The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary - Tuninst.net

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary - Tuninst.net

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary - Tuninst.net


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Kodhana 57 Kollniyi<br />

rising anger as he would a drifting cart, him I call a<br />

waggoner " Dh 222, cp. Sn 1. — akkodha freedom from<br />

anger, meekness, conciliation M 1.44 ; S 1.240 (with<br />

avihiQM tenderness, kindness); A 1.95; Dh 223 = }<br />

11.4 = VvA 69.<br />

-Atimana anger and conceit Sn 968. -upayasa companionship<br />

or association with anger, the state of being<br />

pervaded with anger (opp. akkodh°) M 1.360, 363<br />

often compared with phenomena of nature suggesting<br />

sweUing up, viz. " uddhumSyika " kodhupJySsassa<br />

adhivacanai) M 1.144; "sa-ummi" It 114; " sobbho<br />

papato " S III. 109; -garu "having respect for" i. e.<br />

pursuing anger (opp. saddhammagaru) A 11.46 sq., 84<br />

-paiifiana (adj.) knowing the true nature of anger<br />

Sn 96 (cp. SnA 170)<br />

; -bhakkha feeding on, i. e. foster-<br />

ing anger, Ep. of a Yakkha S 1.238 ; -yinaya the discipline<br />

or control of anger A 1.91; v. 165, 167 (comb"*<br />

with upaniiha vinaya).<br />

Kodhana (adj.) [fr. kodha) having anger, angry, uncontrolled]<br />

; usually in comb" with upanahin, e. g. Vin<br />

11.89; ^ 111.45, 246; A V.156, cp. Sn 116; S 11.206;<br />

Pug 18. — k° kodhSbhibhuta A iv.94 sq. ; k" kodhavinayassa<br />

na vappavadi A v. 165. — Used of cao(Ja<br />

PvA 83. — Cp. S :v.240 ; M 1.42 sq., 95 sq. ; PvA 82. —<br />

akkodhana friendly, well-disposed, loving D111.159;<br />

S 11.207 : iv.243 ; M 1.42 sq., 95 sq. ; Sn 19, 624, SjO, 941<br />

Vv i5»; VvA 69.<br />

Konta a pennant, standard (cp. kunta) J vi.454 ; DA 1.244 ><br />

SnA 317.<br />

Kontlmant at J vi.454 is expf by camma-kara, thus<br />

" worker in leather (-shields or armour)," with der. fr.<br />

konta (" satthitaya kont^ya likhatta . . ."). but<br />

reading and meaning are uncertain.<br />

Kopa [fr. knp] ill-temper, anger, grudge Vin 11.184=: Sn<br />

6 ; Dhs 1060 ; with appaccaya (mistrust) M 1.27 ; almost<br />

exclusively in phrase kopciii ca dosaii ca appaccayafi ca<br />

patukaroti (patvakasi) " he shows forth iU-temper,<br />

malice and mistrust " (of a " codita " bhikkhu) D<br />

111.159; S IV.305 ; M 1.96 sq., 250, 442; A 1. 124, 187;<br />

11.203; in.iSi sq. ; IV.168, 193; J 1.30 1 ; Sn p. 92.<br />

akopa (adj.) friendly, without hatred, composed Sn 499.<br />

-antara (adj.) one who is under the power of illtemper<br />

S 1.24.<br />

Kopa&eyya (adj.) [fr. kopa] apt to arouse anger J vi.257.<br />

Koplna (nt.) [cp. Sk. kaupina] a loin-cloth J v.404 ; Pv<br />

11.3W; PvA 172; Sdhp 106.<br />

-niddaijsanin " one who removes the loin-cloth," i. e.<br />

shameless, impure D in. 183.<br />

Kopeti [caus. of kuppati] to set into agitation, to shake,<br />

to disturb : rajadhamme akopetva not disturbing the<br />

royal rules PvA 161; J 11.366= DhA iv.88 ; kammat)<br />

kopetur) Vin iv.133 to find fault with a lawful decision ;<br />

kayangaij na kopeti not to move a Umb of the body<br />

see kaya. Cp. pati°, pari°, vi". sai)°.<br />

Komala see kamala ;<br />

Mhbv 29.<br />

Komira [fr. kumara] (adj.) juvenile, belonging to a youth<br />

or maiden: f. komari a virgin A iv.210.<br />

-pati husband of a girl-wife J 11. 120. •brahmacariya<br />

( g carati) to practise the vow of chastity or<br />

virginity A 111.224 ; ThA 99. -bhacca Np. " master of<br />

the k°-science." i. e. of the medical treatment of infants<br />

(see note on Vin 1.269 at Vin. <strong>Text</strong>s 11. 174). As such<br />

it is the cognomen of Jivaka D 1.47 (as Komarabhacca<br />

DA 1.132); Vin 1. 71 ; J I.n6; cp. Sdhp 351.<br />

Komiiaka (and °ika) = prec. A 1.261 ; J 11. 180 ( dhamma<br />

virginity); of a young tree S iv,i6o. —f. °ika J<br />

111.266.<br />

Komndl (f.) [fr. kumuda the white waterlily, cp. Sk.<br />

kaumudi] moonlight ; the fuU-moon day in the month<br />

Kattika, usually in phrase komudi catumicinl Vin<br />

1.155, '76. s

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