The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary - Tuninst.net

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary - Tuninst.net

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary - Tuninst.net


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Jinnaka "7 Jivag-jivaka<br />

va jioQai) tacai) jahati) ; Pv 1.12' (same simile) ; Sn 1 120,<br />

1144; J 1.58; 111.22 {-pilotika worn-out rags); Dh 15s.<br />

260 ; Pv U.I I* (jarajiijjja PvA 147) ; Pug 33 : Vism 1 19<br />

(°vihara), 356 ("sandamanika), 357 ("kottha) ; ThA<br />

213<br />

(-ghara a tumble-down house); PvA ^o {-goija= jaraggava),<br />

55 (of a roof). Cp. °tara J iv.108. — 2. digested<br />

J 11.362<br />

JqiQaka (adj.)<br />

299 (sala).<br />

=jiooa Sn 98, 124; J iv.178, 366; Sdhp<br />

JiWata (f.) [cp. ji^oa, jarata & jiraoata] decrepitude<br />

DA 1.283 (jara").<br />

Jita [pp. of jayati, conquer] conquered, subdued, mastered :<br />

(nt.) victory, jita me pSpaka dhamma Vin 1.8 ; —<br />

Dh 40, 104 (atta jitai) seyyo for atta jito seyyo see<br />

DhA 11.228), 105, 179; Vv 64" (jitindriya one whose<br />

senses are mastered, cp. gattindriya). — Co. vi°.<br />

Jitatta (nt.) [n. abstr. of jita] mastery, conquest VvA<br />

284.<br />

Jina [pp. med. of jayati] conquering, victorious, often of<br />

the Buddha, " Victor " : jiti me papaka dhamma<br />

tasmahar) Upaka jino ti Vin i.8 = M 1.171 ;<br />

Sn 379, 697, 989, 996.<br />

Vin v.217;<br />

magga° conqueror of the Path<br />

Sn 84 sq. ; sai)suddha° (id.) Sn 372. Cp khetta". In<br />

other connections: Pv iv.3^' ; Th 2, 419 (jin' amhase<br />

rupinao Lacchii) expl** at ThA 268 as jina amhase jina<br />

vat' amha riipavatig Sirii)).<br />

-cakka the Buddha's reign, rule, authority J iv.ioo ;<br />

-putta disciple of the B. Miln 177 ; -bhiuni the ground<br />

or footing of a conqueror PvA 254 ;<br />

of the B. Dpvs IV.3, 10.<br />

Jmati= jayati (jeti). See also vi°.<br />

-sasana the doctrine<br />

Jimha (adj.) [Vedic jihma] crooked, oblique, slant, tig.<br />

dishonest, false (cp. vanka, opp. ujuj M 1.3 1 {+ vanka)<br />

A V.289, 290; J 1.290 (spelled jima) ; iii.ii 1 = v.222 ;<br />

VI.66; Vism 219 (ajimha= uju) ; PvA 51 (citta° vanka<br />

. . . ; opp. uju). Cp. kutila.<br />

ysmtiats (f.) [n. abstr. to jimha] crookedness, deceit (opp.<br />

ujuti) Dhs 50, 51 (-(- vankata) ; Vbh 359.<br />

Jimheyya (nt.) [from jimha] crookedness, deceit, fraud<br />

M 1. 340 (satheyy&ni kufeyyani vankeyyani j.°) ; A iv. i8g<br />

(id.) V.167.<br />

Jiy4 (f.) [Vedic jy5=Gr. /Jiof bow. cp. also Lat. filum<br />

thread] a bow string M 1.429 (five kinds) ; J 11.88 ;<br />

III. 323 ; Vism 150; DA 1.207. -kara bowstring-maker<br />

Miln 331.<br />

JWU (f.) [Vedic jihva, cp. Lat. lingua (older dingua)<br />

Goth, tuggo ; Ohg. zunga ; E. tongue] the tongue. —<br />

(a) physically : Vin 1.34 ; A iv.131 ; Sn 673, 716 ; Dh 65,<br />

360 ; J 11.306 ; PvA 99 (of Petas : visukkha-kanthattha<br />

j.), 152. — Of the tongue of the mahapurusha<br />

which could touch his<br />

&<br />

ears & cover his forehead :<br />

1022 ; p. 108 ;<br />

Sn<br />

pcihuta-jivhata the characteristic of<br />

possessing a prominent tongue (as the 27th of the 32<br />

Mahapurisa-lakkhaijani) D i.io6=Sn p. 107; D Ii.i8.<br />

-dujjivha (adj.) having a bad tongue (of a poisonous<br />

snake) A 111.260. — (b) psychologically : the sense of<br />

taste. It follows after ghina (smell) as the 4th sense<br />

in the enum" of sense-organs (jivMya rasai) s&yati<br />

Nd* under rupa; jivha-viaaeyya rasa D i.?45 ; 11. 281 ;<br />

M n.42) Vin 1.34 ; D 111.102, 226 ; M 1.191 ; Vism 444.<br />

-agga the tip of the tongue A in. 109; iv.137: DhA<br />

11.33. -ayatana the organ of taste D in. 243, 280, 290 ;<br />

Dhs 585, 609, 653 ; -indriya the sense of taste D in. 239 ;<br />

Dhs 585, 609, 972 ; •nittaddana (cqrr. to -nitthaddhana)<br />

tying the tongue by means of a spell D 1. 1 1 (cp. DA 1.96)<br />

-TifUUqa the cognition of taste M 1.113; D in. 243<br />

Dhs 556, 612, 632 ;<br />

of taste S 1. 115 ; D in. 243 ;<br />

-samphassa contact with the sense<br />

Dhs 585, 032, 787.<br />

Jina [pp. of jiyati] diminished, wasted, deprived of (-.vith<br />

ace. or abl.) having lost : with ace. : J in. 153, 223, 335 ;<br />

v.9q (atthar) : robbed of their possessions ; Com.<br />

parihina<br />

dhana).<br />

vinattha). — with abl.. J<br />

v.401 (read jina<br />

Jiyati [Pass, of ji, cp. Sk. jyati & jiryate] to become<br />

diminished, to be deprived, to lose (cp. jayati, jani)<br />

to decay ; to become old (cp. jarati, jiijna) jiyasi J v. 100 ;<br />

jiyanti J in. 336 (dhana) jiyittha S ; 1.54 ; J 1.468 ; m4<br />

jiyi do not be deprived of (ratig) J iv.107. Koci kvaci<br />

na jiyati miyati (cp. jayati) D 11.30 ; cakkhuni jiyare<br />

the eyes will become powerless J vi.528 (= jlyissanti)<br />

grd. jeyya : sefe ajeyya^. Cp. parijiyati. Sometimes<br />

spelt jiyy° : jiyyati J vi.150 jiyyama ; J 11.75 (we lose=<br />

parihayama). Pp. jina, q. v.<br />

Jbaka' [Vedic jira, lively, alert, cp. jivati & Gr. ^lepoc,<br />

Lat. viridis] digestion, in ajirakena by want or lack of<br />

digestion J Ii.i8i. See ajiraka.<br />

nrkaa? cummin-seed Miln 63 ; J 1.244 '•<br />

"-B^S<br />

; VvA 186.<br />

Jliapa (nt.) [fr. jlr] decaying, getting old Dhtp 252.<br />

Jlravata (f.) [n. abstr. of jir=iar, see jarati; cp. jara &<br />

jinnata] the state of being decayed or aged, old age,<br />

decay, decrepitude M 1.49; S 11.2 ; Nd^ 252 = Dhs 644;<br />

PvA 149.<br />

Jlrati & Jlrayati [Cans, of jarati] i. to destroy, bring to<br />

ruin, injure, hurt Vin 1.237 (jirati) ; J v. 501 (v. 1. BB.<br />

for jarayetha. Com. vinaseyya) = vi.375 ; PvA<br />

57.<br />

2. (cp. jiyati) to get old A 111.54 (jara-dhammar) ma<br />

jiri " old age may not get old," or " the law of decay<br />

may not work ") ; Vism 235 (where id. p. D 11.30 reads<br />

jiyati) ; DhA i.il (cakkhuni jiranti). — 3. (intrs.) to be<br />

digested Vism loi.<br />

Jlreti & Jlrapeti [Verbal formation from jira'] to work<br />

out, to digest J 1.238, 274 (jireti) ; DhA 1.171. Appl.<br />

to bhati, wages : bharir) ajtrapetva not working off the<br />

w. J 11.309, 381 jirapeti as "destroy" at ThA 269<br />

;<br />

in expl° of nijjareti {+ vinapeti).<br />

Jlva"- (adj.-n.) [Sk. jiva, Idg. •gyuos = Gr. /Sior. Lat. vivus,<br />

Goth, quius, Ohg. queck, E. quick. Lith. gyvas] i. the<br />

soul. Sabbe jiva all the souls, enum"* with satta pai;ia<br />

bhiita in the dialect used by the followers of Gosala<br />

D i.53(=DA 1.161 jivasafini). " tag jivai) tai) sarirag<br />

ud^u a&imij j. annar) s." (is the body the soul, or is<br />

the body one thing and the soul another ?) see D 1.157,<br />

188; 11.333, 336. 339; S IV.392 sq.; M 1. 157, 426 sq.<br />

A 11.41. — Also in this sense at Miln 30, 54, 86. — Vin<br />

iv.34; S 111.215, 258 sq. ; IV. 286; v.418; Av.31, 186.<br />

193. — 2. life, in yayajivai) as long as life lasts, for<br />

life, during (his) lifetime D in. 133 ; Vin 1.201 ; Dh 64 ;<br />

J II. 1 55; PvA 76.<br />

-gahai) (adv.) taken alive, in phrase j.° gaijhati or<br />

gaohapeti S 1.84 ; J 1.180 ; 11:404 ; cp. karamara ; -loka<br />

the animate creation J 111.394 ; -siila " life-pale," a stake<br />

for execution J H.443 ; -sokin (=Sokajivin) leading a life<br />

of sorrow J vi.509.,<br />

Jiva' (nt.) the note of the jivaka bird Sum. V. ou D 111.201.<br />

JIvaka (adj. )= jiva, in (>Andhii^ N. of a plant VvA 43.<br />

— LJika q. v.<br />

JIvag-lIvaka (m. onom.) name of a bird, a sort of pheasant<br />

(or partridge ?), which utters a note sounding like<br />

jivar) jiva D in. 201 ; J v. 406, 416 ; vi.276, 538 [Fausboll<br />

reads jivajivaka in all the j&taka passages. Speyer<br />

AvS n.227 has jivaiijivaka]. With this cp. the Jain<br />

phrase jivagjiveQa gacchai jivagjiveijar) citthai, Weber<br />

Bhagavati pp. 289, 290, with doubtful interpretation<br />


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