The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary - Tuninst.net

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary - Tuninst.net

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary - Tuninst.net


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J&taka 114 JSti<br />

J 1.391 (so read for jato varake). -kamina the (sooth-<br />

saying) ceremony connected w.<br />

to set the horoscope PvA 198<br />

birth, in °r) karoti<br />

(=nakkhatta-yogar)<br />

ugganhati) ; -divasa the day of birth, birthday J 111.391 ;<br />

rv.38 ; -mangala birth festival, i. e. the feast held on<br />

the birth of a child DhA 11. 86 ; -riipa " sterling," pure<br />

metal, i. e. gold (in its natural state, before worked,<br />

cp. jambonada). In its relation to suvanna (worked<br />

gold) it is stated to be suvannavanno (i. e. the brightcoloured<br />

metal : VvA 9 ; DhA iv.32 : suvaijno jatarupo)<br />

; at DA 1.78 it is expl'* by suvanija only & at<br />

Vin 111.238 it is said to be the colour of the Buddha:<br />

j. Satthu-vanna. At A 1.253 't 's represented as the<br />

material for the suvaijnakara (the " white "-smith as<br />

opp. to " black "-smith). — Comb"' w. hirahha Pv<br />

II. 7* ; very freq. w. rajata (silver), in the prohibition<br />

of accepting gold & silver (D i.5)/w as well as in other<br />

connections, e. g.<br />

iv.326 (the moral<br />

Vin 1.245;<br />

dangers of<br />

11.294 sq. ;<br />

" money<br />

S 1.71, 95;<br />

" : yassa jatarQpa-rajatar)<br />

kappati panca pi tassa kamaguna kappanti)<br />

; v. 353, 407; Dhs 617. — Other passages illustr.<br />

the use & valuation of j. are S 11.234 ("paripura) ; v. 92<br />

(upakkilesa) ; A<br />

M 1.38 ; A<br />

1.2 10 (id.); in. 16 (id.); — S 1.93, 117;<br />

1. 215 ; in. 38 ; iv.199, 281 ; v. 290 ;<br />

J 11.296 ;<br />

IV. 102 ; -veda [cp. Vedic jataveda= Agni] ftre S 1.168;<br />

Sn 462 (kattha jayati j.) Ud 93; J<br />

1.2 14; 11.326 =<br />

IV. 471 ; v.326 ; VI. 204, 578; Vism 171; DA 1.226;<br />

DhA 1.44 (nirindhana, without fuel); -ssara a natural<br />

pond or lake Vin i.iii ; J 1.470; 11.57.<br />

Jataka^ (nt.) [jata-l-ka, belonging to, connected with<br />

what has happened] i. a birth story as found in the<br />

earlier books. This is always the story of a previous<br />

birth of the Buddha as a wise man of old. In this sense<br />

it occurs as the name of one of the 9 categories or<br />

varieties of literary composition (M .' 1.133<br />

/o8 ; Vin 111.8 ; Pug<br />

A. 11. 7, 103,<br />

43. See navanga). 2. the story<br />

of any previous birth of the Buddha, esp. as an animal.<br />

In this sense the word is not found in the 4 Nikayjis,<br />

but it occurs<br />

3rd cent. B.C.),<br />

on the Bharhut<br />

and is frequent in<br />

Tope (say, end of<br />

the Jataka book. —<br />

3. the name of a book in the <strong>Pali</strong> canon, containing the<br />

verses of 547 such stories. <strong>The</strong> text of this book has<br />

not yet been edited. See Rh. Davids' Buddhist India,<br />

189-209, and Buddh. Birth Stories, introd , for history<br />

of the Jataka literature. — jatakai) nitthapeti to wind<br />

jatakag samodha<strong>net</strong>i to<br />

up a Jataka tale J vi.363 ;<br />

apply a Jataka to the incident J 1.106; DhA 1.S2.<br />

Note. <strong>The</strong> form jata in the sense of jataka occurs at<br />

DhA 1.34.<br />

-atthavannana the commentary on the Jataka<br />

book, ed. by V. FausboU, 6 vols, with Index vol. by<br />

D. Andersen, London, 1877 sq. ; -bhanaka a repeater of<br />

the J. book Miln 341.<br />

Jataka^ (m.) [jata-f-ka, belonging to what has been<br />

born] a son J 1.239; iv.138.<br />

Jatatta (nt.) [abstr. fr. jata] the fact of being born or of<br />

having grown or arisen Vism 250 ;<br />

DhA 1.241.<br />

Jati (f.) [see janati & cp. Gr. yevea, yivtaii: : Lat. gens;<br />

Goth, kind-ins]. — Instr. jatiya (Sn 423) & jacca<br />

(D n.8 ; J 111.395 : Dh ; 393) abl. jatiya (S 1.88) & jatito<br />

(by descent: D 11.8); loc. jatiyag (PvA 10) & jatiya<br />

(PvA 78). — I. birth, rebirth, possibility of rebirth,<br />

" future life " as disposition to be born again, " former<br />

life " as cause of this life. Defined (cp. the corresp.<br />

expl" of jara) as : ya tesag tesai) sattanar) tamhi<br />

tamhi satta-nikaye jati saiijati okkanti abhinibbatti<br />

khandhanag patubhavo ayatananar) patilabho D 11.305<br />

= S ii.3 = Nd' 257. — Jati is a condition precedent of<br />

age, sickness & death, and is fraught with sorrow, pain<br />

& disappointment. It is itself the final outcome of a<br />

kamma, resting on avijja, performed in anterior births ;<br />

& forms thus the concluding link in the chain of the<br />

Paficca-samuppada. Under the first aspect it is<br />

enum'^ in various formulae, either in full or abbreviated<br />

(see Nd^ 258), viz. (a) as (i) jati, (2) jara, (3) vyadhi,<br />

(4) marana. (5) sokaparidevadukkhadomanass' upayasa<br />

in the dukkhai) ariyasaccag (the noble truth of<br />

what is misfortune) Vin i.io ; A i.i 76 ; in. 416 ;<br />

"dhamma<br />

destined to be born, etc. M 1.161 sq., 173; — A v. 216;<br />

Nd^ 258. 304, 630, etc., in var. connections (referring<br />

to some dukkha). — (b) as Nos. 1-4: Nd^ 254, 494b;<br />

(the standard quota-<br />

J 1. 168, etc. — (c) as Nos. i, 2, 4<br />

tion, implying the whole series 1-5) : S v. 224 ; A v. 144 ;<br />

jatipaccaya jaramaranai) Vin i.i ; D 11. 31, 57, etc.;<br />

°ika A ii.i I, 173 ; "lya M 1.280 ; Nd^ 40. — (d) to this<br />

i.s sometimes added (as summing upj sagsara : Nd'<br />

282' ;<br />

ca cavati ca uppajjati ca D 11. 30. — (e) as Nos. i + 4 :<br />

pahlna-jatimarana (adj.) (=free from life & death,<br />

cp. kicchat) loko apanno jayati ca jiyati ca miyati<br />

i. e. sar)sara) A 1.162 ; °bhayassa paraga A 11.15;<br />

"kovida Sn 484 ; atari °i) asesar) Sn 355 (cp. 5C0) ;<br />

°assa paraga Sn 32. — (f) = e-)- sarjsara (cp. d) : satta<br />

gacchauti sar)sarai) jatimaranagamino A 11.12 = 52 ;<br />

jatimaranasagsarai) ye vajanti punappunag .<br />

. .<br />

avijjay' eva sa gati Sn 729. — (g) as Nos. 1 -f- 2, which<br />

implies the whole series: atari so jatijarai) A 1.133 =<br />

Sn 1048; jatijar' upaga Sn 725= It 106; sagyojanag<br />

jatijaraya chetva It 42 — ; Sn 1052, 1060 ; Dh 23S, 348 ;<br />

cp. jati adina nihina PvA 198. — Other phrases i£<br />

applications : Various rebirths are seen by one who has<br />

perfect insight into all happening & remembers his<br />

former existences (D 1.81 ; 111.50 ; A 1.164; M 11.20).<br />

Arahantship implies the impossibility of a future<br />

rebirth : see formula khiija jati (M 1.139 ; Sn p. 16, etc.)<br />

and arahant 11. A : jatiya parimuccati S 1.88 jatig<br />

;<br />

bhabbo pahatug A v. 144 sq. — antima jati the last<br />

purima j. a former exist-<br />

rebirth D 11. 15 (cp. carima) ;<br />

ence PvA i; atitajatiyag in a former life ( = pure)<br />

PvA 10. On jati as dukkha see Vism 498-501.<br />

2. descent, race, rank, genealogy (cp.

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