The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary - Tuninst.net

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary - Tuninst.net

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary - Tuninst.net


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Aggi 5 Aghavin<br />

aggI paricaritukama); A V.263, 266; Th 2, 143 (^ aggihuttan<br />

paric" ThA 136); Dh 107; J 1.494; DhA II.232.<br />

aggii) juhati (cp. '^homa, "^hutta) to sacrifice (in)to the<br />

fire A 11.207 ) often combd- with aggihuttan paricarati,<br />

e.g. S 1. 166; Sn p. 79. aggiq namati & santappeti to<br />

worship the fire A v. 235. aggissa (gen.) parieariko J YI.207<br />

(cp. below °paricarika) ; aggissa adhanai) A IV. 41. — 3.<br />

(ethical, always — ") the fire of burning, consuming, feverish<br />

sensations. Freq. in standard set of 3 fires, viz. rag°, dos°,<br />

moh", or the fires of lust, anger and bewilderment. <strong>The</strong><br />

number three may possibly have been chosen with reference<br />

to the three sacrificial fires of Vedic ritual. At S<br />

IV.19; A IV.41 sq. there are 7 fires, the 4 last of which<br />

are ahuneyy", gahapat°, dakkhineyy", katth". But this<br />

trinity of cardinal sins lies at the basis of Buddhist ethics,<br />

& the fire simile was more probably suggested by the<br />

number. D lti.217; It 92, Vbh 368. In late books are<br />

found others: ind" the fire of the senses PvA 56; dukkh°<br />

the glow of suffering ib. 60; bhavadukkli° of the misery<br />

of becomings Sdhp. 552; vippatisar" burning remorse<br />

TvA 60; SOk° burning grief ib. 41.<br />

Note. <strong>The</strong> form aggini occurs only at Sn 668 & 670 in<br />

the meaning of "pyre", and in comb°- with sama<br />

"like", viz. aggini-samaq jalitai) 668 (= samantato jalitaq<br />

aggii) Sn A 480); aggini-samasu 67o(=aggisamasu<br />

Sn A 481). <strong>The</strong> form aggini in phrase niccagginl can<br />

either be referred to gini (q. v.) or has to be taken as<br />

nom. of aggini (in adj. function with i metri causa;<br />

otherwise as adj. agginiij), meaning looking constantly<br />

after the fire, i. e. careful, observant, alert.<br />

-agara (agyagar-i) a heated room or hut with a fire Vin<br />

1.24; IV. 109; D i.ioi, 102 (as V. 1. BB for agara); M<br />

1. 501; A V.234, 250. -khandha a great mass of fire, a<br />

huge fire, fire-brand S 11.85; A iv. 128; Th z, 351<br />

(°samakama); J iv.139; VI. 330; Ps 1.125; Dpvs vi.37<br />

Miln 304. -gata having become (like) fire Miln 302. -ja<br />

firc-bom J v.404 (C; text aggijata). -ttha fire-place J<br />

V.155. -tthaiia fire-place Vin ir.120 (jantSghare, in bathroom),<br />

-daddha consumed by fire Dh 136; Pv 1.7*.<br />

-daha (inaha°) a holocaust A 1. 178. -nikasin like fire J<br />

111.320 (suriya). -nibbana the extinction of fire<br />

J<br />

1.212.<br />

-pajjota fire-light A 11. 140 (one of the 4 lights, viz.<br />

canda°, suriya°, a°, panna"). -paricarana (-tthana) the<br />

place where the (sacrificial) fire is attended to UhA 1.<br />

1 99.<br />

-paricariya fire-worship DhA 11.232; Sn A 291 (pari") 456.<br />

-paricarika one who worship the fire A v.263 (brahmana).<br />

-sala a heated hall or refectory Vin 1.25, 49 = 11.210;<br />

I.139; II.154. -sikha the crest of the fire, the flame, in<br />

simile °ufama., like a flaming fire Sn 703 ; Dh 308 =<br />

It 43, 90 (ayogula). -butta (nt.) the sacrificial fire (see<br />

above 2), Vin 1.33, 36 = J 1.83 ; Vin 1.246 = Sn 568<br />

("mukha-yaiina) ; S I 166; Dh 392; Sn 249, p. 79; J<br />

IV. 211; VI. 525; ThA 136 (= aggi); DhA iv.151 ("n<br />

brahmano namati). -huttaka (nt.) fire-offering J vi.522<br />

(= aggi-jahana C). -hotta = °hutta SnA 456 (v. 1. BB<br />

"hntta). -homa fire-oblation (or perhaps sacrificing to Agni)<br />

D 1.9 (= aggi-juhana DA 1.93).<br />

Agglka (adj.) [aggi -\- ka] one who worships the fire Vin<br />

1. 71 (jatilaka); D 11.339 sq. (ja'.''a)) S I.166 (brahmana).<br />

Aggha [see agghati] i. price, value, worth, Miln 244;<br />

Mhvs 26, 22; 30, 76; VvA 77. — mahaggha (adj.) of<br />

great value J IV.138; v.414; vi.209; P" u.l''. See also<br />

maharaha. appaggha (adj.) of little value J. iv.139; v.414.<br />

— anaggba (nt.) pricelessness, J v.484; cattati anagghSni<br />

the four priceless things, viz. setacchatta, nisidanapallanka,<br />

adharaka, pSda])ithika DhA III. 120, 186. (adj.) priceless,<br />

invaluable j v.414; Mhvs 26, 25; DhA iv.216. — agghena<br />

(inslr.) for the price of Vin II.52, cp. Bdhgh on p. 31 1,<br />

312. — 2. an oblation made to a guest D 11.240; J<br />

iv.39^ = 476.<br />

-karaka a valuator J 1.124. -pada valuableness J v.473<br />

Clakkbanai] nama mantai]).<br />

Agghaka (adj.)r=:aggha; worth, having the value of (— ")<br />

Mhvs 30, 77. aa° priceless Mhvs 30, 72.<br />

Agghati (intr.) [Sk. arghati, argh = arh (see arhati), cp.<br />

Gr. aAifi) reward, aA

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