The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary - Tuninst.net

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary - Tuninst.net

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary - Tuninst.net


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"Oa [fr. gam] adj., only as ending : going. See e. g. atiga,<br />

anuga, antalikkha", ura°, para°, majjha", samipa°,<br />

hattha°. It also appears as °gu, e. g. in addha", anta°,<br />

patti>a°, para°, veda°. — dugga (m. & nt. ) a difficult road<br />

Dh 327=Miln 379; Pv 11.7" (=duggamana-ttliaaa PvA<br />

102) ; 11.9"*; J 11.385.<br />

OaganA (nt.) the sky (with reference to sidereal motions)<br />

usually of the moon : g° majjhe punijacando viya<br />

J 1. 149, 213; g° tale canda-man^aUar) J 111.365 ; cando<br />

g° majjhe thito J v. 137; cando gagane viya sobhati<br />

Vism 58 ; g° tale candai) viya DhA 1.372 ; g° tale puQi^acanda<br />

" the fuU-moon in the expanse of the heavens "<br />

VvA 3 : g° talamagga the (moon's) course in the sky<br />

PvA 188; etc. Of the sun: suriyo &k&se antalikkhe<br />

gaganapathe gacchati Nd" on Sn 1097. Unspecified :<br />

J 1.57; Vism 176 (°tal-abhimakhai)).<br />

Oaggara [Vcdic gargara throat, whirlpool. *gger to sUng<br />

down, to whirl, cp. Gr. jidpaOpoy, Lat. gurges, gurgulio.<br />

Ohg. querucUela " kchle "] i. roaring, only in f. gaggari<br />

a blacksmith's bellows : kammara°, in simile M 1.243 ;<br />

S 1. 106; Vism 287. — 2. (nt.) cackhng, cawing, in<br />

hai)sa° the sound of geese J v.90 (expl. by hai)samadhuiassara).<br />

Gaggara as N. oi a lake at Vism 208.<br />

— See note on gala.<br />

Oaggaraka [fr. gaggara] a whirlpool, eddy J v,4u5<br />

according to Kern Toev. s. v. a sort of fish (Sk. gargaraka,<br />

Pimelodus Gagora) ; as gaggalaka at Miln 197.<br />

Gaggariyati [v. den. fr. prec. ; cp. gurguUo : gurges, E.<br />

gargle & gurgle] to whirl, roar, bellow, of the waves of<br />

the Ganga Miln 3. — cp. galaga|ayati.<br />

Oaccha [not=Sk. kaccha, grass- land, as Morris, J.P.T.S.<br />

1893, 16. <strong>The</strong> pcissage J 111.287 stands with gaccba<br />

V. 1. kaccha for gaccha at A iv.74 g" ; for k'^ at Sn 20]<br />

a shrub, a bush, usually together with lata, creeper &<br />

rukkha, tree, e. g. Nd^ 235, i*" ; J 1.73 ; Miln 208 ; Vism<br />

182 (described on p. 183). With daya, wood A iv.74.<br />

puppha° a dowering shrub J 1.120 ; khuddaka'^-vana a<br />

wood of small shrubs J v. 37. — PvA 274; VvA 301<br />

(-guraba, brushwood, underwood); DhA 1.171 (-pothana-tthana)<br />

; iv.78 (-mula).<br />

Oacchatl LVedic gacchati, a desiderativc (future) formation<br />

from 'gaem " I am intent upon going," i. e. I go, with<br />

the loll, bases. ^— (1) Future-present •guemsketi><br />

•gascati^Sk. gacchati = Gr. ^attf> (to fiuit'io). In<br />

meaning cp. i, Sk. emi, Gr. flitt " I shall go " A in fjrm<br />

also Sk. prcchati=Lat. porsco " I want to know." Vtdic<br />

icchati "to desire." — (2) Present *gucmio=Sk. ga<br />

mati = Gr. fiuivu, Lat. venio, Goth, qiman, Ohg<br />

koman, E. come ; and non-present formations as Osk<br />

kumbened, Sk. gata=Lat. ventus gantu=(ad) ventus<br />

;<br />

— (3) 'gua, which is correlated to 'sta. in Pret. Sk<br />

4gam, Gr. tlir/v, cp. i}^ip

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