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The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary - Tuninst.net

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary - Tuninst.net


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Gahapatika 78 Gama<br />

-'aggi the sacred &re to be maintained by a householder,<br />

interpreted by the Buddha as the care to be<br />

bestowed on one's children & servants A rv.45 ; see<br />

enum. under aggi at A iv.41 ; D<br />

111.217; -civara the<br />

I<br />

robe of a householder (i. e. a layman's robu) Vin 1.280<br />

sq. ; °dhara wearing the householder's (private man's)<br />

robe (of a bhikkhu) M 1.31 ; A 111.391 sq. ; -necayika<br />

(always with brahma^a-mahasala) a business man of<br />

substance D 1.136 ; 111.16 sq. ; -pandita a learned householder.<br />

Cp. above i (b), together w. khattiya", etc.<br />

M 1.<br />

1 76, 396; w. samaija-brahraaija" Mihi 5; -parisa a<br />

company of gahapatis ^together w. khattiya", etc., see<br />

above) \'in 1.227 ; M 1.72 ; D 111.260 ; -putta a member<br />

of ag. clan D 1.62, 211 ; M 1.344; S 111.48, 112 ; PvA 22 ;<br />

-mahasala a householder of private means (cp. above<br />

I a) usually in comb" with khattiya",<br />

A<br />

etc. D 111.258<br />

S 1.71 ; IV. 292 ;<br />

11.86; iv.239; -ratana the "householder-gem<br />

" one of the seven fairy jewels of the<br />

mythical overlord. He is a wizard treasure-finder (see<br />

ratana) D 11.16, i76;Snp. 106. Cp. Rh.D. Dialogues<br />

etc. 11.206.<br />

Oahapatika (adj.-n.) belonging to the rank or grade of a<br />

householder, a member of the gentry, a man of private<br />

means (see gzihapati) D 1.61 (expl. as gehassa pati ekageha-matte<br />

jefthaka DA 1. 171); Nd'' 342; PvA 39.<br />

Often In comb" w. khattiya & brahma^a : A 1.66<br />

D III. 44, 46, 61 ; cS often in contrast to brahmaija only<br />

brSiimapa-gahapatika Brahmins & Privates (priests &<br />

laymen, Rh.D. Buddh. S. p. 258) M 1.400 ; A i.iio;<br />

It III. ; J 1.83, 152, 267; PvA 22. — paiwikag° " owner<br />

of a house of leaves " as nickname of a fruiterer J<br />

111.21 ;<br />

of an ascetic J iv.446.<br />

Oahits (and gahita Dh 311) (adj.) [pp. of gavhati] seized<br />

taken, grasped D 1.16; DA 1.107 (=&dinna, pavattita)<br />

J 1.61 ; IV.2 ; PvA 43 (v. 1. for text gaijhita). — nt.<br />

a grasp, grip DhA iu.175; ^ gahitakag karoti to<br />

accept VvA 260. -duggahita (always "gahita) hard to<br />

grasp M 1. 132 sq. ; A 11.147, 168; 111.178; Dh 311;<br />

J VI. 307 sq. ; sugahita (sic) easy to get J 1.222.<br />

-bhava fcittassa) the state of being held (back),<br />

holding back, preventing to act (generously) DhsA 370<br />

(in expl" of aggahitattai) cittassa Dhs 1122 see undei<br />

a").<br />

O&thaka [demin. of gatha] = gatha, in ekar) me gahi<br />

gathakag " sing to me only one little verse " J 111.507.<br />

Q&tha (f.) [Vedic gatba, on der" see gayatej a verse,<br />

stanza, line of poetry, usually referring to an Anutthubbag<br />

or a Tutthubbai), & called a catuppada gatha, a<br />

stanza (§loka) of four half-Unes A 11.178; J iv.395.<br />

Def. as akkhara-padaniya-mita-gauthita-vacanar) at<br />

KhA 117. For a riddle on the word see S 1.38. As a<br />

style of composition it is one of the nine .\ngas or divisions<br />

of the Canon (see navanga Satthu sasana). PI.<br />

gatha Sn 429; J 11.160 ; gathayo Vin 1.5, 349; D 11.157.<br />

gathaya ajjhabhasati to address with a verse Vin 1.36,<br />

38 ; Kh V. intr. — gathahi anumodati to thank with<br />

(these) lines Vin 1.222. 230, 246. 294, etc. — gathayo<br />

giyamana uttering the Unes Vin 1.38. — anantaragatha<br />

the foU. stanza J iv.142; Sn 251 ; J 1.280; Dh<br />

102 ("satag).<br />

-abhigita gained by verses S i.i67 = Sn 81, 480<br />

(gathayo bhasitva laddhag Cora. cp. Ger. "ersungen").<br />

-&vasane after the stanza has been ended DhA 111.171 ;<br />

-jananaka one who knows verses Anvs. p. ; 35 -dvaya<br />

(nt.) a pair of stanzas J 111.395 sq. ; Pv.\ 29, 40 ; -pada<br />

a half line of a gatha Dh 10 1 ; KhA 123 ; -sukhattaij in<br />

order to have a well-sounding line, metri causa, PvA a.<br />

Qadha' [Sk. gajha pp. of gah, see gahati] depth ; a hole,<br />

a dugout A ii.i07=Pug 43 (cp. PugA 225); Sdhp 394<br />

("g khaijati). Cp. galha^.<br />

Qadha^ [Sk. gaJha firm Dhtp 167 "patitlhayag " cp. also<br />

Sk. gadha. fordable & see gaJha'] adj. passable, fordable,<br />

in a° unfathomable, deep PvA 77 ( = gambhira). nt. a<br />

lord, a firm stand, firm ground, a safe place : gambhire<br />

"g vindati A v. 202. °g esati to seek the terra firma<br />

S 1.127; similarly: °g labhati to gain firm footing<br />

5 1.47 ; °g ajjhaga S iv.206 ; "g labhate J vi.440 ( = patit-<br />

tha). Cp. o", pafi".<br />

Qadhati [v. der. fr. gadha^j to stand fast, to be on firm<br />

ground, to have a firm footing : apo ca pafhavi ca tejo<br />

vayo na gadhati " the four elements have no footing "<br />

D 1.223=51.15; — Dhamma-Vinaye gadhati " to stand<br />

fast in the Doctrine & Discipline " S in. 59 sq.<br />

Oama [Vedic grama, heap, collection, parish ; *giein to<br />

comprise ; Lat. gremium ; Ags. crammian (E. cram),<br />

Obulg. gramada (village community) Ohg. chram ; cp.<br />

*ger in Gr. aynpM, uynpa, Lat, grex.] a collection of<br />

houses, a hamlet (cp. Ger. gemeinde), a habitable place<br />

(opp. aianna: game va yadi vSraflfle Sn 119), a parish<br />

or vUlage having boundaries Sc distinct from the surrounding<br />

country (garao ca gamupacaro ca Vin 1.109,<br />

no; 111.46). In size varying, but usually small &<br />

distinguished from nigama, a market-town. It is the<br />

smallest in the list of settlements making up a " state "<br />

(rafthag). See definition & description at Vin in. 46,<br />

200. It is the source of support for the bhikkhus, and<br />

the phrase gamag pi^cjaya carati " to visit the parish<br />

for alms " is extremely frequent. — i. a village as such :<br />

Vin 1.46 ; Sramika", Pilinda" Vin 1.28, 29 (as Sramikagamaka<br />

& Pilinda-gamaka at Vin III. 249) ; Sakyanag<br />

game janapade Lumbineyye Sn 683 ; Uruvela'" Pv<br />

n.13''; gamo natikalena pavisitabbo M 1.469; °g<br />

ratthan ca bhufljati Sn 619, 711; game tigsa kulani<br />

honti J 1.199; — Sn 386, 929, 978; J 11.153; vi.366;<br />

73 (game amacca-<br />

Dh 47, 49 ; Dhs 697 (sunno g.) ; PvA<br />

kula) ; 67 (gamassa dvarasamipena). — gama gSmag<br />

from hamlet to hamlet M 11.20 ; Sn i8o (with naga<br />

nagag ; expl. SnA 216 as devagama devagamag), 192<br />

(with pura purag) ; Pv 11.13''. In the same sense<br />

gamena gamag Nd^ 177 (with nigamena n°, nagarena<br />

n"., ratthena r°., janapadena j°.). — -2. grouped with<br />

nigama, a market-town : gamanigamo sevitabbo or<br />

asevitabbo A iv.365 sq., cp. v.ioi (w. janapadapadeso)<br />

— Vin 111.25, '84 (°0 "^^ nigamaig va upanissaya)<br />

IV. 93 (pi^daya pavisati) gamassa va nigamassa va<br />

;<br />

avidure D 1.237 ; ^ 1.488 game va nigame va Pug 66.<br />

;<br />

— 3. as a geographical- poUtical unit in the constitution<br />

of a kingdom, enum** in two sets : (a)<br />

rajadhaniyo Vin 111.89; A 111.108 ; Nd^ 271"" ; Pv ii.i3'8 ;<br />

DhA I 90. — (b) gama-nigama-nagara-rattha-janapada<br />

Nd^ 1 77, 304"" ("bandhana), 305 (°katha) ; with the<br />

gama-nigama-<br />

foil, variations: g. nigama nagara M 11.33-40; g.<br />

nigama janapada Sn 995 ; Vism 152 ; gamani nigamani<br />

ca Sn 118 (expl"* by SnA 178: ettha ca saddena nagarani<br />

ti pi vattabbag). —-See also dvara" ; paccanta";<br />

bTja° ; bhuU° ; matu°.<br />

-anta the neighbourhood of a village, its border, the<br />

village itself, in "mlyaka leading to the village A in. 189;<br />

°vihci,rin (=araiifiaka) living near a v. M 1.31, 473;<br />

A HI. 391 (w. nemantanika and gahapati-civara-dhara)<br />

—• Sn 710 ; -antara the (interior of the) village, only in<br />

t. t. gamantarag gacchati to go into the v. Vin 11.300,<br />

6 in "kappa the " village-trip-licence " ( Vin. <strong>Text</strong>s<br />

111.398) ib. 294, 300 ; cp. iv.64, 65; v. 210 ; -(ipocara the<br />

outskirts of a v. Vin 1.109, no; defined at Vin in. 46,<br />

200 ; -katha village-talk, gossip about v.-aSairs. In-<br />

cluded in the list of foolish talks (-t- nigama", nagara",<br />

janapada") D 17 (see expl" at DA 190) ; Sn 922. See<br />

katha ; -kamma that which is to be done to, or in a<br />

village, in °g karoti to make a place habitable J 1.199;<br />

-ku^a "the village-fraud," a sycophant S n.258;<br />

J IV. 1 77 (=kutavedin) ; -gona (pi.) the village cattle<br />

J 1. 1 94; -ghata those who sack villages, a marauder,<br />

dacoit (of cora thieves) D 1.<br />

1 35 ; S n. 188 ; -ghataka (cora)<br />

= "ghata S IV. 1 73 ; Miln 20 ; Vism 484 ; nt. village<br />

plundering J 1.200. -jana the people of the v. Miln 47 ;<br />

-tthana in puraija" a ruined village J u.102; -daraka

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