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Kbandha 62 Khandha<br />

the word ' chariot ' is used, just so it is that when the<br />

skandhas are there, we talk of a 'being'" (Rh. D.)<br />

(cp. Hardy, Man. Buddh. p. 425) S i.i35=Miln 28.<br />

<strong>The</strong>ir connotation " khandha " is discussed at S in.ioi<br />

= M in. 16: " kittavata nu kho khandh^nar) khandh&dhivacanar)<br />

? rupar) (etc.) atitanagatapaccuppannai)<br />

ajjhattai) va bahiddhS va ojarikar)." etc. :<br />

qualities are equivalent terms for the<br />

i.e. material<br />

kh. What<br />

causes the manifestation of each kh. ? cattaro<br />

mahibhiiti . . . paccayo rupa-khandhassa paiiiiapan&ya<br />

phasso .<br />

;<br />

. . vedana", safifia", sankhara", etc.<br />

namarupari . . . viiifiaija" : the material elements are<br />

the cause of riipa, touch is that of vedanS. safliia,<br />

sankhara, name and shape<br />

iii.ioi) ; cp. M 1. 138 sq., 234 sq.<br />

that of viiliiana (S<br />

On the same principle<br />

rests their division in : rupa-kiyo rupakkhandho namakayo<br />

cattaro arupino khandha " the material body<br />

forms the material factor (of existence), the individualized<br />

body the 4 immaterijil factors " Nett 41 ; the riipakkhandha<br />

only is kamadhatu-pariyapanno : Vbh 409<br />

the 4 arupino kh" discussed at Ps 11.74, ^'so at Vbh 230,<br />

407 sq. (grouped with what is apariyapanna) — Being<br />

the " substantial " factors of existence, birth & death<br />

depend on the khandhas. <strong>The</strong>y appear in every new<br />

conjuncture of individuality concerning their function<br />

in this pafisandhi-kkharie ; see Ps 11.72-76. Thus the var.<br />

phases of life in transmigration are defined as — (jati:)<br />

ya tesar) tesar) sattanar) tamhi tamhi satta-nikaye jati<br />

safijati okkanti abhinibbatti khandhanai) patubhavo<br />

ayatananar) patilabho Nd^ on Sn 1052 ; cp. jati dvlhi<br />

khandhehi sangahita ti VvA 29 ; khandhanat) patubhavo<br />

jati S II. 3 ; Nett 29 ; khandhanai) nibbatti jati<br />

Vism 199. — (maranaij:) ya tesar) tesai) sattanai) . . .<br />

cuti cavanata bhedo antaradhanar) maccu maraijar)<br />

kalakiriya khandhanai)<br />

M l.49=Vbh I37 = S<br />

bhedo kalevarassa nikkhepo<br />

11. 3, 42. — vivatta-kkhandha<br />

(adj.) one whose khandhas have revolved (passed away),<br />

i. e. dead S 1.121 =111.123. — kh°anai) udaya-vyaya (or<br />

udayabbaya) the rising and passing of the kh., transmigration<br />

Dh 374=Th i, 23, 379 = It i20 = KhA 82;<br />

Ps 1.54 sq. •— (b) <strong>The</strong>ir relation to attachment and<br />

craving (kama) : sattisulupama kama khandhanai)<br />

adhikuttana S l.i28=Th 2, 58, 141 (ThA 65: natthi<br />

tesai) adhik° ?) ; craving is their cause & soil : hetupaticca<br />

sambhuta kh. S 1.134; ^^^ 4 arflpino kh. are<br />

based on lobha, dosa, moha Vbh 208. — (c) their<br />

annihilation : the kh. remain as long as the knowledge<br />

of their true character is not attained, i. e. of their cause<br />

& removal : yai) rupar), etc. . . . n' etag mama n' eso<br />

'huTj asmi na m' eso atta ti ; evag etai) yathabhutag<br />

sammappafliiaya passati ; evag kho janato passato . . .<br />

ahankaramamankara-mananusaya na honti ti S in. 103 ;<br />

•pai\ca-kkhandhe pariniiaya S 111.83 ; pai^ca-kkhandha<br />

pariiinata titthanti chinnamulaka Th 2, 106. See also<br />

S 1.<br />

1 34. — (d) their relation to dhdtu (the physical<br />

elements) and dyatan'% (the elements of sense-perception)<br />

is close, since they are all dependent on sensory<br />

experience. <strong>The</strong> 5 khandhas are frequently mentioned<br />

with the 18 dhatuyo & the I2 ayatanani : khandha ca<br />

dh° cha ca ayaUma ime hetui) paticca sambhuta hetubhanga<br />

nirujjhare S 1.134; kh°-dh°-ayatanar) sankhatar)<br />

jatimularj Th 2, 472 ; dhammai) adesesi khandh'-<br />

ayatana-dhatuyo Th 2, 43<br />

under sabba-dhamma Ps i.ioi =11.230 ;<br />

(cp. ThA 49). Enumerated<br />

under dhamma<br />

(states) Dhs 121, as lokuttara-kkhandha, etc. Dhs 358,<br />

528, 553. — khandhanai) khandhattho abhiilfieyyo,<br />

dhatunag dhatuttho, etc. Ps 1.17; cp. 1.132 ; 11.121, 157.<br />

In def. of kamavacara bhumi Ps 1.83. In def. of<br />

dukkha and its recognition Nett 57. In def. of arahanto<br />

khTijasava Nd^ on sankhata-dhamma (" kh.<br />

sankhata," etc.), on tinna (" khandha- (etc.) pariyante<br />

thita "), & passim. — (e) their valuation tic their bearing<br />

on the " soul "-conception is described in the terras<br />

of na mama (na turahakaifV anatta. aniccai) and<br />

dukkhag (cp. upadanakkh° infra and riipa) : rupag<br />

(etc.) . . . aniccai), dukkhag, n' eso 'ham asmi, n 'eso<br />

me atta " materia! qualities (etc. kh. 2-5) are evanescent,<br />

bad, I am not this body, this body is not my<br />

soul " Vin i.i4=S iv.382. n' eso 'ham asmi na m' eso<br />

atta S I.IJ2 ; in. 103, 130 & passim; cp. kayo na tum-<br />

.' hakai) (anatta rupag) S 11.65 Nd^ 080 ; and rupai)<br />

na tumhakai) S 111.33 M i.i40=Nd^ 680. — rupag,<br />

etc. as anatta: Vin 1.13; S in. 78, 132-134: A 1.284 =<br />

11.171; 202; cp. S iii.ioi ; Vin 1.14. — as aniccai)<br />

S III. 41, 52, 102, 122, 132 sq., i8i sq., 195 sq., 202-224,<br />

227; A IV. 147 (aniccanupassi dukkhanupassi) ; anicca<br />

dukkha roga, etc., Ps 11.238 sq. ; Vbh 324. — 2. Specified<br />

as pane' upadina-kkhandha the factors of the fivefold<br />

clinging to existence. Defined & discussed in detail<br />

(rupupadana-kkhandha, etc.) S 111.47; 86-88; also<br />

Vin 1. 10; S III. 127 sq. Specified S 111.58 iii.ioo=M<br />

in. 16 ; S in. 1 14, 158 sq. ; v.52, 60 ; Aiv.458 ; Vism 443 sq.<br />

(in ch. xiv: Khandha-niddesa), 611 sq. (judged aniccato.<br />

etc.). — Mentioned as a set exemplifying the number 5 :<br />

Kh III. ; Ps 1.22, 122. Enumerated in var. connections<br />

S I.I 12; D 111.233; M 1. 190; A v.52; Kh IV. (expl"'<br />

KhA 82= A v.52); Miln 12 (var. references concerning<br />

the discussion of the kh. in the Abhidhamma). — What<br />

is said of the khandhas alone—see above 1 (a)-(e)—is<br />

equally applied to them in connection with upadana. —<br />

(a) As regards their origin they are characterized as<br />

chandamulaka " rooted in desire, or in wilful<br />

desire" S in. 100; cp. yo kho . . . paiicas' upadanakkhandhesu<br />

chandarago tag tattha upadanag ti<br />

M 1.300, 511. <strong>The</strong>refore the foil, attributes are characteristic<br />

: kummo paiicann' etag upad" anag adhivacanag<br />

M 1.144; bhara have pancakkh^a S 111.26<br />

paucavadhaka paccatthika paficann' . . . adhivacanag<br />

S rv.174; pane" upad° . . . sakkayo vutto M 1.299 =<br />

S iv.259. — (b) their contemplation leads to the<br />

recognition of their character as dukkha, anicca, anatta :<br />

na kiilci attanag va attaniyag va pai\casu upadanakkhandhcsu<br />

S in. 128; rogato, etc. . . . manasikatabba<br />

pai\c° S 111.167; pailcasu upad°esu aniccanupassi<br />

" realizing the evanescence in the 5 aggregates of<br />

attachment" A v.iog; same with udayavyayanupassi<br />

S 111. 130; A 11.45, 90; 111.32 ; IV. 153; and dhammanupassi<br />

M 1. 61. Out of which realization follows their<br />

gradual destruction : paiic' . . . khandhanag samudayo<br />

atthangamo assado, etc. S 111.3 1, 160 sq. ; A 11.45, 90 ;<br />

rv. 1 53 ; Nd^ under sankhara. That they occupy a prominent<br />

position as determinants of dukkha is evident from<br />

their role in the exposition of dukkha as the first one<br />

of the noble truths : sankhittena paiic'upadanakkhandha<br />

pi dukkha " in short, the 5 kh. are associated with pain "<br />

Vin i.io=M i.48 = A 1.177=5 v.421 ; Ps 1.37, 39;<br />

Vbh 10 1 & passim; cp. katamag dukkham ariyasaccag<br />

? paiic'upad" a tissa vacaniyag, seyyathidag . . .<br />

S ni.i58 = v.425 ; khandhadisa dukkha Dh 202 (&<br />

expl. DhA III. 261). — 3. Separately mentioned: khandha<br />

as tayo arupino kh° (ved°, saflfia", sankh") DhA<br />

1.22 ; vifliiaija-kh° (the skandha of discriminative<br />

consciousness) in Def. of manas : manindriyag vifiiiaijag<br />

viflfi'-khandho tajja manoviiiiiaijadhatu Nd' on Sn<br />

ii42=Dh3 68.<br />

-Adhivacana having kh. as attribute (see above)<br />

S III.IOI =M III. 16; -avara a camp, either (i) fortified<br />

(with niveseti) or (2) not (with bandhapeti), esp. in the<br />

latter meaning w. ref. to a halting place of a caravan<br />

(=khandhavara ?) (i)J iv. 151 ; v.162 ;DhA 1.193, '99-<br />

(2) J i.ioi, 332; PvA 113; DhA 11.79. Said of a<br />

hermitage J v.35. — fig. in sUa-khandhavarag bandhitva<br />

" to settle in the camp of good conduct " DA 1.244 ;<br />

-ja (adj.-n.) sprung from the trunk (of the tree), i. e. a<br />

growth or parasite S 1.207 =Sn 272, expl. at SnA 304 ;<br />

khandhesu jata khandha-ja. parohanam etag adhivacanag.<br />

-niddesa disquisition about the khandhas<br />

Vism (ch. xiv esp.) 482. 485, 492. 509, 558, "389. -pafipati<br />

succession of khanuhas Vism 411 sq. -paritta<br />

protective spell as regards the khandhas (as N. of a

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