The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary - Tuninst.net

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary - Tuninst.net

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary - Tuninst.net


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Cittaka lOI Cippiyamana<br />

Cittak«(-') & CitrakaC') i. (adj-X--) coloured J iv.464.<br />

2. (m-iC) the spotted antelope J vi.538. — 3. (nt )<br />

a (coloured) mark (on the forehead) Miln 408 ("dharakumma).<br />

— f. cittaka a counterpane of many colours<br />

(DA 1.86 cittika : vana [read nana°] citra-uijoS-may'<br />

attharariari) Vin 1.192 ; 11.163. i6g ; D 1.7 ; A<br />

Cittaka' :<br />

see acittaka.<br />

1.181 ~.<br />

Ciitatara, compar. of citta', more various, more varied.<br />

S III. 151 sq. — a punning passage, thus: by the procedure<br />

(carana) of mind (in the past) the present mind<br />

(citta) is still more varied. Cp. SA in loco: Asl. 06;<br />

Expositor 88.<br />

Cittati [f. ab.>tr. to citta'] SA on S rii. 151 sq.<br />

(bhumicittataya dvaracittataya aramma^^acIttatava<br />

kammananatta).<br />

Oittati [f. abstr. to citta^] " being of such a heart or<br />

mind," state of mind, character S<br />

(vimutta") ; v. 158 (id.); A v. 145 sq.<br />

359 (amudu°) ; PvA<br />

111.152 ; iv.142<br />

(uparambha")<br />

Vbh 372 (id ) ; Vbh<br />

13 (visuddhi°,<br />

noble character); patibaddha° (in love with) PvA 145,<br />

147, 270. In S III. 152 / cittita q. v.<br />

Cittatta (n.) = cittata S v.158.<br />

Oitti (f ) [fr. cit, cp. citta, cinta, cinteti, formation like<br />

mutti>rauc, sitti>sic] "giving thought or heart"<br />

only in comb" w. kar: cittikaroti to honour, to esteem<br />

Ger. cittikatva M 111.24; A in.172; Pv 11.g" (cittig<br />

k. = pujetva PvA 1 35) ; Dpvs 1.2 ; —<br />

acittikatva M<br />

111.22; A IV. 392. — pp. cittikata thought (much) of<br />

Vin iv.6 (& a"); Vbh 2.<br />

Oittik&ra [see citti] respect, consideration VvA 1 78 (garu°),<br />

242 ; PvA 26; Vbh 371 (a°); Vism 123 (cittt°), 188.<br />

Cittita [pp. of citteti, Denom. fr. citta^l painted, variegated,<br />

varied, coloured or resplendent with (-°) S iir.152 {sic I.<br />

for cittata>. So SA, which, on p. 151, reads citten' eva<br />

cittitag for cintitai). Th i . 736 ; 2, 390 (su") ; Vv 36' 40'.<br />

;<br />

Citra= citta', the month Chaitra, KhA 192 ("mSsa).<br />

Ciniti [Sk. cinoti A cayati, ci, to which also kaya, q. v.<br />

See also caya, cita] to heap up, to collect, to accumulate.<br />

Inf. cinitur) Vin 11. 152; pp. cita (q. v.). Pass.<br />

clyati J v. 7. Caus. cinapeti to construct, to build J<br />

VI. 204 ; Miln 81. — No/« cinati at J 11.302 (to weave)<br />

is to be corr. to vinati (see Kern, Toev. s. v.). — Cp.<br />

5°, pa°, vi°. Nole. cinati also occurs as cinati in pa°.<br />

Cintaka (adj.) [cp. cintin] one who thinks out or invents,<br />

in akkhara° the grammarian PvA 120, niti° the lawgiver<br />

ib. 130 ; cp. Divy 212. 451, " overseer."<br />

Cintana (nt.) = cinta Th i, 695: Miln 233.<br />

Cintanaka (adj.) thoughtful, considerate J 1.222.<br />

Cint& [to cit, cinteti] " the act of thinking " (cp. citti),<br />

thought S 1.57; Pug 25; Dhs 16, 20, 292; Sdhp 165,<br />

21O. — loka" thinking over the world, philosophy<br />

S V.447 ; A 11.80.<br />

-kavi " thought-poetry," i. e. original poetry (see<br />

kavi) A 11.230 ; -mani the jewel of thought, the true<br />

philosopher's stone VvA 32 ; N. of a science J 111.504 ;<br />

-maya consisting of pure thought, metaphysical I)<br />

HI. 2 19; J IV. 270; Vbh 324; Nett 8, 50, fo (°ma>-in, of<br />

pafii^a) ; Vism 439 (id.).<br />

Cintita [pp. of cinteti, cp. also cintaka] (a) (adj.) thought<br />

out, invented, devised S 1137 (dhammo asuddho sa-<br />

malehi c.) ; 111.151 (caranai) nama cittag citten' cva<br />

c.) ; Pv<br />

II. 6" (mantag brahma°, expl. PvA 97 by ka-<br />

thitag). — (b) (nt.) a thought, intention, in due" .'a,<br />

piheyya PvA 116): p. na cintetabba PvA 114; tassa<br />

p. acetayi Pv i.O* ( = cetcsi PvA 34); kig amhakag<br />

cintesi what do you intend against us ? J 1.2 1 1. — (t)<br />

{with rial.) (restricted to ceteti) to set one's heart on. to<br />

think upon, strive after, desire : agatipunabbhavaya<br />

c. to desire a future rebirth S iv.201 ; vimokkhaya<br />

to strive after emancipation S m.121 ;<br />

c.<br />

attavyabadhaya<br />

c. M iii.23 = A I.15'7 = S IV. 339; pabbajjaya c. It 75;<br />

rakkhaya me tvag vihito . . . udahu<br />

me cctayase<br />

vadhaya 111.<br />

J 146 — acinteyya that which must not<br />

or cannot be thought A 11.80 (cattiri °ani four reflections<br />

to be avoided) VvA ; 323 (a. buddhdnubhava<br />

unimaginable majesty of a U).<br />

Cipita (adj.) [pp. to cip (') see next: cp. Sk. cipita grain<br />

flattened after boiling] pressed flat, flattened VvA 222.<br />

To be read also at J vi.185 for vippita.<br />

Cippiyamana [ppr. Pass, of cip, see cipi(al crushed flat<br />

(l?h. n, ; cp. also Kern Tnev.) Miln 261.<br />


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