The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary - Tuninst.net

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary - Tuninst.net

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary - Tuninst.net


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Cunna 103 Cecca<br />

121, 152, 153, 209, 222; III. 59 ; J 1.9; Dh.\ iii.3'(2 ;<br />

•sankamaniya (nt.) a robe that ought to be handed<br />

over (to its legal owner) Vin iv.282 ; 283.<br />

Ciiwa [Sk. curna, pp. of carvati, to chew, to sQer to cut,<br />

break up, as in Lat. caro, Sk. knjati (op. katu) ; cp.<br />

Lit. kirwis axe, Lat. scrupus sharp stone, scrupulus,<br />

scortum. See also calaka* & cp. Sk. ksunna of kiod<br />

to grind, to which prob. P. ku(J(Ja]<br />

powdered ; only in cpd. °vicDnna<br />

i. pp. broken up,<br />

crushed to bits,<br />

smashed up, piecemeal J 1.73; 11. 120, 159, 216; 111.74.<br />

— 2. (nt.) (a) any hard substance ground into a powder ;<br />

dust, sand J 1.2 16 ; VvA 65 (pai)su°) ; Pv in. 3' (suvamja"<br />

gold-dust; PvA i89=valika); DA 1.245 "(id.); DhsA<br />

12 —(b) esp. " chunam " (.A.nglo-Ind.) i. e. a plaster,<br />

of which quicklime & sand are the chief ingredients &•<br />

which is largely used in building, but also applied to the<br />

skin as a sort of soap-powder in bathing. Often<br />

comb'' with mattika clay, in distinction of which c. is<br />

for delicate use (tender Skin), whereas m. for rougher<br />

purposes (see Vin 1.202) ; cunnani bhesajjani an application<br />

of c. Vin 1. 202. — Vin 1.47 = 52 ; 11.220, 224 sq. ;<br />

A 1.208 ; III. 25 ; J V.89. cunnaTtela-valaricJupaka Vism<br />

142 (where Asl 1 15 reads cunnag va telarj va le^^upaka).<br />

— nahaniya" D 1.74=1! 111.92- PvA 46; na- hana°<br />

J 11.403, 404. — gandha -cunna aromatic (bath) powder<br />

J 1.87, 290 ; III. 276 ; candana°id. Miln 13, 18. — it^haka"<br />

plaster (which is rubbed on the head of one to be<br />

executed) PvA 4, cp. Mycchakatika X, beginning (stanza<br />

5) " pista-curn4vaklrna5ca puruso 'hai) pa4ukrtati."<br />

-calani a mortar for the preparation of chunam Vin<br />

1.202 ; -pinda a lump of ch. Vin 111.260; iv.154 sq.<br />

Cawaka (adj.) [fr. cunna] (a) a preparation of chunam,<br />

paint (for the face, mukha°) D 1.7; M ii.64 = Th 1,<br />

771; J V.302. — (b) powder; cunnakajatani reduced<br />

to powder M in. 92 (atthikani). — f. "ika in cunpikamar|sa<br />

mince meat J 1.243.<br />

OoQQeti [Denom. of cunna] to grind to powder, to crush<br />

to powder or paint w. chunam Vin 11.107 (mukhar))<br />

J IV. 457. — ppr. pass cunniyamana being ground<br />

J VI.185.<br />

Cata [pp. of cavati ; Sk. cyutaj i. (adj.) shifted, disappeared,<br />

deceased, passed from one existence to another<br />

Vin IV.2I6; Sn 774, 899; It 19, 99; J 1.139, 205; Pug<br />

17. accuta permanent, not under the sway of Death,<br />

Ep. of Nibbana Dh 225. — 2. (n.) in cpd. cutiipapata<br />

disappearance & reappearance, transmigration. Sansara.(see<br />

cuti) S 11.67 (agatigatiya sati c° hoti) ; A<br />

III. 420 : IV. 178 ; DhA 1.259 ; usually in phrase sattanaij<br />

cutupapata-i\ina the discerning of the saijsara of<br />

beings D 1.82 = M 1.248; D iii.iii. As cutuppata at<br />

A 11.183. Cp. jatisagsara-iiaoa.<br />

Cnti (f.) [cp. Sk. cyuti, to cavati] vanishing, passing away,<br />

decease, shifting out of existence (opp. upapatti, cp<br />

also gati & agati) D 1.162 ; S 11.3 = 42 ; 111.53 ; M '-49 '<br />

Sn 643; Dh 419; J 1. 19, 434; Vism 292, 460, 554;<br />

DhA IV. 228.<br />

Cndita (adj.) [pp. of codati] being urged, receiving blame,<br />

being reproved Vin 1.173; 11.250; 11.250, 251 ; M 1.95<br />

sq. ; A 1(1. 196 sq. -°ka id. Vin v. 115, 158, 161, 164.<br />

Caddasa [contracted fr. catuddasa, Sk. caturda^a, cp.<br />

catur] fourteen J 1.71 ; vi.8 ; Miln 12 ; DhA 111.120, 186.<br />

Canda an artist who works in ivory J vi.261 (Com:<br />

dantakara) ; Miln 331.<br />

Condakara a turner J vi.339.<br />

Cnmbata (nt.) [cp. Prk. cumbhala] (a) a coil ; a pad of cloth,<br />

a pillow J 1.53 (dukula") ; n.21 (id.); VvA 73. — (b) a<br />

wreath J 111.87.' Cp. next.<br />

Cmnbataka (nt.) cumbata, viz. (a) a pillow DhA 1.139:<br />

VvA 33. 165.— (b) a wreath J iv.231 (puppha°) ; SnA<br />

137; DhA 1.72 (mala").<br />

Combati [Sk. cumbati. Dhtp 197 defines as " vadanasai)yoge<br />

"] to kiss J 11. 193; v.328 ; vi.291, 344; VvA<br />

260. Cp. pari".<br />

Calla & cQ)a (adj.) [Sk. k§ulla=k5udra (P. khudda, see<br />

small, minor (opp.<br />

khuddaka), with c : k = cunna : kjud]<br />

maha great, major), often in conn, with names & titles<br />

of books, e. g. c° Anathapindika = A jr. J 11.287, cp.<br />

Anglo-Indian chota sahib the younger gentleman<br />

(Hind. chhota=culla) ; or CuUa-vagga, the minor<br />

section (Vin 11.) as subordinate to Maha-vagga (Vin i.),<br />

CuUa-niddesa the minor exposition (following upon<br />

Maha-niddesa) ; culla-slla the simple precepts of ethics<br />

(opp. raaha" the detailed sila) D 1.5, etc. Otherwise<br />

only in cpds.<br />

-anguli little finger DhA 11.86. -fipafthaka a " lesser "<br />

follower, i. e. a personal attendant (of a thera) J 1.108<br />

(cul°); 11.325 (cull"; DhA 1.135; 11.260; cu|) ; -pita<br />

an uncle ("lesser" father=sort of father, cp. Lat.<br />

matertera, patruus, Ger. Vetter= father jun.) J 11. 5<br />

III. 456 (v. 1. petteyya); Pv.\ 107; DhA 1.221 (cu|a°).<br />

Callasiti [=caturastti] eighty-four J vi.226 (mahakappe<br />

as duration of Saijsara) ; PvA 254 (id.). Also as<br />

culasiti q. v.<br />

Cfiliki (f.) [Sk. culiki, cp. cuda] = cula; kanna° the root<br />

of the ear J 11.276; Vism 249, 255; DhA iv.13 (of an<br />

elephant). "baddhaS 11.182 ; A'S 11.122. See also cu|a.<br />

Ca]a [Sk. cu(Ja & culika] i. swelling, protuberance; root,<br />

knot, crest. As kanna-cula the root of an elephant's<br />

ear J vi.488. addha-cii|a a me2isure (see addha). See<br />

also cuUka. — 2. (adj.) see cuUa.<br />

C j]aka (adj.) [fr. cula] having a cula or top-knot ; paflca"<br />

with five top-knots J v. 250 (of a boy)<br />

Calanika (f) [Der. fr. cuUa, q. v.] only in phrase sahassi<br />

ciilanika lokadhatu " the system of the 1,000 lesser<br />

worlds " (distinguished from the dvi-sahassi majjhi-<br />

makci & the ti-sahassi mahasahassi lokadhatu) A<br />

1.227 ;<br />

Nd* 235, 2''.<br />

Ca}a (f.) [Vedic cu(Ja. to cu

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