The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary - Tuninst.net

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary - Tuninst.net

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary - Tuninst.net


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^anika 122 Tan<br />

pavittha coming within the <strong>net</strong>, i. e. into the range of<br />

one's intelligence or mental eye (clear sight) DhA 1.26 ;<br />

63; -dassana<br />

•'37. 58, 96; III. 171, 193; IV.61 ; VvA<br />

" knowing and seeing," " clear sight," i. e. perfect<br />

knowledge ; having a vision of truth, i. e. recognition of<br />

truth, philosophy, (right) theory of life, all-comprising<br />

knowledge. Defined as tisso vijja (see above 2) at<br />

Vin iv.26; fully discussed at DA 1.220, cp. also def. at<br />

Ps 11.244. — ^i" II. 178 (parisuddha° ;+ajiva, dhammadesana,<br />

veyyakarana) ; 111.90 sq. ; v. 164, 197;<br />

D i.76;5^(following after the jhanas as the first step of<br />

paiifia, see paniia-sampada) ; in. 134, 222 ("pafilabha),<br />

288 (°visuddhi) ; M 1.195 sq. ; 202 sq., 482; ii.g, 31;<br />

Nett 17, 18, 28; see also vimutti° ; -dassin one who<br />

possesses perfect k. Sn 478 ; -patha the path of k. Sn<br />

868 ; -phusana experience, gaining of k. DhA 1.230<br />

-bandhu an associate or friend of k. Sn 911 ; -bhQta in<br />

comb" w. cakkhubhuta. having become seeing &<br />

knowing, i. e. being wise S 11.255; iv.94 ; A v. 226 sq. ;<br />

-vatthuni (pi.) the objects or items of (right) knowledge<br />

which means k. of the paticcasamuppada or<br />

causal connection of phenomena. As (i. 44 e. 4x11,<br />

all constituents except avijja, in analogy to the 4 parts<br />

of the ariyasaccani) S 11.56 sq., as 77 (7 x 1 1) S 11.59 sq. ;<br />

discussed in extenso at Vbh 306-344 (called i^anavatthu)<br />

; -vada talk about (the attainment of supreme)<br />

knowledge D 111.13 sq. ; A v. 42 sq. ; -vippayutta disconnected<br />

with k. Dhs 147, 157, 270 ; -vimokkha emancipation<br />

through k. Ps 11.36, 42 ; -visesa distinction of<br />

k., superior k. PvA 196 ; -sampayutta associated with k.<br />

Dhs I, 147, 157, etc. ; Vbh 169 sq., 184, 285 sq., 414 sq.<br />

NaQika (adj.) in paiica° having five truths (of samadhi)<br />

D 111.278.<br />

ifanin (adj.) knowing, one who is possessed of (right)<br />

knowledge S 11. 169 ; A 11.89 (samma°) ; iv.340. — aAfianin<br />

not knowing, unaware VvA 76.<br />

Nata [pp. of janati=Gr. yrajTuc, Lat. (g)notus ; ajiiata<br />

(P. aiifiata) = uy^wroy = ignotus] known, well-known ;<br />

experienced, brought to knowledge, realiEcd. In Nd^<br />

s. V. constantly expl. by tulita tirita vibhuta vibhavita<br />

which series is also used as expl" of dittha & vidita<br />

A v. 195; J 1.266; Sn 343<br />

(-1- yasassin) ; Miln 21 (id.).<br />

— annata not known, unknown Vin 1.209; M 1.430;<br />

S n.281 ; DhA 1.208.<br />

fiataka [for *natika from nati] a relation, relative, kinsman<br />

Vin II. 194 ; M n.67 ; Dh 43 ; Sn 263 (= KhA 140 :<br />

nayante amhakar) ime ti nataka), 296, 579; Pv 11. i*<br />

(Minayeff. but Hardy °ika) ; PvA 19. 21. 31. 62, 69;<br />

DA i.giJ.<br />

T.<br />

Nati [see janati ; cp. Sk. ji^ati, Gr. yvuroc, Lat. cognatus.<br />

Goth, knojjs] a relation, relative (=matito pitito ca<br />

sambandha PvA 25; = bandhu PvA 86; specialized as<br />

"salohita. see below). PI. iiatayo (Pv 1.4^ ; KhA 209,<br />

214) and fiati (M 11.73; KhA 210, cp. 213; ace. also<br />

nati Pv 1.6'); Sn 141; Dh 139, 204, 288; J 11.353;<br />

Pv 1.5^, 12^; 11.3'^, 6'. — Discussed in detail with<br />

regard to its being one of the 10 palibodha at<br />

Vism 94.<br />

-katha (boastful) talk about relatives D l.jr^ (cp.<br />

DA 1.90) ; -gata coming into (the ties of) relationship<br />

j<br />

J<br />

VI. 307 (°gataka ib. 308) ; -ghara the paternal<br />

1.52; -dhanuna the duties of relatives Pv<br />

home<br />

1.5'^;<br />

= ( flatihi riatinar) kattabba-karanar) PvA 3f)) ; -parivatta<br />

the circle of relations D 1.61 ; M 1.267; Pug 57'*'<br />

-peta a deceased relation Pv 1.5* ; -majjhagata (adj.) in<br />

the midst of one's relations Piig 29 ; -mitta (pi.) friends<br />

& relatives Dh 219; J iu.396; Pv 1.12'; -vyasana misfortune<br />

of relatives (opp. "sampada) D in. 235 ; enum<br />

as one of the general misfortunes under dukkha (see<br />

Nd^ 304F) ; -sangha the congregation of kinsmen, the<br />

clan A 1.152 ; Sn 589 ; -salohita a relation by blood (contrasted<br />

with friendship : mittamacca Sn p. 104), often<br />

with ref. to the deceased : peta ii-salohita the spirits of<br />

deceased blood-relations M 1.33 ; A v. 132, 269 ; PvA 27,<br />

28 ; -sineha the affection of relationship PvA 29 ; -hetusampatti<br />

a blessing received through the kinsmen<br />

PvA 27.<br />

Napeti [Caus. of jan3.ti, cp. also hatti] to make known,<br />

to explain, to announce J 11. 133. Cp. janapeti &<br />

anapeti.<br />

Naya [Sk. nyaya= ni-t- i] i. method, truth, system, later<br />

= logic : "gantha book on logic Davs 111.41. — 2. fitness,<br />

right manner, propriety, right conduct, often appl"*<br />

to the "right path" (ariyamagga=ariyaiiaya Vin<br />

1. 10) D III. 120; S V.19, 141, 167 sq., 185; A 11.95;<br />

IV.426; V.194; Dh 1.249; ariya 6. S 11.68; v.387 ; =<br />

the causal law S v.388 ; = kalyaija-kusala-dhammata<br />

A 11.36 ; used in apptosition with dhamma and kusala<br />

D 11.151; M II. 181, 197; is replaced herein by sacca<br />

S 1.240 = ; Nibbana at Vism 219, 524; ii.-patipanna<br />

; A 11.56 ; 111.212, 286<br />

walking in the right path S v. 343<br />

V.183.<br />

Tan (?) (adv.) part of sound J 1.287 (tan ti saddo).<br />

-Su (-fiflii) (adj. -suffix) [Sk. -jna, from janati, gn : cp.<br />

P. gu >Sk. ga] knowing, recognizing, acknowledging, in<br />

ughatita", kata'. kala°, khana", matta°, ratta", vara",<br />

vipacita", veda', sabba", etc. (q. v.)—fern, abstr. °uut&<br />

in same combinations.<br />


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