlled, composed, steadfast D 1.57<br />

(H-gatattayatatta; expl. at DA 1.168 by suppatitthita-<br />

citto) ; S 1.48 ; ni.46 ; A 11.5 ; iv.93, 428 ; Sn 370 (-(- pari-<br />

nibbuta), 359<br />

akampaneyya-citta) ; Pug<br />

(id. expl. at SnA 359 by lokadhammehi<br />

62 ; -kappin (adj.) (for<br />

kappa-*thitin) standing or waiting a whole kappa Pug 13<br />

(e.xpl. at Pug A 187 by fhitakappo assa atthi ti ; kappag<br />

thapeturi samattho ti attho) ; -citta (adj.) of controlled<br />

heart (=''atta) D Ii.i57«; -dhamma (adj.) everlasting,<br />

eternal (of mahasamudda, the great ocean) Vin 11.237 =<br />

A IV. 198.<br />

Thitaka (adj.)= thita in meaning of standing, standing up.<br />

erect Vin 11.165 : D 11.17 = 111.143 ; M 11.65 ; J 1.53. 62 ;<br />

VvA 64.<br />

ThiUta (f.) the fact of standing or beitkg founded on (-°)<br />

S 11.25 = A 1-286 (dhamma°-H dhamma-niyamata).<br />

Thitatta (nt.) standing, being placed ;<br />

appointment J 1.124.<br />

being appointed to,<br />

Thiti (f.) [from titthati Sk. sthiti, Gr. Traan., Lat. statio<br />

(cp. stationary), Ohg. stat, Ags. stede] state (as opposed<br />

to becoming)^ stability, steadfastness ; duration, continuance,<br />

immobility ; persistence, keeping up (of:<br />

c. gen.) ; condition of (-°) relation S 11. 11 ; 111.31 ; iv.14,<br />

104, 228 sq.. A v.96 ; Vism 32 (kayassa) ; in jhana:<br />

5 111.264, 269 sq.. saddharamas.sa (prolongation of) S 11.<br />

225; A 1.159; II. 148; III. 177 (always with asammosa<br />

dhammatthiti-<br />

6 anantaradhana), cp. M 11.26 sq. ; —<br />

iia^a (state or condition of) S n.124; Ps 1.50 sq. — n'<br />

atthi dhuvar) thiti : the duration is not for long M 11.64<br />

= Dh i47=Th I, 769 = VvA 77, cp. Th 2, 343 (=ThA<br />

241); Sn 1 1 14 (vinfiana") PvA 198 (position, constellation),<br />

199 (ji-vita" as remainder of hfe, cp. thitakappin)<br />

Dhs iii!=((cittassa), I9a((-f- ayu= subsistence).<br />

-bhagiya connected with duration, enduring, lasting,<br />

permanent (only appl. to samadhi) D 111.277 : -^ ni.427<br />

Nett 77 ; cp. samldhissa thitikusala " one who is accomplished<br />

in lasting concentration " A 111.311, 427 ; iv.34.<br />

Thitika (adj.) [Der. fr. thiti] standing, lasting, enduring;<br />

existing, living on (-°j, e. g. ahara° iependent on food<br />

Kh III. (see ahara) ; rit. adv. thitikag constantly VvA 75.<br />

Thiyati see patitthiyati.<br />


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