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The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary - Tuninst.net

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary - Tuninst.net


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Ga)ita 77<br />

Oa)ita rough, in a° smooth J v.203, 206 ( + mudu & akak- I<br />

kasa) ; vi.64.<br />

OslocI (i)- N. of a shrub (Cocculus cordifolius) ; in<br />

galocilata UhA iii.iio; a creeper. Cp. putilata.<br />

(}ava° base of the N. go, a bull, cow, used in cpds. See<br />

gav°, go.<br />

•aghatana slaughtering of cows Vin 1.182 ; -assa cows<br />

i.5~; Sn 769; -canda tierce<br />

& horses Vin v.350 ; D<br />

towards cows Pug 47 ; -pana milky rice pudding J 1.33 ;<br />

-(°m)pati " lord of cows," a bull Sn 26, 27 (usabha).<br />

OsVBCCtaita furnished with <strong>net</strong>ting (?) (Hardy in Index)<br />

VvA 276, of a carriage ( = suvaMvajalavitata).<br />

Qavtis see gavaya.<br />

Otvaya (and gavaja) a species of ox, the gayal [Sk.<br />

gavaya, cp. gavala, bufialo] J v. 406. (°ja= khagga)<br />

Miln 149; DhsA 331.<br />

Qavi a tree-like creeper, in -pphala the fruit of a g. Sn<br />

239 ( = rukkhavalliphala SnA).<br />

'OaveMkka (adj. fr. next) looking for, seeking J 1.176<br />

(karaua") ; 11.3 (agui>a°).<br />

Oavesati [gava-l- esati. Vedic gavesate. Origin, to search<br />

after cows. Dhtp 29^=inaggana tracking] to<br />

seek, to search lor. to wish for, strive after Dh 146<br />

(gavessatha), 153 : Th i, 183 ; Nd^ 2, 70, 427 ; J 1.4, Oi ;<br />

Miln 326 ; PvA 187, 202 (aor. gavesi = vicini) ; Bdhd 53.<br />

In Nd' always in comb" esati gavesati pariyesati.<br />

Oaveta&B search for PvA 185.<br />

Oavesin (adj.) seeking, looking for, striving after (usually<br />

-°) D 1.95 (taua°, etc.) ; Dh 99 (kama°), 245 (suci°), 355<br />

(para°) ; iSid^ 503 (in expl. of mahesi, with esin &<br />

pariyesin) ; Bdhd 59.<br />

OaBSfitai] at UhsA 324 is to be coiTected into dassetuQ.<br />

QahA^ [see under gaijhati] a house, usually in cpds. (sec<br />

below). J 111.39O ( = the layman's life; Cora. geha).<br />

-karaka a house-builder, metaph. of tai.iha (cp. kaya<br />

as geha) Dh 153, i54=Th i, 183. 184; DhA 111.128;<br />

-kufa the peak of a house, the ridge-pole, metaph. of<br />

ignorance Dh 154 (=kaijijika-mandala DhA 128),<br />

replacing thuijira (pillar) at Th 1, 184 in corresp.<br />

passage ( = kaoinika Com.) ; -(tha a householder,<br />

one who leads the life of a layman (opp.<br />

anagara, pabbajita or paribbajaka) Vin 1.115 (sagahattha<br />

pansa an assembly in which laymen were<br />

present); S 1.201; A111.114, 116,258; It. 112 (gliarag<br />

csino gahaUha) Dh 404= Sn 628; Sn 43 (gharar) avasanto,<br />

see Nd^ 226 for explanation), 9), 134 (paribbajag<br />

gahafthar) va) 398, 487; Sdhp 375. -%alta a<br />

layman's rule of conduct Sn 393 ( = agariya pafipada<br />

SnA 376) -"ka belonging to a layman ;<br />

acting as a lay-<br />

man cr in the quality of a 1. A 11.35 (kinkaraijiya^ui),<br />

111.296 (brahmacariya) ; -pati see sep.<br />

Qaba' [Sk. graha, ganhati, q v. for etym.] " seizer."<br />

seizing, grasping, a demon, any being or object having<br />

a hold upon man. So at S 1.21)8 where Sanu is *' seized "<br />

by an epileptic fit (see note in K.i>. 1.267, 268). Used<br />

of dosa (anger) Dh 251 (excniplilied at DhA in. 362 by<br />

ajagara" the grip of a boa, kumbhila" of a cmcodile,<br />

yakkha° of a demon), sagaha having crocodiles, full<br />

of e. (of the ocean) ( -I- sarakkliasa) It 57. Cp. gahana<br />

& sar)°.<br />

Oahaoa [fr. ganhati] (adj.) seizing, taking; acquiring; (n.)<br />

seizure, grasp, hold, acquisition Vism 114 (in detail).<br />

Usually -° : uama°-divabe on the day on which a child<br />

gets its name (Ut. acquiring a name) J 1.199. 2*2;<br />

arahatta" DhA 1.8; dussa" DhA 11.87, maccha" J<br />

IV. 139; hattha" J 1.294; byanjana°lakkhana Nett 27.<br />

gahaijatthaya in order to get . J 1.279; "-SS^- —<br />

amhakar) g° sugahanar) we have a tight grip J 1.222, 223.<br />

Gahapati<br />

Gahaoi (f) the " seizer," a supposed organ of the body<br />

dialing with digestion and gestation. Sama-vepakiniya<br />

g° iya samannagata " endowed with good<br />

digestion" D 11.177= iii. 166. Same phrase at<br />

Av S 1.168, 172. Cp. Vedic graha. B. Psy. 59, 67.<br />

Gahanika in phrase sarjsuddha-gahanika coming<br />

from a cleam womb, of pure descent, in the enum. of<br />

the indispensable good qualities of a brahmin or a noble<br />

D 1.113, 115, 137 (gahani expl. as kucchi DA 1.281)<br />

A H63, :ii.i54. 223; Sn p. 115. J 1.2; duttha-gahanika<br />

having a bad digestion Vin 1.206.<br />

Gahana [Sk. gahana, cp. also ghana] i. adj. deep, thick,<br />

impervious, only in a° clear, unobstructed, free from<br />

obstacles Vv 18' (akanataka-(- ) ; Miln 16c. (gahanar) a°<br />

katar) the thicket is cleared). — 2. nt. an impe<strong>net</strong>rable<br />

place, a thicket jungle, tangle. — (a) 18 gahanani at<br />

V.46 : usually appl. to grass: tina° A 1.153=111.128<br />

J<br />

(-frukkha°); Miln 369; adj. tiiiagahana obstructed<br />

with grass (of vihara) Vin 11.138; — S 1.199 (rukkhamula°);<br />

J 1.7, 158; PvA 5 (pabbata°), 43; VvA 230<br />

(vaua^). — (b) fig. imperviousness, entanglement, obstruction,<br />

appl. to ditthi, the jungle of wrong views or<br />

heresy (usually comb' w. ditthi—kantara, the wilderness<br />

of d.. see ditthi) M 1.8, 485; Pug 22; DA I.iu8. Of<br />

raga°, moha°, etc., and kilesa° Nd^ 630 (in expl. of<br />

Sattha ; ragagahanar) tareti) ; DhA iv.156 (on Dh 394)<br />

VvA 96.— mauus,sa° M 1.340.<br />

-^hana a lair in the jungle J 1.150, 253.<br />

(Gahapati [gaha-l-pati. Vedic grhapati, where pati is<br />

still felt in its original meaning of " lord," " master,"<br />

implying dignity, power & auspiciousness. Cp. Sk.<br />

dainpati =dominus =i'nj7r-fa|)s,<br />

bride-groom, hundafat'S=senapati. See details under<br />

pati] the possessor of a house, the head of the house-<br />

hold, pater familias (freq.-*-setthi). — i. In formulas:<br />

a man<br />

(a) as regards social standing, wealth & clanship :<br />

of private (i. e. not official) hfe, classed w. khattiya &<br />

brahmana in kli'^-mahasala, wealthy Nobles, brahm.°niahasala,<br />

do.<br />

S 1.71; Nd-<br />

Bralinnns, gah° -m° well-to-do gentry<br />

135; DhA 1.388. — kh°-kula, br°-kula.<br />

g^-kula the kll^ clt. clans: Vin II. 161 ; J 1.218. kh°.<br />

amacc.i, br'. g.'' D 1.130. — (b) as regards education &<br />

mode of life runkmg with kh". br^. g."' and samaija<br />

Vin 1.227; ^^ 1.00 ; Nd^ 235, see also cpd. -pai.idita.<br />

2. Other applications: freq. in comb" brahma^iagahapatikn<br />

priests tV yeomen : see gahapatika. In<br />

comb' w. gahapatiputta (cp. kulaputta) it comprises<br />

the numbers of tlie g. rank, clansmen of the (middle)<br />

class, and implies a tinge of " respectable people " esp.<br />

in addresses. So used by the Buddha in enumerating<br />

the people as gahapati va gah^-putto va aiinatarasmii)<br />

va kule paccajato D 1.62 ; M 1.344. gahapati ca gahapataniyo<br />

householders and their wives A 11.57. I" sg.<br />

the voc. gahapati may be rendered by " Sir " (Miln 17<br />

e. g. and freq.). & in pi. gahapatayo by " Sirs " (e. g.<br />

Vin 1.227; ^ '•4'" '^ "-S?)- — A.S regards occupation<br />

all resp. businesses are within the sphere of the g., most<br />

f)e(juently mentioned as such are setthino (see below)<br />

i\; cp. setthi" Vin 1.16, but also kassaka, farmer A 1.229,<br />

239 SI]. ; and darukammika, carpenter A 111.391. Var.<br />

duties of a g. enum. at A 1.229, =39- —<strong>The</strong> wealth &<br />

comfortably living position of a g. is evident from an<br />

expression like kalyana-bhattiko g. a man accustomed<br />

to good food Vin 11.77=111.160. — f.<br />

gahapatant Vin<br />

111. -MI. 213 sq., 259 (always w. gahapati); l>hA 1376;<br />

pi. gahapataniyo see above. — .Vote. <strong>The</strong> gen. sg. of<br />

gahapati is "ino (J 1,92) as well as -issa (Vin 1.16;<br />

D 111.36). — 3. Single cases of gahapatis. where g.<br />

almost assumes the function of a title are Anathapindika<br />

16;<br />

g. Vin 11.158 sq. ; S 1.5b ; 11.68 : A 11.65 : : J '"J- P^A<br />

Men(}aka g Vin 1.240 sq. ; Citta S IV. 281 sq. ; NakulapitS<br />

S II. I sq. ; Potaliya M 1.359 : Sandhaua D 111.36 sq. ;<br />

Haliddikani S 11. y. — See next.

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