The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary - Tuninst.net

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary - Tuninst.net

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary - Tuninst.net


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*Gha (adj. -suffix to ghan) killing, destroying, see hanati.<br />

— ijjagha at Sn 246 is v. 1. SS for inaghata. Cp. pati°<br />

& see also ghana^ & ghata.<br />

Ohagsati' [Sk. ghar$ati. ghr? to *gher to rub or grind, cp.<br />

Gr. x^P"^"?, x*^/"'C' XP'"i enlarged in Lat frendo =<br />

Ags. grindan to grind] to rub, crush, grind, S 11.238 ;<br />

J 1. 190 ( = ghasitug ? to next?) 216; vi.331. — Caus.<br />

ghagsapeti to rub against, to allow to be rubbed or<br />

crushed Vin 11.266. Cp. upani°, pari", & pahaijsati'. —<br />

Pass, gharjsiyati (ghagsiyati) to rub (intr.), to be rubbed<br />

Vin 1. 204 ; II. 1 12.<br />

Oha^sati^ [ = hai)sati for Sk. hafsati, see hassati] to be<br />

pleased, to rejoice J iv.56 (v. 1. ghasati). Cp. pahar)-<br />

sati^.<br />

Qhaosana rubbing, in pada-gh°i a towel for rubbing the<br />

feet Vin 11.130.<br />

Ohaosiki in go°, cow-hide (?) see go.<br />

Ohacci (f.) [fr. hanati, han and ghan] destruction (usually<br />

-°) D ni.67 (mula°) ; J 1.176 (sakufla").<br />

Qha&fia (adj.-n.) [fr. Sk. ghana to han, cp. ghanya iK;<br />

hatya] killing, destro)ring (-°) see atta".<br />

Ohata' [Non-Aryan ?] a hoUow vessel, a bowl, vase,<br />

pitcher. Used for holding water, as well as for other<br />

purposes, which are given under paniya° paribhojana"<br />

vacca° at Vin i.i57 = 352 = M 1.207. In the Vinaya<br />

freq. comb'' with kolamba, also a deep vessel : 1.205,<br />

213, 225, 286. — As water-pitcher: J 1.52. 93 (pupija"),<br />

166; VvA 118, 207, 244 (°satena nhato viya) ; PvA 66<br />

(udaka°), 179 (piniya"), 282. — In general: S iv.196.<br />

For holding a light (in formula antoghate padipo viya<br />

upanissayo pajjalati) J 1.235 (cp- kuta), PvA 38. Used<br />

as a drum J vi.277 (=kumbhathuna) ; as bhadda°<br />

Sdhp 319. 329.<br />

-pamana (adj.) of the size of a large pot J 11.104;<br />

PvA 55.<br />

Ohata^ (m. & f.) [Sk. ghat^; conn, with ganthati to bind<br />

together] multitude, heap, crowd, dense mass, i. e.<br />

thicket, cluster, itthi" a crowd of women J iv.316;<br />

maccha° a swarm of fish J 11.227; vana° dense forest<br />

J 11.385; IV.56; V.502 ; VI. 11, 519, 564; brahma°<br />

company of brahmins J vi.99.<br />

Ghataka [Dem. of prec.] 1. a small jar (?) Vin 11.129, '3°<br />

(comb'' w. kataka & sammajjani) ; cp. Vin. <strong>Text</strong>s<br />

111.130. — 2. the capital of a pillar J 1.32 (cp. kumbha).<br />

Qhatati [Sk. ghatate, to gtanth, cp. ganthati. <strong>The</strong> Dhtp<br />

gives two roots ghat, of which one is expl'' by " ghatane<br />

" (No. 554), the other by " ihayar)," i. e. from<br />

exertion (No. 98)] to apply oneself to, to exert oneself,<br />

to strive ; usually in formula utthahati gh" vayamati<br />

M 1.86 ; S 1.267 (yamati for vay°) ; Pug 51 ; or yuQjati<br />

gh° vay" J IV. 131. — Sdhp 426, 450.<br />

Qha^ana seeGhattana.<br />

Gbatiki' {() [to ghata'] a small bowl, used for begging<br />

alms Th 2, 422 ( = ThA 269: bhikkha-kapala).<br />

Gh.<br />

86<br />

Ghatika^ (f.) [to ghata^, orig. meaning " knot," cp. gantha<br />

(% gaijthi, also gaiicja] i . a small stick, a piece of a branch,<br />

a twig J 1.331 ; IV. 87 (khadira°) ; vi.331 ; Th 2, 499<br />

( = khanda ThA 290). upadhanaghatika J 111.179<br />

(belonging to the outfit of an executioner) pasa°<br />

;<br />

J 11.253 is a sort of magic stick or die ( = pasaka) —<br />

2. a game of sticks (" tip-cat " sticks Miln trsl. 11.32).<br />

D i.6;«{DA 1.S5 : ghatika ti vuccati digha-dap4akena<br />

rassa dandaka-pabarana klla, tip-cat) ; Vin 11. lo<br />

III. 181 ; M 1.266; A V.203 ; Miln 229. — 3. a stack<br />

of twigs S 11.178, 4 ; (a stick used as) a bolt Vin 11.120,<br />

2u8 ; 111. 1 19; usually as suci° a needle-shaped stick<br />

Vin 11.237 (cp. Vin. <strong>Text</strong>s 111.106); S iv.290 ; Ud 52;<br />

J 1.346. Cp. gai;i4ikadhcina.<br />

Ghatita [pp. of ghateti] connected, combined Vism 192.<br />

Qhati (f) [to ghatai] a jar DhA 1.426. In cpds. also ghati°.<br />

-odana rice boiled in a jar DhA 1.426 ; -ka^aha a water<br />

pot. or rather a bowl for gathering alms (cp. ghafika')<br />

Vin II. 1 15 ( = ghati-kapala Bdhgh) ; -kara a potter<br />

DhA 1.380 ; Np. of a kumbhakara S 1.35, 60 ; M 11.45 sq.<br />

( = "suttanta, mentioned as such at DhA 111.251) ; J 1.43.<br />

Ghatlyati [Pass, of ghateti] i. to be connected or continued<br />

DhA 1.46 (paveiji na gh.), 174. — 2. to be<br />

obstructed Nd^ 102 (= virujjhati, patihaflfiati).<br />

Ghateti [Denom. fr. ghata', cp. gantheti] to join, to<br />

connect, to unite J 1.139; ^1- '" anusandhig ghatetva<br />

adding the connection (between one rebirth & another)<br />

J 1.220, 308.<br />

Ghattasee araghatta ; mecning " rubbed, knocked against "<br />

in phrase ghatta-pida-tala SnA 582 (for ugghattha)<br />

also at Vin iv.46 in def. of vehasa-kuti (a cell or hut<br />

with air, i. e., spacious, airy) as majjhimassa purisassa<br />

a-sisa-ghatta " so that a man of medium height does not<br />

knock liis head (against the ceiling) " ; of uncertain<br />

meaning (" beating "?) at J 1.454 (v. 1. for T. ghota).<br />

GhaUana (nt.) [Sk. ghatana, to granth, cp. gantha]<br />

1. combining, putting together, combination, composition,<br />

J 1.220; PA. 312, etc. — 2. striking, fig. insulting<br />

(ghattana= asajjana) VvA 55. To meaning<br />

" strike " cp. sai)ghattana.<br />

Ghatteti [Sk. ghattayati] to strike, beat, knock against,<br />

touch; fig. to offend, mock, object to. (a) lit. M 11.4<br />

(jannukena ; text reads ghatteti, v. 1. ghateti) ; Sn 48<br />

(=sai)° Nd" 233); J 1.218; Pv rv.io» ( = patihagsati<br />

PvA 271); DA 1.256 (=khui)seti); DhA 1.251. — (b) fig.<br />

A 111.343; Sn 847 (cp. Nd' 208); Vism 18. — pp.<br />

ghattita Pug 30, 36 psychologically ghatta7ati = ruppatj.<br />

;<br />

B or S 111.86. — Pass, ghatiyati (q.v.).—Cp. asajja and<br />

ugghateti.<br />

VvA 36,<br />

37, 279 (khuddaka°). As ghanti at Vism 181.<br />

Ghaota (f) a small bell (cp. kinkaniki) J iv.215 ;<br />

Ghata (nt.) [Vedic ghrta, ght to sprinkle, moisten] clarified<br />

butter VvA 326; Miln 41; Sdhp 201 (-bindn).<br />

With ref. to the sacrificial fire (fire as eating ghee, or<br />

being sprinkled w. ghee) ghatasana ; J 1.472 ; v.64, 446<br />

Pv 1.8' (ghata.sitta).<br />


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