The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary - Tuninst.net

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary - Tuninst.net

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary - Tuninst.net


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Khadira 6i Khandha<br />

Khadin [Sk. khadira; Gr. tiaaapoi. ivy; Lat. hedera,<br />

ivy] the tree Acacia catechu, in cpds. -angara (pi.)<br />

embers of (burnt) acacia-wood J 1.232 ; PvA 152 ;<br />

-gha^ika a piece of a.-wood J iv.88 ; •tthambha a post<br />

of a.-wood DhA 111.206 ; -patta a bowl made of a.-wood<br />

11.162 ; -siila an<br />

J V.3S9; -vana a forest of acacias J<br />

impaling stake of a.-wood J iv.29.<br />

EtuuuUi see khapati.<br />

KhanitU (f) [to khan, cp. Sk. khanitra] a spade or hoe<br />

Vin 1.270 ; J vi.520=V.89 {+ anknsa).<br />

ghantaf [n. agent of khanti] possessed of meekness or<br />

gentleness ; docile, manageable. Said of an elephant<br />

A 11.116 = 111.161 sq.<br />

Khanti & KhanU f. [Sk. k^nti] patience, forbearance,<br />

forgiveness. Def. at Dhs 1341 : khanti khamanata<br />

adhiv^anata acap^ikkai) anasuropo attamanata cit-<br />

tassa. Most frequent combinations : with metta (love)<br />

(see below) ; -titikkha (forbearance) : khanti paramai)<br />

tapo titikkh& nibbSnar) paramai) vadanti Buddha<br />

Dh i84 = D ii.49 = Vism 295; khantiyS bhiyyo na<br />

vijjati, S 1.226; cp. DhA 111.237: titikkhil-sankhata<br />

khanti ; -avihigsa (tolerance) : kh°, avihiijsa, mettata,<br />

anudayata, S v. 169: -akodhana (forbearing, gentle)<br />

VvA 71 ; -soraccai) (docility, tractableness) D 111.213 =<br />

A 1.94 ; also with maddava (gentleness) and s. as quality<br />

of a well-bred horse A in. 248, cp. A ii.i 13 and khant

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